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Molecular Omics

eISSN: 2515-4184

Molecular Omics publishes high-quality research from across the -omics sciences that provide significant new insight into important chemical or biological problems. Topics covered by Molecular Omics include, but are not limited to, proteomics, genomics, transcriptomics, lipidomics, glycomics, metabolomics, microbiomics, sequencing technologies and bioinformatic research. Molecular Omics articles report research that significantly increases understanding or demonstrates clear functional benefits, supported by experimental validation or a novel data analytic approach. Topics include, but are not limited to: -omics studies to gain mechanistic insight into biological processes; -omics studies for clinical applications with experimental validation, such as finding biomarkers for diagnostics or potential new drug targets; -omics studies looking at the sub-cellular make-up of cells – for example, the subcellular localisation of certain proteins or post-translational modifications or new imaging techniques; studies presenting new methods and tools to support omics studies, including new spectroscopic/chromatographic techniques, chip-based/array technologies and new classification/data analysis techniques.

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Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution

ISSN: 1055-7903eISSN: 1095-9513

Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution is dedicated to bringing Darwin's dream within grasp - to "have fairly true genealogical trees of each great kingdom of Nature." The journal provides a forum for molecular studies that advance our understanding of phylogeny and evolution, further the development of phylogenetically more accurate taxonomic classifications, and ultimately bring a unified classification for all the ramifying lines of life. Phylogeographic studies will be considered for publication if they offer EXCEPTIONAL theoretical or empirical advances.The journal encourages articles that are multidisciplinary, especially in areas, such as bioinformatics, computational biology, molecular biology, and organismic biology, that are of interest to the community of systematic and evolutionary biologists. In addition, presentations of new findings on or insights into evolutionary processes and mechanisms as expressed at the molecular level are welcome, as are those that deal with the methodology of reconstructing evolutionary history from molecular data (such as descriptions of new or more powerful computer algorithms for constructing phylogenetic trees from orthologous nucleotide or aminoacid sequences). A deeper understanding of the mechanisms and processes of molecular evolution should lead to more accurate models of molecular evolution, which in turn should facilitate the development of better algorithms for reconstructing evolutionary history from sequence data.Papers based on few taxa, single molecular markers, or that use codon-based methods to test for positive Darwinian selection, but in the absence of experimental evidence that allegedly selected amino acid changes cause an adaptive phenotypic effect, will not be accepted.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services .Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Molecular Reproduction & Development

ISSN: 1040-452XeISSN: 1098-2795

Molecular Reproduction and Development takes an integrated, systems-biology approach to understand the dynamic continuum of cellular, reproductive, and developmental processes. This journal fosters dialogue among diverse disciplines through primary research communications and educational forums, with the philosophy that fundamental findings within the life sciences result from a convergence of disciplines. Increasingly, readers of the Journal need to be informed of diverse, yet integrated, topics impinging on their areas of interest. This requires an expansion in thinking towards non-traditional, interdisciplinary experimental design and data analysis. For example, biologists need to know how nanodevices might be used, while bioengineers need to know how post-translational protein modifications affect developmental mechanisms. The Journal will provide a means for readers to integrate divergent scientific disciplines into their current and future research. Readers will turn to Molecular Reproduction and Development not only to learn the latest in research progress, but to become educated in frontier topics of the field of reproductive and developmental biology; students in particular will turn to the Journal to learn about current progress in the diversifying approaches that will become the foundation for the next generation of research.

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Molecular Syndromology

ISSN: 1661-8769eISSN: 1661-8777

Molecular Syndromology publishes high-quality research articles, short reports, and reviews on common and rare genetic syndromes, aiming to increase clinical understanding through molecular insights. Topics of particular interest are the molecular basis of genetic syndromes, genotype-phenotype correlation, natural history, strategies in disease management and novel therapeutic approaches based on molecular findings. Research on model systems is also welcome, especially when it is obviously relevant to human genetics. With high-quality reviews on current topics, the journal aims to facilitate translation of research findings to a clinical setting while also stimulating further research on clinically relevant questions. The journal targets not only medical geneticists and basic biomedical researchers, but also clinicians dealing with genetic syndromes. With 4 associate editors from 3 continents and a broad international editorial board, the journal welcomes submissions covering the lates

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Molecular Therapy

ISSN: 1525-0016eISSN: 1525-0024

Molecular Therapy is the leading journal for research in the areas of gene transfer, vector development and design, stem cell manipulation, development of gene-, peptide- and protein-, oligonucleotide- and cell-based therapeutics to correct genetic and acquired diseases, vaccine development, pre-clinical target validation, safety/efficacy studies, and clinical trials. Available in print and online, Molecular Therapy is dedicated to promoting the sciences in genetics, medicine and biotechnology. Publishing important peer-reviewed research and cutting-edge reviews and commentaries, the journal continues to attract the best material in the field. Molecular Therapy's 2009 impact factor is 6.239*.

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Molecular Therapy - Methods and Clinical Development

eISSN: 2329-0501

methods, technology development, molecular therapy, gene therapy

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Molluscan Research

ISSN: 1323-5818eISSN: 1448-6067

CSIRO PUBLISHING publishes journals presenting the latest research by leading Australian and overseas scientists and covering a broad range of subjects.Browse one of our journals from the list below. Each journal home page provides specific information for potential authors and subscribers.

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ISSN: 0267-8357eISSN: 1464-3804

Mutagenesis is an international multi-disciplinary journal designed to bring together research aimed at the identification, characterization and elucidation of the mechanisms of action of physical, chemical and biological agents capable of producing genetic change in living organisms and the study of the consequences of such changes.

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Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis

ISSN: 0027-5107

Mutation Research: Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis broadly encompasses all aspects of research that address the detection of mutations, the mechanisms by which mutations in genes and chromosomes arise, and the modulation of mutagenesis by mutation avoidance pathways such as DNA repair, cell cycle control and apoptosis. It includes the role of genetic variation in the genesis and manifestation of mutations, ranging from the variable manner in which xenobiotics are metabolized to variations in the capacity of cells to replicate and repair damaged DNA. It also includes the contributions of these mechanisms, when perturbed, to animal disease models and to human disease, with particular emphasis on carcinogenic mechanisms. The Journal will publish articles on the genesis of aneuploidy and isodisomy, including the roles played by recombination, cell cycle checkpoints, spindle microtubules, centrosomes and kinetocore proteins, and agents that might disrupt them. Submission of appropriate epidemiological studies as well as consequences, including methods for high throughput SNP detection, whole genome and exonic sequencing, DNA microarrays, RNAseq approaches and proteomics are welcome. Submission of preliminary epidemiological studies that associate SNPs with a phenotype but provide no mechanistic insight is discouraged. The broader scope of the journal is a reflection of the rapid advances in the field of mutation research and the recognition that understanding of the mutagenic process requires full knowledge of the cellular response to DNA damage including DNA repair, cell cycle checkpoint arrest and apoptosis.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services .Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis

ISSN: 1383-5718

Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis publishes papers advancing knowledge in the field of genetic toxicology. Papers are welcomed in the following areas:New developments in genotoxicity testing of chemical agents (e.g. improvements in methodology of assay systems and interpretation of results).Alternatives to and refinement of the use of animals in genotoxicity testing.Nano-genotoxicology, the study of genotoxicity hazards and risks related to novel man-made nanomaterials.Studies of epigenetic changes in relation to genotoxic effects.The use of structure-activity relationships in predicting genotoxic effects.The isolation and chemical characterization of novel environmental mutagens.The measurement of genotoxic effects in human populations, when accompanied by quantitative measurements of environmental or occupational exposures.The application of novel technologies for assessing the hazard and risks associated with genotoxic substances (e.g. OMICS or other high-throughput approaches to genotoxicity testing).Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis is now accepting submissions for a new section of the journal that will be dedicated to the discussion of current issues relating to design, interpretation and strategic use of genotoxicity tests (Current Topics in Genotoxicity Testing). This section is envisaged to include discussions relating to the development of new international testing guidelines, but also to wider topics in the field. The evaluation of contrasting or opposing viewpoints is welcomed as long as the presentation is in accordance with the journal's aims, scope, and policies.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services .Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Mutation Research/Reviews in Mutation Research

ISSN: 1383-5742eISSN: 1388-2139

The subject areas of Reviews in Mutation Research encompass the entire spectrum of the science of mutation research and its applications, with particular emphasis on the relationship between mutation and disease. Thus this section will cover advances in human genome research (including evolving technologies for mutation detection andfunctional genomics) with applications in clinical genetics, gene therapy and health risk assessment for environmental agents of concern.Genetic toxicology and environmental mutagenesis (including the factors that modulate the genetic activity of environmental agents) will continue to be prominent topics in this section. In addition to full-length reviews, mini-reviews on specific topical themes will be published.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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ISSN: 0027-5514eISSN: 1557-2536

MYCOLOGIA publishes papers on all aspects of the fungi, including lichens. Subjects appropriate to the journal are physiology and biochemistry, ecology, pathology, development and morphology, systematics, cell biology and ultrastructure, genetics, molecular biology, evolution, applied aspects, and new techniques. Publication in MYCOLOGIA is for both members and nonmembers of the Mycological Society of America. Papers appropriate for the journal are:(i) regular articles reporting original research(ii) notes or brief articles reporting research or new techniques(iii) invited papers(iv) reviews, and minireviews.

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ISSN: 0940-6360eISSN: 1432-1890

Mycorrhiza is an international journal devoted to research into mycorrhizas - the widest symbioses in nature, involving plants and a range of soil fungi world-wide. The journal covers research into mycorrhizas, including molecular biology of the plants and fungi, fungal systematics, development and structure of mycorrhizas, and effects on plant physiology, productivity, reproduction and disease resistance. Coverage extends to interactions between mycorrhizal fungi and other soil organisms, and effects of mycorrhizas on plant biodiversity and ecosystem structure. Mycorrhiza presents original papers, short notes and review articles, along with commentaries and news items. It offers a platform for new concepts and discussions, and serves as the basis for a forum of mycorrhizologists from around the world. Managing Editors: Vivienne Gianinazzi-Pearson, Dijon, France, and Randy Molina, Gresham, Oregon, USA Mycorrhiza is the official organ of the International Mycorrhiza Society.

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Nature Genetics

ISSN: 1061-4036eISSN: 1546-1718

Nature Genetics publishes the very highest quality research in genetics. It encompasses genetic and functional genomic studies on human traits and on other model organisms, including mouse, fly, nematode and yeast. Current emphasis is on the genetic basis for common and complex diseases and on the functional mechanism, architecture and evolution of gene networks, studied by experimental perturbation.Integrative genetic topics comprise, but are not limited to:* Genes in the pathology of human disease* Molecular analysis of simple and complex genetic traits* Cancer genetics* Epigenetics* Gene therapy* Developmental genetics* Regulation of gene expression* Strategies and technologies for extracting function from genomic data* Pharmacological genomics* Genome evolution.

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Nature Microbiology

eISSN: 2058-5276

We are interested in the best research from across the field of microbiology, with our broad scope ensuring that the work published reaches the widest possible audience.

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Nature Reviews Genetics

ISSN: 1471-0056eISSN: 1471-0064

To an extent, all life scientists are geneticists because genetic technology and the accumulation of genomic information have enriched all of biology. You may or may not call yourself a geneticist, but if you work on or with genes you need to know about the latest developments. Nature Reviews Genetics covers the full scientific breadth of modern genetics, capturing its excitement, diversity and implications.Subjects covered * Genomics: genome sequencing, genome projects, bioinformatics, cancer genomics, metagenomics, pharmacogenomics, resources * Functional genomics: transcriptomics, functional genomics screens, bioinformatics * Evolutionary genetics: evo-devo, genome evolution, comparative genomics, population genetics, phylogenetics * Technology: new techniques, experimental strategies, therapy, applied genetics and genomics, computational biology * Gene expression: gene regulatory elements, transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation, regulatory RNAs, broad perspectives on gene regulation, gene expression profiling, gene regulatory networks * Multifactorial genetics: complex traits, mapping strategies, technology, genetic variation * Disease: disease gene identification, relationship between genotype and phenotype, molecular pathology of genetic disease, complex disease, disease susceptibility/resistance * Chromosome biology: DNA elements, telomeres, centromeres, mobile elements, chromosome stability, DNA damage, meiosis and mitosis, nuclear organization, artificial chromosomes * Epigenetics: DNA methylation, histone modification, chromatin structure, imprinting, chromatin remodeling, epigenomics * Developmental biology: patterning, differentiation, stem cells, reproductive technology * Systems and networks: systems biology, biological networks, synthetic biology, modelling * Ethical, legal and social implications of genetics and genomics.

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New Genetics and Society

ISSN: 1463-6778eISSN: 1469-9915

New Genetics and Society aims: * To provide a focus for interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary, leading-edge social science research on the new genetics and related biosciences; * To publish theoretical and empirical contributions reflecting its multi-faceted development; * To provide an international platform for critical reflection and debate; * To be the primary resource for the many related professions, including health, medicine and the law, wishing to keep abreast of fast changing developments. To achieve these aims, New Genetics and Society will publish papers on the social aspects of the new genetics (widely defined), including genetic engineering and modification; genomics, proteomics, and systems biology; and the rapidly developing biosciences such as biomedical and reproductive therapies and technologies, xenotransplantation, and stem cell research. The focus will be on developing a better understanding of the social, legal, ethical and policy aspects, including their local and global management and organisation. Disclaimer Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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Non-Coding RNA

eISSN: 2311-553X

microRNA, small interfering RNA, RNAi, lincRNA, piRNA, silencing

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Nucleic Acid Therapeutics

ISSN: 2159-3337eISSN: 2159-3345
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Nucleic Acids Research

ISSN: 0305-1048eISSN: 1362-4962

Nucleic Acids Research (NAR) publishes the results of leading edge research into physical, chemical, biochemical and biological aspects of nucleic acids and proteins involved in nucleic acid metabolism and/or interactions. It enables the rapid publication of papers under the following categories: Chemistry and synthetic biology; Computational biology; Gene regulation, chromatin and epigenetics; Genome integrity, repair and replication; Genomics; Molecular biology; Nucleic acid enzymes; RNA and Structural biology. A Survey and Summary section provides a format for brief reviews. The first issue of each year is devoted to biological databases, and an issue in July is devoted to papers describing web-based software resources of value to the biological community.NAR Methods Online provides a forum for the online publication of methods papers.The advent of online publication has greatly improved access to scientific content on a global scale. This has led to calls from the academic community for research to be made freely available online immediately upon publication, without the barrier of paid subscription to access.In response to these calls, and following consultation with journal contributors, Oxford University Press and the Editors of Nucleic Acids Research (NAR) launched an Open Access initiative for NAR in 2005. This means that it is no longer necessary to hold a subscription in order to read current NAR content online.There are substantial costs associated with publishing a high quality journal such as NAR, for example in the administration of the editorial process, production of the published version, and development of online functionality. Under a subscription-based model, these costs are primarily covered by charging libraries and individuals for access to the journal's content. Under NAR's Open Access model, we aim to cover the costs of publication primarily through a combination of author charges and institutional payments.

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