The Journal of the American College of Nutrition (ISSN 0731-5724) is published bimonthly by the American College of Nutrition, 300 South Duncan Avenue, Clearwater, FL 33755, Tel: 727-446-6086; Fax: 727-446-6202; e-mail: office@amcollnutr.orgManuscripts and correspondence should be sent to: Richard R. Caldwell, PhD, Managing Editor, Journal of the American College of Nutrition, Wayne State University, 3009 Science Hall, Detroit, MI 48202 Tel: 313-993-JACN (5226); Fax: 313-577-8616; e-mail: jacn@wayne.eduScope: The Journal of the American College of Nutrition (JACN) accepts the following types of submissions: Original and innovative research in nutrition with useful application for researchers, physicians, and other health care professionals; Critical reviews on pertinent nutrition topics that highlight key teaching points and relevance to nutrition; Letters to the editors and commentaries on important issues in the field of nutrition; Abstract clusters on nutritional topics with editorial comments; Book reviews; Abstracts from the annual meeting of the American College of Nutrition in the October issue.Papers are stringently reviewed and only those that report results of novel, timely, and significant research and meet high standards of scientific merit will be accepted for publication.The Journal of the American College of Nutrition is abstracted or indexed in Current Contents, Index Medicus, MEDLINE, Science Citation Index, SciSearch, Research Alert, Chemical Abstracts, CAB International and BIOSIS. Printed in the USA.
The primary goal of the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society is to publish articles that are relevant in the broadest terms to the clinical care of older persons. Such articles may span a variety of disciplines and fields and may be of immediate, intermediate, or long-term potential benefit to clinical practice. Sections of JAGS include Clinical Investigations; Brief Reports; Brief Methodological Reports; Progress in Geriatrics; Geriatric Bioscience; Nursing; Education and Training; Drugs and Pharmacology; Ethics, Public Policy, and Medical Economics; International Health Affairs; Ethnogeriatrics and Special Populations; Models of Geriatric Care, Quality Improvement, and Program Dissemination; Special Articles; Editorials; Old Lives Tales; Clinical Trials and Tribulations; and Letters to the Editor.
JAMDA is the official journal of AMDA: Dedicated to Long Term Care Medicine. JAMDA provides monthly coverage of the issues most important to healthcare professionals providing long term care. Original research and review articles cover topics such as geriatric medicine, dementia and cognitive impairment, rehabilitation, chronic comorbid conditions, the frail elder, sarcopenia, medication management and prescribing issues, multi-resistant organisms and infectious diseases, falls prevention, assisted living risks and challenges, palliative/end of life care, education, technology/robotics, as well as health policy, outcomes evaluation and guidelines for administrators, physicians and staff who work in long-term care, rehabilitation sites, assisted living, and home care.Peer-reviewed articles include original studies, reviews, clinical experience articles, case reports, editorials and letters to the editor.Subscribe to JAMDA or join AMDA and receive JAMDA as a member benefit.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
The American Pharmacists Association (APhA) is the organization whose members are recognized in society as essential in all patient care settings for optimal medication use that improves health, wellness, and quality of life. Through information, education, and advocacy APhA empowers its members to improve medication use and advance patient care by:* Providing timely and accurate information that is vital to our members.* Raising societal awareness about the role of pharmacists as essential in patient care for optimal medication use.* Pro viding state-of-the-art resources to enhance our members' continuing professional development.* Educating and influencing legislators, policy makers, regulators, and the public to advance our vision and mission.* Creating unique opportunities for our members to connect and share with their peers across practice settings.
Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association (JAPNA) is a peer-reviewed bi-monthly journal publishing up-to-date information to promote psychiatric nursing, improve mental health care for culturally diverse individuals, families, groups, and communities, as well as shape health care policy for the delivery of mental health services. JAPNA publishes both clinical and research articles relevant to psychiatric nursing.
The Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care covers the spectrum of nursing issues in HIV/AIDS: education, treatment, prevention, research, practice, clinical issues, awareness, policies and program development. This peer-reviewed journal is a forum for nurses and other health care professionals whose focus is the care and treatment of individuals infected and affected by HIV/AIDS.The Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care offers the latest information in the areas of health care delivery, program implementation and research analysis and application. JANAC encourages the submission of original manuscripts through its first-time author mentoring program. The journal is included in Index Medicus, MEDLINE, CINAHL and the Expanded Science Citation Index.The Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care is also included in the following abstracting services: AIDS and Cancer Research; Biological Sciences Abstracts; Family & Society Studies Worldwide; Health & Safety Sciences Abstracts; IBZ (International Bibliography of Periodical Literature on the Humanities and Social Sciences): International Nursing Index; Pollution Abstracts; PsychINFO; PsycLIT; Psychological Abstracts; RNdex; Risk Abstracts; Safety Science & Risk Abstracts; Sexual Diversity Studies; and Virology and AIDS Abstracts.
The Journal of the Dermatology Nurses' Association (JDNA), the official journal of the Dermatology Nurses' Association (DNA), will be the leading peer-reviewed journal of dermatology nursing publishing original research and clinical articles, review articles, and education features along with professional information for all members of the association. The journal will contain in-depth coverage of the issues affecting dermatology nursing today. It will address dermatology professionals' needs and will focus on the key areas of interest and development touching all nursing and practice professionals working in the dermatology field.Each issue will offer Continuing Education (CE) activities.Members of the Dermatology Nurses' Association receive the journal as a benefit of membership. For more information, call 800-454-4362.
The Journal of the Economics of Ageing (JEoA) is an international academic journal that publishes original theoretical and empirical research dealing with the interaction between demographic change and the economy. JEoA encompasses both microeconomic and macroeconomic perspectives and offers a platform for the discussion of topics including labour, health, and family economics, social security, income distribution, social mobility, immigration, productivity, structural change, economic growth and development. JEoA also solicits papers that have a policy focus.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
The official journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition The Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition (JISSN) is a peer-reviewed journal that covers various aspects of sports nutrition, supplementation, exercise metabolism, and/or scientific policies related to sports nutrition. The journal is designed to keep members of the International Society of Sports Nutrition and the public up to date on the latest advances in sport nutrition.
This international journal covers fundamental and applied research, including:Food - Health and Nutrition: Human and animal nutrition. Enhancing health and wellness with novel and functional foods, nutraceuticals (but not pharmaceuticals) or food supplementation. Evaluation, including chemical tests, animal models and in vitro, in vivo testing systems.Food Science and Technology: Development, production and processing of human food, animal food, and beverages. Measurement of food and ingredient characteristics and functionalities. Papers reporting simply antioxidant activity and those reporting the composition of foods that are not widely eaten outside a small geographical area will not generally be considered for publication.Food Safety: Microbiological food safety, including on-farm safety management, epidemiology of food-borne illness, novel process and packaging, and detection of food-borne pathogens. Food toxicology and safety evaluation of genetically modified organisms. Application of risk assessment and risk management techniques.Biotechnology: Applications of biotechnology to plants, animals and microorganisms as they relate to agriculture, food production and processing, and fermentation technology.Molecular Biology: Applications of genetic modification and molecular biology, bioinformatics and ‘omics’ technology to plants, animals and microorganisms as they relate to agriculture, food production and processing, and fermentation technology.Biochemistry: Novel insights into the chemistry and biochemistry of foods, feeds, ingredients and components, including macro-, micro- and non-nutrients, and also enzymes and other processing aids and functional ingredients. Research that addresses current issues within the agri-food area, for example functional foods in relation to health claims and safety.Materials and Processing: Food raw materials and quality. Food structure and physical properties. Physical description of processing and product properties of raw materials. Food process engineering.Sensory and Consumer Sciences: Perception and evaluation of characteristics of foods and beverages including flavor, appearance and texture. Consumer behavior issues, including acceptability, preference and other factors related to cultural cues and product image.Agriculture - Production: Plant and animal husbandry including precision agriculture and aquaculture and mariculture. Impact of scientific and technological developments on yields and quality.Agriculture - Utilization: Plants, plant products, animals, animal products, fish and marine products as human food or animal feed. Industrial applications for plants, plant products, animal products and marine products.Agriculture - Environment: The interaction of agriculture and environment, including safety and sustainability of agricultural practices; protection of natural resources (quality of air, water and soil); mitigation of environmental effects through improved farming methods; assessment of organic farming and alternative production systems; management of nutrients, pathogens or other potential contaminants; impacts and mitigation of climate change.Biomass and Bioenergy: Biomass production and utilization, feedstocks, biodegradation methodologies, potential products.
Now in its third decade of publication, the Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal (KIEJ) is an interdisciplinary quarterly journal of the Joseph and Rose Kennedy Institute of Ethics at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. It publishes philosophically rigorous and empirically informed articles in all areas of bioethics (broadly construed) and on related issues in practical ethics. The KIEJ has recently focused on publishing papers that explore ethical and social issues in science practice, as well as philosophical approaches to health, environmental, and science policy, especially those which situate philosophical and ethical issues in a global context.
Das Forum für wissenschaftliche Information in der Kinderheilkunde*ausgewählte Originalarbeiten aus allen Bereichen der Pädiatrie*Visite: Ihr Forum für interessante Krankengeschichten und außergewöhnliche Kasuistikenaktuelle Fortschritte in Diagnostik und Therapie*jährliche Schwerpunkthefte: Ergebnisse der pädiatrischen Onkologie*plus Medizin und Markt*topaktuelle Informationen aus der Industrie.
Kontakt is a platform for publishing contributions on the complexity of interactions between clinical and social actions in the context of health improvement.
It is the official journal of the
Kontakt accepts for publication original research, review articles, letters to editor and interesting case reports, on all aspects of nursing, health and social problems related to health and illness. By its broad scope, the journal is aimed at all public health practitioners and researchers as well as public health nurses, policy makers and healthcare managers.
Articles are published in two sections:
1. Nursing aims to promote excellence in the field of nursing through dissemination of the latest, evidence-based, peer-reviewed information. The section serves as a platform to exchange knowledge related to education of nurses, practice concepts, innovations policy, legal and ethical issues, nurses' opinions regarding patient safety, work in multicultural environment, advancements in best nursing practice, analysis of clinical practice guidelines which explore the meaning, impact, prevention, treatment and outcomes of health problems relevant to nursing.
2. Social Sciences in Health welcomes contributions relevant to any aspect of health, from broadly understood social sciences perspective, including impact of medicine on society, ethical challenges in healthcare, risk management, and ending with impact and influence of political and economic conditions in health. Articles are to develop understanding and to provide practical application of quantitative and qualitative research methods related to conducting, commissioning or using research in the social and healthcare arenas.
All articles are reviewed by at least two independent reviewers. The review procedure is reciprocally anonymous.
All issues published before 2014 are available at
L'aide-soignante, le mensuel de l'exercice aide-soignant au quotidien.Abonnez-vous dès aujourd'hui et bénéficiez gratuitement d'un caducée aide-soignante.Chaque mois, L'aide-soignante vous propose les rubriques suivantes :Actualités : toute l'actualité professionnelle, déclinée en news santé ou médicaleFormation : un dossier complet sur un secteur en particulier.Pratique : des rubriques régulières couvrant l'ensemble de vos fonctions et de vos responsabilités (Hygiène et confort, Soins relationnels, Transmission, Education et Prévention...).Guide : toutes les informations utiles pour suivre les évolutions de votre profession : législation, livres, agenda, offres d'emploi et de formation.
Conçu et élaboré pour la formation médicale continue des anesthésistes réanimateurs, Le Praticien en anesthésie réanimation répond à des objectifs clairement définis.- Être au plus près de votre quotidien : la revue vous apporte des réponses immédiatement opérationnelles aux problèmes rencontrés dans votre exercice.- Transmettre des informations riches et actualisées : vous trouverez des informations d'actualité scientifique ou de vie professionnelle qui font le point sur les derniers développements ou un rappel des connaissances sur un sujet spécifique.- Couvrir de manière précise tous les aspects de votre pratique : les membres du comité de rédaction représentent les différents aspects de la pratique de l'anesthésie et de la réanimation, pour des informations toujours proches des préoccupations de votre profession.Les articles sont rédigés de façon synthétique pour vous permettre d'aller à l'essentiel. - Apporter des informations scientifiques fiables : les articles retenus pour publication sont élaborés par des auteurs aux compétences reconnues et validées par un expert du sujet.Depuis 2006, à l'occasion de ses 10 ans, Le Praticien en anesthésie réanimation a adopté une nouvelle présentation, plus didactique et plus agréable à lire !
Legal Medicine provides an international forum for the publication of original articles, reviews and correspondence on subjects that cover practical and theoretical areas of interest relating to the wide range of legal medicine.Subjects covered include forensic pathology, toxicology, odontology, anthropology, criminalistics, immunochemistry, hemogenetics and forensic aspects of biological science with emphasis on DNA analysis and molecular biology. Submissions dealing with medicolegal problems such as malpractice, insurance, child abuse or ethics in medical practice are also acceptable.