The Journals of Gerontology were the first journals on aging published in the United States. The tradition of excellence in these peer-reviewed scientific journals, established in 1946, continues today. The Journals of Gerontology, Series A publishes within its covers the Journal of Gerontology: Biological Sciences and the Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences.JOURNAL OF GERONTOLOGY: BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES, Rafael de Cabo, PhD, EditorPublishes articles on the biological aspects of aging in areas such as biochemistry, biodemography, cellular and molecular biology, comparative and evolutionary biology, endocrinology, exercise sciences, genetics, immunology, morphology, neuroscience, nutrition, pathology, pharmacology, physiology, vertebrate and invertebrate genetics, and biological underpinnings of late life diseases.JOURNAL OF GERONTOLOGY: MEDICAL SCIENCES, Luigi Ferrucci, MD, PhD,Publishes articles representing the full range of medical sciences pertaining to aging. Appropriate areas include, but are not limited to, basic medical science, clinical epidemiology, clinical research, and health services research for professions such as medicine, dentistry, allied health sciences, and nursing. It publishes articles on research pertinent to human biology and disease. The following types of articles are published: 1) articles reporting original research; 2) rapid communications; 3) review articles; 4) guest editorials.
The Journals of Gerontology were the first journals on aging published in the United States. The tradition of excellence in these peer-reviewed scientific journals, established in 1946, continues today. The Journals of Gerontology Series B publishes within its covers the Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences and the Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences.JOURNAL OF GERONTOLOGY: PSYCHOLOGICAL SCIENCES, Rosemary Blieszner, PhD, EditorPublishes articles on development in adulthood and old age that advance the psychological science of aging processes and outcomes. Articles in JG: PS have clear implications for theoretical or methodological innovation in the psychology of aging or contribute significantly to the empirical understanding of psychological processes and aging. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, attitudes, clinical applications, cognition, education, emotion, health, human factors, interpersonal relations, neuropsychology, perception, personality, physiological psychology, social psychology, and sensation. Applied research with theoretical significance is welcome. Manuscripts reporting work that relates behavioral aging to neighboring disciplines are also appropriate. The Journal publishes four types of articles: (a) reports of original research, (b) brief reports of original research, (c) invited reviews of cutting-edge work (New Directions in Aging Research), and (d) theoretical or methodological contributions. See word and page limitations below. All submissions are peer-reviewed, with final decisions made by the Editor.
The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health publishes any original research or evidence-based review that will directly impact clinical practice or child health across the disciplines of general paediatrics, adolescent medicine, child development, or any paediatric subspecialty. The journal will consider any contribution that advocates change in, or illuminates, clinical practice in these particular areas.
The journal publishes a range of article types including Articles, Reviews, Viewpoints, Clinical Pictures, Comments, and Correspondence. Manuscripts must be solely the work of the author(s) stated, must not have been previously published elsewhere, and must not be under consideration by another journal. All original research judged eligible for consideration by the journal’s editors will be entered into our fast-track peer-review process, and if accepted, will be published within 8 weeks from submission.
Further details on the different sections of The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health, and how to submit to the journal, are provided below. If you require further clarification, the journal’s editorial staff will be pleased to help (email
Published monthly, The Nurse Practitioner provides practical, cutting-edge clinical and professional information by experts in the field,and supports nurse practitioners in their pursuit of professionalexcellence through continuing education offerings. The NursePractitioner also provides a forum to discuss and strengthen their rolein health care delivery.For more information, visit the only national conference covering the needs of NPs in both primary and acute care33;The National Conference for Nurse Practitioners and Acute Care Clinicians May 18-21, 2010, Chicago, ILFor more information go to
Practical in both style and content, The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal; delivers the latest insights on all aspects of infectious disease in children, from state-of-the-art diagnostic techniques to the most effective drug therapies and other essential treatment protocols. Website:
There is increasing scientific and clinical interest in the interactions of nutrition and health as part of the aging process. This interest is due to the important role that nutrition plays throughout the life span. This role affects the growth and development of the body during childhood, affects the risk of acute and chronic diseases, the maintenance of physiological processes and the biological process of aging. A major aim of 'The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging' is to contribute to the improvement of knowledge regarding the relationships between nutrition and the aging process from birth to old age.
Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics examines clinical judgment and reasoning, medical concepts such as health and disease, the philosophical basis of medical science, and the philosophical ethics of health care and biomedical research
Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics is an international forum for interdisciplinary studies in the ethics of health care and in the philosophy and methodology of medical practice and biomedical research. Coverage in the philosophy of medicine includes the theoretical examination of clinical judgment and decision making; theories of health promotion and preventive care; the problems of medical language and knowledge acquisition; theory formation in medicine; analysis of the structure and dynamics of medical hypotheses and theories; discussion and clarification of basic medical concepts and issues; medical application of advanced methods in the philosophy of science, and the interplay between medicine and other scientific or social institutions. Coverage of ethics includes both
Established in 1980, Therapeutic Communities (TC) is the only peer-reviewed journal dedicated to publishing international findings related to therapeutic communities, therapeutic and enabling environments and related fields.
Tijdschrift voor Gerontologie en Geriatrie bestrijkt het brede wetenschapsgebied van de gerontologie en geriatrie in al zijn facetten, met bijdragen uit de biologische, medische, psychologische en sociale wetenschappen. De geriatrie omvat de geneeskunde die specifiek gericht is op kwetsbare ouderen, en ondersteunende sociaal-geneeskundige activiteiten.
Tijdschrift voor Ouderengeneeskunde is het orgaan van de Nederlandse vereniging voor verpleeghuisartsen en sociaal geriaters. Geregistreerde verpleeghuisartsen kunnen lid worden van de NVVA.
Tizard Learning Disability Review (TLDR) is an accessible, readable and challenging high-quality source of information and intelligence for those researching and working in the field of learning/intellectual disabilities.
Topics in Clinical Nutrition is a peer-reviewed quarterly journal designed as a resource for the continuing education and clinical practice of dietitians and nutritionists. Each issue publishes original research, case studies, book reviews, and addresses current topics of interest to dietitians, nutritionists, and nutrition faculty.It offers clinical tips as well as strategies for motivating clients and their families. Also to help sharpen skills, the journal offers reviews of groundbreaking new books to keep practitioners at the forefront of the profession.
Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation, (TGR) is a peer-reviewed journal that presents clinical, basic, and applied research, as well as theoretic information, consolidated into a clinically relevant format and provides a resource for the healthcare professional practicing in the area of geriatric rehabilitation.TGR provides useful, treatment-related information written by and for specialists in all aspects of geriatric care. Each issue focuses on a specific topic, providing dependable hands-on tips and techniques.
Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation (TSR) is a topical interdisciplinary journal devoted to the study and dissemination of theoretical and practical information related to the subject of stroke rehabilitation. The journal reviews and reports common clinical practices, state-of-the-art concepts, and new developments in stroke patient care and research. Both primary research papers and comprehensive reviews of existing literature are included. The articles in each quarterly issue are written and peer-reviewed by clinicians and scientists with backgrounds and interests in a variety of disciplines related to stroke and rehabilitation. The objective of each issue is to summarize and synthesize current knowledge on a selected timely topic in stroke rehabilitation.
Traumatology: An International Journal (TMT) is a primary online-only reference for professionals who study and treat people exposed to highly traumatic events, such as terrorist bombings, war, fires, accidents, criminal and familial abuse, hospitalization, major illness, abandonment, and sudden unemployment. Whichever helping profession you belong to, TMT will help you better understand how to work with disaster victims and their families.