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Journal of Youth and Adolescence

ISSN: 0047-2891eISSN: 1573-6601

Journal of Youth and Adolescence provides a single, high-level medium of communication for psychologists, psychiatrists, biologists, criminologists, educators, and professionals in many other allied disciplines who address the subject of youth and adolescence. The journal publishes papers based on experimental evidence and data, theoretical papers, and comprehensive review articles. The journal especially welcomes empirically rigorous papers that take policy implications seriously. Research need not have been designed to address policy needs, but manuscripts must address implications for the manner society formally (e.g., through laws, policies or regulations) or informally (e.g., through parents, peers, and social institutions) responds to the period of youth and adolescence.

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Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia

ISSN: 0006-2294eISSN: 2213-4379
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Journal of the Philosophy of Sport

ISSN: 0094-8705eISSN: 1543-2939

The JPS provides a forum for discussion of philosophical issues - metaphysical, ethical, epistemological, aesthetic, or otherwise - arising in sport, games, play, dance, embodiment, and other motor-related activities. It is the journal of the International Association for the Philosophy of Sport. Disclaimer Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the #!#!Content) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis. .

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Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Statistics in Society Series A

ISSN: 0964-1998eISSN: 1467-985X

The aim of Series A is to publish papers that demonstrate how statistical thinking, design and analyses play a vital role in all walks of life and benefit society in general. There is no restriction on subject-matter: any interesting, topical and revelatory applications of statistics are welcome. For example, important applications of statistical methods in medicine, business and commerce, industry, economics and finance, education and teaching, physical and biomedical sciences, the environment, the law, government and politics, demography, psychology, sociology and sport all fall within the journal's remit. The journal is therefore aimed at a wide statistical audience and at professional statisticians in particular. Its emphasis is on well-written and clearly reasoned quantitative approaches to problems in the real world rather than the exposition of technical detail. Thus, although the methodological basis of papers must be sound and adequately explained, methodology per se should not be the main focus of a Series A paper. Of particular interest are papers on topical or contentious statistical issues, papers which give reviews or exposes of current statistical concerns and papers which demonstrate how appropriate statistical thinking has contributed to our understanding of important substantive questions. Historical, professional and biographical contributions are also welcome as are discussions of methods of data collection and of ethical issues, provided that all such papers have substantial statistical relevance. Discussion papers.

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Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research

ISSN: 2334-2315eISSN: 1948-822X
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Juvenile and Family Court Journal

ISSN: 0161-7109eISSN: 1755-6988

The quarterly, peer-reviewed Juvenile and Family Court Journal, published by the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges since 1949, focuses on issues of interest to the field of juvenile and family justice, including child abuse and neglect, juvenile delinquency, domestic violence, substance abuse, child custody and visitation, judicial leadership, and related topics. Judges, court administrators, attorneys, social workers, probation and detention officers, child welfare professionals, and many others working in the field rely on the Journal for the latest research and information on best practices concerning issues affecting children and families.

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ISSN: 0368-492XeISSN: 1758-7883

Kybernetes is an important forum for the exchange of knowledge and information among all those who are interested in cybernetics and systems thinking.

Language Testing

ISSN: 0265-5322eISSN: 1477-0946

Language Testing is a fully peer-reviewed, international, quarterly journal that publishes original research and review articles on language testing and assessment. It provides a forum for the exchange of ideas and information between people working in the fields of first and second language testing and assessment. This includes researchers and practitioners in EFL and ESL testing, and assessment in child language acquisition and language pathology. In addition, special attention is focused on issues of testing theory, experimental investigations, and the following up of practical implications.

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ISSN: 0211-5891

Marriage and Family Review

ISSN: 0149-4929eISSN: 1540-9635

Marriage & Family Review publishes a mix of open submission articles as well as thematic issues that bring together the most current research, practice, advances in theory development, and applications of knowledge on a particular topic in the field. Marriage & Family Review has historically welcomed open submissions from numerous international scholars and will continue to do so. The journal will continue to welcome manuscripts that concern family strengths and premarital relationship development. Another continued emphasis will be research-based manuscripts concerning controversial issues. Marriage & Family Review is also interested in manuscripts that present evidence for the reliability and validity of new measurement instruments in family studies or review such evidence for older measures. Also of interest would be scholarly manuscripts that discuss newer, high risk methodologies that may be applicable to family theory testing and data analysis. A new aim of Marriage & Family Review will be the publication of reviews of the literature of an intermediate level. For example, Journal of Marriage and Family regularly publishes "Decade in Review" articles that summarize the previous decade's research in a major area of research (e.g., marital interaction). Marriage & Family Review wishes to complement such reviews by focusing on reviews that concern the previous five to twenty years of research in a more concentrated area of study (e.g., marital interaction among military couples). At least one issue a year will be dedicated to such reviews. Doctoral candidates in particular may wish to consider Marriage & Family Review as a professional outlet for their literature review work. A new focus for Marriage & Family Review also will be brief commentaries on previously published articles, with priority given to articles previously published in Marriage & Family Review, then articles published in other major family journals that do not accept such commentaries or feedback, and lastly, commentaries that, although being theoretically and methodologically sound, have been rejected by major family journals. Rebuttals to any such comments will also be welcomed enthusiastically. Family scholars are invited to suggest particular thematic special issues for the journal's consideration, including guest editors for those special issues. Scholars who would like to review submissions to Marriage & Family Review are invited to submit their names, contact information, areas of interest and expertise, and current vitae to the Editor for consideration for both regular and special issues. Peer Review: All regular articles, reviews, and brief reports published in Marriage and Family Review have undergone editorial screening and peer review from at least two qualified academic scholars.Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Mathematical Finance

ISSN: 0960-1627eISSN: 1467-9965

Mathematical Finance brings together work on the mathematical aspects of finance theory from such diverse fields as finance, economics, mathematics, and statistics. An essential resource for academic finance researchers and practitioners alike, the journal publishes clear and concise articles which present the latest theoretical developments. Modern finance is becoming increasingly technical, requiring the use of sophisticated mathematical tools in both research and practice. Mathematical Finance offers a forum for the publication of articles which employ these techniques, as well as providing a much-needed bridge between mathematical scientists and financial economists. Mathematical Finance has been ranked 3rd in the category of Social Sciences/Mathematical Methods, and 6th in the category of Business and Finance journals according to the latest ISI rankings.

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Merrill-Palmer Quarterly: Journal of Developmental Psychology

ISSN: 0272-930XeISSN: 1535-0266

This internationally acclaimed periodical features empirical and theoretical papers on child development and family-child relationships. A high-quality resource for researchers, writers, teachers, and practitioners, the journal contains up-to-date information on advances in developmental theories; research on infants, children, adolescents, and families; summaries and integrations of research; commentaries by experts; and reviews of important new books in development.

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Metodoloski Zvezki

ISSN: 1854-0023eISSN: 1854-0031

Military Psychology

ISSN: 0899-5605eISSN: 1532-7876

Content: Military Psychology is the quarterly journal of Division 19 (Society for Military Psychology) of the American Psychological Association. The journal seeks to facilitate the scientific development of military psychology by encouraging communication between researchers and practitioners. The domain of military psychology is the conduct of research or practice of psychological principles within a military environment. The journal publishes behavioral science research articles having military applications in the areas of clinical and health psychology, training and human factors, manpower and personnel, social and organizational systems, and testing and measurement. Topics of major concern to military psychology will be covered in special journal issues. Military Psychology is international in scope, and the editors encourage submission of articles that address research being carried out in a variety of national settings. Contributions will be considered for publication in the following categories: Research Articles: Reports of empirical research. Notes: Brief articles describing work that is largely confirmatory, advances in knowledge arising as by-products of broader studies, or new research techniques and methodologies. Reviews: Scholarly integrations of individual areas of empirical research. Communications: Information on policies and trends that affect the support and direction of research in military psychology. Clinical Practice: Case studies, theoretical articles, program development evaluations, and research articles of direct application for military psychologists in clinical settings. Comments and Letters to the Editor will be published on a space-available basis. Peer Review Policy: Once a manuscript is processed it is assigned a manuscript control number and given to an Action Editor (one of the Associate Editors) for editorial oversight. The Action Editor will oversee the review process, obtain review from two subject matter experts, compile reviewer comments and prepare an editorial recommendation for the manuscript. The Editor-in-Chief processes the editorial recommendation, makes a final decision and communicates with the author(s). Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Mind and Society

ISSN: 1593-7879eISSN: 1860-1839

Mind & Society is a high-quality biannual academic journal that examines the relationships between mental and socio-economic phenomena. It is the official journal of the Italian-based Rosselli Foundation. Priority is given to papers that explore the relationships between mind and action and between action and socio-economic phenomena. This includes the following topics: the concept of mind of social actor: cognitive models of reasoning: decision-making and action: computational and neural models of socio-economic phenomena: and related topics. The international journal takes an interdisciplinary approach and publishes papers from many academic disciplines. These include: philosophy and methodology of social sciences, economics, decision-making, sociology, cognitive and social psychology, epistemology, cognitive anthropology, artificial intelligence, neural modelling, and political science. Papers in the journal must share the journal’s epistemological vision – namely, the explanation of socio-economic phenomena through individual action, decision-making and reasoning processes – or at least refer to its content priorities. Mind & Society publishes papers that report original results of empirical research or theoretical analysis. Each paper submitted for publication is evaluated by three international referees who assess its suitability for publication with regard to originality, methodological exactitude and consistency.Officially cited as: Mind Soc

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ISSN: 0026-4695eISSN: 1573-1871

Minerva is devoted to the study of ideas, traditions, cultures, and institutions in science, higher education, and research. It is equally focused on historical as well as present practices and on local as well as global issues. Moreover, the journal does not represent one single school of thought, but rather welcomes diversity within the rules of rational discourse. The journal features peer reviewed articles and essay reviews. In addition, special issues are periodically published on themes of topical importance.

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ISSN: 1871-4757eISSN: 1871-4765

Rationale Nanoscale technologies are currently surrounded by both hype and fear. Optimists suggest that these technologies are desperately needed to solve problems of terrorism, global warming, the shortage of clean water, land degradation and health. Pessimists fear the loss of privacy and loss of autonomy, 'grey goo' and weapons of mass destruction, and serious environmental and health risks. There is also concern about the fair distribution of the costs and benefits of the technology. The field needs a forum for informed discussion of ethical and social issues related to nanotechnology to counterbalance popular discussions and fragmented representation of opinions and findings. NanoEthics: Ethics for Technologies that Converge at the Nanoscale provides this forum. Nature of the journal This journal will be a multidisciplinary forum for exploration of issues presented by converging technology applications. While the central focus of the journal will be on the ethical issues, it is recognized that these discussions must be informed by, at least, the physical, biological and social sciences and the law. Focus NanoEthics: Ethics for Technologies that Converge at the Nanoscale will focus on the philosophically and scientifically rigorous examination of the ethical and societal considerations and the public and policy concerns inherent in nanotechnology research and development. These issues include both individual and societal problems, and include individual health, wellbeing and human enhancement, human integrity and autonomy, distribution of the costs and benefits, threats to culture and tradition and to political and economic stability. Additionally there are meta-issues including the neutrality or otherwise of technology, designing technology in a value-sensitive way, and the control of scientific research. Re, adership and Editorial Board This journal will be of interest to researchers, scholars and students in the various disciplines related to nanotechnology, and to scientific and technological policymakers. The composition of the editorial board reflects the multidisciplinary approach of the journal.

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Narrative Inquiry

ISSN: 1387-6740eISSN: 1569-9935

Narrative Inquiry is devoted to providing a forum for theoretical, empirical, and methodological work on narrative. Articles appearing in Narrative Inquiry draw upon a variety of approaches and methodologies in the study of narrative as a way to give contour to experience, tradition, and values to next generations. Particular emphasis is placed on theoretical approaches to narrative and the analysis of narratives in human interaction, including those practiced by researchers in psychology, linguistics and related disciplines.

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Nature Climate Change

ISSN: 1758-678XeISSN: 1758-6798

In 1995, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change held the first Conference of the Parties to host international climate negotiations. Over the years the number of delegates and countries participating have both increased, with an attendance of 13,482 people in 2009. This study investigates how the representation of developing nations has been affected.

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ISSN: 0324-4652eISSN: 1588-2810

Neohelicon welcomes studies on all aspects of comparative and world literature, critical theory and practice.  In the discussion of literary historical topics (including literary movements, epochs, or regions), analytical contributions based on a solidly-anchored methodology are preferred.

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