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Health Psychology Open

eISSN: 2055-1029

public health, community health, health psychology

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Health Psychology Review

ISSN: 1743-7199eISSN: 1743-7202

Health Psychology Review (HPR) is a landmark publication the first review journal in the important and growing discipline of health psychology. This new international forum, edited by a highly respected team, provides a leading environment for review, theory, and conceptual development. HPR contributes to the advancement of the discipline of health psychology and strengthens its relationship to the field of psychology as a whole, as well as to other related academic and professional arenas. It is essential reading for those engaged in the study, teaching, and practice of health psychology, behavioral medicine, and associated areas.HPR is dedicated to theoretical and conceptual work, as well as to evaluative, integrative, meta-analytic and systematic reviews and interpretations of substantive issues in the general domain of health psychology. The journal particularly favors theory-based reviews of empirical contributions that afford integrative theoretical formulations of work in a given area of health psychology and reviews of developments that develop connections between areas of research within the general domain of health psychology as well as with other disciplines (ranging from biology to policy-oriented research domains). Papers that consider the cross-cultural and cross-national relevance and appropriateness of theories and key concepts are also welcomed. Articles focusing on methodological issues and problems of design and measurement will be considered if they make a direct and substantial contribution to theory. Brief commentaries addressing progress in specific sub-fields of health psychology, comments that apply to existing theoretical models and approaches, and discussions about previously published articles, can also be considered.Peer Review IntegrityAll research articles in this journal, including those in special issues, special sections or supplements, have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two independent referees.DisclaimerTaylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the Content ) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether expressed or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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History of Psychiatry

ISSN: 0957-154XeISSN: 1740-2360

History of Psychiatry is the leading peer reviewed journal publishing research articles, analysis and information across the entire field of the history of mental illness and the forms of medicine, psychiatry, cultural response and social policy, which have evolved to understand and treat it. It covers all periods of history up to the present day, and all nations and cultures.

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Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical & Experimental

ISSN: 0885-6222eISSN: 1099-1077

Human Psychopharmacology: Clinical and Experimental provides a forum for the evaluation of clinical and experimental research on both new and established psychotropic medicines. Experimental studies of other centrally active drugs, including herbal products, in clinical, social and psychological contexts, as well as clinical/scientific papers on drugs of abuse and drug dependency will also be considered. While the primary purpose of the Journal is to publish the results of clinical research, the results of animal studies relevant to human psychopharmacology are welcome. The following topics are of special interest to the editors and readers of the Journal:

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Indian Journal of Psychiatry

ISSN: 0019-5545eISSN: 1998-3794
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Infant Mental Health Journal

ISSN: 0163-9641eISSN: 1097-0355

The Infant Mental Health Journal (IMHJ) is the official publication of the World Association for Infant Mental Health (WAIMH) and is copyrighted by the Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health. The Infant Mental Health Journal publishes peer-reviewed research articles, literature reviews, program descriptions/evaluations, clinical studies, and book reviews that focus on infant social-emotional development, caregiver-infant interactions, contextual and cultural influences on infant and family development, and all conditions that place infants and/or their families at risk for less than optimal development. The journal is dedicated to an interdisciplinary approach to the optimal development of infants and their families, and therefore, welcomes submissions from all disciplinary perspectives.

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Infants & Young Children

ISSN: 0896-3746eISSN: 1550-5081

Infants and Young Children is a comprehensive interdisciplinary journal devoted to early intervention and clinical management of infants to young children (birth to 5 years of age) with, or at risk for, developmental disabilities. This journal keeps you current on the latest findings on specific disorders, diagnostic methods, and therapies that are improving outcomes for these special needs children and their families.Members of ISEI (International Society for Early Intervention) receive a discount on subscription rates. Call customer service at 1-800-638-3030 or 1-301-223-2300 outside the US and Canada to verify discount.VISIT:

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Innovations in Clinical Neuroscience

ISSN: 2158-8333eISSN: 2158-8341

International Clinical Psychopharmacology

ISSN: 0268-1315eISSN: 1473-5857

International Clinical Psychopharmacology continues to maintain its high standing in publication of research and clinical practice within the field of psychopharmacology. This respected journal is largely concerned with psychotropic drugs, covering phase I-IV studies, clinical studies, side-effects and epidemiology. Papers deal with studies on both healthy volunteers and patients. Regular volume indexes make the journal an invaluable reference in the field. For more information, visit

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International Forum of Psychoanalysis

ISSN: 0803-706XeISSN: 1651-2324

Expanded Routledge Psychoanalysis Coverage in PEPInternational Forum of Psychoanalysis (IFP) is a peer-reviewed journal published under the auspices of the International Federation of Psychoanalytic Societies (IFPS). In accordance with the objectives of this organisation, International Forum of Psychoanalysis is open to all new and creative contributions to the development of psychoanalysis. Papers presented at conferences and workshops arranged by IFPS will be considered for publication with high priority.The journal especially promotes articles demonstrating clinical experience and interest in revising or expanding psychoanalytic theory. Special efforts are made to give equal space to experience in the female and male voice.International Forum of Psychoanalysis publishes articles on a variety of topics including: the history of psychoanalysis homosexuality psychoanalysis under political oppression creativity psychoanalytic teaching and technique lived experience versus fantasy psychotic disturbances female psychology quality assessment and quality assurance Special Issues Why Ferenczi today? Bowlby and attachment theory Identity in the postmodern world Community psychoanalysis Thoughts and human interaction ReadershipPsychoanalysts, psychotherapists, and persons with an interest in psychoanalysis. Disclaimer Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the "Content") contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether expressed or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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International Journal of Culture and Mental Health

ISSN: 1754-2863eISSN: 1754-2871
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International Journal of Developmental Disabilities

ISSN: 2047-3869eISSN: 2047-3877
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International Journal of Eating Disorders

ISSN: 0276-3478eISSN: 1098-108X

The Journal publishes basic research, clinical, and theoretical articles of scholarly substance on a variety of aspects of anorexia nervosa, bulimia, obesity and other atypical patterns of eating behavior and body weight regulation in clinical and normal populations. Full-length articles, reviews, brief reports, case reports, research and clinical forums addressing psychological, biological, psychodynamic, socio-cultural, epidemiological, or therapeutic correlates of these clinical phenomena are welcome. Manuscripts submitted should represent a significant addition to our knowledge, or a significant review and synthesis of existing literature.

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International Journal of Forensic Mental Health

ISSN: 1499-9013eISSN: 1932-9903

Peer Review Policy: Unless otherwise indicated, all articles in this journal have undergone peer review, including review by the editorial staff and at least two independent reviewers.

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International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry

ISSN: 0885-6230eISSN: 1099-1166

The rapidly increasing world population of aged people has led to a growing need to focus attention on the problems of mental disorder in late life. The aim of the Journal is to communicate the results of original research in the causes, treatment and care of all forms of mental disorder which affect the elderly. The Journal is of interest to psychiatrists, psychologists, social scientists, nurses and others engaged in therapeutic professions, together with general neurobiological researchers. The Journal provides an international perspective on the important issue of geriatric psychiatry, and contributions are published from countries throughout the world. Topics covered include epidemiology of mental disorders in old age, clinical aetiological research, post-mortem pathological and neurochemical studies, treatment trials and evaluation of geriatric psychiatry services. 2009 Impact Factor: 1.981 ((C) Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports 2010).

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International Journal of Law and Psychiatry

ISSN: 0160-2527

The International Journal of Law and Psychiatry is intended to provide a multi-disciplinary forum for the exchange of ideas and information among professionals concerned with the interface of law and psychiatry. There is a growing awareness of the need for exploring the fundamental goals of both the legal and psychiatric systems and the social implications of their interaction. The journal seeks to enhance understanding and cooperation in the field through the varied approaches represented, not only by law and psychiatry, but also by the social sciences and related disciplines. The Editors and Publisher wish to encourage a dialogue among the experts from different countries whose diverse legal cultures afford interesting and challenging alternatives to existing theories and practices. Priority will therefore be given to articles which are oriented to a comparative or international perspective. The journal will publish significant conceptual contributions on contemporary issues as well as serve in the rapid dissemination of important and relevant research findings.The International Journal of Law and Psychiatry is published bimonthly in English; wherever possible, translated articles are accompanied by an abstract in the original language. The views expressed in this journal do not necessarily reflect those of the editors.Related Publications:Forensic Science International Medicine of Clinical Forensic Medicine Science/Medicine and Legal Medicine Package recently published books in this area please visit to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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International Journal of Mental Health

ISSN: 0020-7411eISSN: 1557-9328
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International Journal of Mental Health Promotion

ISSN: 1462-3730eISSN: 2049-8543

The first journal of its kind in the field, IJMHP publishes materials of distinction, making it essential reading for those with a professional or personal interest in mental health promotion. IJMHP co-ordinates the dissemination of new research outcomes to all those involved in policy making and the implementation of mental health promotion and mental disorder prevention policies. This makes it indispensable to clinical/medical staff, health services researchers, managers, health promoters, educationalists, sociologists, health economists and practitioners from all branches of health and social care, publishing materials by and for all these communities.

IJMHP is an official publication of the Clifford Beers Foundation, who work to promote mental health and prevent mental disorders through dissemination of knowledge, training partnerships and consultation. The journal is peer reviewed by an expert international board and acts as a comprehensive information resource designed to increase awareness, foster understanding and promote collaboration between the different disciplines engaged in this diverse activity of study.

Peer Review Integrity

All research articles in this journal, including those in special issues, special sections or supplements, have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two independent referees.
The Clifford Beers Foundation and our publisher Taylor & Francis make every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in our publications. However, the Clifford Beers Foundation and our publisher Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors, and are not the views of or endorsed by the Clifford Beers Foundation and our publisher Taylor & Francis. The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. The Clifford Beers Foundation and our publisher Taylor & Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and other liabilities whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with, in relation to or arising out of the use of the Content. Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at
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International Journal of Mental Health Systems

eISSN: 1752-4458

International Journal of Mental Health Systems is interested in receiving manuscripts on all aspects of mental health system development and reform. There is an urgent need to focus on the development of effective, appropriate, affordable and equitable mental health systems: IJHMS aims to be a home for research, debate and discussion in this area.

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International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction

ISSN: 1557-1874eISSN: 1557-1882

The journal provides a forum for international debate on mental health and addiction-related issues, and helps make sense of the effects of mental health and addiction on individuals and societies. It reports on current information and developments in mental health and addiction-related research, policy, phenomenology, literature, and treatment. The International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction offers broad-ranging coverage in such fields as psychology, sociology, anthropology, criminology, public health, history, law, and literature. The journal publishes feature articles, review articles, clinical notes, research notes, first-person accounts, letters to the editor, commentaries, conference reports, book reviews and abstracts.

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