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Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics

ISSN: 0196-206XeISSN: 1536-7312

The Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics is devoted entirely to developmental and psychosocial aspects of pediatric health care. Each bimonthly issue includes original articles, case reports, challenging cases, and reviews;cutting-edge work from today's best known leaders in related fields. Learning disorders, developmental disabilities, and emotional, behavioral, and psychosomatic problems are just a few of the relevant areas covered in the journal. Also included is a time-saving review section that provides ready access to key articles from more than 50 related journals. For more information, visit

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Psychological Injury and Law

ISSN: 1938-971XeISSN: 1938-9728

Psychological Injury and Law is a journal designed as a multidisciplinary forum for the dissemination of research articles and scholarly exchanges about issues pertaining to the interface of psychology and law in the area of trauma, injury, and their psychological impact. The journal intends to help build the evidentiary research base of the field, and to critically examine its concepts and practice. Psychological impairments and disabilities may arise from physical and/or mental injuries ascribed to alleged negligent actions. They need to be judiciously assessed for their validity, and treated when evaluated as valid. They lead to legal and related action when there are long term or permanent effects.

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Health Marketing Quarterly

ISSN: 0735-9683eISSN: 1545-0864

Health Marketing Quarterly is directed at academicians and practitioners who are concerned with the concepts, practice, and research of health care marketing in today's complex environment. The journal addresses important contemporary issues in the use of marketing by health care organizations like hospitals, individual practitioners, and public health care organizations. This includes the use of marketing to promote, position, deter, enhance health care organizations/issues, and the development of the marketing literature on both a conceptual and empirical basis.Contributions are encouraged which include analysis of existing practice, methods and programs; application of new ideas and methods; and research on various aspects of health care marketing. The Editors also welcome proposals for special issues. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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European Journal of Health Economics

ISSN: 1618-7598eISSN: 1618-7601

The European Journal of Health Economics is a highly scientific and at the same time practical oriented journal considering the requirements of various health care systems in Europe. The international scientific board of opinion leaders guarantee high-quality, peer reviewed publications as well as articles for pragmatic approaches in the field of Health Economics.Officially cited as: Eur J Health Econ

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Value in Health Regional Issues

ISSN: 2212-1099eISSN: 2212-1102

Value in Health Regional Issues (ViHRI) is a new scientific journal of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) to encourage and enhance the science of pharmacoeconomic/health economic and health outcomes research and its use in health care decisions in Asia, Latin America, Central & Eastern Europe, Western Asia, and Africa.

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Children's Health Care

ISSN: 0273-9615eISSN: 1532-6888

This well-established journal publishes empirically-based articles addressing theoretical, clinical, programmatic, training, and professional practice issues relevant to the family-centered, developmental, and psychosocial aspects of children' health care. It also contains substantive and methodological reviews pertaining to these areas. As such, it welcomes articles involving parent-professional collaboration and multidisciplinary efforts including nursing, child life, psychology, social work, and related disciplines. The journal' goal is to establish a strong justification for psychosocial care of children and provide an empirical base for professional applications with children and families interacting with health care settings and personnel. Peer Review Policy: All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by two anonymous referees. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Rural and Remote Health

eISSN: 1445-6354

INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing

eISSN: 1945-7243

health policy, public policy, financing, organization, health care management, health services research

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Bulletin of the World Health Organization

ISSN: 0042-9686eISSN: 1564-0604

The Bulletin of the World Health Organization is published monthly in English, with French and Spanish summaries for each article by the World Health Organization (WHO). Established for more than 50 years as a leading research journal, the Bulletin of the World Health Organization was expanded in 1999. In line with sweeping changes preparing WHO for the new century, the Bulletin quickened its pace of publication and extended its editorial scope. Contributions from the social and behavioural sciences added to extend the journal's traditional coverage of biomedical and scientific research. Support from a prestigious Editorial Board, as well as from an extensive group of reviewers, has raised the standards of manuscript appraisal and acceptance even higher. By placing research findings and policy-relevant discussions side by side, the Bulletin aims to stimulate debate on public health policy and practice based on the best evidence available, while also encouraging closer links between scientific investigation and the challenge of helping populations to lead healthier lives. In selecting articles for publication, the editors continue to give priority to original findings that advance understanding of health problems - and ways to solve them - in a world where health concerns every country, and diseases respect no boundaries. Its abbreviated title, Bull World Health Organ, should be used in bibliographies, footnotes and bibliographical references and strips.

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Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health

eISSN: 2213-3984
Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health (CEGH) is the official journal of the Indian Clinical Epidemiology Network (IndiaClen). This is a multidisciplinary e-journal published thrice a year. The mandate of the journal is to promote clinical epidemiology and global health internationally and particularly in India and Asian countries. This will be done by providing through the Journal a platform for publishing high quality research works, building capacity for cutting edge research by continuing education, improving practices and policy by evidence updates and engaging with and mentoring the future generation by students' section.

IndiaClen is dedicated to improving the health of the people by promoting clinical practice based on the best evidence of effectiveness and the efficient use of resources. Our goal is to strengthen national health care systems and improve health practices by providing professionals in the field with the tools to analyze the efficacy, efficiency, and equity of interventions and preventive measures. All articles published in our journal are peer reviewed to the highest standard, published online for immediate access.

Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health publishes original research work across all disciplines of medicine and allied sciences, related to clinical epidemiology and global health. Continuing education, evidence updates, students' pre-specified contributions, journal clubs, health-related information of interest to our readers and letters to editors are published.

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International Journal of Health Economics and Management

ISSN: 2199-9023eISSN: 2199-9031

The focus of the International Journal of Health Economics and Management is on health care systems and on the behavior of consumers, patients, and providers of such services. The links among management, public policy, payment, and performance are core topics of the journal.

The demand for health care and its cost remain central concerns. Even as medical innovation allows providers to improve the lives of their patients, questions remain about how to efficiently deliver health care services, how to pay for them, and who should pay for them. Innovators, providers, and payers in the public and private sectors are faced with these questions every day. One key to answering these questions is to understand how people choose among alternative arrangements, either in markets or through the political process. The choices made by healthcare managers concerning the organization and production of that care are also crucial. There is an important connection between the management of a health care system and its economic performance.

The primary audience for this journal will be health economists and researchers in health management, along with the larger group of health services researchers. In addition, research and policy analysis reported in the journal should be of interest to health care providers, managers and policymakers.

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JONA's Healthcare Law, Ethics and Regulation

ISSN: 1520-9229eISSN: 1539-073X

JONA's Healthcare Law, Ethics & Regulation is the only journal covering the legal, ethical, and regulatory issues facing nursing care management.This exciting publication provides a useful addition to the popular JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration8212;at no extra charge to JONA institutional subscribers! Valuable information on the changing regulations affecting healthcare will keep readers up-to-date on this critical aspect of the profession. Discussions of current trends in healthcare law, and the ethics involved in ensuring quality patient care, are sure to assist readers in their daily patient management. Cutting-edge, practical information will provide managers and executives tools to manage the changing healthcare system. No other periodical ties all of these related and timely topics together in one source. Website:

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Pathogens and Global Health

ISSN: 2047-7724eISSN: 2047-7732

Pathogens and Global Health is a journal of infectious disease and public health that focuses on the translation of molecular, immunological, genomics and epidemiological knowledge into control measures for global health threat. The journal publishes original innovative research papers, reviews articles and interviews policy makers and opinion leaders on health subjects of international relevance. It provides a forum for scientific, ethical and political discussion of new innovative solutions for controlling and eradicating infectious diseases, with particular emphasis on those diseases affecting the poorest regions of the world.

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Performance Enhancement and Health

ISSN: 2211-2669

Performance Enhancement & Health is an international, peer-reviewed journal that critically explores the health implications of pharmacological, genetic, psychological and other technological enhancements of the human being. The journal is multi-disciplinary, examining the implications of performance enhancement on the human condition. Performance enhancement may be linked to productivity, identity, social capital or pleasure, while health is envisaged broadly as absence of disease, optimal functioning, and (personal or community) well-being.Manuscripts are submitted online via

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Quality Management in Health Care

ISSN: 1063-8628eISSN: 1550-5154

This peer-reviewed quarterly journal provides a forum to explore the theoretical, technical, and strategic elements of total quality management in health care. Each issue of Quality Management in Health Care (QMHC) includes an in-depth interview with a health care attorney, information on basic quality management tools and processes, and articles to encourage informal communication among those involved in the field of health care quality management. QMHC also provides reviews of important books, seminars, and other critical resources.Website:

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Noise & Health

ISSN: 1463-1741eISSN: 1998-4030

Noise and Health is the only International Journal devoted to research on all aspects of noise and its effects on human health. An inter-disciplinary journal for all professions concerned with auditory and non-auditory effects of occupational, environmental, and leisure noise. It aims to provide a forum for presentation of novel research material on a broad range of topics associated with noise pollution, its control and its detrimental effects on hearing and health. It will cover issues from basic experimental science through clinical evaluation and management, technical aspects of noise reduction systems and solutions to environmental issues relating to social and public health policy.

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Women and Birth

ISSN: 1871-5192

Women and Birth publishes on all matters that affect women and birth, from pre-conceptual counselling, through pregnancy, birth, and the first six weeks postnatal. All papers accepted will draw from and contribute to the relevant contemporary research, policy and/or theoretical literature. We seek research papers, quality assurances papers (with ethical approval) discussion papers, clinical practice papers, case studies and original literature reviews.Our women-centred focus is inclusive of the foetus and the newborn, both well and ill, and covers both normal and abnormal pregnancies and births. The journal seeks papers on midwifery practice, theory, research, education and leadership. Topics may include where appropriate neonatal nursing, child and family health, women's health and lactation consultancy. Papers from academics and health professionals from fields outside of midwifery are encouraged. We seek papers on reproductive physiology and neurophysiology where the links to the childbearing woman and her baby are made explicit. We also seek relevant papers on natural and complementary therapies, local, national and international policy, management, politics, economics, societal and cultural issues as they affect childbearing women and their families. Articles are double-blind peer-reviewed by experts in the field of the submitted work. The journal is indexed in PubMed, Index medicus (Medline), SCOPUS, and CINAHL.To purchase books on Midwifery or to browse our comprehensive range of Midwifery titles, please visit us at

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Advances in Skin & Wound Care

ISSN: 1527-7941eISSN: 1538-8654

Advances in Skin and Wound Care covers the latest skin and wound care research and its application to practice, as well as features new skin and wound care products. For more information, visit

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Nursing Management

ISSN: 1354-5760eISSN: 2047-8976

As the leading journal for current and aspiring nurse leaders, Nursing Management contains a wide range of clinical, research and continuing professional development articles. Topics include: Collaborative working Visible leadership Intentional rounding Medication errors Staff recruitment Innovation Role development Information technology Risk assessment Embedding practice Service redesign Leading change Workforce diversity Patient experience Advanced skills Mentorship Preventing Neglect

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Health Informatics Journal

ISSN: 1460-4582eISSN: 1741-2811

Information and communication technology are integral to all areas of health care, from organisational management to the delivery of patient care and health promotion. In this fast-moving arena, Health Informatics Journal provides an international forum for the exchange of practice, innovation and research. Representing the interdisciplinary nature of health informatics, the journal publishes peer reviewed contributions from the fields of informatics and telematics, the health professions, computer science, engineering and management.A free subscription to Health Informatics Journal is included as part of the membership to The British Medical Informatics Society. For further details about the society and how to become a member go to Editor is keen to discuss papers on any subject relevant to healthcare informatics, but especially welcomes contributions on e-health, electronic patient records, e-learning in healthcare, web-based information services; support for clinical decision-making, knowledge management, quality control, evidence-based practice, modeling of healthcare service usage; healthcare applications of mobile and pervasive technologies, assistive technology; evaluation and use of healthcare IT, design and development methodologies for healthcare IT, security and confidentiality; future developments in technologies and applications.For more information on contributing to Health Informatics Journal, please email the Editor, Rob Procter:

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