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International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy

ISSN: 2146-4553eISSN: 2146-4553
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International Journal of Energy Research

ISSN: 0363-907XeISSN: 1099-114X

The International Journal of Energy Research is dedicated to providing a multidisciplinary platform for the discussion of issues arising in energy research without the constraints imposed by aiming at a restricted audience. It aims to reach all researchers, scientists, engineers, technology developers, planners and policy makers working in the areas of energy management, production, conversion, conservation, systems, technologies and applications, and their impact on the environment and sustainable development. The subject matter of the Journal is concerned with the development and exploitation of both traditional and new energy sources, systems, technologies and applications. Interdisciplinary subjects in the area of novel energy systems and applications are also encouraged. High-quality research papers are solicited in, but are not limited to, the following areas:

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International Journal of Energy Sector Management

ISSN: 1750-6220eISSN: 1750-6239

International Journal of Energy Sector Management is a platform for research on all subjects covering the management of the energy sector.

International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy

ISSN: 1472-8923eISSN: 1741-508X

IJETP is a vehicle to provide a refereed and authoritative source of information in the field of energy technology and policy.

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International Journal of Energy for a Clean Environment

ISSN: 2150-3621eISSN: 2150-363X
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International Journal of Energy, Environment, and Economics

eISSN: 1054-853X
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International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology

ISSN: 0974-3154

International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development

ISSN: 1474-6778eISSN: 1478-7466

IJESD addresses matters related to environment and sustainable development, paying special attention to relevant issues in developing countries while reporting on the latest environmental trends in industrialised nations. Its range of themes encompasses ecological studies, field research, empirical work and descriptive analyses on topics such as environmental systems, environmental policies and politics, environmental legislation, environmental impact assessment, water and energy related issues, and sustainability. Other matters related to or which influence the international debate on sustainability will be also considered.

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International Journal of Exergy

ISSN: 1742-8297eISSN: 1742-8300

IJEX is a quarterly publication dedicated to providing an interdisciplinary platform for information and ideas in the field of exergy and thermodynamic optimisation. It publishes a wide range of original, high-quality research papers, and ancillary features, spanning activities from fundamental research to industrial applications. IJEX covers aspects of exergy analysis of engineering and non-engineering systems and processes in a large variety of disciplines, ranging from mechanical engineering to physics and chemical engineering to industrial ecology.

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International Journal of Global Energy Issues

ISSN: 0954-7118eISSN: 1741-5128

IJGEI provides an international forum and authoritative source of information on renewable and non-renewable energy resources, energy-economic systems, energy and environment, international energy policy issues, technological innovation and new energy sources. It envisages the use of analytical tools and concepts from multifarious disciplines to address concerns for ecological, social, economic and political dimensions of sustainability. IJGEI seeks to establish an effective channel for communication between policymakers, government agencies, concerned citizens, consumer bodies, industry, public authorities and members of academic/research institutions.

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International Journal of Green Energy

ISSN: 1543-5075eISSN: 1543-5083

The International Journal of Green Energy focuses on the forms and utilizations of energy that have no, minimal, or reduced impact on environment and society. Emphasis is placed on energy diversity, energy localization, energy security, and sustainable development. The International Journal of Green Energy provides a multidisciplinary and international forum for the rapid dissemination of the latest high-quality research results in the fields of energy research, management, and conservation, especially the advanced environmentally friendly energy technologies. It provides a medium for the free exchange and discussion of ideas and information, and a record of knowledge generated and technology know-how. The journal publishes a wide range of original, peer-reviewed, qualified research papers and critical reviews of recent research that deal with the analytical, numerical, and experimental investigations of all aspects of energy and energy technologies, ranging from fundamentals to practical applications, from energy resources to energy consumption and the consequences of energy use. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control

ISSN: 1750-5836eISSN: 1878-0148

The International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control is a peer reviewed journal focusing on scientific and engineering developments in greenhouse gas control through capture and storage at large stationary emitters in the power sector and in other major resource, manufacturing and production industries. The Journal covers all greenhouse gas emissions within the power and industrial sectors, and comprises both technical and non-technical related literature in one volume. Original research, review and comments papers are included.The scope of the journal (whilst not exclusive to) includes:CO2 CaptureNew research results relevant for large scale CO2 capture systems using chemical solvents, solid sorbents, chemical looping, calcium looping, membranes and membrane reactors and hybrid systems, PSA, cryogenics etc.Advances in CO2 capture processes (post combustion, pre combustion, oxy combustion) for power plants, cement and steel plants, refineries, petrochemicals, and other large industriesExperimental results at pilot level from laboratory scale to demonstration, and relevant modelling work for scaling upCO2 capture process simulation for energy penalty reductions. Dynamic modelling.Cost analyses and cost reduction strategiesEnvironmental impacts/risk, safety and life-cycle assessment of capture facilitiesCO2 TransportDesign and material/technical issues for CO2 transport systemsEconomic analyses and systems level optimization of CO2 transport systemsRisk assessments and safety issuesPermitting and regulatory issuesCO2 Geological StorageGeological formation/storage capacity assessmentsMatching emissions sources and storage opportunitiesSite selection and characterizationModelling the fate and effects of stored CO2Integrity of the storage site, including caprocks and wellsTest injection research resultsRisk assessments and managementMonitoring tool developments and applicationsEnvironmental impact assessmentsDemonstration project results and operational experiencesInduced seismicity, pressure maintenance, brine displacement, groundwater impactsRemediation and measurement, monitoring and verification issuesExperiences from natural/industrial analoguesAlternative storage optionsEx situ mineral carbonation (research results, safety/risk assessments, environmental/energy/legal issues, public acceptance, regulation and costs)Advanced weatheringOcean storageAlternative mitigation options/negative emission optionsBioCCS and other bioenergy mitigation optionsNegative emission accounting principlesComparison of different GHG mitigation options such as energy efficiency, renewables and nuclear power and their potential to reduce CO2 emissionsSystem Integration and Infrastructure developmentFlexibility of operation of plants and on energy systems, integration issues, infrastructure development issues, financing and policiesImplementation issuesLegal and regulatory developments/issuesHuman/engineering capacity constraintsPublic awareness/acceptance issuesIndustry case studies on GHG mitigation technology implementation, learning by doing, knowledge transfer, stakeholder engagement and financing optionsIntegrated Assessments, economic instruments that would induce commercial CCS deploymentEnergy and economic modelling of the role that CCS will play in the broader portfolio of emissions mitigation options under different scenariosAnalyses of policy options (national and international) to reduce GHG emissions and how these impact the commercial deployment of CCS systems

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International Journal of Hydrogen Energy

ISSN: 0360-3199

The International Journal of Hydrogen Energy aims to provide a central vehicle for the exchange and dissemination of new ideas, technology developments and research results in the field of Hydrogen Energy between scientists and engineers throughout the world. The emphasis is placed on original research, both analytical and experimental, covering all aspects of Hydrogen Energy, including production, storage, transmission, utilization, enabling technologies, environmental impact, economic and international aspects of hydrogen and hydrogen carriers such as NH3, CH4, alcohols, etc.The utilization includes thermochemical (combustion), photochemical, electrochemical (fuel cells) and nuclear conversion of hydrogen, hydrogen isotopes and/or hydrogen carriers to thermal, mechanical and electrical energies, and their applications in transportation (including aerospace), industrial, commercial and residential sectors.When outstanding new advances are made, or when new areas have been developed to a definitive stage, special review articles will be considered. Shorter communications are also welcome.

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International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

ISSN: 2690-6090eISSN: 2690-6104

The International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IJIEOM) is an academic, peer-reviewed journal focused on the diffusion of articles in the field of Industrial Engineering and Operations Management. IJIEOM is published on behalf of IEOM Society International.

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International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development

ISSN: 1740-8822eISSN: 1740-8830
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International Journal of Mining Science and Technology

ISSN: 2095-2686

International Journal of Mining Science and Technology is an English-language journal. Previously entitled Journal of China University of Mining and Technology, it was founded in 1990 and publishes original and forefront research papers and high quality reviews covering recent advances in all fields of mining sciences and technologies. Papers to be published will be peer-reviewed and edited by authorities in those fields.• International Journal of Mining Science and Technology welcomes article submissions dealing with• Mining Engineering• Safety Technology and Engineering• Mineral Processing• Coalfield Geology• Geotechnical EngineeringThe journal has been indexed and/or abstracted by Ei Compendex, Abstracts Journal (Russian), Chemical Abstract, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, Coal Abstracts.

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International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology

ISSN: 1741-6361eISSN: 1741-637X

IJNEST addresses original research, ideas and developments in all areas of nuclear energy science and technology. Its scope embraces fundamental solid state physics, nuclear fuel reserves, fuel cycles and cost, materials, processing, system and component technology, design, optimisation, direct conversion of nuclear energy sources, environmental control, reactor physics, heat transfer, fluid dynamics, structural analysis, fuel management, future developments, nuclear fuel, safety, nuclear aerosol, neutron physics, computer technology, risk assessment, reactor thermal hydraulics, packaging and transportation.

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International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology

ISSN: 1753-3309eISSN: 1753-3317

IJOGCT is a multidisciplinary refereed journal that is concerned with exploration, production, processing and refining, storage and transportation, economical, managerial, business, environmental, safety and security issues related to oil, natural gas, coal and petrochemicals as well as manufacturing and refining of biofuels.

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International Journal of Photoenergy

ISSN: 1110-662XeISSN: 1687-529X

Hindawi publishes more than 300 Open Access journals covering a wide range of academic disciplines. All articles published in Hindawi journals are open access and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems

eISSN: 2088-8694
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