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Breast Cancer: Targets and Therapy

eISSN: 1179-1314
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Breast Care

ISSN: 1661-3791eISSN: 1661-3805

Breast Care is a scientific journal that encompasses all aspects of breast biology. As an interdisciplinary journal, it includes manuscripts describing research, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of malignant and benign diseases of the breast. In addition to presenting current developments in clinical research, it addresses broader topics in clinical practice by including articles that address legal, financial, and economic issues of importance. Breast Care is addressed to clinicians and practitioners working and researching in the field of breast health, breast ailments, and breast cancer.

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Breast Disease

ISSN: 0888-6008eISSN: 1558-1551
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Breast Diseases: A Year Book Quarterly

ISSN: 1043-321X

With more than 180,000 new cases of breast cancer diagnosed each year in the United States, specialists in many major medical disciplines-including surgery, obstetrics/gynecology, oncology, radiation therapy, diagnostic radiology, and medical management- will benefit from insightful and up-to-date information in Breast Diseases: A Year Book Quarterly. Each issue of Breast Diseases includes more than 60 article abstracts with insightful commentary on the latest developments in the diagnosis, treatment, screening, and prevention of breast diseases. Breast Diseases provides the expertise and perspective of some of the top physician editors in the world on this important subject.

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Breast Journal

ISSN: 1075-122XeISSN: 1524-4741

The Breast Journal is the first comprehensive, multidisciplinary source devoted exclusively to all facets of research, diagnosis, and treatment of breast disease. The Breast Journal encompasses the latest news and technologies from the many medical specialties concerned with breast disease care in order to address the disease within the context of an integrated breast health care. This editorial philosophy recognizes the special social, sexual, and psychological considerations that distinguish cancer, and breast cancer in particular, from other serious diseases. Topics specifically within the scope of The Breast Journal include:

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British Journal of Cancer

ISSN: 0007-0920eISSN: 1532-1827

Cancer is a complex problem. The international effort to understand and control it involves clinicians trained in many branches of medicine and scientists from most biological disciplines, chemistry, pharmaceutical and physical sciences. British Journal of Cancer (BJC) exists to serve the needs of this diverse community, providing a forum for prompt communication of original and innovative research findings that have relevance to understanding the etiology of cancer and to improving the treatment and survival of patients. BJC works with a distinguished team of international experts to ensure the highest standards of selection and review. All relevant papers are carefully considered. Once accepted, papers are published rapidly in print and online.Full research papers and short communications are published under five broad headings: * clinical studies * translational therapeutics * molecular diagnostics * genetics and genomics * epidemiologyBJC regularly invites minireviews on topics of current interest from international authorities. Some longer reviews, and book reviews are published, usually by editor's invitation. Editorials and letters to the editor on matters arising from published papers are also published at the editor's discretion.BJC is owned by Cancer Research UK, the world's leading independent charity dedicated to cancer research. Cancer Research UK carries out scientific research to find news ways of preventing, diagnosing and treating cancer; ensuring findings are used to benefit the lives of cancer patients.BJC reflects this purpose. It was founded more than sixty years ago and, from the start, its far-sighted mission was to encourage communication of the very best cancer research from laboratories and clinics in all countries. Broad coverage, its editorial independence and consistent high standards have made British Journal of Cancer one of the world's premier general cancer journals.

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Bulletin du Cancer

ISSN: 0007-4551eISSN: 1769-6917

From Biology to Clinical practice : a modern approach of oncologyWhile giving space to review articles and paying more attention to biological aspects, the Bulletin du Cancer maintains a highly scientific clinical and therapeutic approach.The Bulletin du Cancer is one of the best scientific publications in the French language in the realm of cancerology. It is listed in the leading international databases.The Bulletin du Cancer is the official organ of the French Cancer Society.The online version of Bulletin du Cancer is available. All articles published since 1997 can now be accessed online. Recent articles are available by pay per view or by subscription while older ones have free access.

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CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians

ISSN: 0007-9235eISSN: 1542-4863

CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians is a peer-reviewed journal of the American Cancer Society providing cancer care professionals with up-to-date information on all aspects of cancer diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. Published six times per year, CA is the most widely circulated oncology journal in the world, with a circulation of approximately 76,000, including primary care physicians; medical, surgical, and radiation oncologists; nurses; other health care and public health professionals; and students in various health care fields. Although CA is an oncology journal, it is not a journal only for oncologists. It reaches a very wide and diverse group of professionals, and provides an unparalleled opportunity to present information to these professionals about cancer prevention, early detection, treatment of all forms, palliation, advocacy issues, quality-of-life topics, and more.

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ISSN: 0008-543XeISSN: 1097-0142

The CANCER site is a full-text, electronic implementation of CANCER, an Interdisciplinary International Journal of the American Cancer Society, and CANCER CYTOPATHOLOGY, a Journal of the American Cancer Society. The print and online versions of the journal are published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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Cancer Biology & Medicine

ISSN: 2095-3941eISSN: 2095-3941
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Cancer Biology & Therapy

ISSN: 1538-4047eISSN: 1555-8576

Cancer, the second leading cause of death, is a heterogenous group of over 100 diseases. Cancer is characterized by disordered and deregulated cellular and stromal proliferation accompanied by reduced cell death with the ability to survive under stresses of nutrient and growth factor deprivation, hypoxia, and loss of cell-to-cell contacts. At the molecular level, cancer is a genetic disease that develops due to the accumulation of mutations over time in somatic cells. The phenotype includes genomic instability and chromosomal aneuploidy that allows for acceleration of genetic change. Malignant transformation and tumor progression of any cell requires immortalization, loss of checkpoint control, deregulation of growth, and survival. A tremendous amount has been learned about the numerous cellular and molecular genetic changes and the host-tumor interactions that accompany tumor development and progression. It is the goal of the field of Molecular Oncology to use this knowledge to understand cancer pathogenesis and drug action, as well as to develop more effective diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for cancer. This includes preventative strategies as well as approaches to treat metastases. With the availability of the human genome sequence and genomic and proteomic approaches, a wealth of tools and resources are generating even more information. The challenge will be to make biological sense out of the information, to develop appropriate models and hypotheses and to translate information for the clinicians and the benefit of their patients. Cancer Biology & Therapy aims to publish original research on the molecular basis of cancer, including articles with translational relevance to diagnosis or therapy. We will include timely reviews covering the broad scope of the journal. The journal will also publish op-ed pieces and meeting reports of interest. The goal is to foster communication and rapid exchange of information through timely publication of important results using traditional as well as electronic formats. The journal and the outstanding Editorial Board will strive to maintain the highest standards for excellence in all activities to generate a valuable resource.

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Cancer Biomarkers

ISSN: 1574-0153eISSN: 1875-8592

Concentrating on molecular biomarkers in cancer research, Cancer Biomarkers publishes original research findings (and reviews solicited by the editor) on the subject of the identification of markers associated with the disease processes whether or not they are an integral part of the pathological lesion. The disease markers may include, but are not limited to, genomic, epigenomic, proteomics, cellular and morphologic, and genetic factors predisposing to the disease or indicating the occurrence of the disease. Manuscripts on these factors or biomarkers, either in altered forms, abnormal concentrations or with abnormal tissue distribution leading to disease causation will be accepted.

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Cancer Biotherapy and Radiopharmaceuticals

ISSN: 1084-9785eISSN: 1557-8852

Cancer Biotherapy and Radiopharmaceuticals is a peer-reviewed journal covering cutting-edge biotherapy and innovative investigations of methods to improve cancer therapy. Includes more selective delivery of drugs, biologicals, radiopharmaceuticals, and other agents, and advances in delivery instrumentation and technology, with the aim of increasing efficacy of therapy, decreasing toxicity, and/or improving convenience of therapy.Topics include:• Pre-targeted cancer therapy• Clinical trials in cancer research• Antibody therapy and imaging• Tumor cell vaccines• Radioimmunotherapy• T-cell therapy• Molecular targeted therapy and imaging• Drug resistance.

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Cancer Causes and Control

ISSN: 0957-5243eISSN: 1573-7225

Cancer Causes & Control is an international refereed journal that both reports and stimulates new avenues of investigation into the causes, control, and subsequent prevention of cancer. Its multidisciplinary and multinational approach draws together information published in a diverse range of journals. Coverage extends to variation in cancer distribution within and between populations; factors associated with cancer risk; preventive and therapeutic interventions on a population scale; economic, demographic, and health-policy implications of cancer; and related methodological issues.Cancer Causes & Control publishes original and review articles, hypotheses, comments, opinions, and letters which have direct relevance to researchers and practitioners working in epidemiology, medical statistics, cancer biology, health education, medical economics and related fields. The journal also provides significant information for government agencies concerned with cancer research, control and policy.

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Cancer Cell

ISSN: 1535-6108eISSN: 1878-3686

Cancer Cell publishes reports of novel results in any area of cancer research, from molecular and cellular biology to clinical oncology. The work should be not only of exceptional significance within its field but also of interest to researchers outside the immediate area. In addition, Cancer Cell findings in cancer research, diagnosis and treatment. The goal ofCancer Cell is to promote the exchange of ideas and concepts across the entire cancer community, cultivating new areas of basic research and clinical investigation.Cancer Cell will consider papers for publication in any aspect of cancer biology and clinical research, including (but not limited to): Genetics, epigenetics, genomic instability • Cell signaling and communication • Cell cycle, DNA repair • Diagnostics (molecular profiling, pharmacogenomics) • Telomerase and transformation • Apoptosis • Angiogenesis, metastasis • Animal models • Cancer therapy (rational drug design, small molecule therapeutics) • Epidemiology and prevention.Visit the Cancer Cell website to find out more - .

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Cancer Cell International

eISSN: 1475-2867

Cancer Cell International is ready to receive manuscripts on all aspects of cancer cell biology.

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Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology

ISSN: 0344-5704eISSN: 1432-0843

Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology addresses a wide range of pharmacologic and oncologic concerns on both experimental and clinical levels. The primary focus of this rapid publication medium is on new anticancer agents, their experimental screening, preclinical toxicology and pharmacology, single and combined drug administration modalities, and clinical phase I, II and III trials. The journal publishes results recorded in the following areas: clinical toxicology, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, drug interactions, and indications for chemotherapy in cancer treatment strategy. Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology is essential reading for pharmacologists and oncologists.

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Cancer Communications

eISSN: 2523-3548
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Cancer Control

eISSN: 1073-2748
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Cancer Cytopathology

ISSN: 1934-662XeISSN: 1934-6638

The CANCER site is a full-text, electronic implementation of CANCER , an Interdisciplinary International Journal of the American Cancer Society, and CANCER CYTOPATHOLOGY. The print and online versions of the journal are published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. The site offers access to current issues since 1997 of CANCER including CANCER CYTOPATHOLOGY in HTML format, with embedded links to figures and tables, as well as CrossRef™ links, which take users to cited articles that may have been published by a different publisher. There is unrestricted access to tables of contents, abstracts, and general information about CANCER and CANCER CYTOPATHOLOGY, as well as to other Wiley journals. The full-text is available to all subscribers following registration . The CANCER CYTOPATHOLOGY section targets these areas:

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