La revue des soins palliatifs, des soins de support, de l'accompagnement et de l'éthique et pratique médicalesUn lieu d'information et de réflexionOutil de transmission et d'échange des différents savoirs scientifiques, Médecine palliative vous permettra d'enrichir et d'élargir vos connaissances grâce à une approche globale, transversale et pluridisciplinaire.Un lieu d'échange et de rencontre entre les différents spécialistesLes différents acteurs, professionnels ou non, impliqués dans la prise en charge palliative et continue ainsi que dans l'accompagnement et dans la réflexion éthique rendent compte de leurs travaux, de leurs expériences, de leur vécu, de leur dynamisme et de leur complémentarité.Un contenu scientifique riche dans sa diversitéRetrouvez une information variée : synthèses sur des sujets médicaux, publications d'études originales, rapports de pratiques, informations professionnelles, expériences partagées, analyses de presse, agenda...
Médecine des maladies Métaboliques se consacre aux différents aspects des pathologies du métabolisme en diabétologie mais également en nutrition. Elle aborde également les risques cardio-vasculaires liés. La revue vous propose dans chaque numéro un dossier thématique composé de plusieurs mises au point qui vous permet de mettre à jour vos connaissances. Médecine des maladies Métabolique est avant tout un support de formation grâce à ses nombreuses rubriques pratiques : Pour la science, Stratégie thérapeutique, Éducation thérapeutique, Quoi de neuf, Lecture critique d'articles, Recommandation...; Lieu privilégié de débat et de controverse, la revue offre, de plus, une tribune à des experts ou à des praticiens de terrain dont les positions diffèrent pour discuter du bénéficie d'une molécule, de la pertinence d'une grande étude ou d'un nouveau concept.Toute en couleur, et riches de nombreuses illustrations elle vous offre une information de qualit avec une lecture agréable et fluide.
Retrouvez dans chaque numéro les rubriques suivantes :- ActualitésToute l'actualité sur la profession, la santé, la prévention et la législation concernant l'enfant et son environnement ; la définition d'un mot des professionnels de la petite enfance.Un " échos d'Europe "; proposé trimestriellement par l'association Le Furet, reflet des préoccupations professionnelles de nos voisins.- SociétéDes faits de société, des sujets d'actualité...- PsychologieL'analyse de sujets précis tel que la bientraitance ou la pédagogie à suivre dans une situation donnée par exemple, tout en restant accessible à tous.- DossierDes thèmes de réflexion abordés sous plusieurs angles : théorique, pédagogique ou juridique.- PratiqueDes repères pratiques, des idées nouvelles pour susciter la réflexion personnelle ou d'équipe.- GuideToutes les informations pour la gestion de votre formation et de votre carrière : nouveaux produits, agenda, livres, offres d'emploi et de formation.- EN NOUVEAUTÉSChaque mois, une fiche " Éveil "; à conserver, pour découvrir de nouvelles activités ludiques à réaliser avec les tout-petits. Classées par thème, elles suivent le calendrier des évènements et des saisons.
• Understanding the role of dietary factors (macronutrients and micronutrients, phytochemicals, bioactive lipids and peptides etc.) in disease prevention and maintenance of optimum health
• Prevention of diet- and age-related pathologies by nutritional approaches
• Advances in food technology and food formulation (e.g. novel strategies to reduce salt, sugar, or trans-fat contents etc.)
• Nutrition and food genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics
• Identification and characterization of food components
• Dietary sources and intake of nutrients and bioactive compounds
• Food authentication and quality
• Nanotechnology in nutritional and food sciences
• (Bio-) Functional properties of foods
• Development and validation of novel analytical and research methods
• Age- and gender-differences in biological activities and the bioavailability of vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals and other dietary factors
• Food safety and toxicology
• Food and nutrition security
• Sustainability of food production
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This highly respected and frequently cited journal is a prime source of information in the area of fetal and neonatal research. Original papers present research on all aspects of neonatology, fetal medicine and developmental biology. These papers encompass both basic science and clinical research including randomized trials, novel observational studies and epidemiology. Basic science research covers molecular biology, molecular genetics, physiology, biochemistry and pharmacology in fetal and neonatal life. In addition to the classic features the journal accepts papers for sections "Research Briefings", "Sources of Neonatal Medicine" (historical pieces) and "Global Neonatal Research". Papers reporting the results of animal studies should be based upon hypotheses that relate to developmental processes or disorders in the human fetus or neonate.
For key insights into today's practice of neuropediatrics neurology, Neuropediatrics is the worldwide journal of choice. Original articles, case reports and panel discussions are the distinctive features of a journal that always keeps abreast of current developments and trends - the reason it has developed into an internationally recognized forum for specialists throughout the world.Pediatricians, neurologists, neurosurgeons, and neurobiologists will find it essential reading.Good reasons to subscribe:* Up-to-date information on cutting edge topics* Developments, techniques and topical research* Rigourous, independant peer-reviewing system* International and esteemed Editorial Board* Free online access to the journal with individual subscriptionsMEDLINE, Current Contents/Life Sciences, Science Citation Index, Bio-Sciences Information Services of Biological Abstracts, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, and SCOPUS.
New Genetics and Society aims: * To provide a focus for interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary, leading-edge social science research on the new genetics and related biosciences; * To publish theoretical and empirical contributions reflecting its multi-faceted development; * To provide an international platform for critical reflection and debate; * To be the primary resource for the many related professions, including health, medicine and the law, wishing to keep abreast of fast changing developments. To achieve these aims, New Genetics and Society will publish papers on the social aspects of the new genetics (widely defined), including genetic engineering and modification; genomics, proteomics, and systems biology; and the rapidly developing biosciences such as biomedical and reproductive therapies and technologies, xenotransplantation, and stem cell research. The focus will be on developing a better understanding of the social, legal, ethical and policy aspects, including their local and global management and organisation. Disclaimer Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.
Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews provides clinically relevant information that you can use daily. It's coverage goes beyond the scope of traditional NICU nursing, exploring concerns relevant to care outside of the neonatal period and the confines of the hospital.Each quarterly issue addresses a single topic, providing in-depth discussions of diagnosis, treatment, nursing implications/applications, new developments, clinical/evidence-based research, and controversies in the field. You'll also find case studies related to the issue topic.Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews now includes regular columns that you can count on in every issue. Each column will relate to the issue's subject matter. Look forward to these columns: International Issues, Research Corner, Family, and Pharmacology. Plus, you will now find a crossword puzzle or related activity in every issue.2011 Topics, Volume 11, Issues 1-4MarchSimulation-Based LearningMichele DeGraziaJuneInternational IssuesCarole KennerSeptemberNeuroprotective StrategiesJackie McGrathDecemberHigher-Order MultiplesJudy Lewis
Nordic Journal of Music Therapy NJMT is published in collaboration with GAMUT - The Grieg Academy Music Therapy Research Centre (Uni Health and University of Bergen), with financial support from Nordic Board for Periodicals in the Humanities and Social Sciences and in co-operation with university programs and organizations of music therapy in the Nordic and Baltic countries.The Nordic Journal of Music Therapy serves the international community of music therapy by being an avenue for publication of scholarly articles, texts on practice, theory and research, dialogues and discussions, reviews and critique. Publication of the journal is based on the collaboration between the music therapy communities in the five Nordic countries of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden and the three Baltic Countries of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. This international but still regional foundation offers a platform for development of communication with the broader international community of music therapy. Scholars from all over the world are welcomed to write in the journal. Any kind of scholarly articles related to the field of music therapy are welcomed. All articles are reviewed by two referees and by the editors, to ensure the quality of the journal. Since the field of music therapy is still young, we work hard to make the review process a constructive learning experience for the author. The Nordic Journal of Music Therapy does not step aside from active engagement in the development of the discipline, in order to stimulate multicultural, meta-theoretical and philosophical discussions, and new and diverse forms of inquiry. The journal also stimulates reflections on music as the medium that defines the discipline. Perspectives inspired by musicology and ethnomusicology are therefore welcomed. In addition to scholarly articles we will look for other ways of facilitating the music therapy discourse, and we put effort into presenting interviews and dialogues that can stimulate this, as well as reviews of important books in the field. Disclaimer The Grieg Academy Music Therapy Research Centre and Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the "Content") contained in its publications. However, the Society and Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether expressed or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are not the views of the Society and Taylor &Francis.
Nurse Education Today is the leading international journal providing a forum for the publication of high quality original research, review and debate in the discussion of nursing, midwifery and interprofessional health care education, publishing papers which contribute to the advancement of educational theory and pedagogy that support the evidence-based practice for educationalists worldwide. The journal stimulates and values critical scholarly debate on issues that have strategic relevance for leaders of health care education.The journal publishes the highest quality scholarly contributions reflecting the diversity of people, health and education systems worldwide, by publishing research that employs rigorous methodology as well as by publishing papers that highlight the theoretical underpinnings of education and systems globally. The journal will publish papers that show depth, rigour, originality and high standards of presentation, in particular, work that is original, analytical and constructively critical of both previous work and current initiatives.Authors are invited to submit original research, systematic and scholarly reviews, and critical papers which will stimulate debate on research, policy, theory or philosophy of nursing and related health care education, and which will meet and develop the journal's high academic and ethical standards.The journal employs a double blind peer review process for all submissions and its current Impact Factor is 1.218 making it one of the leading nursing education journals (© Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports 2013).
Nurse Education in Practice enables lecturers and practitioners to both share and disseminate evidence that demonstrates the actual practice of education as it is experienced in the realities of their respective work environments, that is both in the University/faculty and clinical settings. It is supportive of new authors and is at the forefront in publishing individual and collaborative papers that demonstrate the link between education and practice.Nursing is a discipline that is grounded in its practice origins - nurse educators utilise research-based evidence to promote good practice in education in all its fields. A strength of this journal is that it seeks to promote the development of a body of evidence to underpin the foundation of nurse education practice, as well as promoting and publishing education focused papers from other health care professions which have the same underpinning philosophy.Case studies and innovative developments that demonstrate how nursing and health care educators teach and facilitate learning, together with reflection and action that seeks to transform their professional practice will be promoted.The opportunity to stimulate debate is encouraged as is the promotion of evidence-based nursing education internationally.New sections:Learning and teaching in practicePapers which focus on nursing education in the clinical/practice environment, from clinical staff involved in the education of student nurses in practice, as well as educators involved in the development of the workforce through post-qualifying education and training initiatives, are welcomed. It is essential that, as in other areas of nursing education, the evidence-base to education in the clinical environment is developed, where student nurses learn to become nurses; and professional caring practitioners develop and maintain their own knowledge and skills in order to transform the way they develop and deliver quality care to their patients and clients. One field that this is especially visible is known as Practice Development.Midwifery EducationIn keeping with the overall aims and scope of the journal Nurse Education in Practice (NEP), the midwifery section focuses upon education at an international level. The editorial team wish to encourage submission of papers that relate to midwifery which demonstrate:• Innovation and development of education;• Creativity in teaching and learning strategies;• Advancement of practice-based education;• Collaborative education initiatives between women and midwives;• Delivery of education within the maternity services.Submit your paper online at Please refer to the journal author guidelines for the specific detail of the format of papers.
Nurse Educator is the respected, peer-reviewed, resource that nursing faculty and in-service educators turn to for developments and innovations in nursing education. Coverage includes the practice and theory of nursing education, including curriculum and program development, educational philosophy, teaching methods, instructional materials, testing and measurement, and administration.Nurse Educator helps readers develop results-oriented approaches for educating students in our changing health-care system. Original articles outline the trends that shape nursing education and provide practical guidance on current issues, and practical applied teaching strategies. For more information, visit
Nurse Leader provides the vision, skills, and tools needed by nurses currently in, or aspiring to, leadership positions. The bimonthly journal provides nurses with practical information in an easy-to-read format - offering the knowledge they need to succeed. It pulls together insights from a broad spectrum of successful management and leadership perspectives and tailors the information to the specific needs of nurses. Columns include The Coaching Forum and Lessons Learned.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: