The Journal of Asian Natural Products Research (JANPR) publishes chemical and pharmaceutical studies in the English language in the field of natural product research on Asian ethnic medicine. The journal publishes work from scientists in Asian countries, e.g. China, Japan, Korea and India, including contributions from other countries concerning natural products of Asia. The journal is chemistry-orientated. Major fields covered are: isolation and structural elucidation of natural constituents (including those for non-medical uses), synthesis and transformation (including biosynthesis and biotransformation) of natural products, pharmacognosy, and allied topics. Biological evaluation of crude extracts are acceptable only as supporting data for pure isolates with well-characterized structures.All published research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two expert referees. STARTaylor & Francis/Routledge are committed to the widest possible dissemination of its journals to non-profit institutions in developing countries. Our STAR initiative offers individual researchers in Africa, South Asia and many parts of South East Asia the opportunity to gain one month's free online access to 1,300 Taylor & Francis journals. For more information, please visit the STAR website. DisclaimerTaylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the "Content") contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.
The Journal of Biomolecular Screening (JBS) is the leading peer-reviewed journal focusing on drug discovery sciences. JBS publishes information that enables researchers to evaluate current technologies and incorporate applications to enhance performance and objectives. Manuscripts and editorial commentary emphasize scientific and technical applications and advances in target identification/validation; lab automation and robotics; high-throughput screening (HTS); lead generation/optimization; virtual screening, chemoinformatics; diagnostic assays; assay development; assay technologies (novel applications, comparisons); data/image analysis, statistics and information technologies/methods; high content screening, imaging platforms; sample management (library design, compound logistics, chemical diversity); biological reagent production, characterization and management for drug discovery (cell lines, stem cells, surrogate tissues/species [xenopus, zebrafish, yeast]); genomic, proteomic screening; biomarkers; high throughput approaches to PK, ADME and predictive toxicology; legal, licensing issues.This publication will be of particular interest to those involved in analytical chemistry, applied microbiology, automation, biochemistry, bioengineering, biomedical optics, biotechnology, bioinformatics, cell biology, DNA science and technology, genetics, information technology, medicinal chemistry, molecular biology, natural products chemistry, organic chemistry, pharmacology, spectroscopy, and toxicology.
The Journal of Chemometrics is devoted to the rapid publication of original scientific papers, reviews and short communications on fundamental and applied aspects of chemometrics. It also provides a forum for the exchange of information on meetings and other news relevant to the growing community of scientists who are interested in chemometrics and its applications. Short, critical review papers are a particularly important feature of the journal, in view of the multidisciplinary readership at which it is aimed.
The Journal of Chromatographic Science (JCS), published 10 times a year, is an international scientific journal presenting the latest information concerning the practice and theory of chromatography. Worldwide readership includes scientists, educators, researchers, and analytical chemists actively involved in the use of chromatography.The editorial content of the Journal focuses on research papers describing practical and preparative applications and analytical methods relevant to a broad range of laboratory work. Editorial quality is assured by a thorough and vigorous online peer-review system. Each regular issue contains 15 to 20 reviewed manuscripts as well as news, troubleshooting (column, detector, instrument, etc.), and these special features:
The Journal of Chromatography A provides a forum for the publication of original research and critical reviews on all aspects of fundamental and applied separation science. The scope of the journal includes chromatography and related techniques, electromigration techniques (e.g. electrophoresis, electrochromatography), hyphenated and other multi-dimensional techniques, sample preparation, and detection methods such as mass spectrometry. Contributions consist mainly of research papers dealing with the theory of separation methods, instrumental developments and analytical and preparative applications of general interest.Journal of Chromatography A welcomes the submission of research papers which report on studies concerning the development of new and significant advances in separation science. Manuscripts detailing fundamental research on all aspects of separation science theory and methodology are especially encouraged. In determining the suitability of submitted articles for publication, particular scrutiny will be placed on the degree of novelty and significance of the research and the extent to which it adds to existing knowledge in separation science. Papers describing the use of routine separation methods or straightforward extensions of these methods to new sample matrices will normally not be published unless new developments are described. These should be demonstrated to give clear and considerable advantages over existing methods. As part of the Introduction section to each manuscript, authors must address the question of how their proposed methodology compares with previously reported methods and this comparison must show that significant advances are proposed.Where new analytical methods are described, authors are encouraged to apply these methods to a sample matrix of suitable analytical complexity. In such cases appropriate validation of the method should be provided, together with proper statistical treatment of data. Analytical performance characteristics of new methods should be given, including sensitivity, tested limits of detection or quantification, accuracy, precision, and specificity.Review articles are invited by the editors or may be proposed in writing to the editors or the editorial office. Potential authors will be asked to provide a brief outline of the subject matter of the proposed review. Review articles should be sufficiently broad in scope to appeal to a wide cross-section of the journal's readership, but should be specific enough to permit discussion at an appropriate depth. Above all, reviews should be critical rather than enumerative and should provide the reader with expert opinion regarding the relative merits of the various published approaches to the topic under review. Figures and Tables are encouraged in review articles.Journal of Chromatography Aapplies the same criteria for acceptance of manuscripts to all types of submissions, irrespective of whether these are submitted for regular issues, special issues, or symposium issues.
The Journal of Chromatography B publishes papers on developments in separation science relevant to biology and biomedical research including both fundamental advances and applications.Analytical techniques which may be considered include the various facets of chromatography, electrophoresis and related methods, affinity and immunoaffinity-based methodologies, hyphenated and other multi-dimensional techniques, and microanalytical approaches. The journal also considers articles reporting developments in sample preparation, detection techniques including mass spectrometry, and data handling and analysis.Developments related to preparative separations for the isolation and purification of components of biological systems may be published, including chromatographic and electrophoretic methods, affinity separations, field flow fractionation and other preparative approaches.Applications to the analysis of biological systems and samples will be considered when the analytical science contains a significant element of novelty, e.g. a new approach to the separation of a compound, novel combination of analytical techniques, or significantly improved analytical performance. Areas to be considered include:• The qualitative and quantitative analysis of biopolymers including proteins, peptides and their post-translational modifications as well as nucleic acids and glycans • The comparative analysis of biological systems using proteomics, genomics, metabonomics and other "omics" approaches• Clinical analysis, pharmacokinetics, metabolism, therapeutic drug monitoring, toxicological analysis, doping analysis, veterinary applications, analysis of environmental contaminants in biological systems• The screening and profiling of body fluids, tissues, cells, biological matrices and systems, analysis of endogenous compounds, biomarkers • Identification of new bioactive compoundsApplications which utilize published or commercial analytical or preparative protocols with little or no modification or where the results of the application rather than the analytical methodology comprise the major element of novelty of the manuscript should be directed to more specialized journals. Modifications to a previously published method may be considered for a short communication in cases where the improvement in performance is significant. Reports of analytical methods for compounds in early pharmaceutical development often lack general interest and will not be published unless the authors can demonstrate the broader significance of the methodology involved. Quality control analyses of bulk drugs, natural products or pharmaceutical formulations are not within scope.
The Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry is the foremost international journal devoted to the interdisciplinary subject of electrochemistry in all its aspects, theoretical as well as applied.Electrochemistry is a wide ranging area that is in a state of continuous evolution. Rather than compiling a long list of topics covered by the Journal, the editors would like to draw particular attention to the key issues of novelty, topicality and quality. Papers should present new and interesting electrochemical science in a way that is accessible to the reader. The presentation and discussion should be at a level that is consistent with the international status of the Journal. Reports describing the application of well-established techniques to problems that are essentially technical will not be accepted. Similarly, papers that report observations but fail to provide adequate interpretation will be rejected by the Editors. Papers dealing with technical electrochemistry should be submitted to other specialist journals unless the authors can show that their work provides substantially new insights into electrochemical processes.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
The journal of Essential oil bearing(JEOBP) was started by late Mr.Har krishan lal bhalla in1998 utilization of essential oil bearning plants ans sharing the intrnational reserch experiencein this field.the aim of the journal is to benefit to all who have intartet in essential oil-bearing is subscribed and peer-reviewed journalNow 6 issue per year are published and are available online.
The Official Journal of the International Isotope Society The Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals publishes original scientific manuscripts dealing with all aspects of research in labelled compound preparation and application. This includes areas such as analytical control, self radiolysis, quality control handling, storage, and tracer methods used in chemical, biochemical, biological, pharmacological, medical, genetic, agricultural and geochemical research. All radionuclides and enriched stable nuclides are included. The Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals devotes particular attention to the following fields: radionuclide production; cyclotron targetry; neutron irradiation methodology; precursor preparation and production; labelling synthesis (chemical, biochemical, radiation, isotope exchange, etc); automation of nuclide production, precursor, preparation and synthesis; analysis (methods, limitations, etc. for both radioactive and stable nuclides, including new detection techniques); radiopharmaceuticals; PET chemistry; quality control (an essential requirement for valid data and especially for radiopharmaceuticals); stability and storage problems; handling of Curie and multiCurie amounts of radioactivity; etc. JLCR Award for Young Scientists: The Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals, in cooperation with the International Isotope Society Conferences and the International Conferences on Radiopharmaceutical Sciences, sponsor every year four Awards to early excellence in radiopharmaceutical research and isotope labelling.
The Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies is an internationally acclaimed forum for fast publication of critical, peer reviewed manuscripts dealing with analytical, preparative and process scale liquid chromatography and all of its related technologies, including TLC, capillary electrophoresis, capillary electrochromatography, supercritical fluid chromatography and extraction, field-flow technologies, affinity, and much more. New separation methodologies are added when they are developed. Papers dealing with research and development results, as well as critical reviews of important technologies, are published in the Journal.
The Journal of Molecular Structure is dedicated to the publication of full-length articles and review papers, providing important new structural information on all types of chemical species including:• Stable and unstable molecules in all types of environments (vapour, molecular beam, liquid, solution, liquid crystal, solid state, matrix-isolated, surface-absorbed etc.)• Chemical intermediates• Molecules in excited states• Biochemicals• Polymers.The methods used may include any combination of spectroscopic and non-spectroscopic techniques, for example:• Infrared spectroscopy (mid, far, near)• Raman spectroscopy and non-linear Raman methods (CARS, etc.)• Force constant and molecular mechanics calculations• Electronic absorption spectroscopy• Optical rotatory dispersion and circular dichroism• Fluorescence and phosphorescence techniques• Electron spectroscopies (PES, XPS), EXAFS, etc.• Microwave spectroscopy• Electron diffraction• NMR and ESR spectroscopies• Mössbauer spectroscopy• X-ray crystallography.Papers describing routine studies of little structural significance (e.g. straightforward X-ray crystal structure determinations) are not encouraged.Publications combining experimental and theoretical approaches to a problem are particularly welcomed. However, solely theoretical (semiempirical or ab initio) studies should be submitted to Computational and Theoretical Chemistry.
Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis (JPA) is a peer-reviewed open access journal for original research articles, short communication as well as review articles related to all aspects of Pharmaceutical Analysis. JPA was launched in 2011, and published bimonthly by Xi'an Jiaotong University, with cooperation of the Chinese Pharmaceutical Association.Current areas of interest include, but are not limited to:• The new technique and method in Pharmaceutical Analysis• Analysis of traditional Chinese medicine (medicinal materials, patent medicine, prescription, injection)• Pharmaceutical analysis of complex system• Quality control and methods of biotech drug• Action mechanism and study their metabolisms in body• Quantitative and qualitative analysis in the drug screening process• Tracer analysis in molecular pharmacology• Quantitative analysis in biopharmaceutics• Clinical laboratory and bioanalysisAnalysis studies on small drug molecules, pharmaceutical solid materials (including biomaterials, polymers and nanoparticles), biotechnology products (including genes, peptides, proteins and vaccines), and genetically engineered cells are also welcome.
This journal is an international medium directed towards the needs of academic, clinical, government and industrial analysis by publishing original research reports and critical reviews on pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis. It covers the interdisciplinary aspects of analysis in the pharmaceutical, biomedical and clinical sciences, including developments in analytical methodology, instrumentation, computation and interpretation. Submissions on novel applications focussing on drug purity and stability studies, pharmacokinetics, therapeutic monitoring, metabolic profiling; drug-related aspects of analytical biochemistry and forensic toxicology; quality assurance in the pharmaceutical industry are also welcome.Studies from areas of well established and poorly selective methods, such as UV-VIS spectrophotometry (including derivative and multi-wavelength measurements), basic electroanalytical (potentiometric, polarographic and voltammetric) methods, fluorimetry, flow-injection analysis, etc. are accepted for publication in exceptional cases only, if a unique and substantial advantage over presently known systems is demonstrated. The same applies to the assay of simple drug formulations by any kind of methods and the determination of drugs in biological samples based merely on spiked samples. Drug purity/stability studies should contain information on the structure elucidation of the impurities/degradants. Papers dealing with the analytical aspects of traditional folk medicines are acceptable if the results are expected to attract the interest of readers also outside the area of origin. Bioanalytical papers (pharmacokinetic, bioequivalence, protein and DNA binding studies) are accepted if the focus is on innovative analytical methodology.In determining the suitability of submitted articles for publication, particular scrutiny will be placed on the degree of novelty and significance of the research and the extent to which it adds to existing knowledge in pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis. In all submissions to the journal, authors must address the question of how their proposed methodology compares with previously reported methods. A substantial body of work cannot be fractionated into different shorter papers.Audience: Analytical scientists, management in the pharmaceutical industry, clinical chemistry laboratories, academic institutions, government agencies, biochemists, microbiology specialists, pharmaceutical formulation scientists.
Journal of Proteome Research is a monthly peer-reviewed journal dedicated to research across all aspects of global protein and metabolite analysis and function. The emphasis of the journal is on a multidisciplinary approach to the life sciences through the synergy between the different types of "omics".
Topics may include, but are not limited to:
The Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry (JRNC) publishes original papers, letters, review papers and short communications on nuclear chemistry. Coverage embraces a wide range of topics, including nuclear chemistry, radiochemistry, radiation chemistry, radiobiological chemistry, environmental radiochemistry, production and control of radioisotopes and labeled compounds, nuclear power plant chemistry, nuclear fuel chemistry, radioanalytical chemistry, radiation detection and measurement, nuclear instrumentation and automation, and more.
The Journal of Separation Science (JSS) is the most comprehensive source in separation science, as all areas of chromatographic and electrophoretic separation methods are covered. This includes fundamentals, instrumentation and applications, both in analytical and preparative mode. A Tradition of Excellence: JSS continues the tradition of excellence set by the Journal of High Resolution Chromatography (HRC) and - since 2002 - the Journal of Microcolumn Separations (JMS). Journal Features & Highlights:
The Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, published by the American Chemical Society on behalf of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, is a monthly, peer-reviewed journal that covers all aspects of mass spectrometry, including fields of scientific inquiry in which mass spectrometry can play a role, including both applications and fundamentals. These fields include chemical, biological, health, environmental, physical, geological, and forensic sciences, as well as omics sciences, such as proteomics and metabolomics.
The journal publishes papers on both fundamentals and applications of mass spectrometry, in addition to new instrumentation and methods development. Papers that report on applications should have a principal focus on the use of a new mass spectrometry tool or approach to solve a qualitative or quantitative problem.
Fundamental and application-based subjects welcomed by the journal include, but are not limited to:
Lab on a Chip provides a unique forum for the publication of significant and original work related to miniaturisation, at the micro- and nano-scale, of interest to a multidisciplinary readership. The journal seeks to publish work at the interface between physical technological advancements and high impact applications that are of direct interest to a broad audience. Topics include but are not limited to novel micro- and nano-technologies and fundamental principles or significant biological, chemical, medical, environmental and energy applications. • Micro- and nano-fabrication • Micro- and nano-fluidics in continuous and segmented multiphase flow, droplet microfluidics, new liquids • Micro- and nano-systems • Micro- and nano-separation technologies • Micro- and nano-total analysis system (µTAS, nTAS) • Digital microfluidics • Sample preparation • Imaging and detection • Nucleic acid biotechnology and analysis • Protein analysis (proteomics and metabolomics for targeted and global analysis) • Medical diagnostics • Medical devices and treatments • Drug development • Cells, tissues, organs on chip and integrated tissue engineering • 3D cell culture • Single cell analysis • Cell and organism motility and interactions • Systems and synthetic biology and medicine • Energy, biofuels, fuel extraction • Environmental and food monitoring for health and security