Group & Organization Management (GOM), peer-reviewed and published bi-monthly, publishes the work of scholars and professionals who extend management and organization theory and address the implications for practitioners. Innovation, conceptual sophistication, methodological rigor, and cutting-edge scholarship are the driving principles. From individual behavior to organizational strategy and functioning, GOM features both empirical and theoretical articles spanning various levels of analysis in organizations.
Themenschwerpunkte aus Sozialpsychologie, Psychologie, Soziologie und Erziehungswissenschaft sowie deren Umfeldern
Innovative Praxis ist auf den Input aus Wissenschaft und Forschung sowie auf die Erfahrungen und Ideen der Praktiker angewiesen. Die Zeitschrift Gruppendynamik und Organisationsberatung befasst sich mit Themen der Sozialpsychologie, Psychologie, Soziologie, Erziehungswissenschaften, Erwachsenenbildung, Arbeitsleben und Politik sowie den unterschiedlichen Bereichen der Gruppentherapie.
Gruppenprozesse finden oft in institutionellen Zusammenhängen statt. Organisationen sind in der heutigen Zeit dramatischen Veränderungen unterworfen, dass hier ein sozialwissenschaftlicher Klärungs- und Beratungsbedarf entstanden ist, der über Empfehlungen weit hinausgeht.
Wer gesellschaftliche und organisatorische Veränderungen verstehen will, wer schon heute wissen will, was die Forschung für die Lösung sozialer Probleme bereithält, für den ist Gruppendynamik und Organisation
Health Psychology is a scholarly journal devoted to understanding the scientific relations among psychological factors, behavior and physical health and illness. The readership is broad with respect to discipline, background, interests, and specializations.The main emphasis of the journal is on original research, including integrative theoretical review papers, meta-analyses, treatment outcome trials, and brief scientific reports. Scholarly case studies, commentaries, and letters to the editor will also be considered.Papers should have significant theoretical or practical importance for understanding relations among behavior, psychosocial factors, and physical health, as well as their application. All papers should emphasize, whenever possible, the translation of scientific findings for practice and policy.Health Psychology publishes original scholarly articles on topics such as: * Contextual factors that may contribute to disease or its prevention * Prevention * Interfaces among biological, psychosocial, social and behavioral factors in health * Assessment approaches in health * Health risk and resilience behavior * Health promotion * Child and adolescent health * Couple and family relationships in health * Lifespan approaches to health, including those related to older adults * Evaluation and dissemination of treatment approaches that target the individual, family, group, multicenter, or community level * Ethnicity, social class, gender and sexual orientation in health * Health disparities * Research methodology, measurement, and statistics in health psychology * Implications of research findings for health-related policy * Advances in health-related theory * Innovations in technology * Professional issues in health psychology, including training and supervision.
Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFS) is a bi-monthly peer-reviewed journal presenting original works of scientific merit that contribute to the understanding and advancement of the systematic consideration of people in relation to machines, systems, tools, and environments. (HFS) highlights fundamental human capabilities, limitations, and tendencies, as well as the basics of human performance.
Human Performance is a respected forum for behavioral scientists interested in variables that motivate and promote high-level human performance, particularly in occupational settings. The journal seeks to identify and stimulate more relevant research, communication, and theory concerning human capabilities and effectiveness. It serves as a valuable intellectual link between such disciplines as industrial-organizational psychology, individual differences, work physiology, environmental medicine and safety, human resource management, and human factors. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
Covering the broad spectrum of contemporary human resource management, this journal provides practicing managers and academics with the latest concepts, tools, and information for effective problem solving and decision making in this field. Broad in scope, it explores issues of societal, organizational, and individual relevance. Journal articles discuss new theories, new techniques, case studies, models, and research trends of particular significance to practicing managers.
The Human Resource Management Review is a quarterly theory journal devoted to the publication of scholarly conceptual/theoretical1 articles pertaining to human resource management and allied fields (e.g. organizational behavior, industrial/organizational psychology, labor relations). Quantitative meta-analytical reviews that make a conceptual/theoretical contribution are also appropriate. It focuses on issues of function and process, preferably addressed at the micro (i.e., individual and group) level. However, the Review will also consider papers at the macro (organizational and societal) level of analysis. Its purpose is to provide a forum for ideas that will stimulate and lead to empirical research, as well as for the critical examination of existing concepts, models, and frameworks. As such, The Review does not publish reports of empirical investigations or articles written primarily for practicing managers.Subject areas considered appropriate include, but are not limited to, personnel selection, compensation, performance appraisal, attraction and retention, training and development, human resource applications of computer technology, and human resource planning.1HRMR does not normally consider empirical papers that test hypotheses or use data analyses to inductively examine ideas. Moreover, in its quest to foster the development of general theories and models, HRMR does not normally consider individual papers that deal with a single occupation or industry or cases of these entities. Submission of such papers will be rejected as outside the scope of the journal.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
2009 Impact Factor: 6.190 Ranking: 1/19 in Computer Science, Cybernetics; 2/91 in Computer Science, Theory & Method2009 5-Year Impact Factor: 7.315169; 2010 Thomson Reuters, 2009 Journal Citation Reports174; An interdisciplinary journal defining and reporting on the challenging issues in making computational technology work for people, Human-Computer Interaction publishes theoretical, empirical, and methodological articles on the user sciences and system design as it affects individual users, work groups, communities, and social and organizational settings. Human-Computer Interaction publishes articles that combine research theory and methods in computer science, cognitive science, social science, and design. HCI articles are the most extensive, in-depth investigations of important research issues in the field. HCI also publishes articles with novel perspective and methods. Special Issues in HCI are definitive collections on critical research areas in the field.User Science. HCI seeks to foster a scientific understanding of the cognitive behavior of computer users and the organizational and social impacts of computer use. HCI is concerned with the individual user, small working groups of users, and also the larger social and organizational context of user communities. Theoretical papers should deal with scientific models of user learning or performance or with social models of the user community. Empirical papers may range from controlled laboratory experimentation to field observation. Methodological papers should be analyze and study research methods.System Design. HCI seeks to foster rational discussion of and methods for the design of new computer systems and the evaluation of existing systems. HCI is interested in the range of issues all the way from user-interface design techniques to participatory design practices, and it is also concerned with the process of designing. Theoretical papers should deal with the design principles underlying a particular system or class of systems, or with the abstract structure and process of human-computer interaction. Empirical papers may assess existing or novel interaction techniques, or examine the design process itself. Methodological papers should be concerned with the application of design principles, the rationalization of design alternatives, or the role of empirical methods in the design process.The Instructions for Authors explains how to submit to HCI and how the editorial process works.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
This long-established journal, now in its third decade of publication, is devoted to reflective inquiry into humanistic psychologies, broadly defined. The Humanistic Psychologist (THP) publishes papers on qualitative research; humanistic, existential, and constructivist psychotherapies; transpersonal/spiritual psychology and psychotherapy; as well as phenomenological, feminist, and multicultural perspectives. In the spirit of a forward moving field, its editorial board welcomes submissions representing both modern conceptions and postmodern critiques of humanistic psychologies. Peer Review Policy: All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by two anonymous referees.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
Psychoanalytic infant observation, developed at The Tavistock Clinic in 1948, has become an essential feature of pre-clinical training in child and adult psychotherapy, psychoanalysis and related fields throughout the world.Infant Observation publishes the best of the varied and original writing emerging from this field. It comprises case studies on infant and young child observation, research papers, and articles focusing on wider applications of the psychoanalytic observational method, including its relevance to reflective professional practice in fields such as social work, teaching and nursing. Papers are peer-reviewed. The journal also welcomes lively correspondence.Infant Observation is essential reading for teachers, students and practitioners of psychoanalytic psychotherapy and observational studies, and for those interested in the development and application of the infant observation method. Readers and contributors include analysts, psychotherapists, social workers, teachers, nurses, doctors and many others with an interest in the area.Disclaimer The Tavistock Clinic Foundation and Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the "Content") contained in its publications. However, the Society and Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether expressed or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of the Society and Taylor & Francis.
This journal explores the cultural nature of human conduct and its evolutionary history, anthropology, ethology, communication processes between people and within -- as well as between -- societies. It integrates perspectives of the social and biological sciences through theoretical models of epigenesis. Integrative Psychological & Behavioral Science (IPBS) features articles that cover theoretical integration of ideas, epistemology of social and biological sciences, and original empirical research articles of general scientific value. IPBS covers the history of the social sciences as relevant for development of theoretical perspectives and empirical elaborations within the social and biological sciences. It integrates knowledge from many fields in a new synthesis of universal social science – overcoming the post-modernist fragmentation of ideas.
International Gambling Studies is a peer reviewed interdisciplinary journal in gambling studies. Launched by a team of international experts with a commitment to the highest scholarly standards, International Gambling Studies adopts a transnational and comparative approach to the challenges posed by the global expansion of gambling in the 21st century.International Gambling Studies seeks to: be a leading voice for analysis and research in gambling studies, presenting work on the theory, methods, practice and history of gambling; encourage the application of perspectives from all social sciences including sociology, psychology, anthropology, statistics, economics, education, history, law, political science, community studies, management, industrial relations, leisure and tourism studies; overcome the divide between the theory and empirical research; advance excellence in gambling studies by integrating academic and industry perspectives, encouraging comparative studies and critical analysis encourage articles that offer a new theoretical argument, provide new data or use an innovative methodological approach or mode of analysis; give theoretical and analytical expression to the intellectual and policy challenges in contemporary gambling enhance the public relevance of gambling studies in the context of contemporary society and global economic development; and appeal to a wide readership. While contributing to new developments at the cutting edge of theory and method, the journal will be broadly accessible to practitioners, students and policy makers. International Gambling Studies accepts original manuscripts including empirical research, review and commentary papers. In addition authors may make submissions to the forum section that will encourage scholarly debate including publishing readers' responses to individual articles and letters to the Editor. Peer Review StatementAll research, review and commentary articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review based on initial editor screening and detailed review by at least two anonymous referees. All other contributions have undergone editorial screening and review.
The International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling is published under the auspices of the International Association for Counselling.The journal promotes the exchange of information about counselling activities throughout the world. Papers published in the journal are conceptual, practical or research contributions providing an international perspective on the following areas: Theories and models of guidance and counselling:Counsellor education and supervision:State of the art reports on guidance and counselling in specific settings:Special populations:Special applications:Counselling services in developing countries. The International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling publishes original articles, major addresses and papers presented at the International Association for Counselling and other major international meetings, and thematic reviews and discussions related to guidance and counselling.
The International Journal of Behavioral Medicine (IJBM) is the official publication of the International Society of Behavioral Medicine (ISBM). It presents original research and integrative reviews on interactions among behavioral, psychosocial, environmental, genetic and biomedical factors relevant to health and illness. The scope of the Journal extends from research on biobehavioral mechanisms and clinical studies on diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation to research on public health, including health promotion and prevention. IJBM publishes research originating from all continents, inviting research on multi-national, multi-cultural and global aspects of health and illness. 5 Year Impact Factor: 1.937 (2008)Section 'Psychology, Clinical': Rank 41 out of 88
The International Journal of Consumer Studies provides an international forum for academic and research papers with a focus on how consumers can enhance their security and well being. It publishes articles of interest to an international audience and at the leading edge of consumer research throughout the world. The scope of the Journal includes: