A quality peer-reviewed premium e-journal, the Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology has its history in the old South Pacific Journal of Psychology published between 1984 and 2005. The journal fills a void in contemporary psychology, with a focus on a region of the world that is extraordinarily vast, easily recognisable, and rich in cultural diversity and includes Oceania, Australasia, East Asia and the Western Seaboard of the Americas, and the 'hub' in the wheel - the Hawaiian Islands and other Pacific Island Nations. From climate change to disaster management and poverty reduction, the Pacific Rim region has its share of issues and potential solutions. With a focus on Indigenous and minority perspectives, the journal seeks to foster mutual capacity building in the research domain, and on questions of human development generally.
Journal of Personality publishes scientific investigations in the field of personality. It focuses particularly on personality and behavior dynamics, personality development, and individual differences in the cognitive, affective, and interpersonal domains. The journal reflects and stimulates interest in the growth of new theoretical and methodological approaches in personality psychology.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology® publishes original papers in all areas of personality and social psychology and emphasizes empirical reports, but may include specialized theoretical, methodological, and review papers.The journal is divided into three independently edited sections.Attitudes and Social Cognition addresses those domains of social behavior in which cognition plays a major role, including the interface of cognition with overt behavior, affect, and motivation.Among topics covered are the formation, change, and utilization of attitudes, attributions, and stereotypes, person memory, self-regulation, and the origins and consequences of moods and emotions insofar as these interact with cognition.Of interest also is the influence of cognition and its various interfaces on significant social phenomena such as persuasion, communication, prejudice, social development, and cultural trends.Interpersonal Relations and Group Processes focuses on psychological and structural features of interaction in dyads and groups.Appropriate to this section are papers on the nature and dynamics of interactions and social relationships, including interpersonal attraction, communication, emotion, and relationship development, and on group and organizational processes such as social influence, group decision making and task performance, intergroup relations and aggression, prosocial behavior and other types of social behavior.Personality Processes and Individual Differences publishes research on all aspects of personality psychology. It includes studies of individual differences and basic processes in behavior, emotions, coping, health, motivation, and other phenomena that reflect personality.Articles in areas such as personality structure, personality development, and personality assessment are also appropriate to this section of the journal, as are studies of the interplay of culture and personality and manifestations of personality in everyday behavior.
Politeness research to date has generally adopted one of two views: the "traditional” view based on the dual premises of Grice’s Co-operative Principle and speech act theory (Lakoff 1973, Brown and Levinson 1987 [1978], Leech 1983), or the "post-modern” view, which rejects these premises and substitutes them by an emphasis on participants’ own perceptions of politeness (politeness1) and on the discursive struggle over politeness (Eelen 2001, Mills 2003, Watts 2003). Contrasting these two views, this article considers not only their points of disagreement, but, crucially, points where the two views coincide, bringing to light their common underlying assumptions. It then goes on to show how, departing from these common assumptions, a third direction for politeness studies, the "frame-based” view, is possible. Following an outline of the frame-based view, it is suggested that this fits in with the traditional and the post-modern views in a three-layered schema addressing politeness phenomena at different levels of granularity.
The Journal of Prevention & Intervention in the Communityis on the cutting edge of social action and change, not only covering current thought and developments, but also defining future directions in the field. Under the editorship of Joseph R. Ferrari since 1995, Prevention in Human Services was retitled as the Journal of Prevention & Intervention in the Communityto reflect its focus of providing professionals with information on the leading, effective programs for community intervention and prevention of problems.Because of its intensive coverage of selected topics and the sheer length of each issue, the Journal of Prevention & Intervention in the Community is the first8211;and in many cases, primary8211;source of information for mental health and human services development.This innovative journal is of interest not only to human services program administrators, clinical supervisors, planners, education specialists, and researchers, but also to health care and helping professionals in other fields where new methods of services delivery and new models of practice can be achieved within the community.Peer Review Policy: All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial Guest Editor screening and anonymous refereeing by one or two anonymous referees arranged by the Guest Editor. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
Journal of Professional Capital and Community is an international, professionally refereed, scholarly journal, reflecting the most important ideas and evidence of the nature and impact of interactions and relationships in the education profession, especially in the school sector. For the first time, in one single place of scholarly research and inquiry, this journal brings together the most influential leading thinkers and emerging scholars on professional cultures, communities and collegiality and how they all contribute to or impede the development of the professional capital in schools and school systems that enhances students’ learning, wellbeing, achievement and engagement.
Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency (JRCD), peer-reviewed and published quarterly, offers articles, research notes, review essays and Special Issues to keep you up-to-date on contemporary issues and controversies within the criminal justice field. For more than 40 years, this international forum has explored the social, political and economic contexts of criminal justice and examined victims, criminals, courts and sanctions.
Welcome to the online submission and editorial system for the Journal of Research in Personality.Emphasizing experimental and descriptive research, the Journal of Research in Personality presents articles that examine important issues in the field of personality and in related fields basic to the understanding of personality. The subject matter includes treatments of genetic, physiological, motivational, learning, perceptual, cognitive, and social processes of both normal and abnormal kinds in human and animal subjects.Features:• Papers that present integrated sets of studies that address significant theoretical issues relating to personality.• Theoretical papers and critical reviews of current experimental and methodological interest.• Single, well-designed studies of an innovative nature.• Brief reports, including replication or null result studies of previously reported findings, or a well-designed studies addressing questions of limited scope.An Official Journal of the Association for Research in Personality.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com
The Journal of Social and Personal Relationships is an international, interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal that publishes the highest quality original research on social and personal relationships. It is published 8 times a year, is multidisciplinary in scope and draws material from the fields of social psychology, clinical psychology, communication, developmental psychology and sociology.
The Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health is an interdisciplinary professional journal (retiled from American Journal of Pastoral Counseling to better reflect its broader scope) that is devoted to the scholarly study of spirituality as a resource for counseling and psychotherapeutic disciplines. This peer-reviewed quarterly journal seeks to enhance the understanding of spirituality as a core component of human well-being in individual, relational, and communal life. Leading authorities provide insights into research and effective therapy in an interdisciplinary dialog that crosses the disciplines of psychology, spirituality, theology, sociology, cultural analysis, and other fields. The Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health is a crucial forum that provides deeper insight into human meaning-making within therapeutic and growth-fostering activity. The primary spiritual experience is explored as it occurs either for practitioners or clients, with an examination of therapeutic meanings. Expert contributors explore the impact of cultural life patterns within issues of race and gender, ethnicity, sexuality, and relational structures as they contribute to both human wholeness, and to its loss and therapeutic recovery. This journal is challenging, inspirational, and superbly beneficial to all who desire perspectives and ideas extending beyond their own scope and field of focus. Peer Review Policy: All research articles in the Journal have undergone peer review based on initial editor screening, and anonymous refereeing by at least two anonymous double-blind referees. Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
The Journal of Sport Psychology in Action is an official publication of the Association for Applied Sport Psychology, and is a refereed journal, designed to promote the application of scientific knowledge to the practice of sport, exercise, and health psychology. Topics covered in this journal include interdisciplinary work 8212; drawing from the fields of exercise physiology, sport science, and health psychology 8212; that target knowledge and application for professionals and practitioners. The journal differs from other sport and exercise psychology journals because of the target audience and style of writing. The Journal of Sport Psychology in Action is written for practitioners, coaches, athletes, and individuals from various sport organizations.
Journal Mission
Trust is imperative to constructive social interaction and cooperation at and across all levels. Positioned as a high-impact source journal providing novel ideas for other journals (both academic and practical), the mission of JTR is:
Journal Philosophy
JTR is particularly interested in those studies that are inter-disciplinary, cross-cultural, cross-level, multi-method, context-rich, process-oriented, and practice-relevant in perspectives, so as to effectively investigate the holistic content and dynamic process of organizational and societal trust, without the perils of reductionist assumptions. JTR identifies the above as the emerging trends with the greatest potential to contribute to our rich and deep understanding about the complex phenomenon of trust.
Journal Scope
As an inter-disciplinary and cross-cultural journal dedicated to advancing a cross-level, context-rich, process-oriented, and practice-relevant journal, JTR provides a focal point for an open dialogue and debate between diverse researchers, thus enhancing the understanding of trust in general and trust-related management in particular, especially in its organizational and social context in the broadest sense. Through both theoretical development and empirical investigation, JTR seeks to open the "black-box" of trust in various contexts.
JTR aims to publish relevant and rigorous research contributing to knowledge in six major domains that are interdisciplinary and cross-cultural:
Journal Readership
JWL provides an avenue for the presentation and discussion of research related to the workplace as a site for learning.
Journal of Youth and Adolescence provides a single, high-level medium of communication for psychologists, psychiatrists, biologists, criminologists, educators, and professionals in many other allied disciplines who address the subject of youth and adolescence. The journal publishes papers based on experimental evidence and data, theoretical papers, and comprehensive review articles. The journal especially welcomes empirically rigorous papers that take policy implications seriously. Research need not have been designed to address policy needs, but manuscripts must address implications for the manner society formally (e.g., through laws, policies or regulations) or informally (e.g., through parents, peers, and social institutions) responds to the period of youth and adolescence.
Die soziologische Fachzeitschrift 'Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie' (KZfSS) wurde 1948 durch den Kölner Soziologen Leopold von Wiese als 'Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie' gegründet. Sein Amtsnachfolger René König richtete sie stärker auf sozialpsychologische Themenstellungen aus, u.a. Kultursoziologie und qualitative Sozialforschung, wodurch sie ihren heutigen Namen erhielt.
Sie ist nach Umfang und Verbreitung das bei weitem bedeutendste soziologische Fachorgan im deutschen Sprachraum und berichtet umfassend über die deutsche soziologische Forschung aller Fachrichtungen und vermittelt regelmäßig Forschungsergebnisse aus vielen Ländern der Welt.
Die KZfSS verfolgt das Modell einer soziologischen Universal-Zeitschrift. Neben jährlich über 40 Aufsätzen, bei denen es sich grundsätzlich um Erstveröffentlichungen handelt, werden ausführliche Literaturberichte sowie in einem umfangreichen Rezensionsteil Besprechungen der deutschen und internationalen F
This journal is unique in that it provides a forum devoted to the interdisciplinary study of language and communication. The investigation of language and its communicational functions is treated as a concern shared in common by those working in applied linguistics, child development, cultural studies, discourse analysis, intellectual history, legal studies, language evolution, linguistic anthropology, linguistics, philosophy, the politics of language, pragmatics, psychology, rhetoric, semiotics, and sociolinguistics.The journal invites contributions which explore the implications of current research for establishing common theoretical frameworks within which findings from different areas of study may be accommodated and interrelated. By focusing attention on the many ways in which language is integrated with other forms of communicational activity and interactional behaviour, it is intended to encourage approaches to the study of language and communication which are not restricted by existing disciplinary boundaries.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com