Acta Haematologica Polonica jest oficjalnym czasopismem Polskiego Towarzystwa Hematologów i Transfuzjologów oraz Instytutu Hematologii i Transfuzjologii zwiazanym z polska hematologia i transfuzjologia od 1970 roku. Pismo publikuje zarówno prace oryginalne doswiadczalne, opisy przypadków jak równiez prace pogladowe i edukacyjne. Tematyka prac publikowanych w Acta Haematologica Polonica obejmuje zagadnienia fizjologii oraz patologii w hematologii i transfuzjologii miedzy innymi dotyczace leukocytów, erytrocytów, plytek krwi, ukladu odpornosciowego, mechanizmów hemostazy oraz aspektów klinicznych rozrostowych chorób hematologicznych.
Acta Oncologica is one of the leading journals in clinical oncology and related disciplines, and accepts articles within all fields of clinical cancer research from applied basic research to cancer nursing and psychological aspects of cancer.
Le Journal Africain du Cancer / African Journal of Cancer (JAC), créé sous l'égide de l'association Afrocancer est une revue scientifique et médicale internationale d'information et de formation sur le cancer. Son objectif est de favoriser et de promouvoir la lutte contre les pathologies tumorales sur le continent africain.La revue publie des travaux de recherche aussi bien fondamentale que clinique, principalement en langue française mais aussi anglaise. Elle présente et analyse les stratégies individuelles et collectives de prévention, ainsi que les approches médicales et thérapeutiques allant du diagnostic aux soins palliatifs.
Le JAC s'ouvre à tous les aspects de la cancérologie - de l’épidémiologie aux innovations biotechnologiques, ainsi qu'aux sciences humaines, sociales et environnementales - et souligne les disparités régionales, les influences culturelles et les réalités socio-économiques relatives à la lutte contre la maladie en Afrique. La revue présente sur un mode didactique les informations sur le cancer en Afrique afin de les rendre profitables à ses lecteurs.Véritable lieu d'échanges visant à établir des ponts de coopération entre acteurs du Nord et du Sud, la revue a pour objectif de relever, ensemble, les multiples défis du cancer.La revue est accréditée par le CAMES (Conseil africain et malgache pour l’enseignement supérieur).The American Journal of Clinical Oncology is a multidisciplinary journal for cancer surgeons, radiation oncologists, medical oncologists, gynecologic oncologists, and pediatric oncologists. Under the leadership of David E. Wazer, MD, the journal focuses on combined modality multidisciplinary loco-regional management of cancer. The journal also gives emphasis to translational research, outcome studies, and cost utility analyses, and includes opinion pieces and review articles. Published BimonthlyWebsite:
Analytical Cellular Pathology provides a forum for pathologists and medical practitioners working in the cellular pathology field. Topics covered include cytology, carcinogenesis, cell receptors, biomarkers, diagnostic pathology, and immunopathology.
Annals of Oncology is devoted to the rapid publication of editorials, reviews, original articles and letters related to oncology, particularly medical oncology. Its character, however, is multidisciplinary, and contributions on clinically-oriented laboratory research, surgery and radiotherapy are assured by the presence of representatives of these disciplines among the Associate Editors and Editorial Board.Annals of Oncology is the official journal of the European Society for Medical Oncology. Since 2008 the Journal is also affiliated with the Japanese Society of Medical Oncology. For more information on this collaboration please click here for the original announcement.Annals of Oncology covers the following areas: * Breast cancer * Gastrointestinal tumours * Lung cancer * Urogenital tumours * Hematologic malignancies * Head and neck cancer * Sarcomas * Gynecologic cancer * Quality of life and supportive care * Phase I studies * Phase II studies * Phase III studies * Translational science.
Annals of Surgical Oncology is one of the leading journals in Oncology and Surgery. Annals is a monthly publication that features original articles on the latest advances in oncology for surgeons from all specialties.
Annals is currently included in the following indexing services in print and/or electronic format: Index Medicus, Current Contents/Clinical Medicine, Excerpta Medica, Science Citation Index and Science Citation Index Expanded.Annals benefits surgeons, oncologists, hematologists, radiologists, general practitioners, pathologists, researchers, academicians, and other clinical professionals interested in all aspects of the surgical treatment of cancer.Annals of Surgical Oncology is the official journal of the Society of Surgical Oncology.Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry aims to cover all the latest and outstanding developments in medicinal chemistry and rational drug design for the discovery of anti-cancer agents.
Anti-Cancer Drugs reports both clinical and experimental results related to anti-cancer drugs, and welcomes contributions on anti-cancer drug design, drug delivery, pharmacology, hormonal and biological modalities and chemotherapy evaluation. An internationally refereed journal devoted to the fast publication of innovative investigations on therapeutic agents against cancer, Anti-Cancer Drugs aims to stimulate and report research on both toxic and non-toxic anti-cancer agents. Consequently, the scope on the journal will cover both conventional cytotoxic chemotherapy and hormonal or biological response modalities such as interleukins and immunotherapy.
The aim of the International Institute of Anticancer Research (IIAR) is to provide an independent platform for international cooperation in the fight against cancer. The IIAR will advance, protect and support throughout the world the ideals of freedom, peace, health, scientific knowledge, equality, welfare and mutual respect among communities in science and life.This site provides information on the aims and activities of the IIAR, including current cancer research projects and invitations for cooperation.The IIAR is supported by the three international peer-reviewed journals ANTICANCER RESEARCH, IN VIVO and CANCER GENOMICS & PROTEOMICS which are also available online through the Stanford University HighWire Press.
Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology is a multidisciplinary journal of oncology that aims to be a forum for facilitating collaboration and exchanging information on what is happening in different countries of the Asia-Pacific region in relation to cancer treatment and care. The Journal is ideally positioned to receive publications that deal with diversity in cancer behavior, management and outcome related to ethnic, cultural, economic and other differences between populations. In addition to original articles, the Journal publishes reviews, editorials, letters to the Editor and short communications. Case reports are generally not considered for publication, only exceptional papers in which Editors find extraordinary oncological value may be considered for review. The Journal encourages clinical studies, particularly prospectively designed clinical trials.