Artificial Intelligence, which commenced publication in 1970, is now the generally accepted premier international forum for the publication of results of current research in this field. The journal welcomes foundational and applied papers describing mature work involving computational accounts of aspects of intelligence. Specifically, it welcomes papers on:Artificial Intelligence and PhilosophyAutomated reasoning and inferenceCase-based reasoningCognitive aspects of AICommonsense reasoningConstraint processingHeuristic searchHigh-level computer visionIntelligent interfacesIntelligent roboticsKnowledge representationMachine learningMultiagent systemsNatural language processingPlanning and theories of actionReasoning under uncertainty or imprecisionThe journal reports results achieved; proposals for new ways of looking at AI problems must include demonstrations of effectiveness. Papers describing systems or architectures integrating multiple technologies are welcomed. Artificial Intelligence (AIJ) also invites papers on applications, which should describe a principled solution, emphasize its novelty, and present an in-depth evaluation of the AI techniques being exploited. The journal publishes an annual issue devoted to survey articles and also hosts a "competition section" devoted to reporting results from AI competitions. From time to time, there are special issues devoted to a particular topic; such special issues always have open calls.Artificial Intelligence caters to a broad readership. Papers that are heavily mathematical in content are welcome but should be preceded by a less technical introductory section that is accessible to a wide audience. Papers that are only mathematics, without demonstrated applicability to Artificial Intelligence problems may be returned.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
Artificial Intelligence Review publishes state-of-the-art research reports and critical evaluations of applications, techniques and algorithms in artificial intelligence, cognitive science and related disciplines. It serves as a forum for the work of researchers and application developers from these fields. Artificial Intelligence Review also presents refereed survey and tutorial articles, as well as reviews and commentary on significant developments.
Artificial Intelligence and Law is an international forum for the dissemination of original interdisciplinary research in the following areas: Theoretical or empirical studies in artificial intelligence (AI), cognitive psychology, jurisprudence, linguistics, or philosophy which address the development of formal or computational models of legal knowledge, reasoning, and decision making. In-depth studies of innovative artificial intelligence systems that are being used in the legal domain. Studies which address the legal, ethical and social implications of the field of Artificial Intelligence and Law.Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following: Computational models of legal reasoning and decision making: judgmental reasoning, adversarial reasoning, case-based reasoning, deontic reasoning, and normative reasoning. Formal representation of legal knowledge: deontic notions, normative modalities, rights, factors, values, rules. Jurisprudential theories of legal reasoning. Specialized logics for law. Psychological and linguistic studies concerning legal reasoning. Legal expert systems: statutory systems, legal practice systems, predictive systems, and normative systems. AI and law support for legislative drafting, judicial decision-making, andpublic administration. Intelligent processing of legal documents: conceptual retrieval of cases and statutes, automatic text understanding, intelligent document assembly systems, hypertext, and semantic markup of legal documents. Intelligent processing of legal information on the World Wide Web, legal ontologies, automated intelligent legal agents, electronic legal institutions, computational models of legal texts. Ramifications for AI and Law in e-Commerce, automatic contracting and negotiation, digital rights management, and automated dispute , resolution. Ramifications for AI and Law in e-governance, e-government, e-Democracy, and knowledge-based systems supporting public services, public dialogue and mediation. Intelligent computer-assisted instructional systems in law or ethics. Evaluation and auditing techniques for legal AI systems. Systemic problems in the construction and delivery of legal AI systems. Impact of AI on the law and legal institutions. Ethical issues concerning legal AI systems. In addition to original research contributions, the Journal will include a Book Review section, a series of Technology Reports describing existing and emerging products, applications and technologies, and a Research Notes section of occasional essays posing interesting and timely research challenges for the field of Artificial Intelligence and Law. Financial support for the Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Law is provided by the University of Pittsburgh School of Law.
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine publishes original articles from a wide variety of interdisciplinary perspectives concerning the theory and practice of artificial intelligence (AI) in medicine, human biology, and health care.Particular attention is given to:• AI-based clinical decision making• Medical knowledge engineering• Knowledge-based and agent-based systems• Computational intelligence in bio- and clinical medicine• Intelligent medical information systems• AI in medical education• Intelligent devices and instruments• Automated reasoning and metareasoning in medicine• Methodological, philosophical, ethical, and social issues of AI in medicineAIIM features:• Original research contributions• Methodological reviews• Survey papers• Special issue articles• Position papers• Historical perspectives• Editorials• Guest editorials• Letters to the editor• Book reviewsThis journal is included inCITE - The Computational Intelligence Website!
Artificial Life is devoted to a new discipline that investigates the scientific, engineering, philosophical,and social issues involved in our rapidly increasing technological ability to synthesize life-like behaviorsfrom scratch in computers, machines, molecules, and other alternative media. By extending the horizons ofempirical research in biology beyond the territory currently circumscribed by life-as-we-know-it, the study of artificial life gives us access to the domain of life-as-it-could-be. Relevant topics span the hierarchy of biological organization, including studies of the origin of life, self-assembly, growth and development, evolutionary and ecological dynamics, animal and robot behavior, social organization, and cultural evolution.
Artificial Life and Robotics is an international journal publishing original technical papers and authoritative state-of-the-art reviews on the development of new technologies concerning artificial life and robotics, especially computer-based simulation and hardware for the twenty-first century. This journal covers a broad multidisciplinary field, including areas such as artificial brain research, artificial intelligence, artificial life, artificial living, artificial mind research, brain science, chaos, cognitive science, complexity, computer graphics, evolutionary computations, fuzzy control, genetic algorithms, innovative computations, intelligent control and modelling, micromachines, micro-robot world cup soccer tournament, mobile vehicles, neural networks, neurocomputers, neurocomputing technologies and applications, robotics, robus virtual engineering, and virtual reality. Hardware-oriented submissions are particularly welcome.
This is the official journal of the International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems. It provides a leading forum for disseminating significant original research results in the foundations, theory, development, analysis, and applications of autonomous agents and multi-agent systems. Coverage in Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems includes, but is not limited to: Agent decision-making architectures and their evaluation, including: cognitive models; knowledge representation; logics for agency; ontological reasoning; planning (single and multi-agent); reasoning (single and multi-agent) Cooperation and teamwork, including: distributed problem solving; human-robot/agent interaction; multi-user/multi-virtual-agent interaction; coalition formation; coordination Agent communication languages, including: their semantics, pragmatics, and implementation; agent communication protocols and conversations; agent commitments; speech act theory Ontologies for agent systems, agents and the s
Autonomous Robots reports on the theory and applications of robotic systems capable of some degree of self-sufficiency. It features papers that include performance data on actual robots in the real world. Coverage includes: control of autonomous robots · real-time vision · autonomous wheeled and tracked vehicles · legged vehicles · computational architectures for autonomous systems · distributed architectures for learning, control and adaptation · studies of autonomous robot systems · sensor fusion · theory of autonomous systems · terrain mapping and recognition · self-calibration and self-repair for robots · self-reproducing intelligent structures · genetic algorithms as models for robot development. The focus is on the ability to move and be self-sufficient, not on whether the system is an imitation of biology. Of course, biological models for robotic systems are of major interest to the journal since living systems are prototypes for autonomous behavior.
The journal aims to promote and communicate advances in big data research by providing a fast and high quality forum for researchers, practitioners and policy makers from the very many different communities working on, and with, this topic.The journal will accept papers on foundational aspects in dealing with big data, as well as papers on specific Platforms and Technologies used to deal with big data. To promote Data Science and interdisciplinary collaboration between fields, and to showcase the benefits of data driven research, papers demonstrating applications of big data in domains as diverse as Geoscience, Social Web, Finance, e-Commerce, Health Care, Environment and Climate, Physics and Astronomy, Chemistry, life sciences and drug discovery, digital libraries and scientific publications, security and government will also be considered. Occasionally the journal may publish whitepapers on policies, standards and best practices.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services .Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
The focus of the journal is on the integration of many research efforts in addressing the challenge of creating a real-life computational equivalent of the human mind. Therefore, the journal publishes on the multidisciplinary study of cognitive architectures found in vivo and in silico.To help foster a wider understanding, at a computational level, of how natural intelligent systems develop their cognitive, metacognitive, and learning functions, the journal will promote the overarching goal of creating one unifying widespread framework for the computational modeling of biologically inspired cognitive architectures.The scope includes (but is not limited to):Cognitive science, with a focus on higher cognitive functions and their cognitive architecture models: including autonomous cognition and metacognition, imagery, sensemaking, meta-learning, self-regulated learning, life-long learning and cognitive growth, "critical mass" of a learner, models of creativity, affects, emotions and feelings, emotional competence, social cognition, the self, human-like episodic memory, language perception, processing, production, acquisition, and development;Computer science and engineering, with a focus on human-like artificial intelligence: cognitive architectures, virtual and physical cognitive robotics, synthetic characters, bootstrapped and human-like learning, human-computer interface, vision, computational linguistics, intelligent tutoring systems;Neuroscience, with a focus on higher cognition and learning: system-level computational neuroscience, cognitive neuroscience, models of the neural substrates of semantic and episodic memory and awareness, agency, emotions and feelings, theory of mind and social cognition, language, imagery, voluntary control, goal and value systems, spatial cognition, etc.Contributions to the journal should include a cognitive architecture element and an element of biological inspiration, the latter understood broadly (e.g., inspiration by the human cognition). Both mature and new cutting edge research are welcomed, provided they have a strong emphasis on concrete empirical or theoretical studies. Submissions of a purely philosophical nature are discouraged and will be redirected elsewhere.
Home to exceptional research and thought-provoking ideas. Open and free, for authors and readers. Chemical Science is the flagship journal of the Royal Society of Chemistry and the home for world-leading, interdisciplinary research from every aspect of the chemical sciences. As a multidisciplinary chemistry journal, our broad scope covers: analytical science and techniques; bioinorganic chemistry; biomaterials; biophysical chemistry; catalysis; chemical biology; chemical engineering; crystal engineering; energy conversion and storage; environmental, sustainable and green chemistry; inorganic chemistry; inorganic materials; main group chemistry; medicinal chemistry; nanoscience; organic chemistry; organic materials; physical chemistry; polymers; porous materials; supramolecular chemistry; and theoretical and computational chemistry.
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems publishes original research papers, short communications, reviews, tutorials and software descriptions reporting on novel developments in techniques for chemistry and related disciplines that are characterised by the application of statistical and computer methods.Chemometrics is the chemical discipline that uses mathematical and statistical methods to design or select optimal procedures and experiments, and to provide maximum chemical information by analysing chemical data.The journal deals with the following topics:1) Development of new statistical, mathematical and chemometrical methods for Chemistry and related fields (Environmental Chemistry, Biochemistry, Toxicology, System Biology etc.)2) Novel applications of chemometrics to all branches of Chemistry and related fields (typical domains of interest are: process control, experimental design, data mining, signal processing, supervised modelling, decision making, robust statistics, mixture analysis, multivariate calibration etc.) Routine applications of established chemometrical techniques will not be considered.3) Development of new software4) Well characterized data sets to test performance for the new methods and software.The journal complies with International Committee of Medical Journal Editors' Uniform requirements for manuscripts.
Cognitive Computation is an international, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal that publishes cutting-edge articles describing original basic and applied work involving bio-inspired computational accounts of all aspects of natural and artificial cognitive systems. It provides a new platform for the dissemination of research, current practices and future trends in the emerging discipline of cognitive computation that bridges gap between life sciences, social sciences, engineering, physical and mathematical sciences, and humanities.
Cognitive Processing -- International Quarterly of Cognitive Science is a peer-reviewed international journal that publishes innovative contributions in the multidisciplinary field of cognitive science. Its first aim is to present the latest results obtained in the manifold disciplines concerned with the different aspects of cognitive processing in natural and artificial systems: artificial intelligence, computer science and knowledge engineering, linguistics, mathematics, neuroscience, philosophy and cognitive anthropology, psychology, robotics.Its main purpose is to stimulate research and scientific interaction through communication between specialists in different fields on topics of common interest and to promote an interdisciplinary understanding of the diverse topics in contemporary cognitive science. Cognitive Processing considers diverse subject matter concerning cognitive processing, accepting various approaches to investigation: theoretical, experimental, methodological, computational and modeling,
Cognitive Psychology is concerned with advances in the study of attention, memory, language processing, perception, problem solving, and thinking. Cognitive Psychology specializes in extensive articles that have a major impact on cognitive theory and provide new theoretical advances.Research Areas include:• Artificial intelligence• Developmental psychology• Linguistics• Neurophysiology• Social psychologyBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
The following kinds of articles are appropriate for the journal: (a) theories or theoretical analyses of knowledge representation, cognitive processes, and brain theory; (b) experimental or ethnographic studies relevant to theoretical issues in cognitive science; (c) descriptions of intelligent programs that exhibit or model some human ability; (d) design proposals for cognitive models; (e) protocol or discourse analysis of human cognitive processing; (f) discussions of new problem areas or methodological issues in cognitive science; and (g) short theoretical notes or rebuttals. The journal will publish four categories of articles.
Cognitive Systems Research covers all topics in the study of cognitive processes, in both natural and artificial systems. The journal seeks top-quality contributions and encourages, in particular, articles that transcend traditional disciplinary boundaries (in terms of implications or in terms of approaches).(1) The journal emphasizes the integration/synthesis of ideas, concepts, constructs, theories, and techniques from multiple paradigms, perspectives, and disciplines, in the analysis, understanding, and design of cognitive and intelligent systems.(2) Contributions describing results obtained within the traditional disciplines (e.g., psychology, artificial intelligence) using well-established paradigms are also sought (especially if such work has broader implications and relevance).The journal seeks to foster and promote the discussion of novel approaches in studying cognitive and intelligent systems. It also encourages cross-fertilization of disciplines. This is to be achieved by soliciting and publishing high-quality contributions in all of the areas of study in cognitive science, including artificial intelligence, linguistics, psychology, psychiatry, philosophy, system and control theory, anthropology, sociology, biological sciences, and neuroscience. The scope of the journal includes the study of a variety of different cognitive systems, at different levels, ranging from social/cultural cognition, to individual cognitive agents, to components of cognitive systems. Of particular interest are theoretical, experimental, computational, and integrative studies of cognitive systems at different levels of detail, and from different perspectives.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
Complex & Intelligent Systems is a peer-reviewed open access journal published under the SpringerOpen brand.
Complex & Intelligent Systems has been recently selected for coverage in Clarivate Analytics’ (formerly Thomson Reuters) products and services. Beginning with Volume 6 of 2020, the journal will be indexed and abstracted in (Impact Factor will appear in June 2020):
♦ Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch)
Complex & Intelligent Systems aims to provide a forum for presenting and discussing novel approaches, tools and techniques meant for attaining a cross-fertilization between the broad fields of complex systems, computational simulation, and intelligent analytics and visualization.
The transdisciplinary research that the journal focuses on will expand the boundaries of our understanding by investigating the principles and processes that underlie many of the most profound problems facing society today.
Key topics of focus include:
Complex & Intelligent Systems is an Open Access journal supported by King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST, Saudi Arabia).
The open access fee (article-processing charge) for publishing an article in this journal is sponsored by KACST. Authors can publish in the journal without any charges.
This leading international journal promotes and stimulates research in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). Covering a wide range of issues - from the tools and languages of AI to its philosophical implications - Computational Intelligence provides a vigorous forum for the publication of both experimental and theoretical research, as well as surveys and impact studies. The journal is designed to meet the needs of a wide range of AI workers in academic and industrial research.