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ISSN: 0025-8296eISSN: 1760-8538

Miscellanea Geographica

ISSN: 0867-6046

Natural Hazards

ISSN: 0921-030XeISSN: 1573-0840

Natural Hazards is devoted to original research work on all aspects of natural hazards, including the forecasting of catastrophic events, risk management, and the nature of precursors of natural and technological hazards.
Although hazards can originate in different sources and systems, such as atmospheric, hydrologic, oceanographic, volcanologic, seismic, neotectonic, the environmental impacts are equally catastrophic. This warrants a close interaction between different scientific and operational disciplines, aimed at enhancing the mitigation of hazards.
Coverage includes such categories of hazard as atmospheric, climatological, oceanographic, storm surges, tsunamis, floods, snow, avalanches, landslides, erosion, earthquakes, volcanoes, man-made and technological, as well as risk assessment.

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New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics

ISSN: 0028-8306eISSN: 1175-8791

Aims: New Zealand is well respected for its growing research activity in the geosciences, particularly in circum-Pacific earth science. The New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics plays an important role in disseminating field-based, experimental, and theoretical research to geoscientists with interests both within and beyond the circum-Pacific. Scope of submissions: The New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics publishes original research papers, review papers, short communications, book reviews, letters, and forum articles. We welcome submissions on all aspects of the earth sciences relevant to New Zealand, the Pacific Rim, and Antarctica. The subject matter includes geology, geophysics, soil science, and atmospheric science. Prospective contributors should consult recent issues of the journal and can contact the Editorial Office to discuss whether a planned submission is appropriate. * No page charges for publication * Online iFirst e-before print publication between quarterly issues * iFirst Open Access option availableElectronic and printed issues are published quarterly (A4 format) Print ISSN: 0028-8306, Online ISSN: 1175-8791.

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Pfg – Journal of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing And Geoinformation Science

ISSN: 2512-2789eISSN: 2512-2819

Physical Geography

ISSN: 0272-3646eISSN: 1930-0557

Physical Geography is dedicated to the dissemination of significant research in the environmental sciences. It publishes original papers devoted to new research directions in geomorphology, climatology, biogeography (plant and animal geography), soil-science, and research methods in physical geography (published since 1980).

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Polar Research

ISSN: 0800-0395eISSN: 1751-8369

Polar Research is the international, peer-reviewed journal of the Norwegian Polar Institute, Norway's central institution for research, environmental monitoring and mapping of the polar regions. Aiming to promote the exchange of scientific knowledge about the Arctic and Antarctic across disciplinary boundaries, Polar Research serves an international community of researchers and managers.

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Progress in Physical Geography

ISSN: 0309-1333eISSN: 1477-0296

Progress in Physical Geography is an international journal, encompassing an interdisciplinary approach incorporating the latest developments and debates within Physical Geography and interrelated fields across the Earth, Biological and Ecological System Sciences. Contributions which review progress to date; which blend review material with new and original findings; or which introduce material, methods or techniques at the forefront of current knowledge, while setting directions for future work are welcomed. Authors need not be uncritically exhaustive in synthesizing research on a particular topic, but should concentrate on what they consider to be the most promising recent productive trends and developments which are likely to be transformative.They should further aim at the widest possible international coverage and should consider the relevance of tangential or parallel developments to their fields. In addition, authors are encouraged to evaluate the general significance of research to date, including practical and policy applications where relevant.

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Quaternary Geochronology

ISSN: 1871-1014eISSN: 1878-0350

Quaternary Geochronology is an international journal devoted to the publication of the highest-quality, peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of dating methods applicable to the Quaternary Period - the last 2.6 million years of Earth history. Reliable ages are fundamental to place changes in climates, landscapes, flora and fauna - including the evolution and ecological impact of humans - in their correct temporal sequence, and to understand the tempo and mode of geological and biological processes. There is growing scientific appreciation of the complexity of the Quaternary Period. This has increased the demand on geochronological techniques to deliver increasingly more accurate and precise ages, which underpin attempts to determine the causes and consequences of events at a variety of temporal and spatial scales.Some Quaternary dating methods are well established, while others are in the early stages of development. Quaternary Geochronology will provide a readily accessible platform to rapidly communicate the latest developments and applications in these emerging fields, as well as improvements made to more traditional methods of age determination. New technological capabilities are providing a greater understanding of the underlying principles of age estimation and are stimulating innovative applications. Quaternary Geochronology will report the latest insights and discoveries to an inter-disciplinary audience concerned with events in the Quaternary Period.Quaternary Geochronology will publish research in the following areas:• Principles of geochronological methods• Advances in methodology, analytical procedures and instrumentation• Methodological standardisations and inter-laboratory comparisons• Calibrations and comparisons of different methods• Novel and groundbreaking applications in all fields of Quaternary researchWe particularly encourage the submission of: • Systematic and comprehensive studies in pure and applied contexts• Integrated and inter-disciplinary applications of geochronological data• Provocative and topical papers of immediate interest to a wide audienceThe following contributions will be accepted:• Original research papers and case studies• Review papers• Special thematic issues• Viewpoint articles• Letters to the Editors (including comments on papers published in Quaternary Geochronology)• Book reviews

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Remote Sensing Letters

ISSN: 2150-704XeISSN: 2150-7058

Remote Sensing Letters is a peer-reviewed international journal committed to the rapid publication of articles advancing the science and technology of remote sensing as well as its applications. The journal originates from a successful section, of the same name, contained in the International Journal of Remote Sensing from 1983-2009. Articles may address any aspect of remote sensing of relevance to the journal's readership including, but not limited to, developments in sensor technology, advances in image processing and Earth-orientated applications, whether terrestrial, oceanic or atmospheric. Articles should make a positive impact on the subject by either contributing new and original information or through provision of theoretical, methodological or commentary material that acts to strengthen the subject. Articles should be submitted through the journal's ScholarOne Manuscripts site and may be of no more than 10 journal pages in length; it may be possible to transfer articles such as those that cannot meet this limit to the International Journal of Remote Sensing. Articles that pass initial processing stages will be sent out for review. The reviews solicited from independent experts and the journal's editorial board will inform the editorial decisions. There is no charge for colour illustrations. --- Disclaimer for Scientific, Technical and Social Science Publications Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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Revista de Teledetección

ISSN: 1133-0953eISSN: 1988-8740
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Spatial Economic Analysis

ISSN: 1742-1772eISSN: 1742-1780

Spatial Economic Analysis is a pioneering economics journal dedicated to the development of theory and methods in spatial economics, published by two of the world's leading learned societies in the analysis of spatial economics, the Regional Studies Association and the British and Irish Section of the Regional Science Association International. A spatial perspective has become increasingly relevant to our understanding of economic phenomena, both on the global scale and at the scale of cities and regions. The growth in international trade, the opening up of emerging markets, the restructuring of the world economy along regional lines, and overall strategic and political significance of globalization, have re-emphasised the importance of geographical analysis. Spatial variations in economic development within cities and regions are also highly topical subjects for intellectual enquiry and have long been the focus of policy initiatives by national, regional and local governments. The awakening emphasis on space among economists has been stimulated by the emergence of a new breed of theory, namely 'new economic geography'or 'geographical economics'. This new theory adds a significant new dimension to the already existing theoretical tools of spatial economics, which broadly aim to analyse the role of geography and location in economic phenomena. Additionally, spatial economic analysis is increasingly being supported by the emergence of new analytical methods, with an explosion of interest in new models and techniques of spatial data analysis and data visualisation (GIS). Spatial econometrics is becoming increasingly recognised as a valuable sub-discipline among mainstream econometricians.Peer Review StatementAll articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing.Disclaimer The Regional Studies Association, The British and Irish Section of the Regional Science Association International and Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, the Associations and Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not necessarily the views of the Editor, the Associations or Taylor & Francis.

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Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories

ISSN: 1998-4502eISSN: 2499-975X

Swiss Bulletin for Applied Geology

ISSN: 1664-1884

Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

ISSN: 1017-0839eISSN: 2311-7680

The Geography Teacher

ISSN: 1933-8341eISSN: 1752-6884

View a list of the latest free articles available from The Geography Teacher The Geography Teacher provides a forum for educators and scholars to present innovative teaching strategies and essential content for K-12 geography, AP Human Geography, introductory college geography, and preservice methods classrooms and courses. It is also a forum for discussion of state, national, and international trends in geography education. The Geography Teacher is a publication of the National Council for Geographic Education.

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The Photogrammetric Record

ISSN: 0031-868XeISSN: 1477-9730

The Photogrammetric Record contains original, independently and rapidly refereed articles which reflect current photogrammetric practice and research throughout the world. The journal provides a record of new research which will contribute both to the advancement of photogrammetric knowledge and to the application of photogrammetric techniques in traditional and novel ways. It also seeks to stimulate debate in its correspondence and shorter contributions sections, and carries reviews of recent photogrammetric literature. Applications of photogrammetry include: - topographic mapping.

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The Planetary Science Journal

eISSN: 2632-3338

The Planetary Science Journal (PSJ) is a fully Gold Open Access Journal devoted to recent developments, discoveries, and theories in planetary science. We welcome all aspects of investigation of the solar system and other planetary systems. The Planetary Science Journal publishes manuscripts that constitute significant new research that is directly relevant to planetary science, including observational results, theoretical insights, modeling, laboratory studies, instrumentation, or field studies.

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