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Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science

ISSN: 2769-7541eISSN: 2769-755X

The Journal of Abnormal Psychology® publishes articles on basic research and theory in the broad field of abnormal behavior, its determinants, and its correlates. The following general topics fall within its area of major focus: psychopathology—its etiology, development, symptomatology, and course; normal processes in abnormal individuals; pathological or atypical features of the behavior of normal persons; experimental studies, with human or animal subjects, relating to disordered emotional behavior or pathology; sociocultural effects on pathological processes, including the influence of gender and ethnicity; and tests of hypotheses from psychological theories that relate to abnormal behavior. Theoretical papers of scholarly substance on abnormality may be appropriate if they advance understanding of a specific issue directly relevant to abnormal psychology and fall within the length restrictions of a regular (not extended) article. The priority is empirical papers. Each article should represent an addition to knowledge and understanding of abnormal behavior in its etiology, description, or change. In order to improve the use of journal resources, it has been agreed that the Journal of Abnormal Psychology will not consider articles dealing with the diagnosis or treatment of abnormal behavior, and the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology will not consider articles dealing with the etiology or descriptive pathology of abnormal behavior. Therefore, a study that focuses primarily on treatment efficacy should be submitted to the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. However, a longitudinal study focusing on developmental influences or origins of abnormal behavior should be submitted to the Journal of Abnormal Psychology.

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Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology

ISSN: 0167-482XeISSN: 1743-8942

The Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology (JPOG) as founded in 1982 in order to provide a scientific forum for obstetricians, gynecologists, psychiatrists and psychologists, academic health professionals as well as for all those who are interested in the psychosocial and psychosomatic aspects of women’s health. Another of its aims is to stimulate obstetricians and gynecologists to pay more attention to this very important facet of their profession.

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Journal of Psychosomatic Research

ISSN: 0022-3999

The Journal of Psychosomatic Research is a multidisciplinary research journal covering all aspects of the relationships between psychology and medicine. The scope is broad and ranges from basic human biological and psychological research to evaluations of treatment and services. Papers will normally be concerned with illness or patients rather than studies of healthy populations. Studies concerning special populations, such as the elderly and children and adolescents, are welcome. In addition to peer-reviewed original papers, the journal publishes editorials, reviews, and other papers related to the journal's aims.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Journal of Psychotherapy Integration

ISSN: 1053-0479eISSN: 1573-3696
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Journal of Rational-Emotive and Cognitive-Behavior Therapy

ISSN: 0894-9085eISSN: 1573-6563

The Journal of Rational-Emotive and Cognitive Behavior Therapy is an international journal publishes scholarly original papers concerning REBT, CBT, behavior therapy, cognitive-behavioral hypnosis and hypnotherapy, clinical and counseling psychology, psychiatry, mental health counseling, and allied areas of science and practice.  The journal endeavors to encourage scholarly debate amongst professionals involved in practice, theory, research, and training in all areas of scholarship relevant to REBT and CBT.  The Journal is particularly interested in articles that define clinical practice and in research and theoretical articles that have direct clinical applications.  The Journal seeks theoretical discussions and literature reviews on the cognitive bases of the development and alleviation of emotional, behavioral, interpersonal, personality, and addictive disorders.  We consider submissions on the applications of REBT to new areas of practice and client populations.  The Journal provides a timely introduction to unexplored avenues on the cutting edge of REBT and CBT research, theory, and practice. The Journal will publish:·         original research articles
·         brief research reports
·         research reviews
·         practice reviews
·         empirically-based case studies
·         theory-building
·         descriptions of innovative techniques and procedures
·         discussion of philosophical foundations of psychotherapies
·         theoretical articles
·         articles in advances in clinical training
·         literature reviews
·         book reviewsUnder the guidance of an expanded, international editorial board consisting of acknowledged leaders in the field, the journal disseminates current, valuable information to researchers and practitioners in, psychology, psychotherapy, psychiatry, mental health counseling, social work, education, and related fields.

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Journal of Rehabilitation

ISSN: 0022-4154

Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy

ISSN: 0092-623XeISSN: 1521-0715

The Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy is one of the top independent journals in the field. Under the prestigious leadership of R. Taylor Seagraves, M.D. - one of the world' foremost experts in sex and marital therapy -- JSMT is an active and contemporary forum reflecting the most viable developments emanating from the U.S. and abroad. JSMT continues to break new ground with innovative research and clinical writing, and the editor is committed to showcasing the most far-reaching traditional and contemporary thinking from all sources. You will read about therapeutic techniques, outcome, special clinical and medical problems, and the theoretical parameters of sexual functioning, and marital relationships. Featured topics in the journal include: * Sexual Dysfunctions -- ranging from dysparenia to autogynephelia to pedophilia * Therapeutic Techniques -- including psychopharmacology and sexual counseling for a wide range of dysfunctions. * Clinical Considerations -- sexual dysfunction and its relationship to aging, unemployment, alcoholism, and more * Theoretical Issues -- such as the ethics of pornography in the AIDS era * Marital Relationships -- including psychological intimacy and marital stability in women abused as children. Peer Review Policy: All review papers in this journal have undergone editorial screening and peer review. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment

ISSN: 0740-5472eISSN: 1873-6483

The Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment (JSAT) features original research, systematic reviews and reports on meta-analyses and, with editorial approval, special articles on the assessment and treatment of substance use and addictive disorders, including alcohol, illicit and prescription drugs, and nicotine. JSAT values high quality empirical research that is relevant for translation by treatment practitioners from all disciplines and across any setting where persons with substance use problems are encountered. The editors emphasize that JSAT articles should address assessment techniques and treatment approaches that have clear relevance for routine practice. Accordingly, the scope of JSAT includes health services research, including the design, organization, delivery mechanisms and workforce characteristics of treatments in routine settings.It is the policy of JSAT that treatment research for individuals with substance use disorders meet the same scientific evaluative standards as treatments for those with any other health-related condition or illness. Thus, research articles submitted for publication in JSAT are expected to achieve the same empirical standards of reliability, validity, and empiricism. Theoretical models, clinical experience, and case vignettes are recognized as important supplements to, but not as substitutes for, research-based evidence.It is recognized that research-based evidence may take many forms, such as randomized controlled trials; case-controlled field evaluations; or time series evaluations. In early stages of research development, qualitative study or small trials may be appropriate and necessary first steps. Regardless of the specific type of study, authors of research articles should aim to: (1) Use one or more reasonable comparison or control conditions in the design and analysis of collected data, (2) Use data collection methods and measures that have been previously validated in the subject population, and (3) Analyze data (qualitative or quantitative) with the use of appropriate statistical methods.Authors must insure that the research as reported was conducted ethically, and that all protections to human subject participants were afforded. This insurance must be verified by the appropriate institutional review board or committee for the protection of human subjects. In addition, the editors of JSAT will not consider articles that use pejorative and stereotypical expressions when discussing individuals who suffer from substance use disorders.In drawing conclusions, authors are expected to use a parsimonious, cautious and conservative approach in the interpretation of findings. Hyperbole and overgeneralization beyond the data are considered irresponsible.

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Journal of Trauma & Dissociation

ISSN: 1529-9732eISSN: 1529-9740

The Journal of Trauma & Dissociation is the official journal of the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation. The journal is dedicated to publishing peer-reviewed scientific literature on dissociation, the dissociative disorders, post traumatic stress disorder, psychological trauma and its sequelae, and on aspect of memory associated with trauma and dissociation. The Journal of Trauma & Dissociation seeks manuscripts on theory, basic science research, clinical treatment and research related to psychological trauma, dissociation and traumatic memory in children and adults. The journal welcomes contributions from anthropological, cross-cultural, neurobiological, pharmacologic, psychologic, psychological, psychometric, psychotherapeutic and social viewpoints. Peer Review Policy: Submissions are peer reviewed by at least two reviewers selected by the editor. Authors and reviewers are blind to each others' identities. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Journal of Traumatic Stress

ISSN: 0894-9867eISSN: 1573-6598

Journal of Traumatic Stress (JTS) is published for the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. Journal of Traumatic Stress , the official publication for the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, is an interdisciplinary forum for the publication of peer-reviewed original papers on biopsychosocial aspects of trauma. Papers focus on theoretical formulations, research, treatment, prevention education/training, and legal and policy concerns. Journal of Traumatic Stress serves as a primary reference for professionals who study and treat people exposed to highly stressful and traumatic events (directly or through their occupational roles), such as war, disaster, accident, violence or abuse (criminal or familial), hostage-taking, or life-threatening illness. The journal publishes original articles, brief reports, review papers, commentaries, and, from time to time, special issues devoted to a single topic.

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Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association

ISSN: 0003-0651eISSN: 1941-2460

One of the world's most respected publications in psychoanalysis, the Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association (JAPA) offers insightful and broad-based original articles, ground-breaking research, thoughtful plenary addresses, in-depth panel reports, perceptive commentaries, plus much more. Included in each issue is the esteemed JAPA Review of Books, which provides comprehensive reviews and essays on recent notable literature.

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Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society

ISSN: 1355-6177eISSN: 1469-7661
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Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy

eISSN: 1521-2300
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Mediterranean Journal of Clinical Psychology

eISSN: 2282-1619
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Mental Health, Religion and Culture

ISSN: 1367-4676eISSN: 1469-9737

Journal of related interest: Journal of Positive PsychologyMental Health, Religion & Culture provides an authoritative forum and a single point of reference for the growing number of professionals and academics working in the expanding field of mental health and religion.The journal publishes empirically-based work which explores the relationships between mental health and aspects of religion and culture, and discusses conceptual and philosophical aspects. Contributions are encouraged from a range of disciplines including: psychiatry, psychology, anthropology, sociology and other social sciences, philosophy, theology and religious studies, community and social work, counselling and pastoral work.Published papers include clinical and other case material, observational and interview material, survey, questionnaire, psychometric and other quantified data. There is also scope for scholarly review and presentation of historical material, religious texts and other textual material. Systematic reviews, meta-analysis, and theoretical and philosophical analysis are welcomed.Topics covered include: When and how do religious behaviours become psychiatric symptoms? Cultural variations in psychiatric disease entities: religious influences Religious coping methods and their efficacy Religious healing and mental disorders and their efficacy Religious activities and child-rearing practices and their mental health consequences Religiously-influenced beliefs about the causes of mental disorders Religious group incorporation (conversion) and exiting: mental health consequences Religious aspects of identity and relations with mental health Religious issues in psychotherapy, psychiatry and clinical psychology The role of religious personnel in the multi-disciplinary mental health team.Peer Review IntegrityAll research articles in this journal, including those in special issues, special sections or supplements, have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two independent referees.Disclaimer Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether expressed or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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Neurology, Neuropsychiatry, Psychosomatics

eISSN: 2310-1342
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ISSN: 0948-6259eISSN: 2194-1327

Die Zeitschrift ist das offizielle Organ der „Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie (ÖGPP)',
und wissenschaftliches Organ der
Österreichischen Alzheimer Gesellschaft, der
Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie, der
Österreichischen Schizophreniegesellschaft, und der
pro mente austria - Österreichischer Dachverband der Vereine und Gesellschaften für psychische und soziale Gesundheit.Sie veröffentlicht Übersichten zu relevanten Themen des Fachs, Originalarbeiten, Kasuistiken sowie Briefe an die Herausgeber. Zudem wird auch Buchbesprechungen sowie Neuigkeiten aus den Bereichen Personalia, Standes- und Berufspolitik sowie Kongressankündigungen Raum gewidmet.Thematisch ist das Fach Psychiatrie und die Methoden der Psychotherapie in allen ihren Facetten vertreten. Die Zeitschrift richtet sich somit an alle Berufsgruppen, die sich mit Ursachen, Erscheinungsformen und Behandlungsmöglichkeiten von psychischen Störungen beschäftigen. 
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Neuropsychopharmacology Reports

eISSN: 2574-173X
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Palliative & Supportive Care

ISSN: 1478-9515eISSN: 1478-9523
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Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapies

ISSN: 1477-9757eISSN: 1752-9182

Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapies seeks to create a dialogue among different parts of the person-centered and experiential tradition, to support, inform, and challenge each other and to stimulate their creativity and impact in a broader professional, scientific and political context. The aim of the journal is thus to encourage, and disseminate worldwide, new work on person-centered and experiential therapies, including philosophy, theory, practice, training and research. The journal will not give preference to any parts of the world, nor to any philosophical or theoretical emphases within these approaches, but will instead seek to increase our awareness and appreciation of each other's contributions, maintaining a spirit of inclusiveness to the whole person-centered and experiential field of psychotherapy and counseling.

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