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Shock and Vibration

ISSN: 1070-9622eISSN: 1875-9203

The intention of the journal Shock and Vibration is to provide a source for the publication of original, archival articles on shock, vibration, sound, structural dynamics, biodynamics, crashworthiness, earthquake engineering, gun dynamics, vehicle dynamics and dynamics and vibration performance of civil, mechanical and aerospace engineering structures. Among the specific areas to be covered are vibration measurements, testing and control, vibration condition monitoring and structural health monitoring, shock hardening, modal testing technology, shock testing, data acquisition, fluid-structure interaction, isolation, noise generation and control, damping, statistical energy analysis, identification (inverse) problems, impact biodynamics, vehicle dynamics, gun dynamics, crashworthiness and vibration serviceability in civil engineering structures. Contributions can cover computational, analytical, and / or experimental technology related to the general area of shock and vibration.

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Shuili Fadian Xuebao/Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering

ISSN: 1003-1243

Shuili Xuebao/Journal of Hydraulic Engineering

ISSN: 0559-9350

Soldagem & Inspeção

ISSN: 0104-9224eISSN: 1980-6973

To publish original papers related to the scientific and technological development of welding, inspection, and related fields.

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Sound & Vibration

ISSN: 1541-0161eISSN: 2693-1443
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Sports Engineering

ISSN: 1369-7072eISSN: 1460-2687

Sports Engineering is an international journal publishing original papers on the application of engineering and science to sport. The journal intends to fill the niche area which lies between classical engineering and sports science and aims to bridge the gap between the analysis of the equipment and of the athlete. Areas of interest include the mechanics and dynamics of sport, the analysis of movement, instrumentation, equipment design, surface interaction, materials and modelling. These topics may be applied to technology in almost any sport. The journal will be of particular interest to Engineering, Physics, Mathematics and Sports Science Departments and will act as a forum where research, industry and the sports sector can exchange knowledge and innovative ideas.

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Steel Structures

ISSN: 0038-9145eISSN: 1437-1049

Stahlbau bundelt in einer Fachzeitschrift alles uber Stahl-, Verbund- und Leichtmetallkonstruktionen im gesamten Bauwesen. Seit 1928 begleitet sie maßgeblich den gesamten Stahlbau. In Stahlbau finden sich praxisorientierte Berichte uber samtliche Themen des Stahlbaus. Die in Stahlbau publizierten Fachaufsatze sind Erstveroffentlichungen. Themenuberblick: .

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ISSN: 0039-2103eISSN: 1475-1305

Strain is an international journal that contains contributions from leading-edge research on the measurement of the mechanical behaviour of structures and systems. Strain updates engineers and scientists with new developments in measurement and current research activities. The journal includes papers from all engineering disciplines that deal with material behaviour and degradation under load, structural design and measurement techniques. Although the thrust of the journal is experimental, numerical simulations and validation are included in the coverage.

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Strength, Fracture and Complexity

ISSN: 1567-2069eISSN: 1875-9262
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Strojniski Vestnik/Journal of Mechanical Engineering

ISSN: 0039-2480

Structural Engineering and Mechanics

ISSN: 1225-4568

Structural Health Monitoring

ISSN: 1475-9217eISSN: 1741-3168

Structural Health Monitoring was launched in July 2002 and publishes peer-reviewed papers that contain theoretical, analytical, and experimental investigations that advance the body of knowledge and its application in the discipline of structural health monitoring.The journal has a broad topical coverage and it serves as a primary reference for the structural health monitoring of aeronautical, mechanical, civil, electrical, and other systems. The multidisciplinary nature of the journal is intended to foster the intersection of different technologies to address the varied needs and applications for structural health monitoring.Papers are sought that explore the following issues and areas related to structural health monitoring:* self-diagnostics, prognostics, condition-based maintenance and performance* vibration and wave propagation methods for damage assessment* advanced signal processing and interpretation techniques for monitoring and diagnostics* sensor design, self-powered and low power sensors* data mining, data management* the use of smart materials and new sensor materials* monitoring of composite, metallic, new, and aging structures and infrastructure* monitoring of structural repairs* sensor network design, data transmission, wired and wireless communication* embedding technology, sensor/structure integration technology* development of self-repairable structures* monitoring of survivability and readiness assessment* structural integrity and remaining life predictions based on sensor management* design of multifunctional structures and integration of structural health monitoring and control* sensors for high temperature applications, in-situ sensors* monitoring of biomechanical, electromechanical, and thermal systems* fault diagnosis of avionics, propulsion, power, and electronic systems* structural health monitoring system integration and validation* bio-nanotechnology applied to structural monitoring*interdisciplinary approaches and applications for structural health monitoring.

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Structure and Infrastructure Engineering

ISSN: 1573-2479eISSN: 1744-8980

Structure & Infrastructure Engineering- Maintenance, Management and Life-Cycle Design & Performance is an international journal dedicated to recent advances in maintenance, management and life-cycle performance of a wide range of infrastructures, such as: buildings, bridges, dams, underground constructions, offshore platforms, pipelines, naval vessels, ocean structures, nuclear power plants, airplanes and other types of structures including aerospace and automotive structures. The aim of this journal is to present research and developments on the most advanced technologies for analyzing, predicting and optimizing infrastructure performance. The main gaps to be filled are those between researchers and practitioners in maintenance, management and life-cycle performance of infrastructure systems, and those between professionals working on different types of infrastructures. To this end, the journal will provide a forum for a broad blend of scientific, technical and practical papers. Papers considered for publication are original, high-quality papers that form a significant contribution to the theory or practice of infrastructure engineering, present state-of-the-art work on a topic related to infrastructure, or describe a case study in which theory is applied to a significant infrastructure problem. The scope of the journal encompasses, but is not restricted to, mathematical modelling, computer and experimental methods, practical infrastructure applications in the areas of assessment and evaluation, construction and design for durability, decision making, deterioration modelling and aging, failure analysis, field testing, financial planning, inspection and diagnostics, life-cycle analysis and prediction, loads, maintenance strategies, management systems, non-destructive testing, optimization of maintenance and management, specifications and codes, time- dependent performance, rehabilitation, repair, replacement, reliability and risk management, service life prediction, strengthening and whole life costing. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering is intended for an audience of researchers and practitioners world-wide with a background in civil, aerospace, mechanical, marine and automotive engineering, as well as people working in infrastructure maintenance, management and cost analysis. All published research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by independent expert referees. Keywords Disclaimer Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 'Content') contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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Sulzer Technical Review

ISSN: 1420-7559

Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories

ISSN: 1998-4502eISSN: 2499-975X

Sustainable Energy & Fuels

eISSN: 2398-4902

Sustainable Energy & Fuels publishes high quality scientific research that will drive the development of sustainable energy technologies, with a particular emphasis on innovative concepts and approaches. The journal is an essential resource for energy researchers and cuts across chemistry and its interfaces with materials science, physics and biology – covering evolving and emerging areas such as the following: • Solar energy conversion including photovoltaics and artificial photosynthesis • Energy storage including batteries, flow batteries and supercapacitors • Catalysis for energy technologies, including the sustainable synthesis of fuels and chemicals, and molecular/bioinspired catalysis • Electrocatalysis, photocatalysis and thermal catalysis • Fuel cells • Hydrogen production, storage and distribution • Carbon dioxide utilisation, including fuels and chemicals from carbon dioxide • Biorefining and Biofuels • Capacitive desalination and desalination batteries • Other sustainable energy conversion technologies including thermochemical, piezoelectric and thermoelectric materials and devices Energy science and technologies that avoid the use of critical raw elements or detrimental environmental effects during preparation, manufacture and end-of-life are particularly encouraged.

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Synthetic Metals

ISSN: 0379-6779eISSN: 1879-3290

This journal is an international medium for the rapid publication of original research papers, short communications and subject reviews dealing with research on and applications of electronic polymers and electronic molecular materials including novel carbon architectures. These functional materials have the properties of metals, semiconductors or magnets and are distinguishable from elemental and alloy/binary metals, semiconductors and magnets.Materials considered to be within the purview of this journal include:• low-dimensional conductors and superconductors such as organic charge-transfer compounds and metal chain compounds• conducting and semiconducting polymers and molecular materials• fullerenes, carbon nanotubes and related novel carbon architectures• supramolecular conjugated architectures• nanoscale electronic molecular and electronic polymer materials• molecule- and polymer-based magnets.Experimental, theoretical and application papers on the chemistry, physics and engineering of these materials are encouraged for submission. Original manuscripts on their chemical, electrochemical, electrical, photonic and magnetic properties will be considered for publication. Papers on electronic, electroluminescent, lasing, solar cell, anticorrosion, sensor, actuator, biological and other potential device applications of these materials are encouraged.

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Systems and Control Letters

ISSN: 0167-6911eISSN: 1872-7956

Systems & Control Letters has become one of the leading journals in the field. The aim of the journal is to allow rapid dissemination of contributions in the area of systems and control, in the form of concise papers. All aspects of the field are covered. Mathematically oriented papers having a clear relevance to systems and control as well as papers describing specific applications in engineering, economics, the physical sciences, signal processing, etc. are accepted. In addition to research papers, also discussion papers, appealing illustrative examples, and brief reviews of recent or to be published papers, are acceptable.Articles are limited to 8 journal pages, including figures, with a preference for articles not exceeding 6 pages. The concise article format permits the editorial board to process papers very rapidly and enables the reader to learn efficiently about new results and developments.Originality, quality and clarity are the criteria for choosing the material to be published in Systems & Control Letters. The subject matter can be theory, methodology, empirical studies or applications.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Tappi Journal

ISSN: 0734-1415

Technische Mechanik

ISSN: 0232-3869eISSN: 2199-9244
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