Research and Theory for Nursing Practice focuses on issues relevant to improving nursing practice, education, and patient care. The articles strive to discuss knowledge development in its broadest sense, reflect research using a variety of methodological approaches, and combine several methods and strategies in a single study. Because of the journal's international emphasis, article contributors address the implications of their studies for an international audience.
International Journal of Urological Nursing is an international peer-reviewed Journal for all nurses, non-specialist and specialist, who care for individuals with urological disorders. It is relevant for nurses working in a variety of settings: inpatient care, outpatient care, ambulatory care, community care, operating departments and specialist clinics. The Journal covers the whole spectrum of urological nursing skills and knowledge. It supports the publication of local issues of relevance to a wider international community to disseminate good practice. The International Journal of Urological Nursing is clinically focused, evidence-based and welcomes contributions in the following clinical and non-clinical areas: General Urology.
The journal offers the breadth of outlook required to promote health science education, research and professional practice.
Unique features distinguishing this journal:
Health SA Gesondheid - Journal of Interdisciplinary Health Sciences explores issues and posits solutions to current challenges existing in health care from an interdisciplinary perspective within Africa and other developing countries, including but not limited to:
• improvement of health safety and service delivery
• management and measurement of health services
• evaluation and assessment of health care needs
• prevention of ill health and health-affecting behaviours
• promotion of healthy lifestyles
• health security, economics, policy and regulations.
The journal has a strong regional focus (South Africa) with abstracts published in English. It offers a nurturing environment for young and novice researchers to showcase their work whilst upholding the standards of health science education, research and professional practice.
After publication in Health SA Gesondheid, the complete text of each article is deposited immediately and permanently archived in major bibliographic databases:
• Sabinet
• African Journals Online
• African Index Medicus
• Open J-Gate
• GALE, CENGAGE Learning
• ProQuest
• Google Scholar
• Elsevier SJR Scopus
• Directory of Open Access Journals
• EBSCO Host
• ScienceDirect
Submissions in English (full article) will be accepted.
veterinary medicine, nursing, health, dentistry
The Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice aims to promote the evaluation and development of clinical practice across medicine, nursing and the allied health professions. All aspects of health services research and public health policy analysis and debate are of interest to the Journal whether studied from a population-based or individual patient-centred perspective. Of particular interest to the Journal are submissions on all aspects of clinical effectiveness and efficiency including evidence-based medicine, clinical practice guidelines, clinical decision making, clinical services organisation, implementation and delivery, health economic evaluation, health process and outcome measurement and new or improved methods (conceptual and statistical) for systematic inquiry into clinical practice. Papers may take a classical quantitative or qualitative approach to investigation (or may utilise both techniques) or may take the form of learned essays, structured/systematic reviews and critiques.
The primary purpose of Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing™ is to provide nurses with accurate, current, and relevant information and services to excel in critical care practice.
The Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology brings together original research, clinical reviews, and timely case reports on all aspects of neuropsychiatric care of aging patients, including age-related biologic, neurologic, and psychiatric illnesses; psychosocial problems; forensic issues; and family care.The journal offers clinicians and investigators from geriatric psychiatry, neurology, psychology, nursing, and social work the latest peer-reviewed information from respected researchers on cognitive, mood, anxiety, addictive, and sleep disorders in older patients. JGPN describes tested diagnostic tools and practical, cost-effective therapies. It also pursues advances in allied sciences as diverse as molecular biology and genetics, brain imaging, neuropathology, neuropsychology, pharmacology, epidemiology, and health sciences research.