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Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications

eISSN: 2079-9268

Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications (ISSN 2079-9268) is an open access journal which provides an advanced forum for the studies of electronics for low power applications. A special emphasize is made on ultralow power bio-medical applications. It publishes reviews, regular research papers and short communications. Our aim is to encourage scientists to publish their experimental and theoretical results in as much detail as possible. There is no restriction on the length of the papers. The full experimental details must be provided so that the results can be reproduced.

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Journal of Machine Engineering

ISSN: 1895-7595eISSN: 1895-7595

Journal of Machine Learning Research

ISSN: 1532-4435eISSN: 1533-7928

If you have not visited this site since January 1, 2006.

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Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability

ISSN: 1052-6188eISSN: 1934-9394

The journal is devoted to advances in machine design: CAD/CAM: experimental mechanics of machines, machine life expectancy, and reliability studies: machine dynamics and kinematics: vibration, acoustics, and stress/strain: wear resistance engineering: real-time machine operation diagnostics: robotic systems: new materials and manufacturing processes, etc.

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Journal of Magnesium and Alloys

eISSN: 2213-9567

Journal of Magnesium and Alloys provides an international medium for the publication of theoretical and experimental studies into magnesium sciences and engineering across the world. Appropriate submissions to Journal of Magnesium and Alloys should include researches that provide scientific and/or engineering factors which affect the metallurgy, processing, microstructure, properties and applications of magnesium and alloys and reports that contribute to the body of knowledge by documenting the thinking, philosophy and strategies of magnesium sciences and engineering. Journal of Magnesium and Alloys will cover all aspects of magnesium and alloys and their products' manufacturing, including raw materials, alloy casting, extrusion and deformation, corrosion and surface treatment, joining and machining, simulation and modeling, microstructure evolution and mechanical properties, new alloys development, magnesium based composites, bio-materials and energy materials, applications and recycling.

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Journal of Magnetics

ISSN: 1226-1750

Journal of Management in Engineering

ISSN: 0742-597XeISSN: 1943-5479
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Journal of Manufacturing Processes

ISSN: 1526-6125

Manufacturing is undergoing major transformation due to the unforeseen challenges arising from the current trend of miniaturization, the emergence of new materials and the growing interaction between biologists and engineers to learn more from nature and living objects.Traditionally, a "top-down" approach has been used in manufacturing. Recently, engineers and scientists have begun exploring "bottom-up" approaches for manufacturing today's highly complex products. Further, these emerging processes are aimed to improve process efficiency and product quality.The aim of the Journal of Manufacturing Processes (JMP) is to exchange current and future directions of manufacturing processes research, development and implementation, and to publish archival scholarly literature with a view to advancing state-of-the-art manufacturing processes and encouraging innovation for developing new and efficient processes. The journal will also publish from other research communities for rapid communication of innovative new concepts. Special-topic issues on emerging technologies and invited papers will also be published.Papers relevant to the scope of JMP include, but are not limited to, the following areas:• Meso/micro/nano fabrication, including imprint lithography.• Advanced manufacturing processes, including mechanical, chemical and thermal processes.• Welding, joining and assembly at micro and macro scales.• Rapid prototyping, rapid manufacturing and repair, stereolithography and other 3-D fabrication techniques that can use optical projection.• Advanced embossing, casting, forming and molding processes at all scales.• Mono/multilayer functional coating processes.• Continuum and subcontinuum process modeling and simulation.• Manufacturing process monitoring, control and automation.• Tribology and wear issues relevant to manufacturing processes.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering

ISSN: 1087-1357eISSN: 1528-8935

The Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering serves as a vehicle for the rapid dissemination of original theoretical and applied research results of permanent interest in all branches of manufacturing. The majority of the papers published are peer-reviewed full-length articles of considerable depth. The Journal also publishes technical briefs, design innovation papers, reviews, discussions of published papers with rebuttal, book reviews, and editorials.

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Journal of Manufacturing Systems

ISSN: 0278-6125

The Journal of Manufacturing Systems (JMSY) publishes state-of-the-art fundamental and applied research in manufacturing at the systems level. Manufacturing systems are comprised of products, equipment, people, information, control and support functions for the economical and competitive development, production, delivery and total life cycle of products to satisfy market and societal needs.Pertinent to the journal is work studying emerging manufacturing systems from the equipment level to distributed enterprises, and production challenges within and across various scales, including nano, micro and macro-scale manufacturing. Papers relevant to the scope of JMSY include, but are not limited to, the following areas:• Manufacturing Strategy and Paradigms: flexible, reconfigurable and changeable manufacturing systems; rapid manufacturing, lean manufacturing, virtual enterprises.• Manufacturing Systems Design and Operations: process planning, production planning and controls, modeling, simulation, virtual manufacturing.• Sustainable Manufacturing: life cycle of products and systems, sustainable manufacturing, design for environments and sustainability.• Quality Management: product and process quality, quality function deployment, quality by design, six sigma.• Automation, Control Systems, Human-Machine Interaction: agent-based systems, distributed and integrated control systems, intelligent systems, emergent systems, reconfigurable control, robotics, collaborative robots and human-machine interactions.• Product Development: product families, reverse engineering concept development, product design and integration with manufacturing systems, product life cycle.• Supply Chain Management and Logistics: global supply chains, dynamic supply chains, modeling and optimization.• Manufacturing Information Systems: Internet, Web-based systems, ERP (enterprise resource planning), automatic data capture, enterprise modeling.• Micro and Nano Manufacturing Systems: systems issues related to microfluidics, nanoelectronics, nano systems, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), nanomaterials, interconnects (nano to meso to macro); energy, chemical and biological devices.Papers focused on novel manufacturing systems design, planning, modeling and control from the factory level to the extended enterprise and addressing the new global challenges are invited for the Journal of Manufacturing Systems. Papers addressing new and emerging related topics are also encouraged.

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Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management

ISSN: 1741-038xeISSN: 1758-7786

Publishing a broad coverage of original research relating to the management of manufacturing technology and combining theory with practical application.

Journal of Manufacturing Technology Research

eISSN: 1943-8095
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Journal of Marine Engineering and Technology

ISSN: 2046-4177eISSN: 2056-8487

The Proceedings of the IMarEST disseminate and report scientific, operational and applied research issues associated with the design, manufacture, operation, disposal, safety and environmental aspects of marine and offshore concepts, equipment and systems as well as the scientific and research advances associated with all aspects of the marine environment.
The Journal of Marine Engineering and Technology will publish papers concerned with scientific and theoretical research applied to all aspects of marine engineering and technology in addition to issues associated with the application of technology in the marine environment. The areas of interest will include:
• Fuel technology and Combustion
• Power and Propulsion Systems
• Noise and vibration
• Offshore and Underwater Technology
• Computing, IT and communication
• Pumping and Pipeline Engineering
• Safety and Environmental Assessment
• Electrical and Electronic Systems and Machines
• Vessel Manoeuvring and Stabilisation
• Tribology and Power Transmission
• Dynamic modelling, System Simulation and Control
• Heat Transfer, Energy Conversion and Use
• Renewable Energy and Sustainability
• Materials and Corrosion
• Heat Engine Development
• Green Shipping
• Hydrography
• Subsea Operations
• Cargo Handling and Containment
• Pollution Reduction
• Navigation
• Vessel Management
• Decommissioning
• Salvage Procedures
• Legislation
• Ship and floating structure design
• RoboticsSalvage Procedures
• Structural IntegrityCargo Handling and Containment
• Marine resource and acquisition
• Risk AnalysisRobotics
• Maintenance and Inspection PlanningVessel Management
• Marine security
• Risk Analysis
• Legislation
• Underwater Vehicles
• Plant and Equipment
• Structural Integrity
• Installation and Repair
• Plant and Equipment
• Maintenance and Inspection Planning
All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the Co-Editors, and, if found suitable for further consideration, enter peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. All peer review is single blind.
Authors are requested to submit manuscripts by email following the Instructions for Authors.  Please contact the IMarEST if you wish to submit your paper in hard copy format. Documents should be submitted to:

Lorraine Small, Proceedings Manager
Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology
Aldgate House
33 Aldgate High Street
London EC3N 1EN

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Journal of Marine Environmental Engineering

ISSN: 1061-026XeISSN: 1029-0427
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Journal of Marine Science and Application

ISSN: 1671-9433eISSN: 1993-5048

Journal of Marine Science and Application (JMSA) publishes high-quality articles on advancements in techniques and theoretical research for naval architecture, ocean engineering, marine engineering, marine power system, underwater acoustical engineering, as well as automatic navigation.

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Journal of Marine Science and Engineering

eISSN: 2077-1312

marine science and engineering, Marine biodiversity, Marine resources, Marine biotechnology, Ocean engineering, Geological oceanography

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Journal of Marine Science and Technology

ISSN: 0948-4280eISSN: 1437-8213

The Journal of Marine Science and Technology provides a forum for the discussion of current issues in marine science and technology. The range of topics extends from research in naval architecture, marine engineering, and ocean engineering to marine-related research in the fields of environmental science and technology, oceanography, computational mechanics, and information technology. In addition to original, full-length refereed contributions presenting new research and developments in the field, the journal also publishes review papers authored by leading authorities.

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Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management

ISSN: 1438-4957eISSN: 1611-8227

The Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management has a twofold focus: research in technical, political, and environmental problems of material cycles and waste management; and information that contributes to the development of an interdisciplinary science of material cycles and waste management. Its aim is to develop solutions and prescriptions for material cycles. The journal publishes original articles, reviews, and invited papers from a wide range of disciplines related to material cycles and waste management. The journal is published in cooperation with the Japan Society of Material Cycles and Waste Management (JSMCWM) and the Korea Society of Waste Management (KSWM).

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Journal of Materials Chemistry B

eISSN: 2050-7518

Journal of Materials Chemistry A, B & C cover high quality studies across all fields of materials chemistry. The journals focus on those theoretical or experimental studies that report new understanding, applications, properties and synthesis of materials. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, B & C are separated by the intended application of the material studied. Broadly, materials with potential applications in biology and medicine are of interest to Journal of Materials Chemistry B, with example topic areas including (but not limited to): antifouling coatings, biocompatible materials, bioelectronics, bioimaging, biomimetics, biomineralization, bionics, biosensors, diagnostics, drug delivery, gene delivery, immunobiology, nanomedicine, regenerative medicine & tissue engineering, scaffolds, soft robotics, stem cells, therapeutic devices. Articles that primarily focus on providing insight into the underlying science and performance of biomaterials within a biological environment are more suited to our sister journal, Biomaterials Science.

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Journal of Materials Engineering

ISSN: 0931-7058
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