Global Health Promotion, is the official publication of the International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE). It is a multilingual journal, which publishes authoritative peer-reviewed articles and practical information for a world-wide audience of professionals interested in health promotion and health education. Pour information en français, visitez le site web de l`UIPES ( Para obtener información en español, visite la página web de la UIPES (
The Health Care Manager (HCM) provides practical, applied management information for managers in institutional health care settings. This distinguished quarterly journal, written for every health care professional in a managerial or supervisory role, focuses on strengthening management and supervisory skills. The Health Care Manager cuts across interdisciplinary lines and offers proven approaches for motivating people more powerfully, getting them to work more productively, and enhancing your enjoyment of managing.Website:
Tropical Medicine & International Health is a monthly peer-reviewed journal. We publish internationally significant work on: *infectious and non-infectious disease; *parasitology; *clinical diseases and medicine of the tropics; *epidemiological theory and fieldwork; *tropical medical microbiology; *medical entomology; *tropical public health and community medicine; *international health policy; *health economics.We do not publish: *case reports or small case series; *book reviews; *studies of a purely qualitative and/or descriptive nature, without quantifiable impact on human health; *studies that involve fieldwork, personnel and infrastructure abroad, but fail to involve local authors; *studies that are only locally relevant.Tropical Medicine & International Health is the successor to, and combines and integrates the Annales de la Societé Belge de Médecine Tropicale, the Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Tropical and Geographical Medicine (incorporating Acta Leidensia) and Tropical Medicine and Parasitology.
Everything you need to know for medical librarianship in this extremely relevant journal!This highly acclaimed, peer-reviewed journal is an essential working tool for medical and health sciences librarians. For those professionals who provide reference and public services to health sciences personnel in clinical, educational, or research settings, Medical Reference Services Quarterly covers topics of current interest and practical value in the areas of reference in medicine and related specialties, the biomedical sciences, nursing, and allied health. This exciting and comprehensive resource regularly publishes brief practice-oriented articles relating to medical reference services, with an emphasis on user education, database searching, and electronic information. Two columns feature the Internet and informatics education. The journal extensively examines the areas of information management education, microcomputer applications to libraries, and end-user searching. Research articles in which practical application is analyzed and clearly presented are also included. Medical Reference Services Quarterly has explored such topics as use of the Internet for providing medical information utilization of biomedical databases administration and management of medical reference services continuing education of medical reference librarians and online search analysts clinical medical librarians marketing medical reference services staffing for the medical reference department the informationist and medical reference librarians user education in health sciences libraries legal aspects of medical reference virtual (chat) reference document delivery in health sciences libraries patient education ready reference in health sciences libraries collection management of medical reference electronic and print resources PDAs and the medical library evidence-based medical librarianship use of blogs and RSS feeds by health sciences libraries Peer Review PolicyAll manuscripts submitted to Medical Reference Services Quarterly are peer reviewed using a rigorous, double-blind process; reviewers are assigned based on subject expertise. The Editor accepts or rejects manuscripts based on the recommendation of two peer reviewers.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy is an international, peer-reviewed journal exploring the relationship between body and mind and focusing on the significance of the body and movement in the therapeutic setting. It is the only scholarly journal wholly dedicated to the growing fields of body (somatic) psychotherapy and dance movement therapy. The body is increasingly being recognized as a vehicle for expression, insight and change. The journal encourages broad and in-depth discussion of issues relating to research activities, theory, clinical practice, professional development and personal reflections. Topics in forthcoming issues: Body Psychotherapy and Dance Movement Therapy as these areas relate to the following: Children and adolescents; Families; Couples; Touch; Trauma; Assessment, Observation and evaluation; Research; Body image and identity; Training and supervision; The limits and opportunities of the body; The sacred and the body; Psychosomatics; Mind-body interrelationship; The Arts. Book reviews - if you would like to send a book for review, or you have a review you would like to submit please click here for further details Readership Essential reading for all mental health professionals (psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists, counsellors, mental health nurses, social workers) with an interest in the body-mind dynamic, in particular body psychotherapists, somatic psychotherapists, dance movement therapists, and creative arts therapists. Peer Review Integrity All research articles in this journal, including those in special issues, special sections or supplements, have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two independent referees. Disclaimer Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether expressed or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.
The Clinical Supervisor is the premier journal in the United States devoted exclusively to the art and science of clinical supervision. An interdisciplinary, refereed publication of the highest standards, the journal communicates the ideas, experiences, skills, techniques, concerns, and needs of supervisors in psychotherapy and mental health. You will find what you need to know about supervision to effectively supervise students and trainees. The Clinical Supervisor provides a unique forum for debate, historical analysis, new techniques, program description, theory, managed care and clinical practice issues, and other topics of vital interest to today's supervisors. The journal maintains high standards, with recent articles covering: the usefulness of developmental stage models for clinical social work students; the effects of therapist self-monitoring on therapeutic alliance and subsequent therapeutic outcome; becoming a supervisor in family therapy; the inter-subjective approach in supervision; legal and ethical issues for supervisors; mentoring in clinical psychology doctoral programs (a national survey of directors-in-training); unexpected challenges faced by psychotherapy trainees, and much more. The Clinical Supervisor covers topics you can directly apply to your own supervisory situation. Whether you work with practitioners or students, whether you are a direct supervisor or are responsible for practicum programs, this unique journal will keep you up to date by providing you with theoretical articles, empirical research (qualitative and quantitative), and reflective pieces within your own discipline and from other related disciplines. It will help you remain competitive and assist you in adapting to the rapid changes that continually occur in the evolving fields of psychotherapy and mental health. Review Policy: All articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous, double-blind reviews by at least two referees. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
Health Policy and Planning blends such individual specialities as epidemiology, health and development economics, management and social policy, planning and social anthropology into a lively academic mix that constantly stimulates and keeps readers abreast of global health, focusing on issues of particular relevance to low and middle income countries. Health Policy and Planning's aim is to improve the design, implementation and evaluation of health policies in low- and middle-income countries through providing a forum for publishing high quality research and original ideas, for an audience of policy and public health researchers and practitioners. HPP is published six times a year (bimonthly). As well as the high overall quality required for publication in an international journal, authors should address HPP's readership: national and international policy makers, practitioners, academics and general readers with a particular interest in health policy issues and debates. Manuscripts that fail to set out the international debates to which the paper contributes, and to draw out policy lessons and conclusions, are more likely to be rejected, returned to the authors for redrafting prior to being reviewed, or undergo a slower acceptance process. In addition, economists should note that papers accepted for publication in HPP will consider the broad policy implications of an economic analysis rather than focusing primarily on the methodological or theoretical aspects of the study. Public health specialists writing about a specific health problem or service should discuss the relevance of the analysis for the broader health system. Those submitting health policy analyses should draw on relevant bodies of theory in their analysis, or justify why they have not, rather than only presenting a narrative based on empirical data.
Behavioral Sciences & the Law is a peer reviewed journal which provides current and comprehensive information from throughout the world on topics at the interface of the law and the behavioral sciences. The journal balances theoretical, mental health, legal, and research writings to provide a broad perspective on pertinent psycho-legal topics. Most issues are devoted primarily to one special topic, often presented from a variety of disciplinary perspectives. One special issue per year is specifically targeted toward 'International Perspectives' on the selected topic. In addition, one issue each year is devoted to miscellaneous research articles, special perspectives, book review/essays, adversarial forums, and articles of special concern to practitioners; such offerings are also published in other issues as space permits. The journal also appeals to clinicians, academics, researchers, and policy makers. Five issues are published per year, and articles are published in English.
Current Psychiatry Reviews publishes frontier review articles and guest edited issues dedicated to clinical research on all the latest advances on clinical psychiatry and its related areas e.g. pharmacology, epidemiology, clinical care and therapy. The journal is an essential reading for all clinicians, psychiatrists and researchers in psychiatry.
Drugs and Alcohol Today journal is committed to bringing together scientific research as well as practitioner and policy reports on the social, economic, and political aspects of alcohol and other drugs.
Journal of Eating Disorders is the first open access, peer-reviewed journal publishing leading research in the science and clinical practice of eating disorders.
Multi-agency and multidisciplinary, the Journal of Forensic Practice provides a forum for researchers and practitioners on all aspects of forensic application in relation to the criminal and civil justice systems.
Parkinson's Disease is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles, review articles, and clinical studies in all areas of Parkinson's disease.
Sleep Disorders is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles, review articles, and clinical studies related to all aspects of sleep disorders.
Aus der Praxis für die Praxis*Kompaktes Fachwissen*Übersichten und Originalia*Kasuistiken und Therapieberichte*Neue Trends aus der Suchtmedizin, Suchtpsychologie, Suchtsozialarbeit*Zusammenfassungen internationalerStudien, Veranstaltungsberichte, Recht, Interviews*Sucht international - Blick über die Grenzen.
JHPN is the professional, peer-reviewed journal for nurses in hospiceand palliative care settings. Focusing on the clinical, educational andresearch aspects of care, JHPN brings current and reliableinformation to the practice of end of life care nurses. Feature articles inareas such as symptom management, ethics, and helpful hints on physicalcare address holistic care across the continuum. Book and article reviews,clinical updates and case studies create a journal that meets the didacticand practical needs of the nurse caring for patients with serious illnessesin advanced stages. Continuing education, membership and certificationassociation updates and favorite poems/stories are alsoincluded. For more information, visit
Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review is a quarterly, peer-reviewed journal that provides an international, interdisciplinary forum for new developments and in-depth reviews on current thought and practices. The Journal publishes original research reviews, conceptual and theoretical papers, and related work in the broad area of the behavioral sciences that pertains to infants, children, adolescents, and families. Contributions originate from a wide array of disciplines, among them psychology (clinical, community, developmental, family, school), medicine (family practice, pediatrics, psychiatry), public health, social work, and education. Coverage includes both science and application, and extends to etiology, assessment, description, treatment and intervention, prevention, methodology, and public policy.