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Pharmacognosy Magazine

ISSN: 0973-1296eISSN: 0976-4062

Pharmacognosy Magazine (Phcog Mag.) is Published Quarterly, Pharmacognosy Magazine (Phcog Mag.) serves the need of different scientists and others involved in medicinal plant research and development. Each issue covers different topics in natural product drug discovery, and also publishes manuscripts that describe investigations, clinical reports, methods, techniques and applications of all forms of medicinal plant research and that are of broad readership interest to users in industry, academia, and government. Phcog Mag. is a must-read magazine for medicinal Plant researchers —and it's an Open Access Publication.

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Pharmacognosy Reviews

ISSN: 0973-7847eISSN: 0976-2787
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Pharmacological Reports

ISSN: 1734-1140eISSN: 2299-5684

Journal of Lie Theory is a journal for speedy publication of information in the following areas: Lie algebras, Lie groups, algebraic groups, and related types of topological groups such as locally compact and compact groups. Applications to representation theory, differential geometry, geometric control theory, theoretical physics, quantum groups are considered as well. The principal subject matter areas according to the Mathematics Subject Classification are 14Lxx, 17Bxx, 22Bxx, 22Cxx, 22Dxx, 22Exx, 53Cxx, 81Rxx.

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Pharmacological Research

ISSN: 1043-6618eISSN: 1096-1186

Pharmacological Research provides a rapid information exchange medium for specialists within the discipline of pharmacology. The journal publishes papers on basic and applied pharmacological research and is proud of its rapid publication of accepted papers.Invited and unsolicited review articles are also featured.Research Areas are:• Biochemical and molecular pharmacology• Cardiovascular pharmacology• Gastrointestinal pharmacology• Clinical pharmacology, if addressing novel mechanisms of action• Respiratory tract pharmacology• Urogenital tract pharmacology• Pharmacology of tissue repair• Neuropharmacology, psychopharmacology, and neuroendocrinology• Chemotherapy and cancer therapy• Immunopharmacology• Pharmacological applications of genomics• Pharmacology of aging• Nutraceuticals, if relevant to human diseaseNote that ethnopharmacological studies generally do not fall into the scope of this journal. Exceptions are made for papers addressing the mechanisms of actions or the clinical applications of worldwide-used natural substances. Clinical studies on commercially-available nutraceuticals are also taken into consideration.Immediate rejection criteria are:1. Ethnopharmacological papers, namely studies that deal with locally-consumed plants.2. In vitro antioxidant activity of plant extracts and pure compounds isolated from them.3. Papers that describe pharmacological activities of plants which are not easily found worldwide, eg, Chinese herbs.4. Papers reporting pharmacological activities of novel compounds if no proper controls with known substances are performed.5. Papers describing the pharmacological activities of natural compounds are considered only if they identify novel mechanisms of action. In particular, Pharmacol Research does not publish papers that describe• Single dose studies with very few animals, no dose-response studies.• In-vitro assays with single dose or very high dose, measuring only one endpoint.• Repetition of a simple bioassay for yet another extract or plant.

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Pharmacological Reviews

ISSN: 0031-6997eISSN: 1521-0081

This quarterly journal showcases important review articles on topics of high current interest. Topics covered have included biochemical and cellular pharmacology, drug metabolism and disposition, renal pharmacology, neuropharmacology, behavioral pharmacology, clinical pharmacology, and toxicology. IUPHAR nomenclature reports are published here.

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ISSN: 0031-7012eISSN: 1423-0313

Pharmacology is an international journal committed to sharing the latest findings, news, and concepts pertaining to drug discovery, development, and therapy. Original scientific research presented in this journal stretches from basic to clinical studies, mirroring the scope which spans from bench-to-bedside research to modern reverse translational studies and precision medicine approaches. The journal primarily publishes research articles, reviews and commentaries to encourage knowledge transfer and discussion among the audience with an interest in experimental and clinical pharmacology, toxicology, pharmaceutical medicine, and biomedical sciences.

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Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior

ISSN: 0091-3057eISSN: 1873-5177

Pharmacology Biochemistry & Behavior publishes original reports in the areas of pharmacology and biochemistry in which the primary emphasis and theoretical context are behavioral. Contributions may involve clinical, preclinical, or basic research. Purely behavioral studies and toxicology studies will not be published unless they have directly demonstrable relevance to the areas of pharmacology or biochemistry. Papers describing the behavioral effects of novel psychoactive drugs in models of psychiatric diseases must include a positive control.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Pharmacology Research and Perspectives

eISSN: 2052-1707

perspectives, pharmacology, replication studies, target validation

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Pharmacology and Therapeutics

ISSN: 0163-7258

Pharmacology & Therapeutics presents lucid, critical and authoritative reviews of currently important topics in pharmacology. Since articles are commissioned, instructions to authors are provided by the editor responsible for recruiting the work. Celebrating its 20th year of scientific excellence, Pharmacology & Therapeutics continues to be among the top 10 most cited journals in pharmacology.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services .Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Pharmacy Practice

ISSN: 1885-642XeISSN: 1886-3655
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Pharmacy times

ISSN: 0003-0627


ISSN: 1105-4999

Pharmazeutische Industrie

ISSN: 0031-711XeISSN: 1616-7074

Pharmazeutische Zeitung

ISSN: 0031-7136

Phytochemical Analysis

ISSN: 0958-0344eISSN: 1099-1565

Phytochemical Analysisis devoted to the publication of original articles concerning the development, improvement, validation and/or extension of application of analytical methodology in the plant sciences. The spectrum of coverage is broad, encompassing methods and techniques relevant to the detection (including bio-screening), extraction, separation, purification, identification and quantification of compounds in plant biochemistry, plant cellular and molecular biology, plant biotechnology, the food sciences, agriculture and horticulture. The Journal publishes papers describing significant novelty in the analysis of whole plants (including algae), plant cells, tissues and organs, plant-derived extracts and plant products (including those which have been partially or completely refined for use in the food, agrochemical, pharmaceutical and related industries). All forms of physical, chemical, biochemical, spectroscopic, radiometric, electrometric, chromatographic, metabolomic and chemometric investigations of plant products (monomeric species as well as polymeric molecules such as nucleic acids, proteins, lipids and carbohydrates) are included within the remit of the Journal. Papers dealing with novel methods relating to areas such as data handling/ data mining in plant sciences will also be welcomed. Phytochemical Analysisis intended to serve as a major resource for information on analytical and instrumental methodology in the plant sciences. Together with original articles and accelerated communications, all of which will be both timely and of interest to a wide readership, short review articles describing recent advances in specific areas of plant analysis will be published. Reviews are by invitation only, but the Editor-in-Chief welcomes suggestions for new review topics from potential authors.

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ISSN: 0944-7113

Phytomedicine is published to attract and disseminate innovative and expert findings in the fields of phytopharmacology, phytotherapy and phytotoxicology, as a reference source for researchers in these fields, and with the aim to set international standards in their methodology. The journal publishes research results on phytotherapy (clinical trials), phytopharmacology, pharmacognosy, standardization and phytotoxicology, obtained with plant extracts as well as isolated compounds from these extracts and phytopharmaceuticals. Phytomedicine is targeted towards papers of a practical nature. The papers published in this journal are also useful to drug regulatory authorities in deciding whether to approve certain phytomedicines or not. Phytomedicine consists of the following sections: Case reports, Pharmacological and molecularbiological studies, Screening studies (only when focused on plant extracts or isolated compounds with extraordinary activities, Chemical structure - activity studies, Chemical analysis and standardization of plant drugs and phytopharmaceuticals, Reviews (by invitation).

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Phytotherapy Research

ISSN: 0951-418XeISSN: 1099-1573

Phytotherapy Research is a monthly, international journal for the publication of original research papers, short communications, reviews and letters on medicinal plant research. Key areas of interest are pharmacology, toxicology, and the clinical applications of herbs and natural products in medicine, from case histories to full clinical trials, including studies of herb-drug interactions and other aspects of the safety of herbal medicines. Papers concerned with the effects of common food ingredients and standardised plant extracts, including commercial products, are particularly welcome, as are mechanistic studies on isolated natural products. Short communications dealing with the pharmacology and screening of crude or uncharacterised extracts will be considered for publication only if they are clearly of interest to our international readership and are not deemed more suitable for a regional audience. Phytotherapy Research does not publish agricultural, phytochemical, structure elucidation, quality control or botanical identification papers unless directly pertinent to the pharmacological effects or overall safety of plant based medicines currently in use.

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ISSN: 1624-8597eISSN: 1765-2847

La phytothérapie fait partie de votre pratique quotidienne : la revue PHYTOTHÉRAPIE est l'outil de référence dont vous avez besoin. C'est la seule revue francophone scientifique de formation médicale continue sur ce domaine. La revue PHYTOTHÉRAPIE fait le lien entre le monde de la recherche et les praticiens qui sont sur le terrain. Sous la responsabilité du Dr Paul Goetz, rédacteur en chef, assisté d'un comité de rédaction regroupant des spécialistes francophones de référence, la revue PHYTOTHÉRAPIE diffuse des articles scientifiques, provenant d?universitaires, mais également de cliniciens reconnus. Elle aborde tous les domaines de la phytothérapie - pharmacognosie, ethnobotanique, ethnopharmacologie, galénique, clinique, nutrition, aromathérapie et biothérapie, monographies médicalisées - et propose des informations sur son actualité - phytonews, législation, comptes rendus de congrès, agenda, formations, web.

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Planta Medica: Journal of Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research

ISSN: 0032-0943eISSN: 1439-0221

Planta Medica is one of the leading international journals in the field of medicinal plants and natural products with original research papers, letters, rapid communications, reviews, minireviews and perspectives from researchers worldwide. From 2011 Planta Medica will publish 18 issues per year.The following areas of medicinal plants and natural products are covered:* Biological and Pharmacological Activity* Pharmacokinetic and Clinical Studies* Natural Product Chemistry* Analytical Studies.

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Prescrire International

ISSN: 1167-7422