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Revista Finanzas y Política Económica

ISSN: 2248-6046eISSN: 2011-7663
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Revista Galega de Economía

ISSN: 1132-2799eISSN: 2255-5951
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Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural

ISSN: 0103-2003eISSN: 1806-9479

To publish original articles and promotes interchange among social science professionals in Brazil, encourages scientific and technological development, and stimulates economic and social debate internationally.

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Revista de Economía Mundial

ISSN: 1576-0162eISSN: 1576-0162

Revista de Estudios Regionales

ISSN: 0213-7585

Revista de Historia Economica - Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History

ISSN: 0212-6109eISSN: 2041-3335
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Revue Française de Gestion

ISSN: 0338-4551eISSN: 1777-5663
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Revue d'Economie Industrielle

ISSN: 0154-3229eISSN: 1773-0198

Risk Management

ISSN: 1460-3799eISSN: 1743-4637

The aim of Risk Management is to encourage discussion and debate on issues that arise from conventional and emerging perspectives on risk, crisis management and resilience. Risk Management publishes papers that address the range of traditional issues within risk and crisis management but also encourages multi-disciplinary perspectives on the ways in which these approaches are evolving and can be refined, refreshed and reinterpreted in light of contemporary challenges. The Journal actively seeks to publish papers that move beyond the narrow disciplinary-bounded, engineering and financial frameworks of risk, and that reflect the inter-disciplinary, boundary-less and inter-connected nature of the processes around risk, crisis and disaster.

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Risk Management and Insurance Review

ISSN: 1098-1616eISSN: 1540-6296
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Risk and Decision Analysis

ISSN: 1569-7371eISSN: 1875-9173
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Scandinavian Actuarial Journal

ISSN: 0346-1238eISSN: 1651-2030

Scandinavian Actuarial Journal is a journal for actuarial sciences that deals, in theory and application, with mathematical methods for insurance and related matters. The bounds of actuarial mathematics are determined by the area of application rather than by uniformity of methods and techniques. Therefore, a paper of interest to Scandinavian Actuarial Journal may have its theoretical basis in probability theory, statistics, operations research, numerical analysis, computer science, demography, mathematical economics, or any other area of applied mathematics; the main criterion is that the paper should be of specific relevance to actuarial applications. It is the hope of the editors that the journal can promote progress in the development of actuarial methodology and the proliferation of established methods in practical actuarial work. A special workshop section is intended to stimulate cooperative efforts between practitioners and theoreticians to solve real-life actuarial problems. The workshop will be open for papers at any level of theoretical preparation, from mere descriptions of practical problems with pleas for help, via discussions and tentative solutions, to complete theoretical treatment of these problems. The journal also publishes survey articles and has a section for empirical studies. All articles are refereed. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal has been published since 1918. It is published for the Danish Society of Actuaries, the Actuarial Society of Finland, the Norwegian Society of Actuaries and the Swedish Society of Actuaries.

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Science, Technology, & Human Values

ISSN: 0162-2439eISSN: 1552-8251

For more than thirty years Science, Technology, & Human Values (STHV) has provided the forum for cutting-edge research and debate in this dynamic and important field. STHV is a peer-reviewed, bi-monthly, international, interdisciplinary journal containing research, analyses and commentary on the development and dynamics of science and technology, including their relationship to politics, society and culture. The journal provides you with work from scholars in a diverse range of disciplines across the social sciences.

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Scienze regionali

ISSN: 1720-3929eISSN: 2035-603X

Scottish Journal of Political Economy

ISSN: 0036-9292eISSN: 1467-9485

The Scottish Journal of Political Economy is a generalist journal with an explicitly international reach in both readership and authorship. It is dedicated to publishing the highest quality research in any field of economics, without prejudice to the methodology or to the analytical techniques used. The editors encourage submissions in all fields of economics in order to provide practical contributions to the literature, and to further the influence of economics in the world of practical affairs.

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Singapore Economic Review

ISSN: 0217-5908eISSN: 1793-6837
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Small Business Economics

ISSN: 0921-898XeISSN: 1573-0913

Entrepreneurship is increasingly important as a scholarly field. Small Business Economics provides an invaluable forum for research and scholarship focusing on the role of entrepreneurship and small business. The journal has a broad scope and focuses on multiple dimensions of entrepreneurship, including entrepreneurs' characteristics, new ventures and innovation, firms' life cycles; as well as the role played by institutions and public policies within local, regional, national and international contexts. Small Business Economics publishes theoretical, empirical, and conceptual papers and encourages interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary research from a broad spectrum of disciplines and related fields, including economics, finance, management, psychology, regional studies, sociology and strategy. Officially cited as: Small Bus Econ

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Social Choice and Welfare

ISSN: 0176-1714eISSN: 1432-217X

Social Choice and Welfare explores all aspects, both normative and positive, of welfare economics, collective choice, and strategic interaction. Topics include but are not limited to: preference aggregation, welfare criteria, fairness, justice and equity, rights, inequality and poverty measurement, voting and elections, political games, coalition formation, public goods, mechanism design, networks, matching, optimal taxation, cost-benefit analysis, and experimental investigations related to social choice and voting. As such, the journal is inter-disciplinary and cuts across the boundaries of economics, political science, philosophy, and mathematics. Articles on choice and order theory that include results that can be applied to the above topics are also included in the journal. While it emphasizes theory, the journal also publishes empirical work in the subject area reflecting cross-fertilizing between theoretical and empirical research. Readers will find original research articles, surveys, and book reviews.

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Social Marketing Quarterly

ISSN: 1524-5004eISSN: 1539-4093

Social Marketing Quarterly (SMQ) is a scholarly, internationally circulated journal that covers theoretical, research and practical issues confronting social marketers. As the only journal exclusively focused on social marketing issues, SMQ targets social marketers and other public health, communication, marketing, and social science professionals. SMQ consists of research studies, case studies, conference notices, essays, editorials, book reviews, and other relevant news regarding social marketing efforts around the world. This comprehensive approach makes it an invaluable resource for practitioners, academicians, program developers and administrators.SMQ publishes original work and fosters a cooperative exploration of ideas and practices in order to build bridges among various disciplines so that innovative change strategies and alliances are created. Manuscripts are submitted to a double-blind peer-review process. Sections include Applications, Theory and Review, Training Initiatives, Book Reviews, Notes from the Field, Resources and Looking Ahead.SMQ also features interviews with key leaders in the field such as Alan Andreasen, William Novelli, Bill Smith and Gerard Hastings. SMQ frequently publishes special issues pertaining to current topics of interest and relevance to those involved with or interested in social marketing.Special issue topics include:Charting the Course for Social Marketing to Promote Diet and Physical Activity Conference Proceedings - Vol. 8, No. 4 (available winter 2002)Systems of Social Change - Vol. 8, No.2 (available summer 2002)International Initiatives - Vol. 8, No.1 (available June 2002)Focus On Branding - Vol. 7, No. 2Reproductive Health - Vol. 6, No. 4Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Prevention Marketing Initiative Project - Vol. 6, No. 1 Innovations in Social Marketing Conference Proceedings - Vol. 4, No.4; Vol. 5, No. 3; Vol. 6, No. 3; and Vol. 7, No. 325th Anniversary of Social Marketing - Vol. 3, Nos. 3 & 4Back issues are available. MISSION STATEMENTSocial Marketing Quarterly is a scholarly, internationally circulated journal that covers theoretical, research, and practical issues confronting social marketers. As the only journal exclusively focused on social marketing issues, SMQ targets social marketers and other public health, communication, marketing, and social change professionals. SMQ consists of research studies, case studies, conference notices, essays, editorials,book reviews, and other relevant news regarding social marketing efforts around the world. This comprehensive approach makes it an invaluable resource for practitioners, academicians, program developers, and public policy makers.Peer Review Policy:All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by two anonymous referees.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Social and Economic Studies

ISSN: 0037-7651