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Allergy, Asthma & Clinical Immunology

ISSN: 1710-1484eISSN: 1710-1492

The official journal of the Canadian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Allergy, Asthma & Clinical Immunology encompasses all aspects of treatment of allergic and immunologic disease.

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Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Research

ISSN: 2092-7355eISSN: 2092-7363

Alter: European Journal of Disability Research

ISSN: 1875-0672

ALTER is a peer-reviewed European journal which looks at disability and its variations. It is aimed at everyone who is involved or interested in this field. ALTER is an emblematic Latin word for all forms of difference, leaving open the question of their nature and expression.An inter-disciplinary journalFirst and foremost, interdisciplinarity means remaining open to all human and social sciences: sociology, anthropology, psychology, psychoanalysis, history, demography, epidemiology, economics, law, etc. It also means a connection between the different forms of knowledge - academic and fundamental - applied and relating to the experience of disability.A cross-disciplinary journal Research on disability and its variations constitutes a transversal axis which opens the review up to a multitude of approaches and problematic. It covers matters ranging from the individual to the environment, from impairment to participation, from discrimination to the exercise of citizenship... ALTER looks at all the questions examined in human and social sciences, be they social, economic, political or health related.A European journal The European dimension means having a multicultural outlook; it means well-argued comparisons and useful scientific controversies that go beyond national boundaries.

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Alternatives to Laboratory Animals

ISSN: 0261-1929eISSN: 2632-3559

By applying the most advanced information technologies, Frontiers is catapulting scholarly publishing into a new digital academic era. .

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Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders

ISSN: 0893-0341

Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders is a leading international forum for reports of new research findings and new approaches to diagnosis and treatment. Contributions fall within all relevant scientific fields and clinical specialties, including neurobiology, neurochemistry, molecular biology, neurology, neuropathology, neuropsychology, psychiatry, gerontology, and geriatrics. Rigorous peer review of articles is ensured by an international Editorial Advisory Board of eminent scientists and clinicians. Website:

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Alzheimer's & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring

eISSN: 2352-8729
Alzheimer's & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring (DADM) is an open access, peer-reviewed, journal from the Alzheimer's Association® that will publish new research that reports the discovery, development and validation of instruments, technologies, algorithms, and innovative processes. Papers will cover a range of topics interested in the early and accurate detection of individuals with memory complaints and/or among asymptomatic individuals at elevated risk for various forms of memory disorders.

The expectation for published papers will be to translate fundamental knowledge about the neurobiology of the disease into practical reports that describe both the conceptual and methodological aspects of the submitted scientific inquiry. Published topics will explore the development of biomarkers, surrogate markers, and conceptual/methodological challenges. Publication priority will be given to papers that 1) describe putative surrogate markers that accurately track disease progression, 2) biomarkers that fulfill international regulatory requirements, 3) reports from large, well-characterized population-based cohorts that comprise the heterogeneity and diversity of asymptomatic individuals and 4) algorithmic development that considers multi-marker arrays (e.g., integrated-omics, genetics, biofluids, imaging, etc.) and advanced computational analytics and technologies.

Given the growing number of specialized manuscripts in the field of Alzheimer's and dementia research, DADM will provide an expanded platform to provide a) rapid communication and publication that facilitate cross-fertilization of ideas, b) integrating and translating knowledge across disciplines; disseminating basic and clinical information necessary for optimal translation of research into practical applications and interventions, c) increase knowledge in diverse areas of studies with potentials/implications for practical application related to early detection and/or interventions, d) formulating crucial experiments necessary for the rigorous testing of theories or their predictions, and e) identifying promising new directions of research and providing the impetus or the scientific foundation for new initiatives on interventions.

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Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association

ISSN: 1552-5260eISSN: 1552-5279

The mission of Alzheimer's & Dementia: Journal of the Alzheimer's Association is to bridge the knowledge gaps across a wide range of bench-to-bedside investigation. The journal publishes the results of studies in: behavior, biochemistry, genetics, molecular biology, pharmacology, physiology, protein chemistry, neurology, neuropathology, psychiatry, geriatrics, neuropsychology, epidemiology, sociology, health services research, health economics, political science and public policy. Content emphasizes interdisciplinary investigations, integrative/translational articles, related to: etiology, risk factors, early detection, disease modifying interventions, prevention of dementia and applications of new technologies in health services. The journal publishes • comprehensive reviews; • research articles; • information on clinical trials; • short reports;• in-depth perspectives/open-peer commentaries; • theoretical and/or translational papers that attempt integrate knowledge across discipline;• history & politics of science/brief biographies and, • abstracts of papers presented at international meetings. Negative results, particularly clinical trials, are published as short communications.The ultimate objective is to create a novel forum for: • rapid communication of new findings, ideas or perspectives; • disseminating knowledge, across the spectrum of basic to clinical studies, necessary for optimal translation of research findings into practical applications/interventions; • integrating knowledge across disciplines; • increase knowledge in diverse disciplines to promote early detection/diagnosis and/or interventions; • formulating new theories and/or strategies for the rigorous testing of theories or their predictions; • identifying promising new directions of research and, • providing the scientific impetus for new initiatives; or public policies concerning research on prevention and new models of health services.Alzheimer's & Dementia is indexed/abstracted in Index Medicus/MEDLINE, Scopus, Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch®), Current Contents®/Clinical Medicine, Neuroscience Citation Index®, and Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition.

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Alzheimer's Research and Therapy

eISSN: 1758-9193

Alzheimer's Research & Therapy is the major forum for translational research into Alzheimer's disease. An international peer-reviewed journal, it publishes open access basic research with a translational focus, as well as clinical trials, research into drug discovery and development, and epidemiologic studies. The journal also provides reviews, viewpoints, commentaries, debates and reports. Although the primary focus is Alzheimer's dementia, the scope encompasses translational research into other neurodegenerative diseases.

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Alzheimer's and Dementia: Translational Research and Clinical Interventions

eISSN: 2352-8737

Alzheimer's & Dementia: Translational Research & Clinical Interventions (TRCI) is an open access, peer-reviewed, journal from the Alzheimer's Association® that covers translational research and clinical therapeutics for Alzheimer's disease, dementia and other age-related conditions affecting cognition, memory, and behavior. The journal will provide a rapid method for communication among a multidisciplinary clinical research audience involving the range of therapeutic interventions (e.g., drugs, biologicals, devices, and psychotherapeutic, psychosocial, and non-pharmacological modalities) from preclinical development to late stage trials and health technology assessment.

The focus is original, feature length research articles, systematic reviews, metaanalyses, brief reports, narrative reviews, commentaries, letters, perspectives, and research news that advance the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's disease, dementia, and cognitive impairment. The journal will publish on topics related to medicine, geriatrics, neuroscience, neurology, psychiatry, clinical psychology, bioinformatics, and health policy as they apply to preclinical and clinical therapeutics. It will focus on discovery, therapeutic development, clinical pharmacology, preclinical studies, and the application of neuropsychology, clinical ratings, clinical trials methods, neuroimaging, biomarkers, clinical research informatics, and other interdisciplinary approaches to clinical therapeutics and outcomes.

Given the growing number of specialized manuscripts in the field of Alzheimer's and dementia research, TRCI provides an expanded platform for the publication of clinical translational research. TRCI encourages the submission of manuscripts that describe preclinical research with a potential for clinical application, research from early human experimentation (experimental medicine) that may advance clinical treatment and prevention of Alzheimer pathology, neurodegeneration, and cognitive impairment.

Like Alzheimer's & Dementia, TRCI will publish manuscripts describing public health research with the potential for application for disease prevention or clinical therapeutics that bridges the laboratory and clinical settings, and laboratory studies of novel therapeutic interventions and new treatment paradigms. Expanding on the growing number of submissions to Alzheimer's & Dementia, TRCI will provide a rapid communication vehicle for manuscripts that focus on translation and clinical research methods, procedures, protocols, analytical approaches and regulatory science.

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ISSN: 0002-6980eISSN: 1745-8234

Maney delivers personalised service to authors, societies, readers and libraries for the publishing and international dissemination of high quality, peer-reviewed scholarship and research. Specialising in print and electronic journal publishing, Maney is committed to technical and editorial innovation combined with traditional values of quality and collaboration.Maney Publishing is an independent publishing company specialising in academic journals in materials science and engineering, the humanities, and health science. Maney is committed to publishing high quality journals in print and electronic formats that are international in scope and peer-reviewed. With offices in Leeds and London in the UK, and in Boston and Philadelphia in North America, Maney publishes extensively for learned societies, universities and professional bodies around the world.

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American Annals of the Deaf

ISSN: 0002-726X

For 150 years, the American Annals of the Deaf, has been a professional journal dedicated to quality in education and in related services for children and adults who are deaf and hard of hearing. The Annals publishes articles about deaf education and recent research into trends and issues in the field of deafness.

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American Health and Drug Benefits

ISSN: 1942-2962

American Heart Journal

ISSN: 0002-8703

The American Heart Journal will consider for publication suitable articles on topics pertaining to the broad discipline of cardiovascular disease. Our goal is to provide the reader primary investigation, scholarly review, and opinion concerning the practice of cardiovascular medicine. We especially encourage submission of 3 types of reports that are not frequently seen in cardiovascular journals: negative clinical studies, reports on study designs, and studies involving the organization of medical care. The Journal does not accept individual case reports or original articles involving bench laboratory or animal research.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research

ISSN: 0893-5394

American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias

ISSN: 1533-3175eISSN: 1938-2731

The American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias® (AJADD) is for and by professionals on the frontlines of Alzheimer's care, dementia, and clinical depression--especially physicians, nurses, psychiatrists, healthcare administrators, and other related healthcare specialists who deal with patients having dementias and families everyday. In every issue, you will find down-to-earth clinical information on * Practical medical, psychiatric, and nursing issues such as assessment and management of problem behaviors, communication difficulties, dealing with delusions and other psychotic features, apathy, effects of physical activity, integrated treatment approaches, new and changing pharmacotherapies, orientation behaviors, and hospice use. AJADD also includes information on management of concurrent medical issues in the patient with dementia. * New and forthcoming diagnostic tools such as computerized testing for mild cognitive impairment and other aspects of cognitive testing, as well as high technology resources for sophisticated disease characterization. AJADD also provides information on the clinical features and management of non-Alzheimer's dementias. * Psychosocial issues such as dealing with staff caregivers' distress, improving caregivers' communication skills, helping patients and families to deal with a diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease or another dementia, and patients' perceptions and preferences. * Practice-oriented clinical research from the frontiers of neurology and genetics, including sleep-wake states, targeting glutamate excitotoxicity, cholesterol and apolipoprotein E, and other aspects of the underlying biology that causes the symptoms of dementia. AJADD also reports on the latest clinical trials that focus on medications for the symptoms of dementia and the disease process. * Administrative and legal issues such as coding, consumer evaluation of adult day-care services, cost-effectiveness of special care units, dangerous wandering, end-stage dementia, informed consent, Medicare coverage for cognitively impaired residents, supervision of high-risk fall dementia patients, and vulnerable populations and avoidable hospitalizations.By 2025, it is estimated that there will be about 34 million people in the world with some form of Alzheimer's disease or other dementia. To stay ahead of the latest research, clinical practices and procedures, and administrative issues, subscribe to the American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias® today!Read the American Journal of Alzheimer's Disease and Other Dementias® call for papers.

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American Journal of Audiology

ISSN: 1059-0889eISSN: 1558-9137

The mission of the American Journal of Audiology is to offer a peer-reviewed forum for presentation and discussion of clinical audiology research, methods, and issues, and to serve as an outlet for discussion of related professional and educational issues and ideas. The clinical orientation of the journal allows for the publication of reports on audiology as implemented nationally and internationally, including novel clinical procedures, approaches, and cases.

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American Journal of Biological Anthropology

ISSN: 2692-7691eISSN: 2692-7691

The American Journal of Physical Anthropology (AJPA) is the official journal of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists. The Journal is published monthly in three quarterly volumes. In addition, two supplements appear on an annual basis, the Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, which publishes major review articles, and the Annual Meeting Issue, containing the Scientific Program of the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists and abstracts of posters and podium presentations. The Yearbook of Physical Anthropology has its own editor, appointed by the Association, and is handled independently of the AJPA. As measured by impact factor, the AJPA is among the top journals listed in the anthropology category by the Social Science Citation Index. The reputation of the AJPA as the leading publication in physical anthropology is built on its nearly century-long record of publishing high quality scientific articles in a wide range of topics. The Editor-in-Chief welcomes for consideration manuscripts that contribute to an understanding of the evolution of members of the order Primates, with particular emphasis on human biological evolution and variation. Within this framework, the AJPA publishes in established areas, including human biology and non-human primate behavior, and also seeks submissions in new and developing fronts that contribute to the growth of the science and increased understanding of human and non-human primate evolution. The AJPA publishes scientific articles without page charges, as well as invited commentaries, book reviews, and short communications dealing mostly with methodological and technical issues. Manuscripts submitted elsewhere will not be considered for publication. The Editor-in-Chief seeks input on cover design from the AJPA readership. Authors are encouraged to submit illustrative materials for inclusion on the cover. Research manuscripts should be sent to the Office of the Editor-in-Chief. Invited book reviews should be sent to the Associate Editor for Book Reviews. The Office of the Editor-in-Chief is located at the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. The AJPA is a peer-reviewed scientific publication. The Editor-in-Chief works with the assistance of Associate Editors appointed by the Executive Committee of the Association, and seeks advice of reviewers recommended by the Associate Editors. The review process is anonymous.

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American Journal of Blood Research

eISSN: 2160-1992
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American Journal of Cancer Research

eISSN: 2156-6976
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American Journal of Cardiology

ISSN: 0002-9149

Published 24 times a year, The American Journal of Cardiology® is an independent journal designed for cardiovascular disease specialists and internists with a subspecialty in cardiology throughout the world. AJC is an independent, scientific, peer-reviewed journal of original articles that focus on the practical, clinical approach to the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular disease. AJC has one of the fastest acceptance to publication times in Cardiology. Features report on systemic hypertension, methodology, drugs, pacing, arrhythmia, preventive cardiology, congestive heart failure, valvular heart disease, congenital heart disease, and cardiomyopathy. Also included are editorials, readers' comments, and symposia.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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