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Journal of Maps

eISSN: 1744-5647
2014 Impact Factor – 1.193

©2015 Thomson Reuters, 2014 Journal Citation Reports®

The Journal of Maps is a peer-reviewed, inter-disciplinary, online journal that aims to provide a forum for researchers to publish maps and spatial diagrams. 


In its broadest sense, the Journal of Maps ( JoM ) is concerned with social and physical processes that take place on a geographical scale. Topics could include, for example, footfall in retail marketing, the spread of bird flu or location of geological faults, the common theme being the use of maps or spatial diagrams to advance understanding. Maps submitted MUST make a substantial contribution to knowledge in the field that is likely to be of broad interest to readers of the journal. Above all, to be published in the JoM is to demonstrate a unique line of enquiry which has required the use of maps or spatial diagrams, to have collected new data or added significant value to existing data and to present and communicate the findings adhering to high cartographic standards.


The JoM has its origins back in the geological and geographical journals of the late-1800s and early 1900s. The investigative research during this period was based strongly around fieldwork and the observation of phenomena. After observation, interpretation could be applied and then presented at a society meeting. The "proceedings" of these lectures were then published, often with extra plates of photographs and maps of the original fieldwork. As a result of the these early pioneers, we now have a permanent record of this work which can be referred back to. This is important as we not only have the interpretive conclusions, but also the original data upon which the work was based. The JoM therefore seeks to offer a forum for academics to present the geospatial products of their research.

Multi-Disciplinary and International

As a discipline, "geography" traditionally covers a wide range of subject areas due to it's spatial nature. Maps and mapping science were often incorporated within geography, however spatial data are now widely used in many disciplines. JoM is intentionally multi-disciplinary and wants to draw upon, and present, work from all subject areas. Not only has this built an increasing archive of mapped data for future researchers to draw upon, but also fosters inter-disciplinary contexts.

Peer Review Statement

Journal of Maps
is an international, ranked, peer-reviewed journal which publishes original research contributions to scientific knowledge.

All manuscript submissions are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor before consideration for peer review.

All peer review is open and submission is online via ScholarOne.

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Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology

ISSN: 0952-7648eISSN: 1743-1700
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Journal of Modern African Studies

ISSN: 0022-278XeISSN: 1469-7777
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Journal of Mountain Science

ISSN: 1672-6316eISSN: 1993-0321

The Journal of Mountain Science, started in 2004, is an international English-language journal on mountain sciences. The JMS is supervised by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), sponsored by the Chengdu Institute of Mountain Hazards and Environment, CAS, published by Science Press China, and distributed by Springer exclusively throughout the world (excluding Mainland China). The United Nations University (UNU) takes part in the editorial work and supports subscriptions for institutions in developing and transition countries. The Editorial Board members and reviewers are invited from different countries and regions in the world, and the JMS solicits contributions from and is distributed throughout the world. The JMS is a bimonthly journal with 6 issues a year. JMS publishes research and technical papers on mountain environment, mountain ecology, mountain hazards, mountain resources and mountain development. The JMS accepts both individual and organizational contributions.

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Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research

ISSN: 1939-0459eISSN: 1939-0467

Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research publishes original policy-oriented papers addressing a broad range of natural resource fields including water, minerals, energy, fisheries, and forestry in a synthesizing fashion, rather than as stand-alone specialty areas. It will also publish papers on the natural resource implications of climate change, natural disasters, and biodiversity loss, among others. The papers, ideally, will be based on both conceptual and empirical studies and will be primarily policy-focused. Our goal is to foster productive dialog among the disparate sectors in the broad field of natural resources and among various social science perspectives leading to an improved understanding of institutional and economic dynamics and informed policy making.This is a largely social-sciences-focused journal including such fields as economics, sociology, geography, political science, anthropology, public administration, ethics and other disciplines relevant to the crafting of efficient, equitable and sustainable natural resources policies. Also, disciplines that may be conventionally outside the social sciences field, such as planning, management and law, which have relevance to natural resources policy formulation, will be included. Natural and physical scientists writing for a social science audience are also welcome contributors. To the extent possible, we will try to make the journal cross-disciplinary and transnational in scope.We are inviting original papers in policy analysis, policy modeling, policy surveys and synthesis, institutional analysis, conceptual/theoretical papers, case studies and case histories from academic and non-academic experts in the natural resources and environmental field.All articles published in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by independent expert referees.Thoughts on Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research:"What a wonderful idea for a policy journal addressing natural resources...I wish you success in launching the Journal."- Joanne Linnerooth-Bayer, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Austria"I share your belief that there is a need for a policy-focused interdisciplinary journal that cuts across natural resource management/problem domains. This is an exciting project likely to be of wide interest."- Steven A. Wolf, Cornell University, New York, USA"The approach you have defined for the journal is badly needed in the field."- Harry N. Scheiber, UC Berkeley, California, USAReadershipThe target audience consists of academics, researchers, planners, policy analysts, and decision-makers in the natural resources and allied fields at local, national and international levels. Other relevant groups include international agencies, environmental organizations, NGO groups and other stakeholder groups involved in natural resource policy making.---Disclaimer for Scientific, Technical and Social Science PublicationsTaylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the "Content") contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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Journal of Palaeogeography

ISSN: 2095-3836eISSN: 2524-4507

Journal of Palaeogeography publishes rigorously peer-reviewed and high quality original research articles and authoritative reviews that focus on sedimentology and palaeogeography. Emphasis will be placed on lithofacies palaeogeography and sedimentology, tectonopalaeogeography and palaeotectonics, biopalaeogeography and palaeoecology, geochemistry and sedimentary environments, stratigraphic palaeogeography, physiogeographic palaeogeography, past and present environments and humancivilization, ichnology, palaeoclimatology, palaeoseismology, palaeokarst, basin analysis, prediction and exploration related with oil, gas, coal and other mineral resources . The journal has worldwide authorship, and a broad scope in basic and applied geology

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Journal of Palestine Studies

ISSN: 0377-919XeISSN: 1533-8614

The Journal of Palestine Studies, the only North American journal devoted exclusively to Palestinian affairs and the Arab-Israeli conflict, brings you timely and comprehensive information on the region's political, religious, and cultural concerns. Inside you'll find: Feature articles Interviews Book reviews Quarterly updates on conflict and diplomacy A settlement monitor Detailed chronologies Documents and source material Bibliography of periodical literature With an emphasis on peaceful resolution of conflict, the journal unites sound research and analysis with a variety of well-informed perspectives by academics, policy makers, and diplomats. Published quarterly, the Journal of Palestine Studies is a vital resource for anyone interested in the "Palestine Question." For more information about the Journal of Palestine Studies, please visit the Institute for Palestine Studies homepage.

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Journal of Place Management and Development

ISSN: 1753-8335eISSN: 1753-8343

The official journal of the Institute of Place Management, JPMD brings together high-quality research from multiple disciplines on the subject of place making.

Journal of Planning Education and Research

ISSN: 0739-456XeISSN: 1552-6577

Journal of Planning Education and Research (JPER), peer-reviewed and published quarterly, is a forum for planning educators and scholars (from both academia and practice) to present results from teaching and research that advance the profession and improve planning practice. The journal covers planning theory, planning practice, and planning pedagogy, as well as disciplines drawn upon by planners such as urban geography, welfare economics, interest-group politics, and policy analysis.

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Journal of Planning History

ISSN: 1538-5132eISSN: 1552-6585

Journal of Planning History (JPH), peer-reviewed and published quarterly, focuses on the history of city and regional planning, with particular emphasis on the Americas. JPH covers the full range of topics embraced by city and regional planning history, including planning history in the Americas, transnational planning experiences, planning history pedagogy, planning history in planning practice, the intellectual roots of the planning processes, and planning history historiography.

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Journal of Planning Literature

ISSN: 0885-4122eISSN: 1552-6593

Journal of Planning Literature (JPL) published quarterly, includes review articles and abstracts of recent literature in city and regional planning and design. A typical issue contains refereed literature reviews; a Council of Planning Librarians (CPL) Bibliography; abstracts of recent journal articles and dissertations; and bibliographic listings. JPL offers an understanding of the state of knowledge of the field for use in research or professional practice.

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Journal of Planning and Environment Law

ISSN: 0307-4870
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Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events

ISSN: 1940-7963eISSN: 1940-7971

The Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure & Events provides a critical focus on a variety of policy debates relating to the tourism, leisure and events sectors. Such policy debates will encompass economic, social, cultural, political and environmental perspectives. The journal welcomes research on questions of policy formation and change, planning, strategy, policy instruments and implementation, and evaluation and impact assessment. Inter- and multi-disciplinary submissions would be particularly welcome.The journal is international in orientation, and seeks high quality theoretical and empirical papers that advance knowledge in this field. Papers examining the value of contrasting methodologies, or advocacy of novel methods, will also be welcome.Indicative themes include, but are not limited to, the following: The politics of tourism, leisure and events policy Leisure policy and social change Strategies for sustainability Social, economic and environmental impacts of festivals and events National, regional and local tourism and events strategies Tourism and leisure planning theory Cultural policy Leisure, participation and community Sports policy Policy analysis and evaluation Full articles would normally be approximately 5 - 6000 words with a title of not more than eight words. Contributions to the Contemporary Policy Debates section will be up to 1500 words. All articles will be subject to rigorous double-blind review, apart from the Contemporary Policy Debates which will be subject to the decision of the Editor.DisclaimerTaylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the "Content") contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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Journal of Political Ecology

eISSN: 1073-0451
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Journal of Political Ideologies

ISSN: 1356-9317eISSN: 1469-9613

The Journal of Political Ideologies is dedicated to the analysis of political ideology both in its theoretical and conceptual aspects, and with reference to the nature and roles of concrete ideological manifestations and practices. The Journal of Political Ideologies serves as a major discipline-developing vehicle for an innovative, growing and vital field in political studies, exploring new methodologies and illuminating the complexity and richness of ideological structures and solutions that form, and are formed by, political thinking and political imagination. Concurrently, the Journal of Political Ideologies supports a broad research agenda aimed at building inter-disciplinary bridges with relevant areas and invigorating cross-disciplinary debate.Political ideologies are indispensable to appreciating the role of political thought within social, temporal and spatial contexts. TheJournal of Political Ideologies explores the general phenomenon of ideologies as well as their particular instances. In parallel it emphasizes that political action, processes and institutions are endowed with ideological import and shaped to a considerable extent by political ideologies.The indeterminacy of the notion of ideology is recognized in a number of ways. It is concerned with attempts to control political language and discourse, with epistemological issues of truth, distortion and dissimulation, and with sociological phenomena of power, dominance and exploitation, as well as with functional questions, denoting action-oriented political thinking. Significant attention is also devoted to analysing ideologies in terms of their actual histories, geographical and cultural expression, and the idea-patterns of particular ideological variants and ideological traditions. The changing forms of ideologies in the 21st century constitute a further focus.

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Journal of Population and Social Studies

eISSN: 2465-4418

Journal of Property Research

ISSN: 0959-9916eISSN: 1466-4453

World Habitat Day 2010 - Better City, Better Life Visit our website for FREE access to the best 100 papers on improving cities and the quality of urban life. Access the resource here. The Journal of Property Research is an international journal. The title reflects the expansion of research, particularly applied research, into property investment and development. The Journal of Property Research publishes papers in any area of real estate investment and development. These may be theoretical, empirical, case studies or critical literature surveys. There are two major areas of focus: 1. Property investment and finance. This covers topics such as the characteristics of property as an investment class, forecasting of markets and property portfolio construction. Much of this research will be an application to property of techniques developed in other investment markets. 2. Land development. This covers a wide range of issues surrounding the development and redevelopment of property. The focus may be financial, economic or environmental; urban or rural; public or private sector. The Journal provides a forum for research in the field and assists researchers and practitioners to keep abreast of new developments.

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Journal of Public Transportation

ISSN: 1077-291X

The Journal of Public Transportation is an international peer-reviewed open access journal. The Journal contains original research and case studies associated with various forms of public transportation and related transportation and policy issues. Topics are approached from a variety of academic disciplines, including engineering, planning, economics, geography, public policy, political science, and others, and include policy, methodological, technological, and financial aspects. Emphasis is placed on the identification of innovative solutions to public transportation problems.

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Journal of Punjab Studies

ISSN: 0971-5223

Journal of Refugee Studies

ISSN: 0951-6328eISSN: 1471-6925

Journal of Refugee Studies provides a forum for exploration of the complex problems of forced migration and national, regional and international responses. The Journal covers all categories of forcibly displaced people. Contributions that develop theoretical understandings of forced migration, or advance knowledge of concepts, policies and practice are welcomed from both academics and practitioners. Journal of Refugee Studies is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal, and is published in association with the Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford.

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