Acta Applicandae Mathematicae is devoted to the art and techniques of applying mathematics and the development of new, applicable mathematical methods. Covering a large spectrum from modeling to qualitative analysis and computational methods, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae contains papers on different aspects of the relationship between theory and applications, ranging from descriptive papers on actual applications meeting contemporary mathematical standards to proofs of new and deep theorems in applied mathematics.
Acta Archaeologica was founded in 1930 by a group of distinguished scholars from all the Nordic countries to allow Scandinavian archaeology an independent international voice, whether dealing with Northern Europe, the Mediterranean, the Arctic or any other part of the world. A substantial part of the contributions to Acta Archaeologica are still on Northern European archaeology (including Baltic countries), others are on European and World themes of particular interest to the archaeology of Northern Europe. Emphasis throughout is on quality, originality of data and well documented and illustrated studies, as well as on methodological issues. Contributions by young scholars are invited. The languages of Acta Archaeologica are English, German, French and Italian. All contributions are peer-reviewed by specialists, their names available to authors upon request. Contributors should produce separate electronic files for the text and each single illustration (in very high resolution). Acta Archaeologica is published annually as a one or two part volume both electronically and in print.
Acta Astronautica is sponsored by the International Academy of Astronautics. Content is based on original contributions in all fields of basic, engineering, life and social space sciences and of space technology related to:The peaceful scientific exploration of space,Its exploitation for human welfare and progressConception, design, development and operation of space-borne and Earth-based systemsIn addition to regular issues, the journal publishes selected proceedings of the annual International Astronautical Congress (IAC), transactions of the IAA and special issues on topics of current interest, such as microgravity, space station technology, geostationary orbits, and space economics. Other subject areas include satellite technology, space transportation and communications, space energy, power and propulsion, astrodynamics, extraterrestrial intelligence and Earth observations.For more information on the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA), visit their home page: Members of the IAA are eligible for a discount on a personal subscription to Acta Astronautica. Please click here to download an order form.
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Acta Biochimica Polonica is a journal covering enzymology and metabolism, membranes and bioenergetics, gene structure and expression, protein, nucleic acid and carbohydrate structure and metabolism.Acta Biochimica Polonica publishes research articles, short communications, review articles and book reviews.
DIRECCI N Flavia Freidenberg Universidad de Salamanca CONSEJO DE REDACCI N Elena Mart nez Barahona Univ. de Salamanca. Espa a Amelia Brenes Univ. de Salamanca. Espa a Patricia Marenghi (Univ. de Salamanca. Espa a Fernando Pedrosa Univ. Argentina de la Empresa. Argentina Margarita C. Batlle Univ. Externado. Colombia Luc a Miranda Univ. de Salamanca. Espa a Jorge Castillo Vaquera El Colegio Mexiquense. A.C.. M xico Daniela Paiva Univ. Federal de Minas Gerais. Brasil Araceli Mateos D az Univ. de Salamanca. Espa a Juan Mario Solis Delgadillo Univ. de Salamanca. Espa a Mar a Jos Cascante Univ. de Salamanca. Espa a Santiago Basabe Serrano FLACSO. Ecuador Julieta Su rez Cao Northwestern University EE.UU. Oniel D az Jim nez University of Birmingham. Reino Unido An bal P rez-Li n Pittsburgh University. EE.UU. Idalina Arreola Atilano Univ. Aut noma de Tlaxcala. M xico CONSEJO CIENT FICO Manuel Alc ntara S ez Univ. de Salamanca. Espa a Catalina Romero Pontificia Univ. Cat lica de Per Detlef Nolte GIGA-Instituto de Estudios Latinoamericanos. Hamburgo. Alemania Francisco Panizza (London School of Economics and Political Sciences. Gran Breta a Jonathan Hartlyn Univ. de Carolina del Norte. EE.UU. Olivier Dab ne SCIENCE PO. Francia Iv n Llamazares Univ. de Salamanca. Espa a Salvador Mart Puig Univ. de Salamanca. Espa a Jos Enrique Molina Univ. del Zulia Venezuela Sim n Pachano FLACSO. Ecuador Ludolfo Paramio CSIC. Espa a Francisco Guti rrez San n Univ. Nacional. Colombia Fernando Rueda Junquera Univ. de Burgos. Espa a Philippe C. Schmitter Instituto Universitario Europeo. Italia Mario Serrafero Univ. Argentina de la Empresa. Argentina Pilar Domingo Univ. de Londres. Gran Breta a V ctor Alarc n Olgu n Univ. Aut noma Metropolitana. M xico Esther del Campo Univ.
Akadémiai Kiadó, founded in 1828 by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, is Hungary’s oldest continuously operating publishing house. Our mission is to promote Hungarian and international science, that is, to publish the new discoveries in various areas of science, to effectively support information exchange amongst scientists on a global level, and to make scientific results a public property available for all who seek valuable and reliable knowledge.Our traditions oblige us. Our aim is to become the most significant scientific publishing house of Central and Eastern-Europe whilst maintaining excellent quality, further improving our important scientific and business partnerships, creating scientific, economic and social values and keeping ahead the revolution in communication technology that is reshaping the publishing industry. .
Acta Biomaterialia is an international journal that publishes peer-reviewed original research reports, review papers and communications in the broadly defined field of biomaterials science. The emphasis of the journal is on the relationship between biomaterial structure and function at all length scales. The journal is committed to rapid peer-review and publication.The scope of Acta Biomaterialia includes:Hypothesis-driven design of biomaterialsBiomaterial surface science linking structure to biocompatibility, including protein adsorption and cellular interactionsBiomaterial mechanical characterization and modeling at all scalesMolecular, statistical and other types of modeling applied to capture biomaterial behaviorInteractions of biological species with defined surfacesCombinatorial approaches to biomaterial developmentStructural biology as it relates structure to function for biologically derived materials that have application as a medical material, or as it aids in understanding the biological response to biomaterialsMethods for biomaterial characterizationProcessing of biomaterials to achieve specific functionalityMaterials development for arrayed genomic and proteomic screeningBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
Data Science for Transportation publishes high-quality original research and reviews in a wide range of topics related to Data Science for Transportation. This includes classical approaches when data sources are used to unravel underlying physical mechanisms leading to general laws and new modelling frameworks. It also includes new data-driven approaches when AI plays a central role.
The goal of the journal is to showcase the latest methodological advances and applications of data science methods in transportation and appropriate implications for policy making. The journal is also interested in the significant impact that these fields are beginning to have on other scientific disciplines as well as many aspects of society and industry. There are countless opportunities where big data intelligence can augment other methods in transportation systems planning, operations, freight, safety analysis, transit, safe and sustainable cities and emergency management. There are many emerging questions of relevance on ethical, social and privacy, that are also relevant in this domain. The focus is primarily on analytical data driven methods. High quality application based studies will also be considered.
Acta Borealia is a multi-disciplinary scientific journal for cultural studies. The journal presents results from basic research on northern societies, including reviews of new books about the north. The contributing authors are mainly from the Nordic countries, but also from other countries performing research on circumpolar societies. The journal publishes articles in such disciplines as history, archaeology, social anthropology, ethnography, geography and linguistics.Acta Borealia is edited by a group of scholars at the University of Troms , and is the only journal dedicated exclusively to a multidisciplinary, comparative focus on circumpolar societies.Topics of primary concern areethnic relations settlement patterns and developments economy political, cultural and social phenomena from prehistoric times to the recent past.Articles and book reviews are published in English.
Acta Botanica Brasilica (Acta bot. bras.) publishes original articles on all aspects of plant (including algae) and fungi biology. The submitted manuscript or its essential content must not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Contributions should be substantial, written in English and show general interest. Manuscripts that report aspects of local interest are discouraged unless the implications of the findings are wide-reaching. Manuscripts with agronomic subjects are expected to contain a substantial amount of basic plant biology.
Casopis je utemeljen 1925. godine pod nazivom Acta Botanica Instituti Botanici Regalis Universitatis Zagrebensis. Pod nazivom Acta Botanica Croatica izlazi od 1957. godine.Objavljuje izvorne znanstvene radove iz botanike, algologije, mikologije, bakteriologije i biljne virologije (floristika, taksonomija, ekologija, citologija, fiziologija, citogenetika, molekularna biologija, paleobotanika). Objavljuje rezultate istraživanja na kopnu (u nizinskim i krškim podrucjima), u kopnenim vodama, te u Jadranskom i Sredozemnom moru.Casopis ima medunarodno uredništvo i medunarodnu recenziju rukopisa pisanih iskljucivo na engleskom jeziku. Od 2000. godine Acta Botanica Croatica izlazi dvaput godišnje (jedan volumen, dva broja).AGRICOLA, BIOSIS, CAB International, EBSCO Publishing, BIOBASE, Current Awareness in Plant Science, Scopus, Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Zoological Records, Web of Science – Science Citation Index expanded.
Acta Botanica Hungarica publishes papers by scientists of Hungary and of surrounding countries working on the topics listed below. Studies by foreign researchers written in the framework of international projects and cooperations are also welcome. Main subjects: plant anatomy and histology, cryptogam and phanerogam taxonomy, molecular phylogeny, plant geography, plant sociology, vegetation science, tropical botany, ethnobotany, paleobotany and palynology. Publishes book reviews and advertisements.
Acta Botanica Malacitana es una revista de carácter internacional y periodicidad anual. Tiene por objeto la transmisión de los resultados de trabajos originales relacionados con cualquier campo de la botánica, especialmente aquellos dedicados a la sistemática, corología, ecología y botánica.
DIRECCI N Flavia Freidenberg Universidad de Salamanca CONSEJO DE REDACCI N Elena Mart nez Barahona Univ. de Salamanca. Espa a Amelia Brenes Univ. de Salamanca. Espa a Patricia Marenghi (Univ. de Salamanca. Espa a Fernando Pedrosa Univ. Argentina de la Empresa. Argentina Margarita C. Batlle Univ. Externado. Colombia Luc a Miranda Univ. de Salamanca. Espa a Jorge Castillo Vaquera El Colegio Mexiquense. A.C.. M xico Daniela Paiva Univ. Federal de Minas Gerais. Brasil Araceli Mateos D az Univ. de Salamanca. Espa a Juan Mario Solis Delgadillo Univ. de Salamanca. Espa a Mar a Jos Cascante Univ. de Salamanca. Espa a Santiago Basabe Serrano FLACSO. Ecuador Julieta Su rez Cao Northwestern University EE.UU. Oniel D az Jim nez University of Birmingham. Reino Unido An bal P rez-Li n Pittsburgh University. EE.UU. Idalina Arreola Atilano Univ. Aut noma de Tlaxcala. M xico CONSEJO CIENT FICO Manuel Alc ntara S ez Univ. de Salamanca. Espa a Catalina Romero Pontificia Univ. Cat lica de Per Detlef Nolte GIGA-Instituto de Estudios Latinoamericanos. Hamburgo. Alemania Francisco Panizza (London School of Economics and Political Sciences. Gran Breta a Jonathan Hartlyn Univ. de Carolina del Norte. EE.UU. Olivier Dab ne SCIENCE PO. Francia Iv n Llamazares Univ. de Salamanca. Espa a Salvador Mart Puig Univ. de Salamanca. Espa a Jos Enrique Molina Univ. del Zulia Venezuela Sim n Pachano FLACSO. Ecuador Ludolfo Paramio CSIC. Espa a Francisco Guti rrez San n Univ. Nacional. Colombia Fernando Rueda Junquera Univ. de Burgos. Espa a Philippe C. Schmitter Instituto Universitario Europeo. Italia Mario Serrafero Univ. Argentina de la Empresa. Argentina Pilar Domingo Univ. de Londres. Gran Breta a V ctor Alarc n Olgu n Univ. Aut noma Metropolitana. M xico Esther del Campo Univ.
Acta Chimica Slovenica (ACSi) provides a forum for the publication of original and significant work in the chemical and closely related areas of research. Reviews, scientific and technical articles, and short communications are welcome.
2014 Impact Factor: 0.408
5-year Impact Factor: 0.402
Ranking: 182/197 (Surgery)
©Thomson Reuters, Journal Citation Reports® 2014
Acta Chirurgica Belgica (ACB) is the official journal of the Royal Belgian Society for Surgery (RBSS) and its affiliated societies. It publishes Editorials, Review papers, Original Research, and Technique related manuscripts in the broad field of Clinical Surgery. Experimental studies are considered when the results have a clear translational clinical value. Topical correspondence on the published content is welcome.
This journal subscribes to the recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals put forward by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.
Acta Chromatographica publishes peer-reviewed scientific articles on every field of chromatography, including theory of chromatography; progress in synthesis and characterization of new stationary phases; chromatography of organic, inorganic and complex compounds; enantioseparation and chromatography of chiral compounds; applications of chromatography in biology, pharmacy, medicine, and food analysis; environmental applications of chromatography; analytical and physico-chemical aspects of sample preparation for chromatography; hyphenated and combined techniques; chemometrics and its applications in separation science.
To publish original papers on basic and applied research in surgery, and biomedical sciences, new surgical techniques, reviews related to investigations in biomedicine, articles on teaching, advances in biomedicine and scientific communication.
Acta Clinica Belgica: International Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Medicine primarily publishes papers on clinical medicine, clinical chemistry, pathology and molecular biology, provided they describe results which contribute to our understanding of clinical problems or describe new methods applicable to clinical investigation. Readership includes physicians, pathologists, pharmacists and physicians working in non-academic and academic hospitals, practicing internal medicine and its subspecialties.
Acta Clinica Belgica is the official journal of the following societies, which make the journal available to their members:
•Belgian Society of Internal Medicine
•Royal Belgian Society of Laboratory Medicine
La revista
Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials publishes scientific articles related to the structural science of compounds and materials in the widest sense. Knowledge of the arrangements of atoms, including their temporal variations and dependencies on temperature and pressure, is often the key to understanding physical and chemical phenomena and is crucial for the design of new materials and supramolecular devices. Acta Crystallographica B is the forum for the publication of such contributions. Scientific developments based on experimental studies as well as those based on theoretical approaches, including crystal-structure prediction, structure-property relations and the use of databases of crystal structures, are published.
Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materialspublishes scientific articles related to the structural science of compounds and materials in the widest sense. Knowledge of the arrangements of atoms, including their temporal variations and dependencies on temperature and pressure, is often the key to understanding physical and chemical phenomena and is crucial for the design of new materials and supramolecular devices. Acta Crystallographica B is the forum for the publication of such contributions. Scientific developments based on experimental studies as well as those based on theoretical approaches, including crystal-structure prediction, structure-property relations and the use of databases of crystal structures, are published.
Acta Crystallographica Section C: Crystal Structure Communications specializes in the rapid dissemination of high-quality detailed studies of novel and challenging crystal and molecular structures of interest in the fields of chemistry, biochemistry, mineralogy, pharmacology, physics and materials science. The unique checking, editing and publishing facilities of the journal ensure the highest standards of structural reliability and presentation, while providing for reports on studies involving special techniques or difficult crystalline materials. Papers go beyond reporting the principal numerical and geometrical data, and may include the discussion of multiple related structures, a detailed description of non-routine structure determinations, placing the structure in an interesting scientific, physical or chemical context, or the discussion of interesting physical properties or modes of association. Reports of difficult or challenging structures, such as cases of twinning, severe disorder, or diffuse solvent regions are welcomed, provided the presented structures are correct and the difficulties and strategies used to treat them are scientifically discussed and properly documented. Section C readers have access to an extensive back archive of high-quality structural data.
Acta Crystallographica Section C: Structural Chemistry is continuing its transition to a journal that publishes exciting science with structural content, in particular, important results relating to the chemical sciences. Section C is the journal of choice for the rapid publication of articles that highlight interesting research facilitated by the determination, calculation or analysis of structures of any type, other than macromolecular structures. Articles that emphasize the science and the outcomes that were enabled by the study are particularly welcomed. Authors are encouraged to include mainstream science in their papers, thereby producing manuscripts that are substantial scientific well-rounded contributions that appeal to a broad community of readers and increase the profile of the authors.
Acta Crystallographica Section D: Biological Crystallography welcomes the submission of papers covering any aspect of structural biology, with a particular emphasis on the structures of biological macromolecules and the methods used to determine them. Reports on new protein structures are particularly encouraged, as are structure-function papers that could include crystallographic binding studies, or structural analysis of mutants or other modified forms of a known protein structure. The key criterion is that such papers should present new insights into biology, chemistry or structure.
Acta Crystallographica Section D welcomes the submission of articles covering any aspect of structural biology, with a particular emphasis on the structures of biological macromolecules or the methods used to determine them.
Acta Crystallographica Section E: Structure Reports Online is the IUCr's highly popular open-access structural journal. It provides a simple and easily accessible publication mechanism for the growing number of inorganic, metal-organic and organic crystal structure determinations. The electronic submission, validation, refereeing and publication facilities of the journal ensure very rapid and high-quality publication, whilst key indicators and validation reports provide measures of structural reliability. The average publication time is less than one month. Articles are published in a short-format style with enhanced supplementary materials. Each publication consists of a complete package - the published article, HTML and PDF supplements, CIF, structure factors, graphics, and any other submitted supplementary files.
With articles offering an excellent balance between clinical cytology and cytopathology, Acta Cytologica fosters the understanding of the pathogenetic mechanisms behind cytomorphology and thus facilitates the translation of frontline research into clinical practice. As the official journal of the International Academy of Cytology and affiliated to over 50 national cytology societies around the world, Acta Cytologica evaluates new and existing diagnostic applications of scientific advances as well as their clinical correlations. Original papers, review articles, meta-analyses, novel insights from clinical practice, and letters to the editor cover topics from diagnostic cytopathology, gynecologic, and nongynecologic cytopathology to fine needle aspiration, molecular techniques, and their diagnostic applications. As the perfect reference for practical use, Acta Cytologica addresses a multidisciplinary audience practicing clinical cytopathology, cell biology, oncology, interventional radio
Acta Dermato-Venereologica publishes high-quality manuscripts in English dealing with new observations on basic dermatological and venereological research. as well as clinical investigations. Each volume also features a number of Review articles in special areas. as well as short Letters to the Editor to stimulate debate. New books are also reviewed. Acta Dermato-Venereologica has rapid publication times and is amply illustrated with an increased number of colour photographs to enhance understanding. Acta Dermato-Venereologica covers: Atopic dermatitis and contact allergySkin immunology and lymphomaPsoriasis and genodermatosesSkin barrier and epidermal differentiationSexually transmitted diseasesSkin cancer and pigmentationClinical case reports Extensive papers. proceedings from congresses and symposia are printed as supplements to the journal. Announcements concerning pertinent dermatological meetings and books received are also published. Readership: Doctors and scientists interested in dermatology. skin biology and venerology. Information about Acta Dermato-Venereologica: ISIImpact Factor 2009: 3.007.
Acta Diabetologica is a journal that publishes reports of experimental and clinical research on diabetes mellitus and related metabolic diseases. Original contributions on biochemical, physiological, pathophysiological and clinical aspects of research on diabetes and metabolic diseases are welcome. Reports are published in the form of original articles, short communications and letters to the editor. Invited reviews and editorials are also published. A Methodology forum, which publishes contributions on methodological aspects of diabetes in vivo and in vitro, is also available. The Editor-in-chief will be pleased to consider articles describing new techniques (e.g., new transplantation methods, metabolic models), of innovative importance in the field of diabetes/metabolism. Finally, workshop reports are also welcome in Acta Diabetologica.The journal is also open for publication of supplements and for publishing abstracts of scientific meetings. Condition can be obtained from the Editor-in Chief or the publish
Revue officielle de la Société française d'endoscopie digestive (SFED), Acta Endoscopica publie des articles de formation continue regroupés le plus souvent dans un dossier thématique. L'endoscopie tant sur le plan diagnostique que thérapeutique est étudiée à travers des articles originaux et des cas cliniques. Ses applications médicales et chirurgicales sont largement exposées. Une place est faite aux études expérimentales sur de nouveaux matériels endoscopiques.La revue propose également des sujets propres à l'anatomopathologie, à l'imagerie en général ou encore à la biologie. Enfin, les lecteurs consulteront avec intérêt les revues de la littérature ou les analyses de livres. La revue publie également des dossiers spéciaux consacrés aux manifestations suivantes : La journée de réflexion de la SFED (Société française d’endoscopie digestive) Le Vidéo-Digest (congrès annuel de la SFED) et le Séminaire de formation de la SNFGE (Société nationale française de gastroentér
The journal publishes original research papers in the field of geodesy and geophysics under headings: aeronomy and space physics, electromagnetic studies, geodesy and gravimetry, geodynamics, geomathematics, rock physics, seismology, solid earth physics, history. Papers dealing with problems of the Carpathian region and its surroundings are preferred. Similarly, papers on topics traditionally covered by Hungarian geodesists and geophysicists (e.g. robust estimations, geoid, EM properties of the Earth’s crust, geomagnetic pulsations and seismological risk) are especially welcome.
Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition) is an academic quarterly of the Geological Society of China. It was established in 1922 and is one of the earliest scientific journals in China. Its predecessor was the Bulletin of the Geological Society of Chinaand published papers mainly in English, with some in German and French. With one volume a year, it carried the results of geological investigations of the members of the society and papers presented in annual meetings of the society.
After having published 31 volumes, the journal was renamed Acta Geologica Sinicain 1952 and released papers in Chinese instead of foreign languages, but it was continuously numbered and published by the Science Press of China and was distributed at home in China and abroad. With a 4-year break during 1967-1971, it has published 76 volumes. In March 1988, to meet the need for international exchange, Acta Geologica Sinica -English Edition resumed publication in English and carried the English translation of the papers of the Chinese edition. Since 1997, Acta Geologica Sinica -English Edition has been numbered in the same way as the Chinese edition and not carried the full text translation of the Chinese edition in principle but directly carried the English originals.
Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition mainly reports the latest and most important achievements in the theoretical and basic research in geological sciences, together with new technologies. Papers published involve various aspects of research concerning geosciences and related disciplines, such as stratigraphy, palaeontology, origin and history of the Earth, structural geology, tectonics, mineralogy, petrology, geochemistry, geophysics, geology of mineral deposits, hydrogeology, engineering geology, environmental geology, regional geology and new theories and technologies of geological exploration. Its readers include scientists of research institutions and teachers and students of institutions of higher learning. Sources of papers are plentiful and come from the world over. The ratio of papers published to those submitted is 20~30% and the journal enjoys free choice for better papers in a large number of papers submitted.
Acta Geologica Sinica-English Edition has always been regarded as an academic journal of the highest level in geological sciences of China by numerous domestic readers. It is one of the kernel periodicals of natural science of China. In recent years, it has been indexed in the Science Citation Index-Expanded. The journal was awarded the title of excellent scientific and technological periodicals of China by the Ministry of Science and Technology, General Administration of Press and Publishing and China Association for Science and Technology. In 2001, it was included in the National Periodical Array of China.
In the new century, the world enters a new stage in which science and technology become more and more important, economical and social demands on geoscientist are mounting and geological research serves the society in broader areas. As an important component of modern science and technology, geological science and technology are in need of greater and faster development. In the new era, Acta Geologica Sinica-English has much to do in promoting developments in geological sciences.
Acta Geotechnica is an international journal devoted to the publication and dissemination of basic and applied research in geoengineering – an interdisciplinary field dealing with geomaterials such as soils and rocks. Coverage emphasizes the interplay between geomechanical models and their engineering applications. The journal presents original research papers on fundamental concepts in geomechanics and their novel applications in geoengineering based on experimental, analytical and/or numerical approaches. The main purpose of the journal is to foster understanding of the fundamental mechanisms behind the phenomena and processes in geomaterials, from kilometer-scale problems as they occur in geoscience, and down to the nano-scale, with their potential impact on geoengineering. The journal strives to report and archive progress in the field in a timely manner, presenting research papers, review articles, short notes and letters to the editors. Indexed by SCOPUS, Ulrich´s, MetaPress, Swets Informatin Service
Acta Haematologica is a well-established and internationally recognized clinically oriented journal featuring balanced, wide-ranging coverage of current hematology research. A wealth of information on such problems as anemia, leukemia, lymphoma, multiple myeloma, hereditary disorders, blood coagulation, growth factors, hematopoiesis, and differentiation is contained in first-rate basic and clinical research papers – some of which are accompanied by editorial comments by eminent experts. These are supplemented by short state-of-the-art communications, reviews, and correspondence as well as occasional special issues devoted to “hot topics” in hematology. Cutting-edge clinical information, along translational research relevant to clinical daily life, will keep the practicing hematologist well informed of the new developments in the field.
Acta Haematologica Polonica jest oficjalnym czasopismem Polskiego Towarzystwa Hematologów i Transfuzjologów oraz Instytutu Hematologii i Transfuzjologii zwiazanym z polska hematologia i transfuzjologia od 1970 roku. Pismo publikuje zarówno prace oryginalne doswiadczalne, opisy przypadków jak równiez prace pogladowe i edukacyjne. Tematyka prac publikowanych w Acta Haematologica Polonica obejmuje zagadnienia fizjologii oraz patologii w hematologii i transfuzjologii miedzy innymi dotyczace leukocytów, erytrocytów, plytek krwi, ukladu odpornosciowego, mechanizmów hemostazy oraz aspektów klinicznych rozrostowych chorób hematologicznych.