Jedes Heft enthält ein Schwerpunktthema, lesen Sie 2011 über:*Sprachverarbeitungsmodelle*Genetik und Sprachstörungen*Prosodie*Extralaryngeale Ursachen von Stimmstörungen.
Aus der Praxis für die Praxis*Kompaktes Fachwissen*Übersichten und Originalia*Kasuistiken und Therapieberichte*Neue Trends aus der Suchtmedizin, Suchtpsychologie, Suchtsozialarbeit*Zusammenfassungen internationalerStudien, Veranstaltungsberichte, Recht, Interviews*Sucht international - Blick über die Grenzen.
A major forum for those wishing to deal directly with the methodology and practice of technological forecasting and future studies as planning tools as they interrelate social, environmental and technological factors.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
Electronic Access: Beginning January 1, 2012, Wiley-Blackwell (W-B) began publishing the journal on behalf of ACA and its division NCDA. This journal’s back issue files are now digitized and are available through the Wiley Online Library from Volume 1, Number 1 to the present. NCDA Members may access the CDQ by logging in via the MyNCDA members-only page. Beginning with the September 2012 issue, you will receive only electronic access to The Career Development Quarterly (CDQ) through the Wiley Online Library, unless you have informed ACA (by responding to our electronic surveys, mail, or phone campaigns during the past year) that you prefer to continue to receive print copies of the journal. If you are an ACA/NCDA member and would like to continue to receive print copies of the journal, there is a $15.00 charge per year. The option to receive a print copy will appear on your next membership renewal, or you can simply call ACA Member Services at 800-347- 6647 x222 / 703-823-9800 x222 to let us know that you would like to continue receive print copies of the journal. NCDA-only members should contact NCDA directly.
The Counseling Psychologist (TCP) focuses on timely topics in such diverse areas as counseling HIV-infected clients, counseling lesbian and gay clients, the counseling relationship, cross-cultural counseling, delayed memory, debate ethics, multicultural training supervision, victimization, and white racial identity.
The primary goal of this journal is the publication of scholarly papers developed within this increasingly important field of study--the development and management of safe, effective aviation systems from the standpoint of the human operators. Four divergent academic disciplines contribute heavily to its contents, making it truly interdisciplinary in nature and scope. These fields are engineering and computer science, psychology, education, and physiology. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
The International Journal of Listening (IJL) serves as an outlet for the publication of scholarly research in listening. IJL focuses on aspects of listening in a variety of contexts, including professional, interpersonal, public/political, media or mass communication, educational, intercultural, and international (including second language acquisition contexts). The Journal publishes studies of listening utilizing a variety of methodologies, such as empirical, pedagogical, philosophical, and historical methods. The Journal publishes original research from a wide variety of disciplines: media studies, mass communication, interpersonal communication, communication theory, intercultural communication, business communication, rhetorical studies, American, and cultural studies. Please note that the scope of the journal does not include those disciplines that are more medical-physiological in orientation, such as speech and language pathology, strict cognitive psychology, and hearing/auditory neurology.Peer Review PolicyAll Articles appearing in this journal, with the exception of invited essays and book reviews, undergo a rigorous blind review by two or three qualified reviewersPublication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science (JAB), peer-reviewed and published quarterly, is the leading international journal on the effects of evolutionary and planned change. Founded and sponsored by the NTL Institute, JABS is continually breaking ground in its exploration of group dynamics, organization development, and social change, providing scholars the best in research, theory, and methodology, while also informing professionals and their clients.
Disciplines such as political science, organizational psychology and sociology are becoming so specialized that, for scholars and lay persons alike, the study of leadership is now highly fractionated. Studies of US presidents in political science seldom make reference to the psychological literature of chief executive officers. Studies of school principals appear without attention to the impact of cultural dynamics seen in cultural anthropology.Management and administrative staffs responsible for supervisory and executive development need to scan 20 to 30 journals across many disciplines to keep current in the study of leadership.This journal brings together a focus on leadership for scholars, consultants, practicing managers, executives and administrators, as well as those numerous university faculty members across the world who teach leadership as a college course. It provides timely publication of leadership research and applications and has a global reach. It also focuses on yearly reviews of a broad range of leadership topics on a rotating basis and emphasizes cutting edge areas through special issues.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:
The Sport Psychologist (TSP) is a scholarly refereed journal designed as a forum to stimulate thought and disseminate knowledge that focuses on the application and practice of sport psychology. A special emphasis of the journal is on the delivery of psychological services to practitioners such as athletes and coaches. TSP is international in scope and is receptive to diverse methodologies. TSP is published for sport psychology specialists who engage in research, teaching, and/or intervention in a variety of contexts including academic, public, and private settings. The journal is also intended for practitioners such as coaches who have training and interest in sport psychology.
Theory and Decision is devoted to all aspects of decision-making, exploring research in psychology, management science, economics, the theory of games, statistics, operations research, artificial intelligence, cognitive science, and analytical philosophy. Moreover, it addresses cross-fertilization among these disciplines. This journal draws special attention to experimentation in decision-making and its links to the cognitive sciences. It also addresses applications to various problems in management and organizational science, economics and finance, and computer-supported decision schemes. Particular topics addressed include preference and belief modeling, experimental decision-making under risk or uncertainty, decision analysis, multi-criteria decision modeling, game theory, negotiation theory, collective decision making, social choice, rationality, cognitive processes and interactive decision-making, and methodology of the decision sciences.Officially cited as: Theory Decis
TBM is an international peer-reviewed journal that offers continuous, online-first publication. TBM's mission is to engage, inform, and catalyze dialogue between the research, practice, and policy communities about behavioral medicine. We aim to bring actionable science to practitioners and to prompt debate on policy issues that surround implementing the evidence. TBM's vision is to lead the translation of behavioral science findings to improve patient and population outcomes. Our website is updated regularly with the newest empirical research, commentaries, news, and practical tools.
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour focuses on the behavioural and psychological aspects of traffic and transport.The aim of the journal is to enhance theory development, improve the quality of empirical studies and to stimulate the application of research findings in practice. TRF provides a focus and a means of communication for the considerable amount of research activities that are now being carried out in this field. The journal provides a forum for transportation researchers, psychologists, ergonomists, engineers and policy-makers with an interest in traffic and transport psychology.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: