Plant Physiology and Biochemistry publishes original theoretical, experimental and technical contributions in the various fields of plant physiology (biochemistry, physiology, structure, genetics, plant-microbe interactions, etc.) at diverse levels of integration (molecular, subcellular, cellular, organ, whole plant, environmental). Opinions expressed in the journal are the sole responsibility of the authors and publication does not imply the editors' agreement.Plant Physiology and Biochemistry publishes several types of articles: Reviews, Papers and Short Papers. Articles for Reviews are either invited by the editor or proposed by the authors for the editor's prior agreement. Reviews should not exceed 40 typewritten pages and Short Papers no more than approximately 8 typewritten pages. The fundamental character of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry remains that of a journal for original results.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
Plant Science will publish in the minimum of time, research manuscripts as well as commissioned reviews and commentaries recommended by its referees in all areas of experimental plant biology with emphasis in the broad areas of genomics, proteomics, biochemistry (including enzymology), physiology, cell biology, development, genetics, functional plant breeding, systems biology and the interaction of plants with the environment.Manuscripts for full consideration should be written concisely and essentially as a final report. The main criterion for publication is that the manuscript must contain original and significant insights that lead to a better understanding of fundamental plant biology. Papers centering on plant cell culture should be of interest to a wide audience and methods employed result in a substantial improvement over existing established techniques and approaches. Methods papers are welcome only when the technique(s) described is novel or provides a major advancement of established protocols.Plant Science is not a publication vehicle for preliminary observations, for studies that are merely confirmatory of results accomplished in other plant systems, or that are addressed only to a specialized readership. Submitted manuscripts describing studies of preliminary nature, that are merely confirmatory in scope or of limited scope and interest to the general readership of the journal will be returned without formal review. As a general policy, the journal will no longer consider manuscripts just describing the cloning, sequencing and expression patterns of gene sequences that have been identified and characterized in other plant species, expression of a protein without proper characterization of the recombinant product and native form, the isolation, purification and characterization of enzymes extensively analyzed in other plants, description of molecular markers and plant genetic diversity without any relevant biological information, cell culture and/or transformation of plant species (or closely related species) already established in the literature and basic transcriptomic approaches with no further relevant functional characterization of genes of interest.
Planta publishes timely and substantial articles on all aspects of plant biology.
We welcome original research papers on any plant species. Areas of interest include biochemistry, bioenergy, biotechnology, cell biology, development, ecological and environmental physiology, growth, metabolism, morphogenesis, molecular biology, physiology, plant-microbe interactions, structural biology, and systems biology.
Review articles summarize recent advances in topical areas of plant biology; while the section on Emerging Technologies describes the development of new methods with the potential to advance one or more areas of plant biology.Accepted articles are published online within 2-3 weeks.
Psychiatric Genetics addresses new areas of research which have been opened up following the success of new technology in cloning many genes related to brain structure and function. The journal publishes groundbreaking papers that bring together clinical observations, psychological abnormalities and genetic marker data. Areas such as twin studies, adoption studies, genetic/biological markers and family/pedigree studies also fall within the scope. Website:
RSC Chemical Biology is a gold open access journal dedicated to publishing and disseminating exceptional, breakthrough research and high-quality reviews at the interface of chemistry and biology. We welcome contributions from across the breadth of the chemical biology field. This includes Sensing and Imaging, Bioorthogonal chemistry, Biosynthesis, Biomimetics and Bioengineering, Synthetic biology, Directed evolution, Drugs development and mechanism of action, Glycoscience, Natural products, Nucleic acids, Peptides, Phenotypic screening, Proteins (including protein-protein interactions, modifications, structure and function) We are particularly interested in reports on the application of chemical tools to probe, explore and visualize biological systems and processes to provide insights into molecular mechanisms in health and disease. We also encourage translational research that bridges chemistry and chemical biology to medicine.
Reproduction, Fertility and Development is an international journal for the publication of original and significant contributions related to scientific aspects of reproduction and development, including biology, physiology, biochemistry, endocrinology, immunology, cell biology, genetics, epigenetics, and behaviour, and the development of reproductive technologies in humans, livestock and wildlife, and in pest management. Contributions may take the form of original research articles, critical reviews, and rapid communications.Research articles should report research that addresses a fundamental question in reproductive biology. Descriptive and methodological studies will be assessed according to this criterion. In general, articles dealing with clinical or veterinary practice or the routine application of reproductive technologies are not considered. Reproduction, Fertility and Development has no page charges, and offers free colour online.
Russian Journal of Genetics (Genetika) was founded in 1965, soon after the end of Lysenko’s era, a time during which genetics was considered a false, reactionary science. Since its inception, the journal has made a significant contribution to the revival of genetics in the former Soviet Union. The journal publishes reviews and experimental papers in the areas of theoretical and applied genetics. It presents fundamental research on genetic processes at the molecular, cell, organism, and population levels. Special attention is paid to the most topical areas in modern genetics dealing with global concerns: the conservation and rational management of genetic resources and the evaluation, prediction, and prevention of the negative effects of environmental pollution. The journal also publishes papers dedicated to events in Russian science and the history of genetics.
Russian Journal of Genetics: Applied Research contains translations of papers selected from two leading Russian journals - Vavilovskii Zhurnal Genetiki I Selektsii (Vavilov Journal of Genetics and Breeding) and Ekologicheskaya genetika (Ecological Genetics). The main topics of the journal are: cell biology, cytogenetics, molecular biology, developmental genetics: plant, animal and human genetics: population and evolutionary genetics: microbial, plant and animal biotechnology: bioinformatics and systems biology.The journal also considers all aspects of ecological genetics including behavioral genetics, human ecological genetics, environmental and genetic toxicology, emerging diseases, mutagenesis and carcinogenesis, simbiogenetics, aging, genetic models in ecology
Silvae Genetica is an international peer reviewed journalwith more than a 50 year tradition and experience in allfields of theoretical and applied Forest Genetics and TreeBreeding. This journal is indexed in ISI Web of Science,CAB Abstracts, FAO AGRIS and ELFIS. It continues“Zeitschrift für Forstgenetik und Forstpflanzenzüchtung”(Journal of Forest Genetics and Forest Tree Breeding)founded by W. LANGNER in 1951.
The goal of Standards in Genomic Sciences is to serve as a standard-supportive publication for genome and metagenome reports that comply with the emerging MIGS/MIMS standards. It is journal policy to publish work deemed by peer reviewers to be a coherent and sound addition to scientific knowledge.
Stem Cell Reports publishes high-quality, peer-reviewed research presenting conceptual or practical advances across the breadth of stem cell research and its applications to medicine. Our particular focus on shorter, single-point articles, timely publication, strong editorial decision-making and scientific input by leaders in the field and a "scoop protection" mechanism are reasons to submit your best papers.
Systematic Biology is the bimonthly journal of the Society of Systematic Biologists. Papers for the journal are original contributions to the theory, principles, and methods of systematics as well as phylogeny, evolution, morphology, biogeography, paleontology, genetics, and the classification of all living things. A Points of View section offers a forum for discussion, while book reviews and announcements of general interest are also featured.
Theoretical and Applied Genetics publishes original research and review articles in all key areas of modern plant genetics, plant genomics and plant biotechnology. All work needs to have a clear genetic component and significant impact on plant breeding. Theoretical considerations are only accepted in combination with new experimental data and/or if they indicate a relevant application in plant genetics or breeding. Emphasizing the practical, the journal focuses on research into leading crop plants and articles presenting innovative approaches. Prospective review authors should contact the Reviews Editor before submitting a manuscript.
The American Journal of Medical Genetics - Part A (AJMG) gives you continuous coverage of all biological and medical aspects of genetic disorders and birth defects, as well as in-depth documentation of phenotype analysis within the current context of genotype/phenotype correlations. In addition to Part A , AJMG also publishes two other parts: *Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics , covering experimental and clinical investigations of the genetic mechanisms underlying neurologic and psychiatric disorders. *Part C: Seminars in Medical Genetics , guest-edited collections of thematic reviews of topical interest to the readership of AJMG . As a crucial resource to physicians, medical geneticists and associated professionals, the Journal's primary purpose is to report original research in the following areas: *Biochemical Genetics : newborn screening, carrier detection, and the metabolic dysplasia and malformation syndromes; * Cancer Genetics and Cancer Cytogenetics : experimental and molecular approaches; *Clinical Genetics : descriptions of new syndromes, new causal and pathogenetic insights into known syndromes, advances in genetic counseling, nosology, anthropometry, and anthropology, including dermatoglyphics; *Clinical Molecular Genetics : linkage, mapping, and gene sequencing; *Formal Genetics : quantitative, population, and epidemiological genetics; * Molecular Cytogenetics : delineation of syndromes due to chromosomal aberration; *Neuropsychiatric Genetics : reports on novel research on the genetic mechanisms underlying psychiatric and neurological disorders; * Reproductive Genetics : prenatal diagnosis and the genetics of prenatal and perinatal death in humans.