Physical Therapy in Sport is an international peer-reviewed journal that provides a forum for the publication of research and clinical practice material relevant to the healthcare professions involved in sports medicine. The journal publishes material that is indispensable for day-to-day practice and continuing professional development. Physical Therapy in Sport covers topics dealing with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of injuries, as well as more general areas of sports medicine and related sports science.The journal publishes original research, case studies, reviews, masterclasses, papers on clinical approaches, and book reviews, as well as occasional reports from conferences. Papers are double-blind peer-reviewed by our international advisory board and other international experts, and submissions from a broad range of disciplines are actively encouraged.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
This comprehensive journal is recognized for its useful balance of research and clinical practice articles. For more than twenty five years Physical & Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics has functioned as a forum for allied health professionals as well as others with a focus on rehabilitation of the geriatric client to share information, clinical experience, research, and therapeutic practice. Each issue focuses on current practice and emerging issues in the care of the older client, including rehabilitation and long-term care in institutional and community settings, and innovative programming; the entire range of problems experienced by the elderly; and the current skills needed for working with older clients. Contributors consider the current methods of managing older people at home, in assisted living, alone or with families. Contributors address policy issues that affect the styles of living of older people, and discuss projects relating to research and teaching as they may affect practice in the field of gerontology.
The highly acclaimed Physical & Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics (POTP) delivers vital information to all therapists involved in developmental and physical rehabilitation of infants, children and youth. Designed for PT and OT pediatric professionals in hospitals, rehabilitation centers, schools, and health and human services agencies, the journal provides the latest clinical research and practical applications that no professional will want to miss. Current clinical advances and research findings are important for all therapists, and each issue of this journal brings therapists the latest discoveries in therapy as related to their work with children. With an emphasis on implications and applications for therapy practice, the journal includes case reports, and reviews/critiques of new measures.
Physiotherapy aims to publish original research and facilitate continuing professional development for physiotherapists and other health professions worldwide. Dedicated to the advancement of physiotherapy through publication of research and scholarly work concerned with, but not limited to, its scientific basis and clinical application, education of practitioners, management of services and policy.We are pleased to receive articles reporting original scientific research, systematic reviews or meta-analyses, theoretical or debate articles, brief reports and technical reports. All papers should demonstrate methodological rigour.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
Elizabeth Nabel, MD, FACPACP Medicine Monthly Updates are published in partnership with the American College of Physicians and cover the 11 subspecialties of internal medicine plus selected topics in Women's Health, Palliative Medicine, Psychiatry, Dermatology, Neurology, and Emergency Medicine.
The aim of Physiotherapy Theory and Practice is to provide an international, peer-reviewed forum for the publication, dissemination, and discussion of recent developments and current research in physiotherapy/physical therapy. The journal accepts original quantitative and qualitative research reports, theoretical papers, systematic literature reviews, clinical case reports, and technical clinical notes. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice; promotes post-basic education through reports, reviews, and updates on all aspects of physiotherapy and specialties relating to clinical physiotherapy.
Prosthetics and Orthotics International is an international, multidisciplinary journal for all professionals who have an interest in the medical, clinical, rehabilitation, technical, educational and research aspects of prosthetics, orthotics and rehabilitation engineering, as well as their related topics.The Journal publishes review articles, experimental and clinical research papers, case studies, technical notes, reports on prosthetics, orthotics and rehabilitation engineering practice, and book reviews. Occasionally special issues on specific themes of interest to the Journal's readership are published. Information about ISPO activities and the outcomes of the ISPO consensus conferences and working groups that are held are also published.
The mission of Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal is to promote the development of new knowledge related to psychiatric rehabilitation and recovery of persons with serious mental illnesses.The journal publishes peer reviewed articles and reports describing innovative programs and practice in rehabilitation and recovery and is intended for those readers with a professional and personal interest in the field of psychiatric rehabilitation.The journal encourages submissions related to feasibility testing and preliminary studies such as interventions and manual development, testing of measures and preliminary testing of interventions that can meet the challenge of developing evidence-based practices in psychiatric rehabilitation. We encourage potential authors to submit articles about measurement of constructs of importance to the field of psychiatric rehabilitation and studies examining the effectiveness of services and interventions which use quasi-experimental and experimental designs.
La revista que es desde hace más de 40 años la publicación oficial de la Sociedad Española de Rehabilitación y referente de la mayoría de las Sociedades de la Especialidad de los países americanos de habla hispana. Se publican 4 números pluritemáticos al año y uno monográfico sobre un tema del mayor interés y actualidad designado por el consejo de redacción.Para más información, consulte
Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin (RCB) features articles important to rehabilitation counseling practitioners in counseling, education, or research settings. Each issue includes original empirical research, theoretical essays, comprehensive literature reviews, intensive case studies, research critiques, and media reviews.
The Association of Rehabilitation Nurses (ARN) recognizes that rehabilitation nurses go above and beyond in caring for their patients every day. Our membership includes more than 5,600 professional nurses who together form a community singularly devoted to advancing and promoting rehabilitation nursing in a variety of practice settings, including nursing schools, acute care hospitals, inpatient rehabilitation units/hospitals, long term care hospitals, skilled nursing facilities and home health agencies. The wealth of knowledge and information our community of nurses share is extensive.
Rehabilitation Psychology® is a quarterly peer-reviewed journal that is dedicated to the advancement of the science and practice of rehabilitation psychology.Rehabilitation Psychology is the official journal of APA's Division 22 (Rehabilitation Psychology). It is dedicated to the service of the Division and the broader fields of psychology and rehabilitation.Rehabilitation psychologists consider the entire network of biological, psychological, social, environmental, and political factors that affect the functioning of persons with disabilities or chronic illness. Given the breadth of rehabilitation psychology, the journal's scope is broadly defined.Suitable submissions include papers describing experimental investigations survey research evaluations of specific interventions outcome studies historical perspectives relevant public policy issues conceptual/theoretical formulations with implications for clinical practice reviews of empirical research detailed case studies professional issuesPapers will be evaluated for their importance to the field, scientific rigor, novelty, suitability for the journal, and clarity of writing. The primary determinant of editorial decisions is whether the paper enlarges both the understanding of important psychological problems in rehabilitation and the capacity to offer effective assistance in ameliorating those problems.
Rehabilitation Research and Practice is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles, review articles, and clinical studies in all areas of rehabilitation.