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SUCHT: Interdisciplinary Journal of Addiction Research

ISSN: 0939-5911eISSN: 1664-2856
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Safety Science

ISSN: 0925-7535

Safety Science serves as an international medium for research in the science and technology of human safety. It extends from safety of people at work to other spheres, such as transport, leisure and home, as well as every other field of man's hazardous activities.Safety Science is multidisciplinary. Its contributors and its audience range from psychologists to chemical engineers. The journal covers the domain of safety in its general sense with a special focus on the interfaces between technology, people and organizations. Papers may address the physics and engineering of safety; its social, policy and organisational aspects; the management of risks; the effectiveness of control techniques for safety; standardization, legislation, inspection, insurance, costing aspects, human behaviour and safety and the like.Safety Science will enable academic researchers, engineers and decision-makers in companies, government agencies and international bodies, to augment their information level on the latest trends in the field, from policy makers and management scientists to engineers.The journal focuses primarily on original research papers across its whole scope, but also welcomes state-of-the-art review papers and first hand case histories on accidents and disasters of special significance. The emphasis is on safety risks, as distinct from health risks, but may include both.

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Safety and Health at Work

ISSN: 2093-7911

Safety and Health at Work (SH@W) is an international, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal published quarterly in English beginning in 2010. The journal is aimed at providing grounds for the exchange of ideas and data developed through research experience in the broad field of occupational health and safety. Articles may deal with scientific research to improve workers' health and safety by eliminating occupational accidents and diseases, pursuing a better working life, and creating a safe and comfortable working environment. The journal focuses primarily on original articles across the whole scope of occupational health and safety, but also welcomes up-to-date review papers and short communications and commentaries on urgent issues and case studies on unique epidemiological survey, methods of accident investigation, and analysis. High priority will be given to articles on occupational epidemiology, medicine, hygiene, toxicology, nursing and health services, work safety, ergonomics, work organization, engineering of safety (mechanical, electrical, chemical, and construction), safety management and policy, and studies related to economic evaluation and its social policy and organizational aspects. Its abbreviated title is Saf Health Work.

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Salāmat-i kār-i Īrān

ISSN: 1735-5133eISSN: 2228-7493
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Salud Pública de México

ISSN: 0036-3634eISSN: 0036-3634

To publish articles both in English and Spanish related to public health topics, in the form of full-length original research papers, brief communications, review articles, essays, updates, classics, indicators, health news, book reviews and letters to the editor.

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Sangyo eiseigaku zasshi = Journal of occupational health

ISSN: 1341-0725

Saudi Journal of Health Systems Research

eISSN: 2673-6136

The Saudi Journal of Health Systems Research is a peer-reviewed, Open Access online journal dedicated to healthcare management. It is the official publication of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia ´s Ministry of Health and the Ministry’s voice to the global scientific community. The journal fosters an environment of research excellence to elevate scientific research in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This journal welcomes papers that cover research, trends, and techniques in health systems and includes articles in hospital and healthcare management and policies, health economics, and digital health. In addition, papers covering multidisciplinary topics with impact on the health sector are welcome. Manuscripts on these topics can be submitted in the form of original research articles, case studies and reports, review articles, systematic reviews, discussions, guidelines, and brief reports. In this forum, clinicians and researchers can communicate their findings to a broader scientific community and contribute to the development of public health and well-being.

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Saúde e Sociedade

ISSN: 0104-1290eISSN: 1984-0470

To disseminate the production of different areas of knowledge about health practices, aiming at the interdisciplinary development of the field of public health.

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Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences

ISSN: 0283-9318eISSN: 1471-6712

Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences is an established quarterly, peer reviewed Journal with an outstanding international reputation. As the official publication of the Nordic College of Caring Science, the Journal shares their mission to contribute to the development and advancement of scientific knowledge on caring related to health, well-being, illness and the alleviation of human suffering.The emphasis is on research that has a patient, family and community focus and which promotes an interdisciplinary team approach.Of special interest are scholarly articles addressing and initiating dialogue on theoretical, empirical and methodological concerns related to critical issues. All articles are expected to demonstrate respect for human dignity and accountability to society.In addition to original research the Journal also publishes reviews, meta-syntheses and meta-analyses.

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Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy

ISSN: 1103-8128eISSN: 1651-2014

The Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy is now in its 17th successful year of publication. It is a channel for occupational therapy research in the Nordic countries and in the rest of the world. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy aims to provide a forum for research results in the field of occupational therapy. Both quantitative and qualitative original research reports are welcomed, as well as short communications (short, interesting reports on clinical cases) and Letters to the Editor.

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Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care

ISSN: 0281-3432eISSN: 1502-7724

The main mission of the journal is to publish original, peer-reviewed research on topics related to general practice and primary care. We also publish editorials, discussion papers and reviews to facilitate continuing professional development in family medicine Read More:

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Scandinavian Journal of Public Health

ISSN: 1403-4948eISSN: 1651-1905

This journal offers optional funded open access.If you wish your article to be freely available online immediately upon publication (as some funding bodies now require), you can opt for it to be included in SAGE Choice upon payment of a publication fee. Manuscript submission and refereeing procedure is unchanged, but on acceptance of your article you will be asked to let SAGE know directly if you are choosing SAGE Choice.If funding has been provided for your research, convention dictates that you acknowledge the source and grant information in the Acknowledgements section of your article. Please note that in some cases, grant funders require authors to attribute the funding source, describe the role of the study funding body and include the relevant grant reference numbers.

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Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health

ISSN: 0355-3140eISSN: 1795-990X

International Polymer Processing, the journal of the Polymer Processing Society, is a discussion forum for the world-wide community of engineers and scientists in the broad and innovative field of polymer processing.

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Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health, Supplement

ISSN: 0356-6528

Sciences Sociales et Santé

ISSN: 0294-0337eISSN: 1777-5914

Sexual Health

ISSN: 1448-5028eISSN: 1449-8987

Sexual Health publishes original and significant contributions to the fields of sexual health including HIV/AIDS, Sexually transmissible infections, issues of sexuality and relevant areas of reproductive health. This journal is directed towards those working in sexual health as clinicians, public health practitioners, researchers in behavioural, clinical, laboratory, public health or social, sciences. The journal publishes peer reviewed original research, editorials, review articles, topical debates, case reports and critical correspondence. Authors interested in preparing a feature article, a mini-review or a viewpoint article are invited to discuss the matter with the Editor.

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Sexually Transmitted Diseases

ISSN: 0148-5717eISSN: 1537-4521

Sexually Transmitted Diseases, the official journal of the American Sexually Transmitted Diseases Association, publishes peer-reviewed, original articles on clinical, laboratory, immunologic, epidemiologic, behavioral, public health, and historical topics pertaining to sexually transmitted diseases and related fields. Reports from the CDC and NIH provide up-to-the-minute information. A highly respected editorial board is composed of prominent scientists who are leaders in this rapidly changing field. Included in each issue are studies and developments from around the world.Journal articles posted prior to 12 months of current issue is freely accessible.Indexed/abstracted in: MEDLINE/PUBMED, EMBASE, SCOPUS, International Pharmaceutical Abstracts (IPA), BIOSIS Previews, Science Citation Index Expanded, Current Contents/Clinical Medicine and Life Sciences, Chemical Abstracts.

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Social Medicine

ISSN: 1557-7112eISSN: 1557-7112
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Social Work in Mental Health

ISSN: 1533-2985eISSN: 1533-2993

Social Work in Mental Health is an exciting contribution from the editors of our highly respected journal, Social Work in Health Care. This journal offers quality articles on clinical practice, education, research, collaborative relationships, mental health policy, and the delivery of mental health care services. This scholarly, creative, and lively journal presents material valuable to social workers in all sectors of mental health care. It is devoted to social work theory, practice, and administration in a wide variety of mental health care settings. Social Work in Mental Health will help you improve your practice in these areas, demonstrating the vital role of social services in mental health care delivery systems.Peer Review Policy: All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by two anonymous referees.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Social Work in Public Health

ISSN: 1937-1918eISSN: 1937-190X

Social Work in Public Health (recently re-titled from the Journal of Health & Social Policy to better reflect its focus) provides a much-needed forum for social workers and those in health and health-related professions. This crucial journal focuses on all aspects of policy and social and health care considerations in policy-related matters, including its development, formulation, implementation, evaluation, review, and revision. By blending conceptual and practical considerations, Social Work in Public Health enables authors from many disciplines to examine health and social policy issues, concerns, and questions. This valuable resource also presents leading policymakers, as well as representatives affected by particular public and social policy, who discuss and debate new policies, giving readers special insight into policy formulation. Types of articles in Social Work in Public Health include: specific subjects such as primary prevention, health care strategies of various ethnic groups, and financial aspects in policy formulation articles by minority authors on all aspects of the field multidisciplinary perspectives on policy questions and specific issues articles that are centered on a particular theme or subject, such as homelessness, AIDS, or the economic costs of illness and health policy The journal Editors nationally recognized leaders in the field, provide top notch guidance to ensure that Social Work in Public Health brings practitioners the high quality research and knowledge they require. Professionals in the health care and social work fields public health, health education, allied health, nursing, social work, urban affairs, pharmacy, psychology, sociology, mental health, and medicine whose work is profoundly affected by public and social policy issues, are strongly encouraged to read this practical and informative journal. Peer Review Policy: All review papers in this journal have undergone editorial screening and peer review. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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