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ISSN: 0934-8387
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ISSN: 1105-848XeISSN: 1791-4914
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Pneumonologia i Alergologia Polska

ISSN: 0867-7077eISSN: 2299-8292
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Pulmonary Circulation

ISSN: 2045-8932eISSN: 2045-8940
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Pulmonary Medicine

ISSN: 2090-1836eISSN: 2090-1844

Pulmonary Medicine is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles, review articles, and clinical studies in all areas of pulmonary medicine.

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Pulmonary Pharmacology and Therapeutics

ISSN: 1094-5539eISSN: 1522-9629

Pulmonary Pharmacology and Therapeutics (formerly Pulmonary Pharmacology) is concerned with lung pharmacology from molecular to clinical aspects. The subject matter encompasses the major diseases of the lung including asthma, cystic fibrosis, pulmonary circulation, ARDS, carcinoma, bronchitis, emphysema and drug delivery. Laboratory and clinical research on man and animals will be considered including studies related to chemotherapy of cancer, tuberculosis and infection. In addition to original research papers the journal will include review articles and book reviews.Research Areas Include:• All major diseases of the lung• Physiology• Pathology• Drug delivery• Metabolism• Pulmonary ToxicologyBefore submitting, please note the "Rules of 5" defining immediate rejection criteria of PPT:1. Out of scope: The paper should report on the use of pharmacological or toxicological studies (positive or negative) that are directly related to Pulmonary Pharmacology & Therapeutics.Immediate rejection criteria are: a) Testing of extracts or plant parts that are not characterized b) Case Reports or n=1 studies2. Too preliminary: A paper must be based on a thorough and extensive study, using proper controlsImmediate rejection criteria are: a) In vitro studies with a single dose, or very high concentration b) Single dose studies with very few animals, no dose-response studies c) No proper controls. d) Repetition or confirmation of an earlier work3. Unethical: The study must have been carried under appropriate ethical approval for the study (either animal or human).4. Inappropriate experiments or lacking essential detailImmediate rejection criteria are: a) Wrong species or lacking details on the exact number of animals/subjects used b) No details of structure if a new drug is used for the first time5. Lack of novelty: The study must represent a novel approach to the field.Immediate rejection criteria are: a) Repetition of well known data b) No advance of knowledge in the fieldNote that only manuscripts written in good English will be considered by the Editors (British usage is preferred).

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ISSN: 0869-0189eISSN: 2541-9617


ISSN: 0025-7931eISSN: 1423-0356

Respiration brings together the results of both clinical and experimental investigations on all aspects of the respiratory system in health and disease. Clinical improvements in the diagnosis and treatment of chest and lung diseases are covered, as are the latest findings in physiology, biochemistry, pathology, immunology, and pharmacology. The journal includes classic features such as editorials that accompany original articles in clinical and basic science research, reviews, and letters to the editor. Further sections are: “The Eye Catcher”, “What’s Your Diagnosis?”, “New Insights from Clinical Practice”, and “Guidelines”.

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Respiratory Care

ISSN: 0020-1324

Respiratory Investigation

ISSN: 2212-5345

Aims & ScopeRespiratory Investigation formerly known as Nihon Kokyuki Gakkaizasshi (The Journal of the Japanese Respiratory Society) is the official journal in English of the Japanese Respiratory Society It reports significant original manuscripts on clinical investigations of respiratory diseases and medicines, along with articles concerning basic lung cellular and molecular biology and respiratory mechanics. In particular, to better understand the regional characteristics of respiratory disorders, investigations based on current knowledge of genomic specificity of the East Asian ethnics are welcome. The journal presents current accomplishments in this field as Original Articles, Case Reports, Reviews and Guidelines, Editorials, and Letters to the Editor. The journal accepts contributions from nonmembers of the Society. Please prepare manuscripts in conformance with the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (

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Respiratory Medicine

ISSN: 0954-6111

Contact the Editorial Office respiratorymedicine@elsevier.comRespiratory Medicine is an internationally-renowned journal devoted to the rapid publication of clinically-relevant respiratory medicine research. It combines cutting-edge original research with state-of-the-art reviews dealing with all aspects of respiratory diseases and therapeutic interventions. Topics include adult and paediatric medicine, epidemiology, immunology and cell biology, physiology, occupational disorders, and the role of allergens and pollutants.Respiratory Medicine is increasingly the journal of choice for publication of phased trial work, commenting on effectiveness, dosage and methods of action.To order this journal online, visit

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Respiratory Medicine Case Reports

eISSN: 2213-0071

Respiratory Medicine Case Reports is an open access, respiratory journal dedicated to publishing case reports. Case reports must be authentic, understandable, educational and clinically interesting to an international audience of respiratory physicians, trainees and researchers in all respiratory subspecialties, as well as clinicians in related fields. All case reports submitted are peer reviewed and if accepted for publication, authors are notified of this decision and requested to pay an Article Processing Fee of £250 (US$400, Euro 308, JP Yen 30,796) per article (exclusive of VAT which will be charged by Elsevier at the relevant local rate). Following payment of this fee, the article is made universally available to all on Submission of Manuscripts to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Respiratory Medicine and Research

ISSN: 2590-0412eISSN: 2590-0412

Une ouverture privilégiée sur la Pneumologie et ses disciplines frontièresÉcrite par des cliniciens pour les cliniciens, la Revue de Pneumologie Clinique traite des aspects cliniques en Pneumologie et de sujets plus fondamentaux de physiopathologie et d'immunologie pulmonaire.La revue propose des rubriques variées : Articles originaux, Cas cliniques, Revues générales, Mises au point, Enseignement pratique, Lettres à l'éditeur, actualités et Controverses.Un support de formation médicale continueLa Revue de Pneumologie Clinique constitue un excellent moyen d'actualiser vos connaissances et de suivre de près les évolutions de la discipline.Par ailleurs, chaque année, la revue publie un numéro thématique.Depuis 2007, retrouvez la Revue de Pneumologie Clinique dans une nouvelle présentation, conçue pour soutenir l'orientation didactique de la publication, sous l'autorité d'un Comité de Rédaction renouvelé

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Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology

ISSN: 1569-9048eISSN: 1878-1519

Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology publishes original articles and invited reviews concerning physiology and pathophysiology of respiration in its broadest sense. Although a special focus is on topics in neurobiology, high quality papers in respiratory molecular and cellular biology are also welcome, as are high-quality papers in traditional areas, such as mechanics of breathing; gas exchange and acid-base balance; respiration at rest and exercise; respiration in unusual conditions, like high or low pressure or changes of temperature, low ambient oxygen; embryonic and adult respiration; comparative respiratory physiology. Papers on clinical aspects, articles on original methods, as well as theoretical papers are also considered as long as they foster the understanding of respiratory physiology and pathophysiology.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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ISSN: 1323-7799eISSN: 1440-1843

Respirology is a journal of international standing, publishing peer-reviewed articles of scientific excellence in clinical and experimental respiratory biology and disease and its related fields of research including thoracic surgery, internal medicine, immunology, intensive and critical care, epidemiology, cell and molecular biology, pathology, pharmacology, physiology and peadiatric respiratory medicine. The Journal aims to encourage the international exchange of results and encourages papers in the following categories: Original Articles, Editorials and Reviews, Clinical Notes and Letters to the Editor.

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Respirology Case Reports

eISSN: 2051-3380

Respirology Case Reports is an open-access online journal dedicated to the publication of original clinical case reports, case series, clinical images and clinical videos in all fields of respiratory medicine. The Journal encourages the international exchange between clinicians and researchers of experiences in diagnosing and treating uncommon diseases or diseases with unusual presentations.

All manuscripts are peer-reviewed through a streamlined process that aims at providing a rapid turnaround time from submission to publication.

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Revista Portuguesa de Pneumologia

ISSN: 0873-2159

A Revista Portuguesa de Pneumologia é a revista oficial da Sociedade Portuguesa de Pneumologia (SPP). Publicam-se 6 números por ano, dando prioridade aos estudos relacionados com as doenças respiratorias do adulto e de investigação clínica. A revista publica artigos originais submetidos ao sistema de revisão por pares (peer review), revisões, editoriais e artigos de opinião. A revista imprime-se em português, e tanto a versão em português como uma versão em inglês estarão disponiveis de forma livre na página web da revista e na PubMed e outras das principais bases de dados.Revista Portuguesa de Pneumologia is the official journal of the Portuguese Society of Pulmonology (Sociedade Portuguesa de Pneumologia/SPP). The journal publishes 6 issues per year, mainly about respiratory system diseases in adults and clinical research. This work can range from peer-reviewed original articles to review articles, editorials, and opinion articles. The journal is printed in Portuguese, and is freely available both in Portuguese and in English in its web page as well as in Medline and other databases.

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Revista de Patologia Respiratoria

ISSN: 1576-9895eISSN: 2173-920X

Revista del Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias

ISSN: 0187-7585

Revue des Maladies Respiratoires

ISSN: 0761-8425eISSN: 1776-2588

La Revue des Maladies Respiratoires (Rev Mal Respir) est un outil de formation professionnelle pour tous les acteurs impliqués directement ou indirectement dans la prise en charge des patients atteints de pathologie respiratoire. La Revue publie en langue française les travaux de recherche de qualité issus des équipes francophones ainsi que des documents de formation concernant les maladies respiratoires, dans le cadre des rubriques suivantes : Editoriaux, Articles originaux, Revues générales (souvent dans le cadre de Séries thématiques), Synthèses ou Mises au point, Recommandations d´experts et textes de consensus, Fiches techniques, Cas cliniques ou articles « images et diagnostics », Lettres à la rédaction.Les suppléments thématiques de la Revue des Maladies Respiratoires Actualités (Rev Mal Respir Actual) permettent la publication de compte-rendus et résumés de congrès (Missions CPLF, Mission ATS, Mission ERS), des synthèses bibliographiques sur les publications marquantes en Pneumologie (L´année Pneumo) et des textes de formations issues de diverses réunions organisées sous l´égide de la Société de Pneumologie de Langue Française.

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