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Journal of Comparative Psychology

ISSN: 0735-7036eISSN: 1939-2087

The Journal of Comparative Psychology® publishes original empirical and theoretical research from a comparative perspective on the behavior, cognition, perception, and social relationships of diverse species. The submission of articles containing data on multiple species and multiple tasks is especially encouraged. Studies can be descriptive or experimental and can be conducted in the field or in captivity.Papers in the following areas are especially welcome: * behavior genetics * behavioral rhythms * communication * cognition * behavioral biology of conservation and animal welfare * animal models in robotics * experimental economics * development * endocrine–behavior interactions * evolutionary psychology * methodology * phylogenetic comparisons * orientation and navigation * sensory and perceptual processes * social behavior * social cognition * personality and temperament.

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Journal of Consciousness Studies

ISSN: 1355-8250
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Journal of Constructivist Psychology

ISSN: 1072-0537eISSN: 1521-0650

Psychology and related disciplines throughout the human sciences and humanities have been revolutionized by a postmodern emphasis on the role of language, human systems, and personal knowledge in the construction of social realities. The Journal of Constructivist Psychology is the first publication to provide a professional forum for this emerging focus, embracing such diverse expressions of constructivism as personal construct theory, constructivist marriage and family therapy, structural-developmental and language-based approaches to psychology, and narrative psychology. Each issue features departments highlighting theoretical, empirical, and methodological developments in constructivist and social constructionist scholarship, as well as contributions to professional practice. Peer Review Policy: All articles have undergone anonymous double-blind review by at least two referees. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology

ISSN: 0022-006XeISSN: 1939-2117

The Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology®(JCCP) publishes original contributions on the following topics:the development, validity, and use of techniques of diagnosis and treatment of disordered behavior;studies of a variety of populations that have clinical interest, including but not limited to medical patients, ethnic minorities, persons with serious mental illness, and community samples;studies that have a cross-cultural or demographic focus and are of interest for treating behavior disorders;studies of personality and of its assessment and development where these have a clear bearing on problems of clinical dysfunction and treatment;studies of gender, ethnicity, or sexual orientation that have a clear bearing on diagnosis, assessment, and treatment;studies of psychosocial aspects of health behaviors; andmethodologically sound case studies pertinent to the preceding topics.Studies that focus on populations that fall anywhere within the lifespan are considered.JCCP welcomes submissions on treatment and prevention in all areas of clinical and clinical–health psychology and especially on topics that appeal to a broad clinical–scientist and practitioner audience.JCCP encourages the submission of theory–based interventions, studies that investigate mechanisms of change, and studies of the effectiveness of treatments in real-world settings.Studies on the following topics will be considered if they have clear implications for clinical research and practice:epidemiology;use of psychological services;health care economics for behavioral disorders;theoretical papers;critical analyses and meta-analyses of treatment approaches on topics of broad theoretical, methodological, or practical interest to the field of clinical psychology.JCCP does not consider manuscripts dealing with the etiology or descriptive pathology of abnormal behavior (which are more appropriate for the Journal of Abnormal Psychology). Similarly, the journal does not consider articles focusing primarily on assessment, measurement, and diagnostic procedures and concepts (which are more appropriate for Psychological Assessment). Editors reserve the right to determine the most appropriate location of a manuscript.

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Journal of Consumer Behaviour

ISSN: 1472-0817eISSN: 1479-1838
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Journal of Consumer Culture

ISSN: 1469-5405eISSN: 1741-2900

Journal of Consumer Culture (JOC), edited by Doug Holt, is a fully peer reviewed journal which promotes multidisciplinary research focused on consumption and consumer culture. Publishing three times a year, and indexed in ISI - Impact Factor pending, it adopts a global perspective critically drawing on both theory and empirical research within history, anthropology, media studies, sociology, marketing, geography, and beyond.

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Journal of Consumer Psychology

ISSN: 1057-7408eISSN: 1532-7663

The Journal of Consumer Psychology (JCP) publishes top-quality research articles that contribute both theoretically and empirically to our understanding of the psychology of consumer behavior. JCP is the official journal of the Society for Consumer Psychology, Division 23 of the American Psychological Association. JCP publishes articles in areas such as consumer judgment and decision processes, consumer needs, attitude formation and change, reactions to persuasive communications, consumption experiences, consumer information processing, consumer-brand relationships, affective, cognitive, and motivational determinants of consumer behavior, family and group decision processes, and cultural and individual differences in consumer behavior. Most published articles are likely to report new empirical findings, obtained either in the laboratory or in field experiments that contribute to existing theory in both consumer research and psychology. However, results of survey research, correlational studies, and other methodological paradigms are also welcomed to the extent that the findings extend our psychological understanding of consumer behavior. Theoretical and/or review articles integrating existing bodies of research and providing new insights into the underpinnings of consumer behavior and consumer decision processes are also encouraged.Further details regarding the journal's content, along with copies of past editorials, accepted manuscripts, and other information, can be obtained from the Society for Consumer Psychology website ( to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy

ISSN: 0022-0116eISSN: 1573-3564

Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy provides an international forum to critique the complexities and controversies facing psychotherapists. The journal publishes original peer-reviewed articles that critically analyze theory, research, or clinical practice. Empirical studies, panel discussions, essays, case studies, brief reports, and theoretical articles are published. Psychotherapists and clinical researchers will find this journal an important vehicle to review the problems of treating a variety of patients.

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Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science

ISSN: 2212-1447

The Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science is the official journal of the Association for Contextual Behavioral Science (ACBS).Contextual Behavioral Science is a systematic and pragmatic approach to the understanding of behavior, the solution of human problems, and the promotion of human growth and development. Contextual Behavioral Science uses functional principles and theories to analyze and modify action embedded in its historical and situational context. The goal is to predict and influence behavior, with precision, scope, and depth, across all behavioral domains and all levels of analysis, so as to help create a behavioral science that is more adequate to the challenge of the human condition.JCBS welcomes contextual behavioral analyses of phenomena that are relevant to the aims and scope of the society's mission, which is to change behavior at an individual or cultural level, to alleviate human suffering, and to advance human wellbeing. JCBS is also a strategic approach to the analysis of human behavior that proposes the need for a multi-level (e.g. social factors, neurological factors, behavioral factors) and multi-method (e.g., time series analyses, cross-sectional, experimental…) exploration of contextual and manipulable variables relevant to the prediction and influence of human behavior. In addition it places a strong emphasis in theory development and the promotion of effective practices that link back to scientific principles.The journal considers papers relevant to a contextual behavioral approach include empirical studies (without topical restriction - e.g., clinical psychology, psychopathology, education, organizational psychology, etc.), reviews (systematic reviews and meta-analyses are preferred), and conceptual and philosophical papers on contextual behavioral science. We are particularly interested in papers emphasizing the study of core behavioral processes that are relevant to a broad range of human problems, and thus not limited to certain populations. Conceptual papers selected for publication may address a broad range of topics but generally will focus on contextual and functional variables or the philosophical analysis of contextual behavioral science. Papers that challenge a contextual behavioral science approach are always welcome. Papers bridging different approaches (e.g., connecting behavioral approaches with cognitive views; or neurocognitive psychology; or evolutionary science) are particularly encouraged.The journal publishes papers written by researchers, practitioners, and theoreticians from different intellectual traditions. What is distinctive is not a narrowly defined theory or set of applied methods but whether the methodology, conceptualization, or strategy employed is relevant to a contextual behavioral approach.

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Journal of Counseling & Development

ISSN: 0748-9633eISSN: 1556-6676

Journal of Counseling & Development publishes practice, theory, and research articles across 19 different specialty areas and work settings. Sections include practice, research, assessment and diagnosis, trends, and practitioner profiles.

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Journal of Counseling Psychology

ISSN: 0022-0167eISSN: 1939-2168
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Journal of Couple and Relationship Therapy

ISSN: 1533-2691eISSN: 1533-2683

The Journal of Couple & Relationship Therapy promotes a better understanding of what contributes to healthy adult relationships and how therapy facilitates the process. Experts address key treatment issues for all types of adult relationships. Articles explore couple therapy from the perspectives of theory, research, and practice, as well as issues related to the supervision and personal growth of clinicians. Special thematic issues address a single topic for the entire issue, allowing a more significant focus on that particular topic. A recent thematic issue studied clinical concerns with interracial couples. The Journal of Couple & Relationship Therapy discusses important issues from a multiplicity of therapeutic styles including: marital therapycouple therapysame-sex couple therapypremarital therapyre-marital therapydivorce therapysex therapymarriage therapycouple therapy as adjunct to the treatment of major mental illness, substance abuse, and spouse and family abuse Peer Review Policy: Each paper is first briefly reviewed by the editor for adherence to our standards of science and APA style. If the paper fits our content and purposes as a journal, it is sent out for review by a minimum of 2 reviewers, usually members of our editorial board, consisting of some of the country's most prestigious scholars and therapists. Upon completion of reviews, the editor makes a decision.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Journal of Creative Behavior

eISSN: 2162-6057
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Journal of Creativity in Mental Health

ISSN: 1540-1383eISSN: 1540-1391

The Journal of Creativity in Mental Health, the official journal of the Association for Creativity in Counseling, a division of the American Counseling Association, is the valuable interdisciplinary reference source for academics and therapeutic practitioners. This refereed journal examines the practical applications of using creativity to help deepen self-awareness and build healthy relationships. This journal also explores how creative, diverse, and relational therapeutic approaches can be used in counseling practice. Each issue of the Journal of Creativity in Mental Health provides a wide range of interdisciplinary discussion relative to diverse mental health issues. The journal incorporates high-quality empirical research with cogent in-depth discussion and addresses the topics in both qualitative and quantitative language. Each unique focus encourages rich dialogue among scholars, practitioners, and students. Book reviews highlight new and interesting publications in the field. In another column, film reviews provide a framework for conceptualizing personality styles and common issues found in human relations. Two other special columns provide relationally-based creative interventions used by counselors and psychotherapists in their practices. They also provide an opportunity for mental health professionals to offer their perspectives on creative, innovative, and resourceful counseling topics.

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Journal of Criminal Justice

ISSN: 0047-2352eISSN: 1873-6203

The Journal of Criminal Justice is an international journal intended to fill the present need for the dissemination of new information, ideas and methods, to both practitioners and academicians in the criminal justice area. The Journal is concerned with all aspects of the criminal justice system in terms of their relationships to each other. Although materials are presented relating to crime and the individual elements of the criminal justice system, the emphasis of the Journal is to tie together the functioning of these elements and to illustrate the effects of their interactions. Articles that reflect the application of new disciplines or analytical methodologies to the problems of criminal justice are of special interest.Since the purpose of the Journal is to provide a forum for the dissemination of new ideas, new information, and the application of new methods to the problems and functions of the criminal justice system, the Journal emphasizes innovation and creative thought of the highest quality.Related Publications:Forensic Science International Medicine of Clinical Forensic Medicine Science/Medicine and Legal Medicine Package book publications in security and criminal justice, please visit

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Journal of Criminal Psychology

ISSN: 2009-3829eISSN: 2049-9388

International and multidisciplinary, the Journal of Criminal Psychology (JCP) publishes both scholarly and practitioner-based research on all aspects of the psychology of criminal behaviour.

Journal of Criminological Research, Policy and Practice

ISSN: 2056-3841eISSN: 2056-385X

The Journal of Criminological Research, Policy and Practice publishes scholarly and practitioner-based research which examines how criminal justice institutions engage with the community and non-criminal justice agencies.

Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology

ISSN: 0022-0221eISSN: 1552-5422

The Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology (JCC) is a leading interdisciplinary forum for psychologists, sociologists and educators who study how cultural differences in developmental, social and educational experiences affect individual behavior. (JCCP) focuses on today's important cross-cultural issues, including individualism, self-enhancement, acculturation, changing family values, ethnic group comparisons, gender differences, and personality.

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Journal of Cybersecurity

ISSN: 2057-2085eISSN: 2057-2093
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Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics

ISSN: 0196-206XeISSN: 1536-7312

The Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics is devoted entirely to developmental and psychosocial aspects of pediatric health care. Each bimonthly issue includes original articles, case reports, challenging cases, and reviews;cutting-edge work from today's best known leaders in related fields. Learning disorders, developmental disabilities, and emotional, behavioral, and psychosomatic problems are just a few of the relevant areas covered in the journal. Also included is a time-saving review section that provides ready access to key articles from more than 50 related journals. For more information, visit

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