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Journal of Social and Political Psychology

eISSN: 2195-3325
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Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation

ISSN: 1409-6099eISSN: 1857-663X
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Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health

ISSN: 1934-9637eISSN: 1934-9645

The Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health is an interdisciplinary professional journal (retiled from American Journal of Pastoral Counseling to better reflect its broader scope) that is devoted to the scholarly study of spirituality as a resource for counseling and psychotherapeutic disciplines. This peer-reviewed quarterly journal seeks to enhance the understanding of spirituality as a core component of human well-being in individual, relational, and communal life. Leading authorities provide insights into research and effective therapy in an interdisciplinary dialog that crosses the disciplines of psychology, spirituality, theology, sociology, cultural analysis, and other fields. The Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health is a crucial forum that provides deeper insight into human meaning-making within therapeutic and growth-fostering activity. The primary spiritual experience is explored as it occurs either for practitioners or clients, with an examination of therapeutic meanings. Expert contributors explore the impact of cultural life patterns within issues of race and gender, ethnicity, sexuality, and relational structures as they contribute to both human wholeness, and to its loss and therapeutic recovery. This journal is challenging, inspirational, and superbly beneficial to all who desire perspectives and ideas extending beyond their own scope and field of focus. Peer Review Policy: All research articles in the Journal have undergone peer review based on initial editor screening, and anonymous refereeing by at least two anonymous double-blind referees. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Journal of Sport Psychology in Action

ISSN: 2152-0704eISSN: 2152-0712

The Journal of Sport Psychology in Action is an official publication of the Association for Applied Sport Psychology, and is a refereed journal, designed to promote the application of scientific knowledge to the practice of sport, exercise, and health psychology. Topics covered in this journal include interdisciplinary work 8212; drawing from the fields of exercise physiology, sport science, and health psychology 8212; that target knowledge and application for professionals and practitioners. The journal differs from other sport and exercise psychology journals because of the target audience and style of writing. The Journal of Sport Psychology in Action is written for practitioners, coaches, athletes, and individuals from various sport organizations.

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Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology

ISSN: 0895-2779eISSN: 1543-2904

The Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP) is designed to stimulate and communicate research theory in all areas of sport and exercise psychology. The Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology emphasizes original research reports that advance our understanding of human behavior as it relates to sport and exercise. Comprehensive reviews employing both qualitative and quantitative methods are also encouraged as well as brief reports of soundly designed research studies that are of special interest or importance. Areas of interest include research in social, clinical, developmental, and experimental psychology, as well as psychobiology and personality. Moreover, the terms sport and exercise may pertain to either the independent or dependent variables. Generally speaking, work on motor control processes, studies of sport as a social institution, or broader social issues are beyond the scope of JSEP. A wide variety of methods are acceptable for studying sport and exercise psychology topics.In addition to original research reports and theoretical papers, JSEP publishes a digest of recent sport and exercise publications; book reviews; a commentary section with short articles on methodological advances; innovative pilot or replication research; dialogue on published articles or theoretical issues; and occasional position papers that present innovative ideas of general interest to the field, heuristic observations, or important points on controversial issues.

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Journal of Sport and Health Research

eISSN: 1989-6239

Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs

ISSN: 1937-1888

The Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs began in 1940 as the Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol. It was founded by Howard W. Haggard, M.D., director of Yale University’s Laboratory of Applied Physiology. Dr. Haggard was a physiologist studying the effects of alcohol on the body, and he started the Journal as a way to publish the increasing amount of research on alcohol use, abuse, and treatment that emerged from Yale and other institutions in the years following the repeal of Prohibition in 1933. In addition to original research, the Journal also published abstracts summarizing other published documents dealing with alcohol. At Yale, Dr. Haggard built a large team of alcohol researchers within the Laboratory of Applied Physiology—including E.M. Jellinek, who became managing editor of the Journal in 1941. In 1943, to bring together the various alcohol research projects conducted by the Laboratory, Dr. Haggard formed the Section of Studies on Alcohol, which also became home to the Journal and its editorial staff. In 1950, the Section was renamed the Center of Alcohol Studies.

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Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment

ISSN: 0740-5472eISSN: 1873-6483

The Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment (JSAT) features original research, systematic reviews and reports on meta-analyses and, with editorial approval, special articles on the assessment and treatment of substance use and addictive disorders, including alcohol, illicit and prescription drugs, and nicotine. JSAT values high quality empirical research that is relevant for translation by treatment practitioners from all disciplines and across any setting where persons with substance use problems are encountered. The editors emphasize that JSAT articles should address assessment techniques and treatment approaches that have clear relevance for routine practice. Accordingly, the scope of JSAT includes health services research, including the design, organization, delivery mechanisms and workforce characteristics of treatments in routine settings.It is the policy of JSAT that treatment research for individuals with substance use disorders meet the same scientific evaluative standards as treatments for those with any other health-related condition or illness. Thus, research articles submitted for publication in JSAT are expected to achieve the same empirical standards of reliability, validity, and empiricism. Theoretical models, clinical experience, and case vignettes are recognized as important supplements to, but not as substitutes for, research-based evidence.It is recognized that research-based evidence may take many forms, such as randomized controlled trials; case-controlled field evaluations; or time series evaluations. In early stages of research development, qualitative study or small trials may be appropriate and necessary first steps. Regardless of the specific type of study, authors of research articles should aim to: (1) Use one or more reasonable comparison or control conditions in the design and analysis of collected data, (2) Use data collection methods and measures that have been previously validated in the subject population, and (3) Analyze data (qualitative or quantitative) with the use of appropriate statistical methods.Authors must insure that the research as reported was conducted ethically, and that all protections to human subject participants were afforded. This insurance must be verified by the appropriate institutional review board or committee for the protection of human subjects. In addition, the editors of JSAT will not consider articles that use pejorative and stereotypical expressions when discussing individuals who suffer from substance use disorders.In drawing conclusions, authors are expected to use a parsimonious, cautious and conservative approach in the interpretation of findings. Hyperbole and overgeneralization beyond the data are considered irresponsible.

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Journal of Theoretical Social Psychology

eISSN: 2475-0387
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Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology

ISSN: 1068-8471eISSN: 2151-3341
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Journal of Trauma & Dissociation

ISSN: 1529-9732eISSN: 1529-9740

The Journal of Trauma & Dissociation is the official journal of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation. The journal is dedicated to publishing peer-reviewed scientific literature on dissociation, the dissociative disorders, post traumatic stress disorder, psychological trauma and its sequelae, and on aspect of memory associated with trauma and dissociation. The Journal of Trauma & Dissociation seeks manuscripts on theory, basic science research, clinical treatment and research related to psychological trauma, dissociation and traumatic memory in children and adults. The journal welcomes contributions from anthropological, cross-cultural, neurobiological, pharmacologic, psychologic, psychological, psychometric, psychotherapeutic and social viewpoints. Peer Review Policy: Submissions are peer reviewed by at least two reviewers selected by the editor. Authors and reviewers are blind to each others' identities. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Journal of Traumatic Stress

ISSN: 0894-9867eISSN: 1573-6598

Journal of Traumatic Stress (JTS) is published for the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. Journal of Traumatic Stress , the official publication for the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, is an interdisciplinary forum for the publication of peer-reviewed original papers on biopsychosocial aspects of trauma. Papers focus on theoretical formulations, research, treatment, prevention education/training, and legal and policy concerns. Journal of Traumatic Stress serves as a primary reference for professionals who study and treat people exposed to highly stressful and traumatic events (directly or through their occupational roles), such as war, disaster, accident, violence or abuse (criminal or familial), hostage-taking, or life-threatening illness. The journal publishes original articles, brief reports, review papers, commentaries, and, from time to time, special issues devoted to a single topic.

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Journal of Trust Research

ISSN: 2151-5581eISSN: 2151-559X

Journal Mission

Trust is imperative to constructive social interaction and cooperation at and across all levels. Positioned as a high-impact source journal providing novel ideas for other journals (both academic and practical), the mission of JTR is:

  • to inquire into the nature, form, base and role of trust as well as the mechanism and stage of trust-building and trust repair at and across personal, group, organizational, community and national levels so as to facilitate and stimulate informed academic dialogue and debate toward an integrative body of knowledge via both relevant and rigorous theory-building and theory-testing
  • to influence individuals, groups, organizations, communities and nations in the choice of practical solutions for their trust-related management by providing the most relevant and rigorous research.

Journal Philosophy

JTR is particularly interested in those studies that are inter-disciplinary, cross-cultural, cross-level, multi-method, context-rich, process-oriented, and practice-relevant in perspectives, so as to effectively investigate the holistic content and dynamic process of organizational and societal trust, without the perils of reductionist assumptions. JTR identifies the above as the emerging trends with the greatest potential to contribute to our rich and deep understanding about the complex phenomenon of trust.

Journal Scope

As an inter-disciplinary and cross-cultural journal dedicated to advancing a cross-level, context-rich, process-oriented, and practice-relevant journal, JTR provides a focal point for an open  dialogue and debate between diverse researchers, thus enhancing the understanding of trust in general and trust-related management in particular, especially in its organizational and social context in the broadest sense. Through both theoretical development and empirical investigation, JTR seeks to open the "black-box" of trust in various contexts.

JTR aims to publish relevant and rigorous research contributing to knowledge in six major domains that are interdisciplinary and cross-cultural:

  • General research on trust to build an integrative framework with a common language across disciplines and across cultures (building upon but extending beyond disciplinary and cultural perspectives)
  • General research on trust at and across the levels of individual, group, organization,  community, and nation
  • Specific research on trust management within and between organizations and societies
  • Specific research on interpersonal trust within and between organizations and societies
  • Specific research on institutional trust within and between organizations and societies
  • Specific research on inter-organizational and social trust within and across nations  

Journal Readership

JTR specializes in dedicated research on trust in general and organizational trust in particular, thereby serving the needs primarily of scholars and secondarily practitioners. The unique features of JTR as a focal point for an inter-disciplinary, cross-cultural, cross-level, context-rich, process-oriented, and practice-relevant research Journal will appeal to the broadest readership, especially those who believe in such values as the indicators of high quality research.


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Journal of Vocational Behavior

ISSN: 0001-8791eISSN: 1095-9084

The Journal of Vocational Behavior publishes empirical and theoretical articles that expand knowledge of vocational behavior and career development across the life span. Research presented in the journal encompasses the general categories of career choice, implementation, and vocational adjustment and adaptation. The articles contribute to a theoretical understanding of career choice and vocational adjustment and are also valuable for applications in counseling and career development programs in colleges and universities, business and industry, government, and the military. A particularly useful feature is the annual review of research in vocational behavior published in the October issue.Research Areas include:• Career development and choice• Evaluations of measuring instruments and assessment methods• Job satisfaction• Multiple role management and functioning• Occupational stereotyping• Vocational and career adjustment• Work commitment and involvement• Work stress and strain• Work-related transitionsSpecial subscription rates of 114 USD for 2014 are available for members of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making (, the Organizational Behavior Division of the Academy of Management (, and the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology ( Information regarding membership in these groups may be obtained from their web sites. To place your order, please follow one of the above links.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Journal of Vocational Education and Training

ISSN: 1363-6820eISSN: 1747-5090
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Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology

ISSN: 1576-5962eISSN: 2174-0534
La Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones publicará principalmente investigaciones empíricas de interés para los psicólogos, que sean una contribución al conocimiento y correspondientes a todos los ámbitos de lo que se denomina Psicología del Trabajo y las Organizaciones, Recursos Humanos, Comportamiento Organizacional, Psicología del Personal, así como a los aspectos conductuales, cognitivos y neurocientíficos de las relaciones laborales, ergonomía y factores humanos.

The Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology will mainly publish empirical research of interest for psychologists, and which represents a contribution to knowledge in all areas of which can be termed industrial, work and organizational psychology, human resource, organizational behavior, personnel psychology, as well as behavioral, cognitive and neuroscientific aspects of labor relations, ergonomics, and human factors.

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Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health

ISSN: 1555-5240eISSN: 1555-5259
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Journal of Workplace Learning

ISSN: 1366-5626eISSN: 1758-7859

JWL provides an avenue for the presentation and discussion of research related to the workplace as a site for learning.

Journal of Youth Development

eISSN: 2325-4017
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Journal of Youth and Adolescence

ISSN: 0047-2891eISSN: 1573-6601

Journal of Youth and Adolescence provides a single, high-level medium of communication for psychologists, psychiatrists, biologists, criminologists, educators, and professionals in many other allied disciplines who address the subject of youth and adolescence. The journal publishes papers based on experimental evidence and data, theoretical papers, and comprehensive review articles. The journal especially welcomes empirically rigorous papers that take policy implications seriously. Research need not have been designed to address policy needs, but manuscripts must address implications for the manner society formally (e.g., through laws, policies or regulations) or informally (e.g., through parents, peers, and social institutions) responds to the period of youth and adolescence.

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