MEDICAL IMPLANTS are being used in every organ of the human body. Ideally, medical implants must have biomechanical properties comparable to those of autogenous tissues without any adverse effects. In each anatomic site, studies of the long-term effects of medical implants must be undertaken to determine accurately the safety and performance of the implants. Today, implant surgery has become an interdisciplinary undertaking involving a number of skilled and gifted specialists. For example, successful cochlear implants will involve audiologists, audiological physicians, speech and language therapists, otolaryngologists, nurses, neuro-otologists, teachers of the deaf, hearing therapists, cochlear implant manufacturers, and others involved with hearing-impaired and deaf individuals. A similar list of specialists can be identified for each implant site, from dentistry to cardiovascular surgery. Consequently, scholarly work from all disciplines involved in implants is welcome. Realizing the interdisciplinary components of successful implant programs, we have considerably expanded the number of members of the Editorial Board. These gifted scholars are recognized as leaders in the field of implants. Each member has been listed with careful identification of academic title, institution, and mailing addresses. Because the ultimate success of implants depends on daily interactive communication, the email addresses of each Editorial Board member has been listed. During the next year, we will announce the names of 35 distinguished scholars from across the world who will be joining our Editorial Board. This new scholarly team will provide conceptual scientific information on implants that will further strengthen the exciting scientific information in this journal. The ability to predict the long-term in vivo performance of medical implants is of vital interest. The extrapolation of in vitro data to the in vivo environment remains largely unproven. Among the major challenges are our limited ability to simulate the complexities of the biological milieu; the current lack of reliable computer modeling of in vivo performance characteristics of implants; and difficulties in evaluating the synergistic contributions of materials, design features, and therapeutic drug regimens. The aims of the Journal of Long-Term Effects of Medical Implants are a better understanding of the mechanisms of failure of preclinically tested medical implants during long-term in vivo service life, both in appropriate animal models and in humans; and establishing an effective linkage between preclinical and clinical studies. Of particular interest are original, critical analyses of data of retrieved implants, interpretive discussions of data based on invasive and noninvasive procedures, and computer modeling of in vivo performance. Also of interest are articles on healthcare technology assessment involving implants and their social impact and economic consequences. The journal will also publish guest editorials, letters to the Editor, and book reviews. All articles are subject to peer review by at least two referees.
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, B & C cover high quality studies across all fields of materials chemistry. The journals focus on those theoretical or experimental studies that report new understanding, applications, properties and synthesis of materials. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, B & C are separated by the intended application of the material studied. Broadly, materials with potential applications in biology and medicine are of interest to Journal of Materials Chemistry B, with example topic areas including (but not limited to): antifouling coatings, biocompatible materials, bioelectronics, bioimaging, biomimetics, biomineralization, bionics, biosensors, diagnostics, drug delivery, gene delivery, immunobiology, nanomedicine, regenerative medicine & tissue engineering, scaffolds, soft robotics, stem cells, therapeutic devices. Articles that primarily focus on providing insight into the underlying science and performance of biomaterials within a biological environment are more suited to our sister journal, Biomaterials Science.
This journal has as its objective the publication and dissemination of original research (even for "revolutionary concepts that contrast with existing theories" & "hypothesis") in all fields of engineering-mechanics that includes mechanisms, processes, bio-sensors and bio-devices in medicine, biology and healthcare. The journal publishes original papers in English which contribute to an understanding of biomedical engineering and science at a nano- to macro-scale or an improvement of the methods and techniques of medical, biological and clinical treatment by the application of advanced high technology.Journal's Research Scopes/Topics Covered (but not limited to): * Artificial Organs, Biomechanics of Organs. * Biofluid Mechanics, Biorheology, Blood Flow Measurement Techniques, Microcirculation, Hemodynamics. * Bioheat Transfer and Mass Transport, Nano Heat Transfer. * Biomaterials. * Biomechanics & Modeling of Cell and Molecular. * Biomedical Instrumentation and Biosensors. * Biomedical Signal Processing Techniques. * Bio-Microelectromechanical Systems, Microfluidics. * Bio-Nanotechnology and Clinical Application. * Bird and Insect Aerodynamics. * Cardiovascular/Cardiac mechanics. * Cardiovascular Systems Physiology/Engineering. * Cellular and Tissue Mechanics/Engineering. * Computational Biomechanics/Physiological Modelling, Systems Physiology. * Clinical Biomechanics. * Hearing Mechanics. * Human Movement and Animal Locomotion. * Implant Design and Mechanics. * Mathematical modeling. * Mechanobiology of Diseases. * Mechanics of Medical Robotics. * Muscle/Neuromuscular/Musculoskeletal Mechanics and Engineering. * Neural- & Neuro-Behavioral Engineering. * Orthopedic Biomechanics. * Reproductive and Urogynecological Mechanics. * Respiratory System Engineering. * Sports Mechanics, Joint Mechanics, RSA, Motion Analysis. * Therapeutic Physics and Rehabilitation Engineering. * Other topics that implicate 'mechanics' in medicine, biology and healthcare. Papers may be theoretical (including computational), experimental or both. The journal will publish occasional Book Reviews, Letter to Editors, Technical Notes, Rapid Communications as well as Review Papers, of advance in a specific aspect of engineering-mechanics research in medicine, biology and healthcare. We welcome 'First paper's in answering the waiting expectation of our young colleagues/community. Special issues with cutting-edge, new frontiers, niche topics and in collaboration with international conferences/symposia are also welcome.
Focusing on applied research and the development of new medical devices or instrumentation, this new journal presents papers on devices that improve diagnostic interventional and therapeutic treatments. It provides special coverage of novel devices that allow new surgical strategies, new methods of drug delivery, or possible reductions in the complexity, cost, or adverse results of health care. The Design Innovation category features papers focusing on novel devices, including some with limited clinical or engineering results. The Medical Device News section provides coverage of advances, trends, and events.
The Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology is published eight times per year and is an international, independent, multidisciplinary, journal promoting an understanding of the physiological processes underlying disease processes and the appropriate application of technology. Features include authoritative review papers, the reporting of original research, and evaluation reports on new and existing techniques and devices. Each issue of the journal contains a comprehensive information service which provides news relevant to the world of medical technology, details of new products, book reviews, and selected contents of related journals.
The purpose of Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, JMBE, is committed to encouraging and providing the standard of biomedical engineering. The journal is devoted to publishing papers related to clinical engineering, biomedical signals, medical imaging, bio-informatics, tissue engineering, and so on. Other than the above articles, any contributions regarding hot issues and technological developments that help reach the purpose are also included.
¦JMBE is published bimonthly in February, April, June, August, October and December since February 2009.
¦JMBE is officially affiliated with the Taiwanese Society of Biomedical Engineering; the Canadian Medical and Biological Engineering Society (CMBES) and World Association for Chinese Biomedical Engineers (WACBE).
¦JMBE now is a member of CrossRef and has joined CrossCheck to fight against plagiarism. Ensure high ethical standards for all of the submitted papers.
Journal of Nanobiotechnology is ready to receive manuscripts on all aspects of scientific and technological advances in the fields of medical, biological and nanoscale sciences.
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (JNN) is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal with a wide-ranging coverage, consolidating research activities in all areas of nanoscience and nanotechnology into a single and unique reference source. JNN is the first cross-disciplinary journal to publish original full research articles, rapid communications of important new scientific and technological findings, timely state-of-the-art reviews with author's photo and short biography, and current research news encompassing the fundamental and applied research in all disciplines of science, engineering and medicine.
The goal of the Journal is as a forum for the interdisciplinary field of neural engineering where neuroscientists, neurobiologists and engineers can publish their work in one periodical that bridges the gap between neuroscience and engineering. The Journal publishes articles in the field of neural engineering at the molecular, cellular and systems levels.The scope of the Journal encompasses experimental, computational, theoretical, clinical and applied aspects of brain-machine (computer) interface neural interfacing neurotechnology neuroelectronics neuromodulation neural prostheses neural control neuro-rehabilitation neurorobotics optical neural engineering neural circuits: artificial & biological neuromorphic engineering neural tissue regeneration neural signal processing theoretical and computational neuroscience systems neuroscience translational neuroscience.
The Journal of Porous Media publishes original full-length research articles (and technical notes) in a wide variety of areas related to porous media studies, such as mathematical modeling, numerical and experimental techniques, industrial and environmental heat and mass transfer, conduction, convection, radiation, particle transport and capillary effects, reactive flows, deformable porous media, biomedical applications, and mechanics of the porous substrate. Emphasis will be given to manuscripts that present novel findings pertinent to these areas. The journal will also consider publication of state-of-the-art reviews. Manuscripts applying known methods to previously solved problems or providing results in the absence of scientific motivation or application will not be accepted. Submitted articles should contribute to the understanding of specific scientific problems or to solution techniques that are useful in applications. Papers that link theory with computational practice to provide insight into the processes are welcome.
Published quarterly by the AAOP, JPO: Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics provides information on new devices, fitting and fabrication techniques, and patient management experiences. The multidisciplinary approach focuses on prosthetics and orthotics, with timely reports from related fields such as orthopaedic research, occupational therapy, physical therapy, orthopaedic surgery, amputation surgery, physical medicine, biomedical engineering, psychology, ethics, and gait analysis. Each issue contains research-based articles reviewed and approved by a highly qualified editorial board and an Academy self-study quiz offering two PCE's.
Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine publishes rapidly and rigorously peer-reviewed research papers, reviews, clinical case reports, perspectives, and short communications on topics relevant to the development of therapeutic approaches which combine stem or progenitor cells, biomaterials and scaffolds, growth factors and other bioactive agents, and their respective constructs. All papers should deal with research that has a direct or potential impact on the development of novel clinical approaches for the regeneration or repair of tissues and organs. The journal is multidisciplinary, covering the combination of the principles of life sciences and engineering in efforts to advance medicine and clinical strategies. The journal focuses on the use of cells, materials, and biochemical/mechanical factors in the development of biological functional substitutes that restore, maintain, or improve tissue or organ function. The journal publishes research on any tissue or organ and covers all key aspects of the field, including the development of new biomaterials and processing of scaffolds; the use of different types of cells (mainly stem and progenitor cells) and their culture in specific bioreactors; studies in relevant animal models; and clinical trials in human patients performed under strict regulatory and ethical frameworks. Manuscripts describing the use of advanced methods for the characterization of engineered tissues are also of special interest to the journal readership.
The Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials is concerned with the mechanical deformation, damage and failure under applied forces, of biological material (at the tissue, cellular and molecular levels) and of biomaterials, i.e. those materials which are designed to mimic or replace biological materials.The primary focus of the journal is the synthesis of materials science, biology, and medical and dental science. Reports of fundamental scientific investigations are welcome, as are articles concerned with the practical application of materials in medical devices. Both experimental and theoretical work is of interest; theoretical papers will normally include comparison of predictions with experimental data, though we recognize that this may not always be appropriate. The journal also publishes technical notes concerned with emerging experimental or theoretical techniques, letters to the editor and, by invitation, review articles and papers describing existing techniques for the benefit of an interdisciplinary readership.The journal offers online submission, a short time to publication, the opportunity for ample space to develop an argument in full, and the services of referees with expertise in mechanical behaviour and an understanding of the special nature of biomedical materials.Examples of relevant subjects include:Stress/strain/time relationships for biological materialsFracture mechanics of hard tissuesTribological properties of joint materials and their replacements, including coatingsMechanical characterisation of tissue engineering materials and scaffoldsThe mechanical behaviour of cells, including adhesionMechanical properties of biological molecules such as DNALong-term fatigue, creep and wear properties of biomaterials used in implantsThe behaviour of the human tissues under impact loadingMechanical performance of materials in plants and animalsNew techniques for the measurement of mechanical properties in biomedical materials, in both laboratory and clinical practiceComputer simulations of material behaviorClinical case histories related to material performanceMechanobiology: response of cells and tissues to biophysical stimuliThe journal publishes papers from the proceedings of the International Conference on the Mechanics of Biomaterials and Tissues; special issues devoted to particular subjects or events will also be considered.
Lab on a Chip provides a unique forum for the publication of significant and original work related to miniaturisation, at the micro- and nano-scale, of interest to a multidisciplinary readership. The journal seeks to publish work at the interface between physical technological advancements and high impact applications that are of direct interest to a broad audience. Topics include but are not limited to novel micro- and nano-technologies and fundamental principles or significant biological, chemical, medical, environmental and energy applications. • Micro- and nano-fabrication • Micro- and nano-fluidics in continuous and segmented multiphase flow, droplet microfluidics, new liquids • Micro- and nano-systems • Micro- and nano-separation technologies • Micro- and nano-total analysis system (µTAS, nTAS) • Digital microfluidics • Sample preparation • Imaging and detection • Nucleic acid biotechnology and analysis • Protein analysis (proteomics and metabolomics for targeted and global analysis) • Medical diagnostics • Medical devices and treatments • Drug development • Cells, tissues, organs on chip and integrated tissue engineering • 3D cell culture • Single cell analysis • Cell and organism motility and interactions • Systems and synthetic biology and medicine • Energy, biofuels, fuel extraction • Environmental and food monitoring for health and security