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Aktuelle Dermatologie

ISSN: 0340-2541
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Aktuelle Ernährungsmedizin

ISSN: 0341-0501
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Aktuelle Neurologie

ISSN: 0302-4350
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Aktuelle Rheumatologie

ISSN: 0341-051X

Ihr Forum in der Rheumatologie: praxisrelevant und informativ*Die entscheidenden Ergebnisse der internationalen Forschung und Studien*Übersichtsarbeiten zu den maßgeblichen Themen der täglichen Praxis*Top informiert – breite klinische Berichterstattung .

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Aktuelle Urologie

ISSN: 0001-7868

Ihr Forum der praxisrelevanten Urologie*Die entscheidenden Ergebnisse der internationalen Forschung - für Sie auf den Punkt zusammengefasst und kritisch kommentiert*Übersichtsarbeiten zu den maßgeblichen Themen der täglichen Praxis*Top informiert - breite klinische BerichterstattungCME-Punkte sammeln mit der Rubrik "Operative Techniken"*In jeder Ausgabe: Techniken wichtiger Standard-OPs - Schritt für Schritt*Erstklassige OP-Skizzen mit verständlichen ErläuterungenAktuelle Rubriken mit echtem Nutzwert: *Die Prüfung sicher bestehen: "Fragen für den Facharzt"*Den Paragraphendschungel durchblicken: "Aus der Rechtsprechung"*Tipps und Tricks erfahrener Experten.

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Akusherstvo i Ginekologiya (Russian Federation)

ISSN: 0300-9092


ISSN: 0741-8329eISSN: 1873-6823

Alcohol is an international, peer-reviewed journal that is devoted to publishing multi-disciplinary biomedical research on all aspects of the actions or effects of alcohol on the nervous system or on other organ systems. Emphasis is given to studies into the causes and consequences of alcohol abuse and alcoholism, and biomedical aspects of diagnosis, etiology, treatment or prevention of alcohol-related health effects.

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Alcohol and Alcoholism

ISSN: 0735-0414eISSN: 1464-3502

Alcohol and Alcoholism publishes papers on the biomedical, psychological, and sociological aspects of alcoholism and alcohol research, provided that they make a new and significant contribution to knowledge in the field.Papers include new results obtained experimentally, descriptions of new experimental (including clinical) methods of importance to the field of alcohol research and treatment, or new interpretations of existing results.Theoretical contributions are considered equally with papers dealing with experimental work provided that such theoretical contributions are not of a largely speculative or philosophical nature.

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Alcohol research : current reviews

ISSN: 2168-3492eISSN: 2169-4796

Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly

ISSN: 0734-7324eISSN: 1544-4538

Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly is an exciting professional journal for clinicians working with persons who are alcoholic and their families. Designed to bridge the gap between research journals and information for the general public, it addresses the specific concerns of professional alcoholism counselors, social workers, psychologists, physicians, clergy, nurses, employee assistance professionals, and others who provide direct services to persons who are alcoholic.The journal features articles specifically related to the treatment of alcoholism, highlighting new and innovative approaches to care, describing clinical problems and solutions, and detailing practical, unique approaches to intervention and therapy. Original research and articles about theory development and policy issues in alcoholism are included. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly particularly welcomes material giving the personal and humanistic aspects of professional alcoholism counseling and therapy from both the counselor/therapist's view as well as that of the client.The journal explores the 8216;how-to' approaches of intervention and therapy by presenting case studies and commentaries by counselors and therapists. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly publishes original research and articles related to theory development, emphasizes the art as well as the science inherent in the treatment of alcoholism, serves as a vehicle to integrate diverse approaches and perspectives in the field, advocates the recognition of special treatment needs of alcoholic clients and their families, enhances professionalism in the field of counseling and therapy, and promotes the quality of treatment provided to the alcoholic and his/her family in all domains of the recovery process Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Alcoholism and Psychiatry Research

ISSN: 1849-8582eISSN: 2459-542X
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Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research

ISSN: 0145-6008eISSN: 1530-0277

Aims Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research's aims are:

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Alergia Astma Immunologia

ISSN: 1427-3101

Alexandria Journal of Medicine

ISSN: 2090-5068eISSN: 2090-5076
The "Alexandria Journal of Medicine" is an official peer-reviewed periodical owned by the Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University and produced and hosed by Elsevier, on behalf of the owner, since 2011. The journal was inaugurated in 1964 and the first issue appeared at the beginning of 1965. It is issued quarterly, following the gold open access model.

The Alexandria Journal of Medicine is an international peer reviewed journal, concerned with providing a venue for publication of all aspects of human diseases including basic and clinical aspects with a particular focus on diseases of high prevalence in the Middle East and its comparison to their profile in the rest of the world. Manuscripts from other world regions are welcome, to increase the scientific exchange between the different world regions. Such an exchange would increase the opportunities for international collaborative research, especially that there is a broad range of readers from the region and worldwide.

Towards this end, the AJME publishes original research articles, review articles, short communications, clinical trials in an open access format. For a detailed description of the different types of manuscripts, the readers can consult the online guide for authors. The material is subject to editorial revision. Papers describing research involving human subjects and the procedures followed should be in accordance with the ethical standards. Articles containing promotional material (advertisements), whether implicit or explicit will not be included in the Journal.

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Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics

ISSN: 0269-2813eISSN: 1365-2036

Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics is an international journal of gastroenterology and hepatology. The journal accepts original papers and systematic reviews concerned with clinical gastroenterology, hepatology and endoscopy. AP&T is particularly interested in therapies and diagnostics, including all aspects of translation from bench to bedside: identification of novel therapeutic targets, epidemiology, clinical trials, drug safety and meta-analyses.

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Allergo Journal International

eISSN: 2197-0378
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Allergologia et Immunopathologia

ISSN: 0301-0546eISSN: 1578-1267

Allergologia et immunopathologia, incluida en Mediline y EMBASE, es una de las publicaciones más prestigiosas entre los especialistas en alergología y aparato respiratorio. Actualmente es el Órgano Oficial de difusión de la Sociedad Española de Inmunología Clínica y Alergología Pediátrica, que comunica todas sus actividades mediante este medio.6 NÚMEROS AL AÑOPara más información, consulte

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Allergology International

ISSN: 1323-8930eISSN: 1440-1592

Allergology International is the official English language journal of the Japanese Society of Allergology, publishing peer-reviewed articles of scientific excellence in human and experimental allergology, and related fields of research. The Journal aims to further the international exchange of results and encourages authors from all countries to submit papers in the following categories: Original Articles; Case Reports; Short Communications; Occasional Reviews and Editorials; and Letters to the Editor. Allergology International is supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Publication of Scientific Research Result from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.

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ISSN: 0105-4538eISSN: 1398-9995

The aim of the journal is to promote and maintain contact between basic and clinical allergy and immunology. Allergy is an international journal with contributors and readers in all countries. Articles are accepted purely on the basis of quality. The journal publishes original articles, reviews, position papers, and short communications (AllergyNet). Original articles of special interest are accompanied by editorial comments. Correspondence to recently published work is also considered.

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Allergy and Asthma Proceedings

ISSN: 1088-5412eISSN: 1539-6304