Oriental Journal of Chemistry (OJC) Invites brief communications and full length papers for rapid publication pertaining to original research of commercial or academic importance. The journal provides an interdisciplinary medium covering almost all aspects of chemistry viz. Inorganic, Organic, Physical, Analytical as well as Biochemistry, Coordination Chemistry, Electrochemistry, Computational Chemistry, Spectroscopy, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Chemical Physics, Nano Chemistry, Phytochemistry, Chemistry of petroleum, Minerals, Polymers Food, Soil, Water as well as Environmental Chemistry. Oriental Journal of Chemistry (OJC) is a scientific research journal started in 1985 by Oriental Scientific Publishing Co. It publishes original research work almost all branches of chemistry of academic and commercial importance. The Editor is Dr. Syed Aftab Iqbal.
The only journal in the world that focuses on the technologies of ozone and related oxidation technologies, Ozone: Science and Engineering brings you quality review papers, research notes, and case histories in each issue. Get the most up-to date results of basic, applied, and engineered research including: * Ozone generation and contacting * Analysis of ozone * Treatment of wastewater and hazardous waste * Advanced oxidation processes * Treatment of emerging contaminants * Gas phase odor control * Identification of primary and secondary oxidation of water contaminants by ozone * Treatment of drinking water and swimming pool water * Advanced oxidation processes/UV technology Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP) is an international journal co-owned by 19 physical chemistry and physics societies from around the world. This journal publishes original, cutting-edge research in physical chemistry, chemical physics and biophysical chemistry. To be suitable for publication in PCCP, articles must include significant innovation and/or insight into physical chemistry; this is the most important criterion that reviewers and Editors will judge against when evaluating submissions. The journal has a broad scope and welcomes contributions spanning experiment, theory, computation and data science. Articles are welcomed if they demonstrate significant innovation and/or insight into physical chemistry. Joined experimental/theoretical studies are particularly appreciated when complementary and based on up-to-date approaches. Topical coverage includes: • Spectroscopy • Dynamics • Kinetics • Statistical mechanics • Thermodynamics • Electrochemistry • Catalysis • Surface science • Quantum mechanics • Quantum computing • Machine learning • Polymers and soft matter • Materials • Quantum Materials • Nanoscience • Energy • Surfaces/interfaces • Biophysical chemistry • Atmospheric Chemistry • Astrochemistry
Polar Research is the international, peer-reviewed journal of the Norwegian Polar Institute, Norway's central institution for research, environmental monitoring and mapping of the polar regions. Aiming to promote the exchange of scientific knowledge about the Arctic and Antarctic across disciplinary boundaries, Polar Research serves an international community of researchers and managers.
PSEP aims to be the principal international journal for publication of high quality, original papers in the branches of engineering concerned with the safety of industrial processes and the protection of the environment.Papers showing how research results can be used in process engineering design, and accounts of experimental or theoretical research work bringing new perspectives to established principles, highlighting unsolved problems or indicating directions for future research, are particularly welcome. Contributions that deal with new developments in safety or environmental aspects of plant or processes and that can be given quantitative expression are encouraged. The journal is especially interested in papers that extend the boundaries of traditional engineering.Core topic areas:Safety• Technical Safety and Loss Prevention• Hazardous Areas• Fire and Gas detection• Firewater systems• Safety critical systems• Safety Integrity Levels (SIL)• Reliability• Layer of Protection (LOPA) and Bowtie Analysis• Emergency response• HAZard IDentification (HAZID) (and Inherent Safety) workshop.• HAZard and OPerability (HAZOP) Study (and SIL) workshop.Modelling• Liquid release• Gaseous release• 2-phase release• heavy gas dispersion• Computational Fluid Dynamics• Accident investigation and modelling.Chemical Safety and Occupational Health• Chemical toxicity and exposure• Toxic release and consequence modelling• Process plant health issues.Pipelines, Storage and Security• Security and terrorism• Pipeline leak detection/measurement and corrosion assessment.Fire and Explosion• Fires and combustion• Explosions (including dust explosions)• Fire and blast protection and survivability• Fire fighting• Runaway reactions• Consequence modelling• Oil and gas production safety.Human Factors in Design and Management• Process safety /environmental performance measurement including leading and lagging indicators• Human and organizational factors in safety cases• Characterisation and quantification of human performance in hazard identification and risk analysis• Human performance optimisation by design• SIMOPS (simultaneous operations)• Situational Awareness• Communications and risk control systems• Management systems and processes• Resilience Engineering, normal accidents, high reliability organisations• Ageing assets• Technical Assurance• Integrity Management • Training.Inherent Safety and Inherently Safer Design• Design and development of new processes • Design and development of new equipment • Methodologies for ranking inherent safety • Retrofitting inherently safer solutions: upgrading existing plant for improved safety• Examples of IS Design.Nuclear Safety• Waste disposal • Design for decommissioning • Passively safe reactor designs • Nuclear reactor protective system reliability and risk monitoring.Reaction Hazards• Chemical thermal stability • Thermal reaction hazards • Influence of impurities on reaction hazards • Development of reactivity hazard index ranking tool • Runaway reactions (detection and mitigation) • Compatibility/reactivity of chemicals involved in a chemical process.Risk and Risk Management• Major Accident Hazards• Quantified risk assessment • Uncertainty in quantified risk assessment • Risk-based design, ALARP and cost-benefit analysis• Risk-based decision-making • Safety cases• Integrated risk management.Environment• Energy and Alternative Energy Sources• Renewable and non-renewable energy sources and storage• Chemical and biochemical conversion of fossil fuels, biomass and waste• Life-cycle assessment • Energy infrastructure • Capture and storage of carbon dioxide • Nuclear energy • Energy and sustainable development • Process integration and intensification of energy processes.Sustainable Economy• Policy development and the industrial response• Sustainability concepts and assessment: social, environmental and economic criteria; decision processes; stakeholder identification and engagement; metrics• Environmental taxes, permits and emission trading• Energy futures• Renewable resources• Low carbon technologies.Environmental and Resource Management Systems• Environmental, social and economic performance of processes and products• Life cycle assessment and management• Material flow accounting• Industrial ecology and symbiosis• Labelling: embodied carbon; virtual water; ecolabelling; etc.• Renewable energy and sustainable energy systems.Clean Technology• Process and product design• Novel reactions, catalysts, solvents, etc.• Process intensification• Minimisation and avoidance of process waste and emissions• Emission treatment: scrubbing, venting, flaring, etc.Resource Management• Recovery, recycling and closed-loop use of materials and products• Waste management: systems and processes for energy and material recovery and waste treatment; disposal• Landfill and waste repository design, operation and management• Land remediation and recovery.Water• Industrial, pure and ultrapure water production• Municipal and industrial effluent treatment• Potable water treatment• Sludge processing, energy recovery and disposal• Mitigation of water environment, pollution incidents.
At the heart of open access for the global chemistry community. RSC Advances publishes advances in chemistry, and in topics of interest to the chemistry community.
RSC Mechanochemistry focuses on the publication of innovative research that advances the fundamental understanding and application of the use of mechanical force for driving and controlling chemical reactions and materials transformations in the gas, liquid, and solid states. As mechanochemistry is where chemistry and mechanics meet, and involves the interaction of mechanical energy with matter at the molecular, supramolecular, and bulk materials levels, it encompasses not only areas such as sustainable chemical synthesis, but also tribochemistry, chemo/mechanical transduction (e.g. polymer mechanochemistry, mechano-biology, photo-mechanochemistry), and mechanical alloying. Submissions on all aspects related to mechanochemistry and its role in enhancing and broadening sustainable chemistry are welcome.
RSC Sustainability welcomes all solutions-focused research dedicated to solving sustainability challenges. This includes, but is not limited to, technologies to achieve responsible consumption and production of chemical products (UN’s SDG:12), such as for the efficient use of nature’s resources, the elimination of hazardous substances in the production and use of chemical products (sustainable and green chemistry), their reuse and recycling (circular economy) and methods to analyse these (techno-enviro-economics). Beyond this, RSC Sustainability champions chemical science discoveries that contribute to and enable any of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, celebrates multidisciplinary collaboration, and welcomes work from the academic, industry, regulatory and government sectors.
The Journal publishes papers dealing with new ideas and developments in the science and technology of polymers with functional groups that provide specific chemical reactivity or physico-chemical behaviour. The scope covers organic and inorganic functional polymers, acting as reagents, catalysts, carriers of protecting groups, templates, ion-exchangers, selective sorbents, chelating agents, supports for enzymes and cells, and the like. It also includes reactive cross-linkable prepolymers, degradable or bioactive polymers, polymer resists, conducting polymers, and film-forming polymers.Contributions have to present thorough molecular and material characterisation data, and may deal with the synthesis of the above polymers or with their applications in organic synthesis, catalysis, water or effluent treatment, separations, recovery, lithography, microelectronics, information storage, energy conversion, diagnostics, drug delivery, coating and encapsulation, and adhesion.The Journal addresses two main audiences: those engaged in the synthesis of new materials and the development of novel techniques, and those concerned with technology and practical applications in the laboratory or plant. The Journal encourages, and serves as a forum for, the dialogue between these two groups.Papers on a broad spectrum of topics are encouraged. Emphasis is on work at the frontiers of science or technology and furthering the interaction between researcher and practical engineer, rather than on details of theory or application. Full-length papers and review articles will be considered. However, authors intending to write a review should contact an Editor first. Uninvited reviews will not be considered. All material submitted must be original, that is it may not have been submitted elsewhere for publication.Lack of originality, insufficient molecular characterisation, poor comparison with the current state of literature and with the authors' own production are, individually, sufficient reasons for rejection.
River Research and Applications , previously published as Regulated Rivers: Research and Management (1987-2001), is an international journal dedicated to the promotion of basic and applied scientific research on rivers. The journal publishes original scientific and technical papers on biological, ecological, geomorphological, hydrological, engineering and geographical aspects related to rivers in both the developed and developing world. Papers showing how basic studies and new science can be of use in applied problems associated with river management, regulation and restoration are encouraged as is interdisciplinary research concerned directly or indirectly with river management problems. The journal also publishes concept papers (see ARENA Section) short communications, regional and thematic review articles, and book reviews. Special thematic issues are an important feature. ENVIRONMENTS.
Science of the Total Environment is an international journal for publication of original research on the total environment, which includes the atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, lithosphere, and anthroposphere.The total environment is characterized where these five spheres overlap. Studies that focus on at least two or three of these will be given primary consideration. Papers reporting results from only one sphere will not be considered. Field studies are given priority over laboratory studies. The total environment is studied when data are collected and described from these five spheres. By definition total environment studies must be multidisciplinary.Examples of data from the five spheres are given below:Subject areas may include, but are not limited to:• Agriculture, forestry, land use and management• Air pollution quality and human health• Contaminant (bio)monitoring and assessment• Ecosystem services and life cycle assessments• Ecotoxicology and risk assessment• Emerging fields including global change and contaminants• Environmental management and policy• Environmental remediation• Environmental sources, processes and global cycling• Groundwater hydrogeochemistry and modeling• Human health risk assessment and management• Nanomaterials in the environment• Noise in the environment• Persistent organic pollutants• Plant science and toxicology• Remote sensing• Stress ecology in marine, freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems• Trace metals and organics in biogeochemical cycles• Waste and water treatmentThe editors discourage submission of papers which describe results from routine surveys or monitoring programs, studies which are local in scope, laboratory experiments, hydroponic or pot studies measuring biochemical/physiological endpoints, food science studies, screening of new plant species for phytoremediation, testing known chemicals in another setting, and experimental studies lacking a testable hypothesis.The abstract, highlights and conclusions of papers in this journal must contain clear and concise statements as to why the study was done and how readers will benefit from the results. Articles submitted for publication in Science of the Total Environment should establish connections among research findings with implications for environmental quality, ecological health, and/or human health.
When it comes to assessing and mitigating contaminated soils and sediments, there is no substitute for having the very latest tools, techniques and methodologies at your fingertips to help you deal with these issues efficiently and cost-effectively. This is just the kind of essential expertise you'll only find in Soil and Sediment Contamination. This bimonthly, internationally peer-reviewed publication focuses on soil and sediment contamination from: * Sludges * Petroleum * Petrochemicals * Chlorinated hydrocarbons * Pesticides * Lead and other heavy metals Get detailed descriptions of all the latest and most efficient offsite and in situ remediation techniques, strategies for assessing health effects and hazards, and tips for dealing with everyday regulatory and legal issues. With the state-of-the-art tools that Soil and Sediment Contamination provides, you can successfully assess, mitigate, and solve both rural and urban soil contamination problems as efficiently and economically as possible. Receive scientific and technical information, data, and critical analysis in: * Analytical chemistry * Site assessment * Risk assessment issues * Environmental fate * Risk management * Environmental modeling * Regulatory programs and policies * Remediation technologies/Corrective actions * Legal considerations Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment publishes research papers, reviews and technical notes on stochastic and probabilistic approaches to environmental sciences and engineering, including interactions of earth and atmospheric environments with people and ecosystems. Its core aim is to bring together stochastic modeling research papers in various fields of environmental sciences and to provide an interdisciplinary forum for the exchange of ideas, for communicating on issues that cut across disciplinary barriers, and for the dissemination of stochastic techniques used in different fields to the community of interested researchers. Coverage includes modeling, measurements and instrumentation in the areas of Spatiotemporal analysis and mapping of natural processes; Enviroinformatics; Environmental risk assessment, reliability analysis and decision making; Surface and subsurface hydrology and hydraulics; Multiphase porous media domains and contaminant transport modeling; and more. See full Aims
All manuscripts must be written so as to be widely accessible and understandable to interdisciplinary and trans disciplinary oriented readers without neglecting the disciplinary excellence and clearness.
Letters to the editor and discussion papers are welcome in order to provide a forum for discussions on a high scientific level. Additionally, a news section provides an interesting variety of news, facts, forthcoming events and conferences as well as book reviews.
Sustainable Energy & Fuels publishes high quality scientific research that will drive the development of sustainable energy technologies, with a particular emphasis on innovative concepts and approaches. The journal is an essential resource for energy researchers and cuts across chemistry and its interfaces with materials science, physics and biology – covering evolving and emerging areas such as the following: • Solar energy conversion including photovoltaics and artificial photosynthesis • Energy storage including batteries, flow batteries and supercapacitors • Catalysis for energy technologies, including the sustainable synthesis of fuels and chemicals, and molecular/bioinspired catalysis • Electrocatalysis, photocatalysis and thermal catalysis • Fuel cells • Hydrogen production, storage and distribution • Carbon dioxide utilisation, including fuels and chemicals from carbon dioxide • Biorefining and Biofuels • Capacitive desalination and desalination batteries • Other sustainable energy conversion technologies including thermochemical, piezoelectric and thermoelectric materials and devices Energy science and technologies that avoid the use of critical raw elements or detrimental environmental effects during preparation, manufacture and end-of-life are particularly encouraged.
Papers from engineers, natural and social scientists as well as philosophers are invited and those at the interface between these disciplines are particularly encouraged. Types of article published by the journal include original research, perspectives, short communications, policy and review papers. All papers should include some elements of life cycle thinking and should clearly demonstrate that they are addressing topics related to sustainable production and consumption. Note that papers on end-of-pipe treatment technologies are outside the scope.
The areas and topics covered by the journal include but are not limited to:
Concepts and approaches
• Circular economy
• Clean technology/cleaner production
• Climate change mitigation
• Consumer engagement and communication
• Corporate social responsibility
• Eco-efficiency
• Ecosystem services
• Ethical investment and consumption
• Green/sustainable chemistry
• Industrial ecology
• Intra/Intergenerational equity
• Life cycle management
• Life cycle thinking
• Life cycle sustainability assessment
• Producer responsibility
• Rebound effect
• Supply chain management
• Sustainable design
• Sustainable lifestyles
• Sustainable policies
• Sustainable procurement
• Sustainable products and services
• Carbon and water footprinting
• Analysis of consumer preferences and attitudes
• Economic instruments
• Integrated product policies
• Internalisation of environmental and social costs
• Life cycle assessment
• Life cycle costing
• Material flow analysis
• Multi-criteria decision analysis
• Scenario analysis
• Social life cycle assessment
• Stakeholder analysis
• Sustainability indicators
• System optimisation
• Chemicals
• Construction and buildings
• Energy
• Financial
• Food
• Health
• Manufacturing
• Resources and feedstocks
• Retail
• Tourism
• Transport and mobility
• Waste
• Water
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry is devoted to the general chemistry, environmental behaviour and fate, toxicology, and
The articles in TrAC are concise, critical overviews of new developments in analytical chemistry, which are aimed at helping analytical chemists and other users of analytical techniques. These critical reviews comprise excellent, up-to-date, timely coverage of topics of interest in analytical chemistry, such as: analytical instrumentation, biomedical analysis, biomolecular analysis, biosensors, chemical analysis, chemometrics, clinical chemistry, drug discovery, environmental analysis and monitoring, food analysis, forensic science, laboratory automation, materials science, metabolomics, pesticide-residue analysis, pharmaceutical analysis, proteomics, surface science, and water analysis and monitoring.General issues contain critical review articles, news, meeting reports, book reviews and meeting announcements. In addition, Special Issues provide comprehensive updates with critical review articles on particularly topical fields of interest in analytical chemistry.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages: http://support.elsevier.com
Trends in Environmental Analytical Chemistry is devoted to publishing concise and critical overviews of the rapid changes and development in the field of environmental analytical chemistry. The acquisition of good quality chemical data in environmental systems and the sound interpretation of this data is the basis for enhancing our understanding of the environment. TrEAC provides timely coverage of the novel and innovative use of analytical methods for the investigation of environmentally relevant substances and problems. Topics of interest include critical updates on the improvements in environmental analytical chemistry, achievements and challenges of modern techniques and possible future developments in the specific fields, such as sampling methodology, techniques for remote measurements, analytical instrumentation, miniaturization and automation, determination of trace atmospheric constituents of anthropogenic and natural origin, detection and identification of organic pollutants in water, soil and biota, determination and speciation of heavy metals and radionuclides in the environment, environmental references materials; method validation and chemometrics in environmental analysis.The aim of TrEAC is to publish concise reviews covering the latest advances in environmental analytical chemistry. Reviews should comprise about 4000 words and include several figures and tables. Reviews should interpret rather than be comprehensive. References should be limited to about 60. Primary research papers describing the results of the authors' research work are not within the scope of TrEAC. Please note that most articles published in the journal are by invitation of one of the Editors. If you wish to submit a paper to TrEAC and have not been invited by one of the Editors, please submit first a short proposal (max 1 page) to the Editor-in-Chief. All reviews will be subject to peer review and should be submitted through the Elsevier Editorial System.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages http://support.elsevier.com