The British Journal of Radiology is the official peer-reviewed monthly research journal of the British Institute of Radiology.The peer-review system ensures that only work of the highest academic standing is accepted for publication. The time from submission to first decision averages 54 days. Accepted papers are normally published rapidly - average handling time is 6 months from acceptance to print publication, while papers can be published online with a DOI and PubMed ID on BJR Advance within 3 months of acceptance.It is a multidisciplinary journal covering all clinical and technical aspects of diagnostic imaging, radiotherapy and oncology, medical physics and radiobiology. The multidisciplinary approach of the journal enables readers to keep up-to-date with developments in their own as well as related fields.BJR is essential reading for radiologists, medical physicists, radiotherapists, radiographers and radiobiologists. Articles included in BJR cover a wide range of subjects, including diagnostic radiology, radiotherapy, oncology, nuclear medicine, ultrasound, radiation physics, radiation protection and radiobiology.The journal publishes original Research Papers from leading centres internationally. It also contains Editorials, Commentaries, Review Articles, Short Communications, Pictorial Reviews, Letters to the Editor, Book Reviews, and a Case of the Month feature.
British Journal of Sports Medicine (BJSM) is a multi-media information portal that provides original research, reviews and debate relating to clinically-relevant aspects of sport and exercise medicine. We contribute to innovation (research), education (teaching and learning) and knowledge translation (implementing research into practice and policy). We use web, print, video and audio material to serve the international sport and exercise medicine community.
With an impact factor of 4.444, BJS is the premier surgical journal in Europe and one of the top six surgical periodicals in the world. Its international readership is reflected in the prestigious international Editorial Board, supported by a panel of over 1200 reviewers worldwide. BJS features the very best in clinical and laboratory-based research on all aspects of general surgery and related topics. Developing areas such as minimally invasive therapy and interventional radiology are strongly represented. The inclusion of Leading articles, Reviews and Original Articles means that the BJS; offers an appropriate format for any length or type of submission. In addition there are abstracts from key meetings, correspondence, and book reviews. BJS will be of interest not only to general surgeons, but also to specialty surgeons and those working in related fields.
The British Journal of Visual Impairment is an interdisciplinary peer-reviewed publication concerned with social research, policy and practice. The journal publishes articles on visual impairment relevant to education, health, welfare, employment and the application of technology. BJVI is for all professionals concerned with children and adults who have a visual impairment and is a forum for all views on related subjects.
British Medical Bulletin is a multidisciplinary publication, which comprises high quality reviews aimed at generalist physicians, junior doctors and medical students in both developed and developing countries.Its key aims are to provide interpretations of growing points in medicine by trusted experts in the field, and to assist practitioners in incorporating not just evidence but new conceptual ways of thinking into their practice.British Medical Bulletin publishes reviews on a wide range of subjects which are available online as subject-based collections. New review articles are published online as soon as they are ready for publication and users can quickly browse for articles by subject category and online index. Please follow the Reviews by Subject link here or via the journal homepage.Please note that the British Medical Bulletin does not accept unsolicited submissions. All published reviews in the journal are commissioned by the Editorial Board.Printed archival versions of the journal are published quarterly. Each issue contains collections of articles previously published online over the preceding 3 months.
From its first volume in 1960, British Poultry Science has been a leading international journal for poultry scientists and advisers to the poultry industry throughout the world.Over 60% of the independently refereed papers published originate outside the UK. Most typically they report the results of biological studies with an experimental approach which either make an original contribution to fundamental science or are of obvious application to the industry. Subjects which are covered include: anatomy, embryology, biochemistry, biophysics, physiology, reproduction and genetics, behaviour, microbiology, endocrinology, nutrition, environmental science, food science, feeding stuffs and feeding, management and housing welfare, breeding, hatching, poultry meat and egg yields and quality.Papers that adopt a modelling approach or describe the scientific background to new equipment or apparatus directly relevant to the industry are also published. The journal also features rapid publication of Short Communications. Summaries of papers presented at the Spring Meeting of the UK Branch of the WPSA are now published in British Poultry Abstracts. British Poultry Science Travel Grants British Poultry Science is also a recognised charity and the terms of the foundation allow for support in the way of travel grants to conferences and study courses for Poultry Scientists (especially those starting on their careers). Also any project advancing Poultry Science can be considered. Details from Disclaimer British Poultry Science Ltd and Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, British Poultry Science Ltd and Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of British Poultry Science Ltd and Taylor & Francis.
La référence de l'exercice médicalRédigé par des spécialistes à l'intention d'une Communauté pluridisciplinaire, le Bulletin de l'Académie nationale de médecine est au service de toutes les professions médicales, médecins et pharmaciens, biologistes, vétérinaires ainsi que de l'Administration et des institutions intervenant dans le domaine de la santé.Les mémoires originaux et les mises au point sur des thèmes d'actualité sont associés au compte rendu des discussions qui ont suivi leur présentation. Les rapports des commissions sur l'éthique médicale, l'exercice de la profession, les questions hospitalières, la politique du médicament et l'enseignement de la médecine, justifient les recommandations de l'Académie.Un témoignage de l'histoire de la médecineSource de documentation strictement indépendante, le Bulletin est depuis 1836 la mémoire de l'Académie et constitue un témoignage irremplaçable pour l'histoire de la médecine.
Le Bulletin de la Société de pathologie exotique (Bull. Soc. Pathol. Exot.) et la société savante (SPE) dont il est la vitrine ont été créés en 1908 par Alphonse Laveran, lauréat du prix Nobel de médecine l'année précédente pour ses travaux sur les protozoaires et la découverte de l’agent du paludisme. Destiné, dans un premier temps, à servir de support à la publication des travaux des sociétaires présentés en séance sous forme de communication ou de mémoire, ce périodique est devenu, au fil du temps, une revue internationale francophone multidisciplinaire, ouverte à tous les médecins, vétérinaires, anthropologues et chercheurs travaillant dans le domaine de la médecine tropicale humaine et animale et de la santé publique dans les pays en voie de développement. Le Bulletin de la SPE leur offre la possibilité de faire connaître leurs travaux sous forme d'articles ou de courtes notes, après acceptation par un comité de rédaction rigoureux appuyé par un comité de lecture constitué de spécialistes reconnus sur le plan international. L'intégralité des analyses et des critiques des lecteurs étant renvoyée aux auteurs, le bulletin joue également un rôle dans la formation universitaire et post-universitaire. Lorsque les auteurs de l'article ne sont pas francophones, les textes en anglais sont acceptés. Le Bulletin de la SPE (5 numéros par an), organe de liaison des professionnels de santé tropicale francophones, publie régulièrement, sous forme de résumés, les communications présentées aux réunions décentralisées de la SPE et à celles d'autres sociétés savantes, nationales et internationales impliquées dans la recherche en médecine tropicale. Les rubriques proposées vont de la virologie à l’anthropologie médicale en passant, entre autres, par la bactériologie, la mycologie, la parasitologie, la clinique, l'épidémiologie, la santé publique, la thérapeutique, l'entomologie, médicale… Dix-huit mois après leur parution, tous les articles sont accessibles gratuitement sur le site Internet de la SPE.
From Biology to Clinical practice : a modern approach of oncologyWhile giving space to review articles and paying more attention to biological aspects, the Bulletin du Cancer maintains a highly scientific clinical and therapeutic approach.The Bulletin du Cancer is one of the best scientific publications in the French language in the realm of cancerology. It is listed in the leading international databases.The Bulletin du Cancer is the official organ of the French Cancer Society.The online version of Bulletin du Cancer is available. All articles published since 1997 can now be accessed online. Recent articles are available by pay per view or by subscription while older ones have free access.
The Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology provides rapid publication of peer-reviewed articles describing significant advances and discoveries in the fields of air, soil, water, and food contamination and pollution as well as articles on methodology and other disciplines concerned with the introduction, presence and effects of toxicants in the total environment. With its high standards of scientific quality and clarity, the Bulletin provides a meeting ground for research workers who daily encounter problems related to the contamination of our environment and who welcome opportunities to share in new discoveries as soon as they are made.
Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine is a translation of two Russian journals: Byulleten Eksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny and Kletochnye Tekhnologii v Biologii i Meditsine. Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine presents original peer reviewed research papers and brief reports on priority new research results in physiology, biochemistry, biophysics, pharmacology, immunology, microbiology, genetics, oncology, and other topics. Recently introduced sections of the journal, entitled Biogerontology and Human Ecology cover novel trends in science. World scientific interest in stem cells prompted inclusion into Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine a quarterly scientific journal called Cell Technologies in Biology and Medicine. This publishes only original papers from the leading research institutions on molecular biology of stem and progenitor cells, stem cell as the basis of gene therapy, molecular language of cell-to-cell communication, cytokines, chemokines, growth and other factors
The leading journal in its field for more than three quarters of a century, the Bulletin is the official publication of the American Association for the History of Medicine and the Johns Hopkins Institute of the History of Medicine. Each issue spans the social, cultural, and scientific aspects of the history of medicine worldwide and includes reviews of recent books on medical history.
The Bulletin of the World Health Organization is published monthly in English, with French and Spanish summaries for each article by the World Health Organization (WHO). Established for more than 50 years as a leading research journal, the Bulletin of the World Health Organization was expanded in 1999. In line with sweeping changes preparing WHO for the new century, the Bulletin quickened its pace of publication and extended its editorial scope. Contributions from the social and behavioural sciences added to extend the journal's traditional coverage of biomedical and scientific research. Support from a prestigious Editorial Board, as well as from an extensive group of reviewers, has raised the standards of manuscript appraisal and acceptance even higher. By placing research findings and policy-relevant discussions side by side, the Bulletin aims to stimulate debate on public health policy and practice based on the best evidence available, while also encouraging closer links between scientific investigation and the challenge of helping populations to lead healthier lives. In selecting articles for publication, the editors continue to give priority to original findings that advance understanding of health problems - and ways to solve them - in a world where health concerns every country, and diseases respect no boundaries. Its abbreviated title, Bull World Health Organ, should be used in bibliographies, footnotes and bibliographical references and strips.
Die Monatszeitschrift Bundesgesundheitsblatt – Gesundheitsforschung – Gesundheitsschutz umfasst alle Fragestellungen und Bereiche, mit denen sich das öffentliche Gesundheitswesen und die staatliche Gesundheitspolitik auseinandersetzt. Ziel ist es, zum einen über wesentliche Entwicklungen in der biologisch-medizinischen Grundlagenforschung auf dem Laufenden zu halten und zum anderen über konkrete Maßnahmen zum Gesundheitsschutz, über Konzepte der Prävention, Risikoabwehr und Gesundheitsförderung zu informieren. Wichtige Themengebiete sind die Epidemiologie übertragbarer Krankheiten, der umweltbezogene Gesundheitsschutz sowie gesundheitsökonomische, medizinethische und -rechtliche Fragestellungen. Eine Sektion – Bekanntmachungen/Amtliche Mitteilungen – am Ende jeden Heftes enthält offizielle Verlautbarungen der Herausgeberinstitute.