A leading journal in its field, AME covers all aspects of aquatic microbial dynamics, in particular viruses, prokaryotes and eukaryotes -- planktonic and benthic, autotrophic and heterotophic -- in marine, limnetic and brackish habitats. As a companion journal to MEPS, it strives for the same quality criteria, quick publication and high technical standards.
Aquatic Sciences - Research Across Boundaries publishes original research, overviews, and reviews dealing with aquatic systems (wetlands, freshwater and marine systems) and their boundaries, including the impact of human activities on these systems. The coverage ranges from molecular-level mechanistic studies to investigations at the whole ecosystem scale, including fish ecology. Aquatic Sciences publishes articles presenting research across disciplinary and environmental boundaries, i.e. studies examining interactions among geological, microbial, biological, chemical, physical, hydrological, and societal processes, as well as studies assessing land-water, air-water, benthic-pelagic, river-ocean, lentic-lotic, and groundwater-surface water interactions. Bibliographic Data
First published in 1920
1 volume per year, 4 issues per volume
Format: 21 x 27.9 cm
ISSN 1015-1621 (print)
ISSN 1420-9055 (electronic)
Aquatic Toxicology publishes original scientific papers dealing with the mechanisms of toxicity and the responses to toxic agents in aquatic environments at the community, species, tissue, cellular, subcellular and molecular levels, including aspects of uptake, metabolism and excretion of toxicants.The aim of the journal is to increase our understanding of the impact of toxicants on aquatic organisms and ecosystems. Studies with aquatic model systems that provide fundamental mechanistic insight to toxic effects on organisms in general are also welcome. Both laboratory and field studies will be considered. The mechanistic focus includes genetic disturbances and adaptations to environmental perturbations, including the evolution of toxicant responses; biochemical, physiological and behavioural responses of organisms to toxicants; interactions of genetic and functional responses, and interactions between natural and toxicant-induced environmental changes. The bioaccumulation of contaminants is considered when studies address mechanisms influencing accumulation. Ecological investigations that address reasons, possibly also considering their genetic and physiological aspects, for toxicant-induced alterations of aquatic communities or populations are suitable.Reports on technique development or monitoring efforts are generally not within the scope of Aquatic Toxicology, except those concerning new methodologies for mechanistic research with an example of their application. Identification of toxicants or toxicologically relevant molecules in organisms will be considered only if the identification is a part of a more comprehensive mechanistic study. Whenever possible, information of exposure should be based on measured concentrations and not nominal or assumed ones. Manuscripts reporting acute toxicity data (lethal concentration, LC-50 or lethal dose, LD-50) as a major finding are usually not considered.
Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research is an academic, open access, peer reviewed journal owned by Arabian Gulf University, which welcomes both theoretical and empirical submissions in natural resources sciences, medical sciences, biotechnology, computer science and applications, innovation, entrepreneurship, and management sciences, and educational sciences
The official journal of the Saudi Society for Geosciences, the Arabian Journal of Geosciences examines the entire range of earth science topics, focused on, but not limited to those that have regional significance to the Middle East and northern Africa. The journal features peer-reviewed original and review articles on such topics as: geology, hydrogeology, earth system science, petroleum sciences, geophysics, seismology and crustal structures, tectonics, sedimentology, palaeontology, metamorphic and igneous petrology, natural hazards, environmental sciences and sustainable development, geoarchaeology, geomorphology, paleo-environment studies, oceanography, atmospheric sciences, GIS and remote sensing, geodesy, mineralogy, volcanology, geochemistry and metallogenesis.
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology is a repository of significant, peer-reviewed articles describing original experimental or theoretical research work on the scientific aspects of contaminants in the environment. It provides a place for the publication of detailed, definitive and credible reports concerning advances and discoveries in the fields of air, water, and soil contamination and pollution, human health aspects, and in disciplines concerned with the introduction, presence, and effects of deleterious substances in the total environment. Papers accepted for publication in the Archives deal with aspects of environmental contaminants, including those that lie in the domains of analytical chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacology, toxicology, agricultural, air, water, and soil chemistry. The Editor-in-Chief is Daniel R. Doerge, National Center for Toxicological Research, Paron, AR USA.
Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health , originally founded in 1919 as the Journal of Industrial Hygiene, and perhaps most well-known as the Archives of Environmental Health, reports, integrates, and consolidates the latest research, both nationally and internationally, from fields germane to environmental health, including epidemiology, toxicology, exposure assessment, modeling and biostatistics, risk science and biochemistry. Publishing new research based on the most rigorous methods and discussion to put this work in perspective for public health, public policy, and sustainability, the Archives addresses such topics of current concern as health significance of chemical exposure, toxic waste, new and old energy technologies, industrial processes, and the environmental causation of disease such as neurotoxicity, birth defects, cancer, and chronic degenerative diseases. For more than 90 years, this noted journal has provided objective documentation of the effects of environmental agents on human and, in some cases, animal populations and information of practical importance on which decisions are based.To support diverse communication of scholarly material, the following formats are available: Full-Length Manuscripts should not exceed 24 pages of double-spaced draft text (Times font, 12-point type), regardless of the combination of text, illustrations, and references. Brief Communications. Pithy articles of 1,500 words or less and no more than 2 illustrations will receive expeditious handling. Such communications may include critical analyses of current problems and issues. Case Studies. AEOH will publish occasional longer case studies of relevant environmental and occupational issues of 8-12 printed pages in length (approximately 24–36 pages of double-spaced draft text, Times font, 12-point type).
Archives of Toxicology provides up-to-date information on the latest advances in toxicology. The journal places particular emphasis on studies relating to defined effects of chemicals and mechanisms of toxicity, including toxic activities at the molecular level, in humans and experimental animals. Coverage includes new insights into analysis and toxicokinetics and into forensic toxicology. Review articles of general interest to toxicologists are an additional important feature of the journal.
Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research is a quarterly international journal. It publishes original research papers, shorter contributions, resulting correspondence, and book reviews. The subject matter deals with any scientific or cultural aspect of Arctic, Antarctic, and alpine environments and related topics on subarctic, subantarctic, subalpine environments, and paleoenvironments. Papers may be uni- or multidisciplinary but should have interdisciplinary appeal. Special thematic issues and proceedings are published from time to time.
Arthropod-Plant Interactions is dedicated to publishing high quality original papers and reviews with a broad fundamental or applied focus on ecological, biological, and evolutionary aspects of the interactions between insects and other arthropods with plants. Coverage extends to all aspects of such interactions including chemical, biochemical, genetic, and molecular analysis, as well reporting on multitrophic studies, ecophysiology, and mutualism. Arthropod-Plant Interactions encourages the submission of forum papers that challenge prevailing hypotheses. The journal encourages a diversity of opinion by presenting both invited and unsolicited review papers. The Editor-in-Chief is Heikki M.T. Hokkanen, University of Helsinki, Finland. heikki.hokkanen@helsinki.fi
The goal of the Asian Economic Policy Review is to become an intellectual voice on the current issues of international economics and economic policy, based on comprehensive and in-depth analyses, with a primary focus on Asia. As such, articles in the Journal will not be purely academic research or political commentaries. Instead, stress will be placed on identifying key issues at the time - spanning international trade, international finance, the environment, energy, the integration of regional economies and other issues - in order to furnish ideas and proposals to contribute positively to the policy debate in the region. Although the principal focus is economic policy issues, when necessary and relevant, international relations papers will also be included.