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African Studies Review

ISSN: 0002-0206eISSN: 1555-2462
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African and Asian Studies

ISSN: 1569-2094eISSN: 1569-2108
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African and Black Diaspora: An International Journal

ISSN: 1752-8631eISSN: 1752-864X

This is the first academic journal that directly addresses the needs of scholars working in the important field of African Diaspora studies. It advances the analytical and interrogative discourses that constitute this distinctive interdisciplinary study of the deterritorialised and transnational nature of the African and Black Diaspora.Beyond essentialist modes of theorizing, the journal locates the movement of African descended populations (geographical, cultural, social, political and psychological) in the context of globalized and transnational spaces by emphasizing the centrality of African and Black Diaspora.The journal publishes research articles, commentaries and book reviews. All articles will be peer-reviewed. Authors interested in contributing should contact one of the three Editors. A special issue Navigating African Diaspora: Crossing, Belonging and Presence, is in preparation. Disclaimer Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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Africana Linguistica

ISSN: 0065-4124

Afrique Contemporaine

ISSN: 0002-0478

Afriques: Débats, méthodes et terrains d’histoire

eISSN: 2108-6796
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Ageing & Society

ISSN: 0144-686XeISSN: 1469-1779

Ageing International

ISSN: 0163-5158eISSN: 1936-606X

As a quarterly peer-reviewed journal that has existed for over three decades, Ageing International serves all professionals who deal with complex ageing issues. The journal is dedicated to improving the life of ageing populations worldwide through providing an intellectual forum for communicating common concerns, exchanging analyses and discoveries in scientific research, crystallizing significant issues, and offering recommendations in ageing-related service delivery and policy making. Besides encouraging the submission of high-quality research and review papers, Ageing International seeks to bring together researchers, policy analysts, and service program administrators who are committed to reducing the 'implementation gap' between good science and effective service, between evidence-based protocol and culturally suitable programs, and between unique innovative solutions and generalizable policies. For significant issues that are common across countries, Ageing International will organize special forums for scholars and investigators from different disciplines to present their regional perspectives as well as to provide more comprehensive analysis. The editors strongly believe that such discourse has the potential to foster a wide range of coordinated efforts that will lead to improvements in the quality of life of older persons worldwide. Abstracted and Indexed in: ABI/INFORM, Academic OneFile, Academic Search, CSA/Proquest, Current Abstracts, EBSCO, Ergonomics Abstracts, Expanded Academic, Gale, Google Scholar, Health Reference Center Academic, OCLC, PsychINFO, PsyARTICLES, SCOPUS, Social Science Abstracts, and Summon by Serial Solutions.

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ISSN: 1013-0950eISSN: 2158-978X

At the forefront of feminist publishing in South Africa for over 20 years, the Agenda journal raises debate, probes, questions, challenges and critiques understandings of gender and feminism in its broad and complex diversity. Agenda prides itself on being at the cutting edge of feminist debate and gender analysis, and the journal provides readers with a fresh, challenging, stimulating and thought-provoking read.

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Agrekon: Agricultural Economics Research, Policy and Practice in Southern Africa

ISSN: 0303-1853eISSN: 2078-0400

Agrekon provides a respected forum for research, debate, policy, and practice regarding agricultural economics in southern Africa. It welcomes high-quality contributions that advance studies in the area. The quarterly journal serves as the official publication of the Agricultural Economics Association of South Africa (AEASA).

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ISSN: 0742-4477eISSN: 1520-6297

Agribusiness: An International Journal publishes research that improves our understanding of how food systems work, how they are evolving, and how public and/or private actions affect the performance of the global agro-industrial complex. The journal focuses on the application of economic analysis to the organization and performance of firms and markets in industrial food systems. Subject matter areas include supply and demand analysis, industrial organization analysis, price and trade analysis, marketing, finance, and public policy analysis. International, cross-country comparative, and within-country studies are welcome. To facilitate research the journal's Forum section, on an intermittent basis, offers commentary and reports on business policy issues.

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Agricultural and Resource Economics

ISSN: 1578-0732eISSN: 2174-7350

Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems

ISSN: 2168-3565eISSN: 2168-3573
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Air and Space Law

ISSN: 0927-3379
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ISSN: 0126-5008eISSN: 0126-5008
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ISSN: 1378-5087eISSN: 0779-7842

Al-Bayan: Journal of Qur'an and Hadith Studies

ISSN: 2232-1950eISSN: 2232-1969
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ISSN: 0211-3589eISSN: 1988-2955

Al-Qant.ara inicio´ su publicacio´n en 1980, como continuacio´n de Al-Andalus (1933-1978). Al-Qant.ara esta´ dedicada a la civilizacio´n del Islam cla´sico (hasta el siglo XVII incluido) con especial atencio´n al Occidente isla´mico. Se publica en forma de dos fasci´culos anuales de unas 250 pa´ginas cada uno. Una seccio´n monogra´fica aparece en el segundo fasci´culo de cada an~o. La revista so´lo solicita contribuciones para las secciones monogra´ficas. Al-Qant.ara proporciona acceso libre a todos los contenidos seis meses despue´s de su publicacio´n. Durante este periodo de embargo, so´lo los suscriptores de la edicio´n impresa tienen acceso al texto completo.

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ISSN: 1394-6870

Alaska Journal of Anthropology

ISSN: 1544-9793