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Investment Management and Financial Innovations

ISSN: 1810-4967eISSN: 1812-9358
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Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change

ISSN: 1832-5912eISSN: 1839-5473

JAOC is designed to provide a platform for interdisciplinary researchers and practitioners to disseminate information on contemporary organizational changes and accounting practices in industry, public and nonprofit organizations, or in the private sector.

Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems

ISSN: 0219-6867eISSN: 1793-6896

Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Systems publishes original papers pertaining to state-of-the-art research and development, product development, process planning, resource planning, applications, and tools in the areas related to advanced manufacturing.

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Journal of Advanced Transportation

ISSN: 0197-6729eISSN: 2042-3195

The Journal of Advanced Transportation is a fully peer reviewed international journal in the general area of transportation. It publishes papers ranging from methodological to descriptive case studies in analysis, planning, design, technology, economics and operations of transport and traffic systems. Transport Planning, Urban Rail and Bus Systems, Air & Water transport, Intelligent Transport Systems, Highway and Traffic Engineering, Transport and Traffic Systems Analysis, and Transport in Developing Countries are some topics of interest.

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Journal of Air Transport Management

ISSN: 0969-6997eISSN: 1873-2089

The Journal of Air Transport Management (JATM) sets out to address, through high quality research articles and authoritative commentary, the major economic, management and policy issues facing the air transport industry today. It offers practitioners and academics an international and dynamic forum for analysis and discussion of these issues, linking research and practice and stimulating interaction between the two.The refereed papers in the journal cover all the major sectors of the industry (airlines, airports, air traffic management) as well as related areas such as tourism management and logistics. Papers are blind reviewed, normally by two referees, chosen for their specialist knowledge. The journal provides independent, original and rigorous analysis in the areas of:• Policy, regulation and law• Strategy• Operations• Marketing• Economics and finance• SustainabilityPapers are welcomed covering key industry developments and trends, such as changes in government thinking towards air transport; evolving competitive environments and new industry structures; emerging and maturing markets and changing customer needs; sustainability and security challenges; and industry innovation and technological developments.In addition to normal papers, JATM also contains 'Notes' articles. These are short articles not exceeding 2500 words in length (including any references, footnotes, tables and figures). They should be self-contained papers, of either a theoretical or applied nature, that provide a stimulating approach to address a major and topical management or policy issue. They should not be review papers, indeed lengthy reviews of previous work should be avoided, and instead notes should succinctly address the topic in hand. The notes are subject to the normal blind refereeing process to maintain the high standards of the journal.

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Journal of Asset Management

ISSN: 1470-8272eISSN: 1479-179X
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Journal of Behavioral Decision Making

ISSN: 0894-3257eISSN: 1099-0771

The Journal of Behavioral Decision Making is a multidisciplinary journal with a broad base of content and style. It publishes original empirical reports, critical review papers, theoretical analyses and methodological contributions. The Journal also features book, software and decision aiding technique reviews, abstracts of important articles published elsewhere and teaching suggestions. The objective of the Journal is to present and stimulate behavioral research on decision making and to provide a forum for the evaluation of complementary, contrasting and conflicting perspectives. These perspectives include psychology, management science, sociology, political science and economics. Studies of behavioral decision making in naturalistic and applied settings are encouraged. Articles on specialist topics aim for wider readability by including fully referenced introductions on the background to a particular study and, where possible, discuss the broader implications of the work. The Journal especially welcomes manuscripts that deal with issues that have cross-disciplinary impact. Such manuscripts will be considered for publication together with a selection of commentaries from members of the editorial board. Reviews are 'collaborationist' in the sense that reviewers are asked to do more than point out flaws and will suggest design improvements, new ideas, relevant references and follow-up studies. Reviewers are offered the opportunity to publish commentaries alongside the article. Papers published in the Journal of Behavioral Decision Making will encompass, but not be limited to, the following areas:

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Journal of Brand Management

ISSN: 1350-231XeISSN: 1479-1803
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Journal of Business Strategy

ISSN: 0275-6668eISSN: 2052-1197

The Journal of Business Strategy publishes articles with a practical focus designed to help readers develop successful business strategies.

Journal of Business Valuation and Economic Loss Analysis

ISSN: 1932-9156
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Journal of Cases on Information Technology

ISSN: 1548-7717eISSN: 1548-7725
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Journal of Change Management

ISSN: 1469-7017eISSN: 1479-1811

Journal of Change Management (JCM) is committed to publishing peer-reviewed, high quality empirical and conceptual research, and to become the journal of choice in its field. JCM will clearly establish itself as the journal which spans the entire field of organizational change, ranging from mainstream and established viewpoints to innovative, unorthodox, critical and challenging contributions. As such, it will be essential reading for all academics, students and practitioners of change management. Journal of Change Management is an interdisciplinary and international forum for critical, mainstream and alternative contributions - focusing as much on motivation, ethics and behaviour as on structure and process. JCM is a platform for open and challenging dialogue and a thorough critique of established as well as alternative organizational practices. DisclaimerTaylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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Journal of Civil Engineering and Management

ISSN: 1392-3730eISSN: 1822-3605

History Journal of Civil Engineering and Management formerly known as Statyba 8722; Civil Engineering (Vol. 18722;7, 19958722;2001, ISSN 1392-1525) is published from 2002 instead of the previous research proceedings of Lithuanian high schools: Lithuanian Proceedings in Mechanics (No. 18722;33, 1967-1994, ISSN 0460-2242), Reinforced Concrete Structures (No.18722;16, 19678722;1989, ISSN 0372-3070), Building Materials and Structures (Vol. 18722;9, 19718722;1981, ISSN 0202-3210) Building Structures (Vol. 108722;20, 19838722;1995, ISSN 0208-2500), Building Economy and Organization (Vol. 18722;17, 19718722;1990, ISSN 0202-3210), Building Economy and Management (Vol. 18, 1993, ISSN 0208-2497), Construction Technology and Management (Vol. 18722;7, 19848722;1993), Structural Repair and Strengthening (No. 1 and 2, 1992 and 1995). Aim and ScopeJournal of Civil Engineering and Management is a peer-reviewed quarterly journal which provides an international forum for the dissemination of the latest original research, achievements and developments in all areas of civil engineering and management. The journal aims to provide a multidisciplinary forum for researches, designers, users and manufacturers involved in the different fields of civil engineering and management. The topics include: building materials and structures,structural mechanics and physics,geotechnical engineering,road and bridge engineering,urban engineering and economy,constructions technology, economy and management,information technologies in construction,fire protection, thermoinsulation and renovation of buildings,labour safety in construction.Publications published in Journal of Civil Engineering and Management are original articles presenting new information and reviews. These publications provide essential ideas and information that will help for new scientific inquiries and improve competency, efficiency and productivity in world markets.

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Journal of Cleaner Production

ISSN: 0959-6526

The Journal of Cleaner Production serves as a transdisciplinary, international forum for the exchange of information and research concepts, policies, and technologies designed to help ensure progress towards making societies and regions more sustainable. It aims to encourage innovation and creativity, new and improved products, and the implementation of new, cleaner structures, systems, processes, products and services. It is also designed to stimulate the development and implementation of prevention oriented governmental policies and educational programmes.Cleaner production is a concept that goes beyond simple pollution control. It involves active research and development into new structures, systems, processes, materials and products that are more resource and energy efficient, whilst engaging and empowering people. Such approaches have become necessary for businesses, institutions, governments, and civil society to ensure ecologically, socially,and economically sustainable, consumption production and service strategies. These involve educational, training, management, and technical assistance programs, which are needed to accelerate the adoption of cleaner production and sustainability by industries, governments and universities.Authors are invited to submit papers from the following areas:Industrial Applications including:• Toxics use reduction in product design, process development and in the usage and end-of-life management phases of products• New and novel uses of materials and technologies• Improved processes through development and usage of "environmentally friendlier" technologies• Advances in Green Chemistry, Green Engineering and Green Architecture• Improved process automation and controlEnvironmental Management Initiatives:• Improvements in the integration of environmental management systems• Improvements in the integration of environmental, quality, health and safety and corporate social responsibility management• Improved life cycle management of products and services• Improvements in holistic environmental performance evaluation• Improvements in environmental reviewing, auditing and reporting• Advances in life cycle assessment and life cycle management• Advances in risk reduction• Advances in reduction of the life cycle usage of energy, water and other materials• Advances in applications of renewable energy and other low-carbon technologies and products• Improvements in corporate social responsibility• Advances in corporate sustainability reporting• Advances in Industrial Ecology and Regional Sustainable DevelopmentLegislation, Policy and Regulations:• Improved regulatory and policy initiatives designed to promote implementation of proactive and preventive approaches throughout society• Advanced governmental policies and programmes to promote the transition to sustainable societiesEducation, Training and Learning:• Improved educational & training initiatives on values, paradigms, concepts and tools to help societies make the transition to sustainable societies.

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Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management

eISSN: 2213-297X
The Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management (JCOM) aims to be the leading international journal for the study of co-operatives.

JCOM will provide the primary forum for advancement and dissemination of scientific knowledge on co-operative organizations and their management. The journal will include up-to-date, high-quality, and original contributions - research papers, reviews, and syntheses as well as book and conference reviews - dealing with questions on how, why and when co-operative organizations occur and succeed, fail and disappear, and what can be done to influence the outcome.

Co-operative organization is broadly defined. It refers not only to co-operatives as an institutional form, but any other organization that follows the principles of co-operation. Examples include consumer, housing, producer, and worker co-operatives, credit unions and mutuals, multiparty alliances as well as different forms of collective, community, and social entrepreneurship. In addition to these types of co-operative entities, a variety of non-profit and voluntary organizations will be covered in the journal. JCOM calls for contributions focused on the following organizational philosophies and the management of organizations operating along one or more of these philosophies:
• Voluntary association of individuals and/or entities (co-operating and networking)
• Freedom with fellow individuals and entities (pursuit of autonomy and independence)
• Accountability of individuals and entities (membership in organizations and environments)
• User-members' collective ownership of and control over the organization's resources (democracy)
• Engagement in action only if rewards/results are greater than costs/efforts (efficiency and beneficiality)
• Transaction- or contribution-based distribution of economic surplus to members and stakeholders (fairness)
• Education and training of members and stakeholders on co-operation and the underlying principles (knowledge of co-operation).

Theory elaboration on the topic co-operative organizations has an interdisciplinary tradition. JCOM will therefore encourage contributions that make rigorous use of variety of theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches. The journal will also welcome critical debate between opposing perspectives.

JCOM will strive to attract and engage an international readership that is primarily academic. University libraries and individual academics are the primary target group for the journal. However, given the scarcity of rigorous and well marketed journals with similar focus, the journal seeks to attract professional audiences as well. This is important given that the ultimate test for theoretical contributions is the application of the new knowledge in the practices of organizations and in the praxis of individuals.

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Journal of Communication Management

ISSN: 1363-254XeISSN: 1478-0852

The Journal of Communication Management (JCOM) is the definitive international journal for research-oriented communication managers and professionals as well as for researchers who aim to develop or challenge practice.

Journal of Construction Engineering and Management

ISSN: 0733-9364eISSN: 1943-7862
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Journal of Corporate Finance

ISSN: 0929-1199

The Journal of Corporate Finance aims to publish high quality, original manuscripts that analyze issues related to corporate finance.Contributions can be of a theoretical, empirical, or clinical nature.Topical areas of interest include, but are not limited to: financial structure, payout policies, corporate restructuring, financial contracts, corporate governance arrangements, the economics of organizations, the influence of legal structures, and international financial management. Papers that apply asset pricing and microstructure analysis to corporate finance issues are also welcome.Submission Policy StatementThe editors of the Journal of Corporate Finance are committed to publishing papers that advance our knowledge of corporate finance through both theoretical and empirical work. We hope to publish papers that are useful to readers and that are innovative. We will publish papers with "non results" if they contribute to our general understanding of corporate finance. In today's world, there are vast amounts of data from many different countries available readily. Thus, there are great opportunities to do work that expand our knowledge. However, there are also unprecedented opportunities to find correlations among variables with weak theoretical justification. Papers that do so will not be published. Our goal is to publish research that impacts our understanding of corporate finance.The Journal of Corporate Finance has a two-stage review process. In the first stage, at least one editor must decide that a paper should go to a reviewer. The number of submissions to the JCF has increased dramatically and we do not have the resources in terms of the editor's and, most importantly, reviewer's time to review all papers. If a paper passes the first stage, the paper is sent to at least one reviewer for detailed comments. We would like to help authors improve their papers, even if they will not be published, but we are severely limited in that role by resource constraints. The editor's final decisions are based on the potential contribution of the paper, the fit with the mission of the Journal of Corporate Finance, and the quality of the work.Each submission must be accompanied by a submission fee of US$200.00. The submission fee applies to every round, unless forgiven by the Editors. Submissions will only be considered after payment of the submission fee via SubmissionStart. Submission fee is non-refundable and a paper may be rejected by the Editors without being sent for review, should a paper be inconsistent with the Aims and Scope of the Journal as set out on the Journal website, or not adhere to the style requirements as outlined in the Guide for Authors. The submission fees are used to support journal related activities.Authors considering a submission should make sure the paper is as polished as possible, fits with the mission of the Journal of Corporate Finance (a guiding question is whether there are related publications already in the Journal of Corporate Finance) and is of interest to our readers. Our letter to reviewers contains this paragraph and should further guide authors:The Journal of Corporate Finance is a leading corporate finance journal that publishes both theoretical and empirical papers. The Journal of Corporate Finance is receiving a large number of submissions and we have many high quality submissions. Thus, our rejection rate is now over 95% and we, and you, do not have the resources to work with any paper that while at some point may be publishable, would need significant work from the authors (and you). Empirical work that replicates earlier work for a new sample (or new international data) is generally not publishable unless the sample allows important new insights. Theoretical work needs important empirical implications, regardless of the quality of the technique, to be considered. We can not publish theoretical work where the contribution is the technique. Further, it is not a referee's job to work with a paper that is poorly executed or does not recognize the literature or in general is submitted too early. Of course, sometimes it is beneficial to work with a diamond in the rough but only if you recognize there could be a valuable diamond there, not some vague potential of a diamond. If you believe the paper is not publishable for any of the above reasons even a short note explaining your reasoning would be helpful.

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Journal of Destination Marketing and Management

ISSN: 2212-571XeISSN: 2212-5752

The Journal of Destination Marketing & Management (JDMM) aims to be the leading international journal for the study of tourist destinations by providing a critical understanding of all aspects of their marketing and management, as they are situated in their particular policy, planning, economic, geographical and historical contexts.JDMM seeks to develop a robust theoretical understanding of destination marketing and management by harnessing knowledge drawn from the full breadth of disciplinary approaches to the study of destinations. It seeks to foster a critical development of the domain, expand the frontiers of knowledge in the field and provide an international forum for the exchange of ideas.The objective of JDMM is therefore to publish up-to-date, high-quality, original research papers and reviews. As such, the journal aspires to be vibrant, engaging and accessible, yet at the same time integrative and challenging. Those involved in the interdisciplinary approach of marketing and management, economic development and planning, geography, sociology, psychology, anthropology, retailing, policy making and public administration of tourist destinations will find the journal of particular interest.

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Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship

ISSN: 1084-9467eISSN: 1793-706X
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