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Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East

ISSN: 1089-201XeISSN: 1548-226X

Moving beyond the paradigmatic divides of area studies, Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East explores the shared concerns and histories of these regions, offers stimulating perspectives on interdisciplinary debates, and challenges established analytic models. CSSAAME publishes articles from around the world, providing a distinctive link between scholars living and working in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia and their counterparts in Europe and the Americas.

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Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education

ISSN: 0305-7925eISSN: 1469-3623

Comparative and international studies in education enjoy new popularity. They illuminate the effects of globalisation and post-structural thinking on learning for professional and personal lives. Compare publishes such research as it relates to educational development and change in different parts of the world. It seeks analyses of educational discourse, policy and practice across disciplines, and their implications for teaching, learning and management.The editors welcome papers which reflect on practice from early childhood to the end of adult life, review processes of comparative and international enquiry and report on empirical studies. All papers should include a comparative dimension. Case studies of under-researched aspects of the field and countries about which little is known are of particular interest.All articles are reviewed to ensure their international relevance, a high quality of research and non-discriminatory language.Peer Review Policy:All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two anonymous referees.Disclaimer for Scientific, Technical and Social Science publications:Taylor & Francis and the British Association for International and Comparative Education makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and the British Association for International and Comparative Education and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis and the British Association for International and Comparative Education.

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ISSN: 1131-6993eISSN: 1988-2327

Computational Linguistics

ISSN: 0891-2017eISSN: 1530-9312

Computational Linguistics is the premiere publication devoted exclusively to the design and analysis of natural language processing systems. From this unique open access quarterly, university and industry linguists, computational linguists, artificial intelligence (AI) investigators, cognitive scientists, speech specialists, and philosophers get information about computational aspects of research on language, linguistics, and the psychology of language processing and performance.

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Computational Management Science

ISSN: 1619-697XeISSN: 1619-6988

Computational Management Science is an international journal focusing on all computational aspects of management science. These include theoretical and empirical analysis of computational models: computational statistics: analysis and applications of constrained, unconstrained, robust, stochastic and combinatorial optimisation algorithms: dynamic models, such as dynamic programming and decision trees: new search tools and algorithms for global optimisation, modelling, learning and forecasting: models and tools of knowledge acquisition. The emphasis on computational paradigms is an intended feature of CMS, distinguishing it from more classical operations research journals.Officially cited as: Comput Manag Sci

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Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory

ISSN: 1381-298XeISSN: 1572-9346

Computational & Mathematical Organization Theory has been accepted for Social Sciences Citation Index, Science Citation Index Expanded, and Current Contents/Social & Behavioral Sciences, and will first appear with an Impact Factor in the Journal Citation Reports 2010, published in 2011. Computational & Mathematical Organization Theory provides an international forum for interdisciplinary research that combines computation, organizations and society. The goal is to advance the state of science in formal reasoning, analysis, and system building drawing on and encouraging advances in areas at the confluence of social networks, artificial intelligence, complexity, machine learning, sociology, business, political science, economics, and operations research. The papers in this journal will lead to the development of newtheories that explain and predict the behaviour of complex adaptive systems, new computational models and technologies that are responsible to society, business, policy, and law, new methods for inte

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Computer Applications in Engineering Education

ISSN: 1061-3773eISSN: 1099-0542

Computer Applications in Engineering Education provides a forum for publishing peer-reviewed timely information on the innovative uses of computers, Internet, and software tools in engineering education. Besides new courses and software tools, the CAE journal covers areas that support the integration of technology-based modules in the engineering curriculum and promotes discussion of the assessment and dissemination issues associated with these new implementation methods. The journal publishes research articles in the following areas: * New software tools and multimedia modules for engineering education * Development and implementation experiences of Internet and web-based courses * New software tools for virtual and real laboratory development * Distance learning and use of technology-based tools in classroom teaching * Visualization, computer graphics, social networking tools, and I/O issues * Use of commercial software tools in education * Federal and commercial programs and funding opportunities * K-12 STEM topics and impact on engineering education.

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Computer Assisted Language Learning

ISSN: 0958-8221eISSN: 1744-3210

Access to selected top articles from Educational Media & Technology JournalsComputer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) is an intercontinental and interdisciplinary journal which leads the field in its dedication to all matters associated with the use of computers in language learning (L1 and L2), teaching and testing. It provides a forum to discuss the discoveries in the field and to exchange experience and information about existing techniques. The scope of the journal is intentionally wide-ranging and embraces a multitude of disciplines.Submitted articles may focus on CALL and: Research Methodologies Language Learning and Teaching Methods Language Testing Systems and Models The Four Skills SLA HCI Language Courseware Design Language Courseware Development Curriculum Integration Evaluation Teacher Training Intelligent Tutoring New Technologies The Sociocultural Context Learning Management SystemsPeer Review Policy:All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymised refereeing by at least two anonymous referees. Disclaimer for Scientific, Technical and Social Science publications:Taylor and Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor and Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever of the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor and Francis.

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Computer Fraud and Security

ISSN: 1361-3723

Computer Fraud & Security has grown with the fast-moving information technology industry and has earned a reputation for editorial excellence with IT security practitioners around the world.Every month Computer Fraud & Security enables you to see the threats to your IT systems before they become a problem. It focuses on providing practical, usable information to effectively manage and control computer and information security within commercial organizations.• Current News - A round up of all the latest IT fraud and security news worldwide giving you advance warning of all the latest threats and countermeasures.• Security Reports - Leading experts discuss recent headline security events will help you better understand the problems and learn from the mistakes of others.• In-depth Feature Articles - Providing advice and solutions to key IT security management issues to help you develop, implement and strengthen your corporate IT security policy.• Regular columns - Tales from the Crypt examines the changing face of international cryptography policy. Web Review takes a look at excellent new Web sites to guide the security professional to useful pages. Shockwave Writer offers a stimulating view on a number of hot topics in IT security.• Technical aspects - IT security explained in clear English to help you convey the value of IT security to board level.Areas regularly covered:• Audit and financial control methodologies• Data encryption• Risk management• Network security• Contingency planning and disaster recovery• Access control• Security software and software protection• Authentication and validation• Virus reports• The internet• E-commerce security

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Computer Law and Security Review

ISSN: 0267-3649

The Computer Law and Security Review (CLSR) is an international journal of technology law and practice providing a major platform for publication of high quality research, policy and legal analysis within the field of IT law and computer security. It has been published six times a year since 1985 under its founding Editor, Professor Steve Saxby. It is the leading journal of its kind in Europe and provides a robust peer reviewed medium and policy forum for dissemination of knowledge and discussion, supported by powerful Editorial and Professional Boards and an Editor of more than 30 years specialist experience in the field.CLSR is accessible to a wide range of academics, researchers, research institutes, companies, libraries and governmental and non-governmental organisations in both the public and private sectors as well as professionals in the legal, IT and related business sectors in more than 100 countries. It is available on ScienceDirect, the world's foremost provider of electronic scientific information to more than 16 million subscribers.CLSR authors come from leading academics, international specialists, legal professionals and early career researchers from many of the most renowned research centres and universities in the world. Contributors are also located in the major international law firms, specializing in technology law, who provide essential comment and analysis built upon widespread experience of applying IT law in practice. CLSR further welcomes policy analysis from legal specialists, the judiciary, professional and business organisations operating in IT and from those with regulatory responsibilities for information and communications technology from both the public and private sectors as it regularly contributes to consultations undertaken by the EU, Council of Europe and other bodies. Papers that reflect the outcomes of funded research e.g. from Research Councils or EU projects are welcomed. Submissions are welcomed from any part of the world. CLSR is looking for papers within the subject area that display good quality legal analysis, new lines of legal thought or policy development that go beyond mere description of Law or policy, however accurate that may be.CLSR publishes refereed academic and practitioner papers on a wide range of legal topics such as Internet law, telecoms regulation, intellectual property, cyber-crime, surveillance and security, e-commerce, outsourcing, data protection, ePrivacy, EU and public sector ICT policy, and many others. In addition it provides a regular update on European Union developments, and national news from more than 20 jurisdictions in both Europe and the Pacific Rim.Original ideas may be discussed in advance with the Editor, Professor Steve Saxby ( to clear the ground for a draft submission. All papers are then peer reviewed by relevant experts and feedback is given whether or not a paper is accepted or returned for further work. Submissions will normally be between 6,000-15,000 words although papers of a higher word length may also be submitted subject to negotiation with the Editor. The Editor's policy is to try and accommodate contributions of all sizes above the minimum threshold where length is dictated by the needs of the subject matter.Opinion pieces concerning policy, legislation or case law of a minimum of 2000 words and upwards will also be considered but these will appear as comment and not as feature articles.Please note that CLSR strongly encourages PhD students, who have not yet obtained their degree, not to submit papers unless accompanied by confirmation that the supervisor has seen the manuscript and is recommending it for publication. If the supervisor's approval can be provided, asserting that the draft manuscript has been reworked and developed with the journal's aims and expectations in mind, then it will be accepted for review.For further information please contact the Editor, Professor Stephen Saxby, Law School, Faculty of Business and Law, The University, Highfield, Southampton SO17 1BJ UK Tel/Ans: +44 (0) 23 8059 3404,

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Computer Science Education

ISSN: 0899-3408eISSN: 1744-5175

Access to selected top articles from Educational Media & Technology JournalsComputer Science Education aims to publish high-quality papers with a specific focus on teaching and learning within the computing discipline that are accessible and of interest to educators, researchers, and practitioners alike.Depending on their special interests, those working in the field may draw on subject areas as diverse as statistics, educational theory and the cognitive sciences in addition to technical computing knowledge.Papers may present work at different scales, from classroom-based empirical studies through evaluative comparisons of pedagogic approaches across institutions or countries and of different types from the practical to the theoretical.The journal is not dedicated to any single research orientation. Studies based on qualitative data, such as case studies, historical analysis and theoretical, analytical or philosophical material, are equally highly regarded as studies based on quantitative data and experimental methods.It is expected that all papers should inform the reader of the methods and goals of the research; present and contextualise results, and draw clear conclusions.Peer Review Policy:All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two anonymous referees.Disclaimer for Scientific, Technical and Social Science publications:Taylor and Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor and Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever of the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor and Francis.

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Computer Standards & Interfaces

ISSN: 0920-5489eISSN: 1872-7018

The quality of software, well-defined interfaces (hardware and software), the process of digitalisation, and accepted standards in these fields are essential for building and exploiting complex computing, communication, multimedia and measuring systems. Standards can simplify the design and construction of individual hardware and software components and help to ensure satisfactory interworking.Computer Standards & Interfaces is an international journal dealing specifically with these topics.The journal• Provides information about activities and progress on the definition of computer standards, software quality, interfaces and methods, at national, European and international levels• Publishes critical comments on standards and standards activities• Disseminates user's experiences and case studies in the application and exploitation of established or emerging standards, interfaces and methods• Offers a forum for discussion on actual projects, standards, interfaces and methods by recognised experts• Stimulates relevant research by providing a specialised refereed medium.Computer Standards & Interfaces is concerned with the specification, development and application of standards and with high-level publications of developments and methods in the following areas:• Standards, Information Management, Formal Methods - Computers, Processors, Storage, Operating systems, Languages, Databases, Graphics, User interface, Multimedia, Information security, Office automation, Development of standards and instruments, Applications• Software Quality, Software Process - Languages, Operating systems, Programming, Requirements specification, Design & implementation, Inspection & test, Maintenance, Product and process evaluation, Performance, Tools, Metrics, Embedded systems, Software in measurement and technical systems including real-time aspects, Development of International Standards in Software Engineering• Distributed Systems, Open Systems, E-Topics - Digital interfaces, System and device buses, Fieldbuses, Data communication, Distributed computing, Protocols, Open systems interconnection, Local and wide area networks, Internet, Worldwide Web, Network security, Cryptology, E-services, E-business, E-commerce• Data Acquisition - Analog-to-digital conversion, Specification, Modelling, Industrial electronics, Real-time systems, Laboratory automation, Automatic measurement, Process control, Electromagnetic compatibility• Digital Instruments Standardisation - Forum of EUPAS, European Project for ADC-based devices, Standardisation (IMEKO TC-4 Working Group on A/D and D/A Converter Metrology), IEEE TC-10, IEC TC-42-WG8, IEC TC-85-WG16; Standardi-sation of specifications, modelling, testing, and analog and digital processing for digital instrumentsThe last issue of a volume includes an author index and a subject index.CS&I also covers general topics concerning the standardisation process, such as technical, political and commercial aspects of standards, their impact on the marketplace, cost/benefit analyses, legislative issues, and relationships among national and international standards bodies.

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Computers & Education

ISSN: 0360-1315eISSN: 1873-782X

Computing and communication technology continue to make an ever-increasing impact on all aspects of cognition, education and training, from primary to tertiary and in the growing open and distance learning environment. The journal is an established technically-based, interdisciplinary forum for communication in the use of all forms of computing in this socially and technologically significant area of application and will continue to publish definitive contributions to serve as a reference standard against which the current state-of-the-art can be assessed.The Editors welcome any papers on cognition, educational or training systems development using techniques from and applications in any technical knowledge domain: social issues and gender issues; curricula considerations, graphics, simulations, computer-aided design, computer integrated manufacture, artificial intelligence and its applications including intelligent tutoring systems and computer assisted language learning; hypertext and hypermedia; user interfaces to learning systems; management of technological change on campus and in local education; uses of advanced technology information systems, networks, terrestrial and satellite transmissions and distributed processing; and virtual reality in an educational context; state-of-the-art summaries and review articles.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Computers and Composition

ISSN: 8755-4615eISSN: 1873-2011

Computers and Composition: An International Journal is devoted to exploring the use of computers in writing classes, writing programs, and writing research. It provides a forum for discussing issues connected with writing and computer use. It also offers information about integrating computers into writing programs on the basis of sound theoretical and pedagogical decisions, and empirical evidence. It welcomes articles, reviews, and letters to the Editors that may be of interest to readers, including descriptions of computer-aided writing and/or reading instruction, discussions of topics related to computer use of software development; explorations of controversial ethical, legal, or social issues related to the use of computers in writing programs; and to discussions of how computers affect form and content for written discourse, the process by which this discourse is produced, or the impact this discourse has on an audience.Further information about the journal can also be found at a website maintained by the editorsBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Computers and Security

ISSN: 0167-4048

The official journal of Technical Committee 11 (computer security) of the International Federation for Information Processing.Computers & Security is the most respected technical journal in the IT security field. With its high-profile editorial board and informative regular features and columns, the journal is essential reading for IT security professionals around the world.Computers & Security provides you with a unique blend of leading edge research and sound practical management advice. It is aimed at the professional involved with computer security, audit, control and data integrity in all sectors - industry, commerce and academia. Recognized worldwide as THE primary source of reference for applied research and technical expertise it is your first step to fully secure systems.Subscribe today and see the benefits immediately!• Our cutting edge research will help you secure and maintain the integrity of your systems• We accept only the highest quality of papers ensuring that you receive the relevant and practical advice you need• Our editorial board's collective expertise will save you from paying thousands of pounds to IT consultants• We don't just highlight the threats, we give you the solutionsBenefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Computers in Libraries

ISSN: 1041-7915

Computers in the Schools

ISSN: 0738-0569eISSN: 1528-7033

Under the editorship of D. LaMont Johnson, PhD, a nationally recognized leader in the field of educational computing, Computers in the Schools is supported by an editorial review board of prominent specialists in the school and educational setting. Material presented in this highly acclaimed journal goes beyond the 8220;how we did it8221; magazine article or handbook by offering a rich source of serious discussion for educators, administrators, computer center directors, and special service providers in the school setting. Articles emphasize the practical aspect of any application, but also tie theory to practice, relate present accomplishments to past efforts and future trends, identify conclusions and their implications, and discuss the theoretical and philosophical basis for the application. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Computers, Environment and Urban Systems

ISSN: 0198-9715eISSN: 1873-7587

Computers, Environment and Urban Systems is an interdisciplinary journal publishing cutting-edge and innovative computer-based research on urban systems and built and natural environments, that privileges the geospatial perspective. The journal provides a stimulating presentation of perspectives, research developments, overviews of important new technologies and uses of major computational, information-based, and visualization innovations. Applied and theoretical contributions demonstrate the scope of computer-based analysis fostering a better understanding of urban systems, the synergistic relationships between built and natural environments, their spatial scope and their dynamics.Application areas include infrastructure and facilities management, physical planning and urban design, land use and transportation, business and service planning, coupled human and natural systems, urban planning, socio-economic development, emergency response and hazards, and land and resource management. Examples of methodological approaches include decision support systems, geocomputation, spatial statistical analysis, complex systems and artificial intelligence, visual analytics and geovisualization, ubiquitous computing, and space-time simulation.Contributions emphasizing the development and enhancement of computer-based technologies for the analysis and modeling, policy formulation, planning, and management of environmental and urban systems that enhance sustainable futures are especially sought. The journal also encourages research on the modalities through which information and other computer-based technologies mold environmental and urban systems.Audience:Urban and regional planners and policy analysts, environmental planners, economic geographers, geospatial information scientists and technologists, regional scientists and policy makers, architectural designers.

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Comunicacion y Sociedad

ISSN: 0214-0039

Comunicació. Revista de Recerca i d’Anàlisi

ISSN: 2014-0304eISSN: 2014-0444
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