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Fuzzy Information and Engineering

ISSN: 1616-8658eISSN: 1616-8666

Fuzzy Information and Engineering - An International Journal wants to provide a unified communication platform for researchers in a wide area of topics from pure and applied mathematics, computer science, engineering, and other related fields. While also accepting fundamental work the journal focuses on applications: research papers, letters, and reviews are welcome. Technical topics within the scope include: 1) Fuzzy Information a. Fuzzy information theory and information systems b. Fuzzy clustering and classificationc. Fuzzy information processing d. Hardware and software co-designe. Fuzzy computer f. Fuzzy database and data miningg. Fuzzy image processing and pattern recognition h. Fuzzy Information Granulation i. Knowledge acquisition and representation in Fuzzy Information 2) Fuzzy Sets and Systems a. Fuzzy sets b. Fuzzy analysis c. Fuzzy topology and fuzzy mapping d. Fuzzy equation e. Fuzzy programming and optimal f. Fuzzy probability and statistic g. Fuzzy logic and algebra h. General systems i. Fuzzy socioeconomic system j. Fuzzy decision support system k. Fuzzy expert system 3) Soft Computing a. Soft computing theory and foundation b. Nerve cell algorithmsc. Genetic algorithms d. Fuzzy approximation algorithmse. Computing with words and Quantum computation 4) Fuzzy Engineeringa. Fuzzy control b. Fuzzy system engineering c. Fuzzy knowledge engineering d. Fuzzy management engineering e. Fuzzy design f. Fuzzy industrial engineering g. Fuzzy system modeling 5) Fuzzy Operations Researcha. Fuzzy evaluation and decision-making b. Fuzzy overall plans and scheduling c. Fuzzy prediction and forecasting d. Fuzzy countermeasuree. Fuzzy graph theory and network flow f. Fuzzy management in knowledge 6) Artificial Intelligence a. Fuzzy basis , system in knowledge b. Approximate reasoning and fuzzy reasoning machinec. Fuzzy neural networks d. Intelligent controls and robotse. Fuzzy automata f. Statistical learning theory and support vector machine 7) Othersa. Rough sets theory and its applications b. Fuzzy grey systemsc. Fuzzy education d. Fuzzy linguistics e. Fuzzy biology Selected papers from relevant conferences are also welcome. The research and practice of fuzzy information and fuzzy engineering for special interest groups and from special geographic locations will be accommodated by publishing special issues with the help of guest editors. Conference organizers are invited to contact the Editor-in-Chief for further information.

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eISSN: 2073-4336

Games (ISSN 2073-4336) is an international, peer-reviewed, quick-refereeing open access journal (free for readers), which provides an advanced forum for studies related to strategic interaction, game theory and its applications, and decision making. The aim is to provide an interdisciplinary forum for all behavioral sciences and related fields, including economics, psychology, political science, mathematics, computer science, and biology (including animal behavior). To guarantee a rapid refereeing and editorial process, Games follows standard publication practices in the natural sciences. Games publishes regular research articles, reviews and short notes. Our aim is to encourage scientists to publish their experimental and theoretical results in as much detail as possible. Therefore, there is no restriction on the length of the papers. For theory papers, full details of proofs must be provided so that results can be checked. For experimental papers, full experimental details must be provided so that the results can be reproduced. Additionally, electronic files or software regarding the full details of the calculations, experimental procedure, etc, can be deposited along with the publication as 'Supplementary Material'.

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Group Decision and Negotiation

ISSN: 0926-2644eISSN: 1572-9907

Group Decision and Negotiation is published in cooperation with the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences and its Section on Group Decision and Negotiation. The journal focuses broadly on relation and coordination in group processes by exploring the entire process or flow of activities relevant to group decision and negotiation. Among the evolving approaches to group decision and negotiation processes, the journal explores computer group decision and negotiation support systems; artificial intelligence and management science; applied game theory, experiment and social choice; and cognitive and behavioral sciences. Descriptive, normative, and design viewpoints are all represented. In addition to theoretical and empirical research, the journal presents real-world applications and case studies. It also covers new software development that supports group decision and negotiation.

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ICU Director

ISSN: 1944-4516eISSN: 1944-4524

ICU Director (ICUD) is a bi-monthly peer-reviewed journal for critical care unit directors, intensivists, and ICU managers, offering practical information regarding clinical management and unit operations. ICUD addresses effective practice assurance, enhancing leadership and team-building, policy development and implementing change, finances and planning, staffing and retention, quality improvement and safety, education and regulatory compliance.

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IEEE Internet of Things Journal

eISSN: 2327-4662

IEEE Internet of Things (IoT) Journal publishes articles on the latest advances, as well as review articles, on the various aspects of IoT. Topics include IoT system architecture, IoT enabling technologies, IoT communication and networking protocols such as network coding, and IoT services and applications. Examples are IoT demands, impacts, and implications on sensors technologies, big data management, and future Internet design for various IoT use cases, such as smart cities, smart environments, smart homes, etc. The fields of interest include: IoT architecture such as things-centric, data-centric, service-oriented IoT architecture; IoT enabling technologies and systematic integration such as sensor technologies, big sensor data management, and future Internet design for IoT; IoT services, applications, and test-beds such as IoT service middleware, IoT application programming interface (API), IoT application design, and IoT trials/experiments; IoT standardization activities and technology development in different standard development organizations (SDO) such as IEEE, IETF, ITU, 3GPP, ETSI, etc.

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IEEE Transactions on Big Data

eISSN: 2332-7790

The IEEE Transactions on Big Data publishes peer reviewed articles with big data as the main focus. The articles will provide cross disciplinary innovative research ideas and applications results for big data including novel theory, algorithms and applications. Research areas for big data include, but are not restricted to, big data analytics, big data visualization, big data curation and management, big data semantics, big data infrastructure, big data standards, big data performance analyses, intelligence from big data, scientific discovery from big data security, privacy, and legal issues specific to big data. Applications of big data in the fields of endeavor where massive data is generated are of particular interest.

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IEEE Transactions on Services Computing

eISSN: 1939-1374

IEEE Transactions on Services Computing emphasizes the algorithmic, mathematical, statistical and computational methods that are central in services computing; the emerging field of Service Oriented Architecture, Web Services, Business Process Integration, Solution Performance Management, Services Operations and Management. 

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IET Networks

ISSN: 2047-4954eISSN: 2047-4962
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IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology

ISSN: 1868-4238eISSN: 1868-422X
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IMA Journal of Management Mathematics

ISSN: 1471-678XeISSN: 1471-6798

The IMA Journal of Management Mathematics is a quarterly, peer reviewed, scholarly journal that publishes insightful scientific research in which Mathematics plays an important role in supporting decision making. It welcomes papers that fall into the following subject areas: OR and Management Science, Financial Modelling & Risk Analysis, Credit Scoring, Model Building and Model Optimization (both stochastic and deterministic), Production Processes, Logistics & Supply Chain Management, Transportation, Marketing Analytics, Decision Making Tools, Health Care Management. Preference is given to papers that contain mathematics that is innovative or original in the context of genuine applications to real problems. The journal should appeal especially to departments of business studies, business schools and departments of industrial engineering, as well as mathematics departments with special interest in OR, financial mathematics, health care management, etc.

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INFORMS Journal on Computing

ISSN: 1091-9856eISSN: 1526-5528

The INFORMS Journal on Computing (JOC) is a quarterly that publishes papers in the intersection of operations research (OR) and computer science (CS). Most papers contain original research, but we also welcome special papers in a variety of forms, including Feature Articles on timely topics, Expository Reviews making a comprehensive survey and evaluation of a subject area, and State-of-the-Art Reviews that collect and integrate recent streams of research. All papers are refereed.

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Information Processing and Management

ISSN: 0306-4573eISSN: 1873-5371

Information Processing & Management is devoted to refereed reporting of:1. Basic and applied research in information science, computer science, cognitive science and related areas that deals with: the generation, representation, organization, storage, retrieval, and use of information; the nature, manifestations, behavior, and effects of information and knowledge; communication and distribution of information and knowledge; and human information behavior.2. Experimental and advanced processes, related to: information retrieval (IR); digital libraries; knowledge organization and distribution; digitized contents - text, image, sound and multimedia processing; and human-computer interfaces in information systems. Implementations in information retrieval systems and a variety of information systems, networks, and contexts. Related evaluation.3. Management of information resources, services, systems and networks, and digital libraries. Related studies of the economics of information and the principles of information management.The aim is to provide an international forum for advanced works and critical analysis in these interdependent and interdisciplinary areas. Invited are original papers and critical reviews of trends reporting on:• Progress in the theory, principles, and procedures in information processing, particularly involving information retrieval; search engines; knowledge and distributed intelligence; information representation, classification, extraction, filtering and summarization; question answering; information navigation, browsing and visualization; and human-computer interaction in information systems.• Research on the formal characteristics and properties of information and knowledge and the associated processes of communication among humans and between humans and machines. Includes studies of human information needs, seeking, searching, and use; and bibliometric and infometric studies of the structural and statistical properties of information artifacts. • Modeling and evaluation of information systems performance, particularly of information retrieval systems, knowledge systems, and digital libraries. Studies of their effectiveness, efficiency, value, or impact.• Studies in management and economics of information and information systems. Use of information for decision making and problem solving.• Studies in information policies. Data and issues relevant to information policies on organizational, national, and international levels. Derivation and use of information indicators.In 2002, Elsevier launched Library Connect, a new initiative bringing together many of Elsevier's library-focused efforts. For more information about this initiative and to read or subscribe to the complimentary Library Connect Newsletter, please visit Library Connect

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Information Sciences

ISSN: 0020-0255

Information Sciences will publish original, innovative and creative research results. A smaller number of timely tutorial and surveying contributions will be published from time to time.The journal is designed to serve researchers, developers, managers, strategic planners, graduate students and others interested in state-of-the art research activities in information, knowledge engineering and intelligent systems. Readers are assumed to have a common interest in information science, but with diverse backgrounds in fields such as engineering, mathematics, statistics, physics, computer science, cell biology, molecular biology, management science, cognitive science, neurobiology, behavioural sciences and biochemistry.The journal publishes high-quality, refereed articles. It emphasizes a balanced coverage of both theory and practice. It fully acknowledges and vividly promotes a breadth of the discipline of Informations Sciences.Topics include:Foundations of Information Science:Information Theory, Mathematical Linguistics, Automata Theory, Cognitive Science, Theories of Qualitative Behaviour, Artificial Intelligence, Computational Intelligence, Soft Computing, Semiotics, Computational Biology and Bio-informatics.Implementations and Information Technology:Intelligent Systems, Genetic Algorithms and Modelling, Fuzzy Logic and Approximate Reasoning, Artificial Neural Networks, Expert and Decision Support Systems, Learning and Evolutionary Computing, Expert and Decision Support Systems, Learning and Evolutionary Computing, Biometrics, Moleculoid Nanocomputing, Self-adaptation and Self-organisational Systems, Data Engineering, Data Fusion, Information and Knowledge, Adaptive ad Supervisory Control, Discrete Event Systems, Symbolic / Numeric and Statistical Techniques, Perceptions and Pattern Recognition, Design of Algorithms, Software Design, Computer Systems and Architecture Evaluations and Tools, Human-Computer Interface, Computer Communication Networks and Modelling and Computing with WordsApplications:Manufacturing, Automation and Mobile Robots, Virtual Reality, Image Processing and Computer Vision Systems, Photonics Networks, Genomics and Bioinformatics, Brain Mapping, Language and Search Engine Design, User-friendly Man Machine Interface, Data Compression and Text Abstraction and Summarization, Virtual Reality, Finance and Economics Modelling and Optimisation

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Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective

ISSN: 1939-3555eISSN: 1939-3547

Information Security Journal: A Global Perspective is a highly influential insider's review dealing with the ever-changing security environment and its inherent challenges. It provides essential information for managing the evolving enterprise, with detailed articles on emerging technologies, current trends and innovative solutions. The Journal's audience is comprised of dedicated professionals charged with implementing security programs, as well as those who create and enforce policies and procedures. It is also made up of authors who are experts in their respective areas, submitting timely and visionary perspectives for the education of all.The journal covers: Access Control Analysis and Monitoring Application Security Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Certification and Accreditation Continuity of Operations Planning (COOP) Cryptography Enterprise Security Management Practices Enterprise-wide System Development Security Information Security and Risk Management Laws, Investigations, Forensics and Ethics Malicious Code Operations Security Physical (Environmental) Security Regulations and Compliance Risk, Response and Recovery Security Standards, Guidelines, Criteria Security Architecture and Design Security Operations and Administration Systems Security Engineering Telecommunications and Network Security.

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Information Systems Research

ISSN: 1047-7047eISSN: 1526-5536

Alarge body of research in economics, information systems, and marketing has sought to understand sources of price dispersion. Previous empirical work has mainly offered consumer- and/or product-based explanations for this phenomenon. In contrast, our research explores the key role played by vendors' price-format adoption in explaining price dispersion. We empirically analyze over a half-million online and offline prices offered by major U.S. airlines in the top 500 domestic markets. Our study shows that a vendor's price format remains an important source of price dispersion in both channels even after accounting for other factors known to impact dispersion in airline ticket prices. Importantly, this finding is true for both transacted and posted tickets. We document several other interesting empirical findings. First, the lower variance in the prices of "everyday low price" (EDLP) firms serves to reduce the market-level dispersion in prices when such firms are present. Moreover, the price variance of non-EDLP firms in these markets is also lower than in those markets in which EDLP competitors are absent. Second, we also find that dispersion in offered prices increases closer to the departure date, which is consistent with theoretical assertion that price dispersion increases with reservation prices. Finally, we continue to observe dispersion of online prices even after accounting for vendor strategy and other known sources of dispersion, suggesting that the prices are unlikely to converge even in the presence of sophisticated online search mechanisms.

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Information Technology Management

ISSN: 1080-286X
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Information and Computer Security

ISSN: 2056-4961eISSN: 2056-497X

Information and Computer Security aims to cover the human aspects of security, looking at the impact of user and business behaviours when dealing with security issues. It communicates fresh ideas and cutting-edge research to academics and practitioners.

Information and Management

ISSN: 0378-7206eISSN: 1872-7530

Information & Management serves researchers in the information systems field and managers, professionals, administrators and senior executives of organizations which design, implement and manage Information Systems Applications. The major aims are:• To collect and disseminate information on new and advanced developments in the field of information systems;• To provide material for training and education in information systems;• To encourage further progress in information systems methodology and applications;• To cover the range of information system development and usage in their use of managerial policies, strategies, and activities for business, public administration, and international organizations.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Insurance: Mathematics and Economics

ISSN: 0167-6687

Insurance: Mathematics and Economics is an international journal that intends to strengthen communication between individuals and groups who produce and apply research results in insurance and finance, aiming to integrate the currently fragmented research in both fields. The journal feels a particular obligation to facilitate closer cooperation between those who carry out research on the one side and practicing actuaries who are interested in the implementation of the results on the other. To this purpose, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics publishes high quality papers of international interest, concerned with either the theory of insurance mathematics and economics or the inventive application of it. Papers that combine several of these aspects are particularly welcome.The subject matter of the journal includes the theory, models and computational methods of life insurance (including pensions systems, social insurance, and health insurance), of non-life insurance, of reinsurance and other risk-sharing arrangements, as well as of risk management. Of special interest are also its interactions with financial modeling. It also includes innovative insurance applications of results from other fields, such as probability and statistics, computer science and numerical analysis, economics, operations research and management science.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management

ISSN: 1555-1229eISSN: 1555-1237
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