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International Journal of Speech Technology

ISSN: 1381-2416eISSN: 1572-8110

The International Journal of Speech Technology is a research journal that focuses on speech technology and its applications. It promotes research and description on all aspects of speech input and output, including theory, experiment, testing, base technology, applications.

The journal is an international forum for the dissemination of research related to the applications of speech technology as well as to the technology itself as it relates to real-world applications. Articles describing original work in all aspects of speech technology are included. Sample topics include but are not limited to the following: applications employing digitized speech, synthesized speech or automatic speech recognition
technological issues of speech input or output
human factors, intelligent interfaces, robust applications
integration of aspects of artificial intelligence and natural language processing
international and local language implementations of speech synthesis and recognition
development of new algorithms
interface description techniques, tools and languages
testing of intelligibility, naturalness and accuracy
computational issues in speech technology
software development tools
speech-enabled robotics
speech technology as a diagnostic tool for treating language disorders
voice technology for managing serious laryngeal disabilities
the use of speech in multimedia
This is the only journal which presents papers on both the base technology and theory as well as all varieties of applications. It encompasses all aspects of the three major technologies: text-to-speech synthesis, automatic speech recognition and stored (digitized) speech.

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International Journal of Spray and Combustion Dynamics

ISSN: 1756-8277eISSN: 1756-8285
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International Journal of Steel Structures

ISSN: 1598-2351eISSN: 2093-6311

The International Journal of Steel Structures provides an international forum for a broad classification of technical papers in steel structural research and its applications. The journal aims to reach not only researchers, but also practicing engineers. Coverage encompasses such topics as stability, fatigue, non-linear behavior, dynamics, reliability, fire, design codes, computer-aided analysis and design, optimization, expert systems, connections, fabrications, maintenance, bridges, off-shore structures, jetties, stadiums, transmission towers, marine vessels, storage tanks, pressure vessels, aerospace, and pipelines and more.International Journal of Steel Structures is the official journal of the Korean Society of Steel Construction (KSSC).

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International Journal of Structural Engineering

ISSN: 1758-7328eISSN: 1758-7336

Structural engineering is commonly considered a speciality within civil engineering, but it also includes any discipline which has a structural system. This field includes the analysis, design, plan, and research of structural components and structural systems. IJStructE is set up to report the relevant generic studies in this field.

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International Journal of Structural Integrity

ISSN: 1757-9864eISSN: 1757-9872

Published in partnership with the European Aeronautics Science Network, as a platform for state of the art in the area of structural integrity.

International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics

ISSN: 0219-4554eISSN: 1793-6764

The aim of this journal is to provide a unique forum for the publication and rapid dissemination of original research on stability and dynamics of structures. Papers that deal with conventional land-based structures, aerospace structures, marine structures, as well as biostructures and micro- and nano-structures are considered. Papers devoted to all aspects of structural stability and dynamics (both transient and vibration response), ranging from mathematical formulations, novel methods of solutions, to experimental investigations and practical applications in civil, mechanical, aerospace, marine, bio- and nano-engineering will be published.The important subjects of structural stability and structural dynamics are placed together in this journal because they share somewhat fundamental elements. In recognition of the considerable research interests and recent proliferation of papers in these subjects, it is hoped that the journal may help bring together papers focused on related subjects, including the state-of-the-art surveys, so as to provide a more effective medium for disseminating the latest developments to researchers and engineers.This journal features a section for technical notes that allows researchers to publish their initial findings or new ideas more speedily. Discussions of papers and concepts will also be published so that researchers can have a vibrant and timely communication with others.

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International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering

ISSN: 1749-785XeISSN: 1749-7868

JSurfSE publishes refereed quality papers in the broad field of surface science and engineering including tribology, but with a special emphasis on the research and development in friction, wear, coatings and surface modification processes such as surface treatment, cladding, machining, polishing and grinding, across multiple scales from nanoscopic to macroscopic dimensions. High-integrity and high-performance surfaces of components have become a central research area in the professional community whose aim is to develop highly reliable ultra-precision devices.

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International Journal of Sustainable Aviation

ISSN: 2050-0467eISSN: 2050-0475
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International Journal of Sustainable Building Technology and Urban Development

ISSN: 2093-761XeISSN: 2093-7628
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International Journal of Sustainable Energy

ISSN: 1478-6451eISSN: 1478-646X

The International Journal of Sustainable Energy is an online-only journal that publishes experimental, theoretical and applied results in both the science and engineering of sustainable energy The multimedia capabilities offered by this electronic journal (including free colour images and video movies) provide a unique multidisciplinary and international forum for the rapid dissemination of the latest high-quality research results. Topics covered include: photovoltaics; wind energy; bioenergy; geothermal power; solar heating; building applications; marine and hydropower; water treatment; power distribution; combined systems and meteorological data as well as technologies for pollution control and energy conservationAll published research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial screening and anonymous refereeing by independent expert referees. DisclaimerTaylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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International Journal of Sustainable Engineering

ISSN: 1939-7038eISSN: 1939-7046

Engineering and sustainable development are intrinsically linked. All capital plant and every consumable product depends on an engineering input through design, manufacture and operation, if not for the product itself then for the equipment required to process and transport the raw materials and the final product. Many aspects of sustainable development depend directly on appropriate and timely actions by engineers. Engineering is an extended process of analysis, synthesis, evaluation and execution and, therefore, it is argued that engineers must be involved from the outset of any proposal to develop sustainable solutions. Engineering embraces many disciplines and truly sustainable solutions are usually inter-disciplinary in nature. Sustainable solutions have not only an environmental dimension but also economic and social dimensions, thus extending the multi-disciplinary nature beyond engineering.The International Journal of Sustainable Engineering is predicated on the need for engineers to have access to a source of information and an opportunity to share, through publication, new ideas and solutions for sustainable development.Researchers from both academia and industry are invited to submit papers on their recent research into problems related to reducing the environmental impacts of engineered systems, processes and products. The International Journal of Sustainable Engineering also welcomes papers that include economic and social components that complement the engineering dimension, consider the management of sustainable engineering, or address the modelling of sustainable engineering solutions.Topics may include, but are not limited to:8226; Engineering design for sustainable development 8226; Sustainable technology innovation 8226; Life-cycle engineering 8226; Energy conservation and low-carbon manufacturing 8226; Sustainable power engineering and renewable energy technologies 8226; Waste minimisation, remanufacturing, reuse and recycling technologies 8226; Sustainable material development 8226; Sustainable packaging solutions 8226; Sustainable process engineering8226; Environmental management and ISO standards8226; Water engineering solutions for developing countries8226; Sustainable construction for the built environment8226; Product versus service paradigms 8226; Managing use and consumption 8226; Sustainable supply chain management 8226; Sustainable transport engineering 8226; Sustainable business models 8226; Engineering education for sustainable developmentShort CommunicationsResearch aimed at improving the sustainability of a product, process or system is dynamic and may produce valuable knowledge worthy of prompt publication. The Short Communications section of the Journal provides an opportunity for such prompt publication, covering all areas related to sustainable engineering. Submissions will be subjected to the normal rigorous review process but will benefit from a 8216;fast-track' procedure.Short communications should be brief and must not exceed 2000 words and 4 illustrations. The Editor will return submissions that exceed these maxima with a request that they be shortened before resubmission.Any topic relevant to the aims and objectives of the Journal can form the basis of a short communication but authors should be aware that only high quality, timely submissions will qualify for inclusion. As a guide, submissions that match at least one of the following criteria will be welcome:8226; Innovative design solutions8226; Innovative uses of materials8226; Novel industrial applications 8226; Concepts and paradigms and their initial validation8226; Formative conclusions from pure and applied researchBook ReviewsThe Journal will publish reviews of books that are relevant to its Aims and Scope. Although the Editor will take the principal responsibility for identifying titles of interest and suitable reviewers, suggestions of titles and offers of reviews will be welcome.Reviews will typically be of 500-600 words in length and will include a brief summary of contents, main strengths and shortcomings, and indication of the readership to which it will be best suited. DisclaimerTaylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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International Journal of Sustainable Manufacturing

ISSN: 1742-7223eISSN: 1742-7231

IJSM addresses elements of science-based sustainability principles and their applications in innovative products, processes and systems for manufacturing, highlighting economic, environmental and societal aspects of sustainability. This covers the biocomplexity of the environment and associated technological challenges facing the needs of society for economic growth and prosperity as applied to design and manufacturing of discrete products. Product lifecycle issues involving use of materials/resources for sustained quality requirements and perpetual material flow form a basis for sustainability applications in product design/manufacture.

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International Journal of Sustainable Transportation

ISSN: 1556-8318eISSN: 1556-8334

The scope includes the examination of overall sustainability of any transportation system, including its infrastructure, vehicle, operation, and maintenance; the integration of social science disciplines, engineering, and information technology with transportation; the understanding of the comparative aspects of different transportation systems from a global perspective; qualitative and quantitative transportation studies; and case studies, surveys, and expository papers in an international or local context. Equal emphasis is placed on the problems of sustainable transportation that are associated with passenger and freight transportation modes in both industrialized and non-industrialized areas.

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International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management

ISSN: 0975-6809eISSN: 0976-4348

This Journal is established with a view to cater to increased awareness for high quality research in the seamless integration of heterogeneous technologies to formulate bankable solutions to the emergent complex engineering problems.Assurance engineering could be thought of as relating to the provision of higher confidence in the reliable and secure implementation of a system’s critical characteristic features through the espousal of a holistic approach by using a wide variety of cross disciplinary tools and techniques. Successful realization of sustainable and dependable products, systems and services involves an extensive adoption of Reliability, Quality, Safety and Risk related procedures for achieving high assurancelevels of performance: also pivotal are the management issues related to risk and uncertainty that govern the practical constraints encountered in their deployment. It is our intention to provide a platform for the modeling and analysis of large engineering systems, among the other aforementioned allied goals of systems assurance engineering, leading to the enforcement of performance enhancement measures. Achieving a fine balance between theory and practice is the primary focus. The Journal only publishes high quality papers that have passed the rigorous peer review procedure of an archival scientific Journal. The aim is an increasing number of submissions, wide circulation and a high impact factor.

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International Journal of Systems Science

ISSN: 0020-7721eISSN: 1464-5319

2010 Impact factor now 0.948 Modern systems are becoming more and more complex and sophisticated in their demand for performance, reliability and increasing autonomy. Historically, highly analytic and numeric based methods have sufficed, frequently simplifying the problem to allow analytical tractability. Many manufactured and natural systems (biological, ecological and socio-economic) cannot be adequately represented quantitively alone; qualitations and heuristics, linguistics etc., knowledge is frequently required within a common information-processing framework. A wide range of new theories, methodologies and techniques are required to 'enable' such systems, and thus engineering and integration to deal with these demands. The primary aim of the International Journal of Systems Science is to become world leader in the exciting and demanding field of intelligent systems engineering and its applications. Disclaimer Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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International Journal of Systems Science: Operations and Logistics

ISSN: 2330-2674eISSN: 2330-2682

International Journal of Systems Science: Operations & Logistics (IJSS: O&L) is a world-leading journal in the exciting and demanding field of operations management and logistics.
The journal is dedicated to publishing high quality, rigorously reviewed, original papers that contribute to the methodology and practice in the fields of: operations research, transport and inventory management, EOQ models, operations planning and control, queuing theory, maintenance and reliability, resource management, scheduling, deterministic and stochastic modelling and optimization in logistics and operations, supply chain management.
Operations management and logistics is a multidisciplinary field that encloses the design, performance and management of systems for efficient operation of raw materials, in-process inventories, finished goods, human resources and related information or services. A wide range of new theories, methodologies and techniques are required to enable such systems. IJSS: Operations & Logistics is designed to be a leading hub for research in this rapidly-growing area of systems science.
Proposals for special issues in cutting-edge areas of operations management and logistical systems science are encouraged, and should be discussed with the Editor-in-Chief.
All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor-in-Chief, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to rigorous and rapid peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. All peer review is double blind and submission is online via ScholarOne Manuscripts.
Queries regarding submissions can be made by contacting the Editor-in-Chief, whose decision is final.
Taylor & Francis is a member of the Committee of Publications Ethics (COPE). Taylor & Francis is committed to peer review integrity and upholding the highest standards of review in our journals. To help us maintain these high standards, we provide guidelines for ethical publishing. Click  here for more details.

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We are also participants in the CLOCKSS pilot project. In addition, an agreement with the Dutch National Library has been signed to protect the future of our Online Archive.

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International Journal of Systems, Control and Communications

ISSN: 1755-9340eISSN: 1755-9359

A fundamental, omnipresent feature of the global information age is that cyber-capabilities, e.g. computing, communication and control, are inherently embedded in numerous physical/engineered systems from the nano-world to large-scale systems-of-systems. Many scientific/technological challenges require intensive multidisciplinary studies, calling for new formulations, techniques and innovative solutions from a spectrum of communities in systems engineering/control/communications. IJSCC offers a vibrant discussion forum in this interdisciplinary area, especially communication systems augmented by control techniques and control systems whose components are interconnected via communication networks.

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International Journal of Technoethics

ISSN: 1947-3451eISSN: 1947-346X
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International Journal of Technology

ISSN: 2086-9614eISSN: 2086-9614
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International Journal of Technology Management

ISSN: 0267-5730eISSN: 1741-5276

The objectives of IJTM are to develop, promote and coordinate the science and practice of technology management. It also aims to help professionals working in the field, engineering and business educators and policy-makers to contribute, to disseminate information and to learn from each other's work. The international dimension is emphasised in order to overcome cultural and national barriers and to meet the needs of accelerating technological change and changes in the global economy.

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