The journal reflects the multidisciplinary nature of the field of health services and outcomes research. It addresses the needs of multiple, interlocking communities, including methodologists in statistics, econometrics, social and behavioral sciences: designers and analysts of health policy and health services research projects: and health care providers and policy makers who need to properly understand and evaluate the results of published research. The journal will strive to enhance the level of methodologic rigor in health services and outcomes research and will contribute to the development of methodologic standards in the field. In pursuing its main objective, the journal will also provide a meeting ground for researchers from a number of traditional disciplines and will foster the development of new quantitative methodology by statisticians, econometricians, and methodologists in other fields.
Health Services and Outcomes Research Methodology publishes: Research papers on quantitative methods: Case Studies setting out substantial applications of quantitative methodology in health services and outcomes research: Review Articles, synthesizing and popularizing methodologic developments: Tutorials: Articles on computational issues and software reviews: Book reviews and notices. Special issues will be devoted to papers presented in important workshops and conferences.
An international, scholarly, peer-reviewed journal, Health Sociology Review (ISSN 1446-1242) explores the contribution of sociology and sociological research methods to understanding health and illness; to health policy, promotion and practice; and to equity, social justice, social policy and social work.
The British Journal of Health Psychology publishes original research on all aspects of psychology related to health, health-related behaviour and illness across the lifespan including: • psychosocial mediators of health-related behaviours .
ANNALS OF GLOBAL HEALTH, published formerly as The Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine, is an open-access, peer-reviewed Journal focused on global health. The Journal’s mission is to advance and disseminate knowledge of global health, promote research and foster the prevention and treatment of disease worldwide by supporting open dissemination and lively discourse about a wide range of the most important topics in global health and medicine.
International Journal of Health Policy and Management (IJHPM) is a monthly open access, peer-reviewed journal which serves as an international and interdisciplinary setting for the dissemination of health policy and management research. It brings together individual specialties from different fields, notably health management/policy/economics, epidemiology, social/public policy, and philosophy into a dynamic academic mix.
The Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health is a truly international journal that encompasses all aspects of epidemiology and public health. It publishes original research, opinions and materials concerned with the study and improvement of communities worldwide.
A leading journal in its field, and the primary source of communication across the many disciplines it serves, the Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law focuses on the initiation, formulation, and implementation of health policy and analyzes the relations between government and health--past, present, and future.
World Medical & Health Policy is a unique journal dedicated to the intersection of policy, medicine and public health. The Journal's primary objective is to help improve global health by translating medical knowledge and scientific evidence into the normative function of policy.
criminology and criminal justice, public health, social policy, community and environmental psychology
Global Health Research and Policy is an open access, multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal that rapidly disseminates high quality research to improve regional and global health and promote health equity.
Health Policy is intended to be a vehicle for the exploration and discussion of health policy and health system issues and is aimed in particular at enhancing communication between health policy and system researchers, legislators, decision-makers and professionals concerned with developing, implementing, and analysing health policy, health systems and health care reforms, primarily in high-income countries outside the U.S.A.Health care policies and reforms are made at an ever-increasing pace in countries around the world - and policy-makers are increasingly looking to other countries for solutions to their own problems. Health Policy is committed to support this international dialogue to ensure that policies are not just copied but used and adapted based on the specific problems and objectives as well as the respective context. The journal encourages the submission of short, full-length, comparative and review articles (as well as groups of articles in "special sections") which address:1. What is happening in terms of policies, reforms, regulation etc. of health systems; 2. Where the ideas are coming from, i.e. whether they are "imported" from another country or developed within the country, and how innovative they are they in comparison to other countries;3. Why it is happening, e.g. as a consequence of a change in government, popular dissatisfaction or (perceived) unsustainable cost increases, and what are the objectives;4. The actors involved (both governmental as well as non-governmental), incl. their roles, their opinions and their strength in the decision and implementation process;5. Intended and, especially, unintended effects of these policies or reforms on the health system in terms of access, appropriateness, costs, effectiveness, quality, patient experience and equity etc.; and6. Their final consequences in terms of health outcomes, financial protection and responsiveness to the population's legitimate expectations, i.e. a performance assessment of reforms and health systems.To achieve the journal's objectives, authors are encouraged to write in a non-technical style, which is understandable to health policy practitioners and specialists from other disciplines and in other countries.Electronic usage:An increasing number of readers access the journal online via ScienceDirect, one of the world's most advanced web delivery systems for scientific, technical and medical information.Average monthly article downloads for this journal: 35,538* Figure is an average based on full text articles downloaded monthly via ScienceDirect between July 2010 and July 2011