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Open Access Journal of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants

eISSN: 0974-7877
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Oriental Pharmacy and Experimental Medicine

ISSN: 1598-2386eISSN: 2211-1069

OPEM is an international and peer-reviewed journal and publishes a variety of articles including original researches, reviews, short communications, and case-reports. OPEM aims to bridging the gap between Traditional knowledge and medical advances. The journal focuses on publishing valid, relevant, and rigorous experimental research and clinical applications of Traditidnal Medicine as well as medical classics. At the same time, the journal is devoted to communication among basic researcher and medical clinician interested in the advancement of Traditional Medicine. Topics covered by the journal are: Medical Classics & History: Biomedical Research: Pharmacology & Toxicology of Natural Products: Acupuncture & Moxibustion: Sasang Constitutional Medicine: Diagnostics and Instrumental Development: Clinical Research. Oriental Pharmacy and Experimental Medicine (OPEM) is published four times yearly.

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Osteopathische Medizin

ISSN: 1615-9071

Osteopathische Medizin ist ein unabhängiges medizinisch-wissenschaftliches Forum für alle Osteopathen. Es vermittelt Fachwissen inter-/national renommierter Autoren aus allen Bereichen der Osteopathie – detailliert, fundiert, praxisnah und aktuell.
Osteopathische Medizin spiegelt den ganzheitlichen Ansatz der Osteopathie wider und beleuchtet alle akademisch-wissenschaftlichen, medizinischen, geschichtlichen und philosophischen Aspekte des osteopathischen Spektrums.

Offizielles Organ der

  • Deutsch-Amerikanische Akademie für Osteopathie (DAAO) e.V.
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Osteopathische Medizin (DGOM) e.V.
  • Bundesverband Osteopathie (bvo) e.V.
  • Deutscher Verband für Osteopathische Medizin (DVOM) e.V.
  • Register der Traditionellen Osteopathen in Deutschland (ROD) GmbH
  • Verband Osteopathie Schule Deutschland (VOSD)
  • Verband wissenschaftlicher Osteopathen Deutschlands (VWOD) e.V.
  • Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Osteopathische Therapie (DAGOT) e.V.
  • Österreichische Gesellschaft für Osteopathie (ÖGO)
  • Vereinigung akademischer OsteopathInnen Schweiz (VAOS)
  • Berufsvereinigung für heilkundlich praktizierte Osteopathie (hpO e.V.)


  • Akademie für Osteopathie (AFO) e.V.
  • European Register for Osteopathic Physicians (EROP)
  • Physikalische Therapie – Vereinigung für die physiotherapeutischen Berufe (VPT) e.V.
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Pharmaceutical Biology

ISSN: 1388-0209eISSN: 1744-5116

Pharmaceutical Biology will publish manuscripts describing the discovery, methods for discovery, description, analysis characterization, and production/isolation (including sources and surveys) of biologically-active chemicals or other substances, drugs, pharmaceutical products, or preparations utilized in systems of traditional medicine.Topics may generally encompass any facet of natural product research related to pharmaceutical biology. Papers dealing with agents or topics related to natural product drugs are also appropriate (e.g., semi-synthetic derivatives). Manuscripts will be published as reviews, perspectives, regular research articles, and short communications. The primary criteria for acceptance and publication are scientific rigor and potential to advance the field.Read More:

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Pharmacognosy Reviews

ISSN: 0973-7847eISSN: 0976-2787
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Phytochemical Analysis

ISSN: 0958-0344eISSN: 1099-1565

Phytochemical Analysisis devoted to the publication of original articles concerning the development, improvement, validation and/or extension of application of analytical methodology in the plant sciences. The spectrum of coverage is broad, encompassing methods and techniques relevant to the detection (including bio-screening), extraction, separation, purification, identification and quantification of compounds in plant biochemistry, plant cellular and molecular biology, plant biotechnology, the food sciences, agriculture and horticulture. The Journal publishes papers describing significant novelty in the analysis of whole plants (including algae), plant cells, tissues and organs, plant-derived extracts and plant products (including those which have been partially or completely refined for use in the food, agrochemical, pharmaceutical and related industries). All forms of physical, chemical, biochemical, spectroscopic, radiometric, electrometric, chromatographic, metabolomic and chemometric investigations of plant products (monomeric species as well as polymeric molecules such as nucleic acids, proteins, lipids and carbohydrates) are included within the remit of the Journal. Papers dealing with novel methods relating to areas such as data handling/ data mining in plant sciences will also be welcomed. Phytochemical Analysisis intended to serve as a major resource for information on analytical and instrumental methodology in the plant sciences. Together with original articles and accelerated communications, all of which will be both timely and of interest to a wide readership, short review articles describing recent advances in specific areas of plant analysis will be published. Reviews are by invitation only, but the Editor-in-Chief welcomes suggestions for new review topics from potential authors.

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ISSN: 0944-7113

Phytomedicine is published to attract and disseminate innovative and expert findings in the fields of phytopharmacology, phytotherapy and phytotoxicology, as a reference source for researchers in these fields, and with the aim to set international standards in their methodology. The journal publishes research results on phytotherapy (clinical trials), phytopharmacology, pharmacognosy, standardization and phytotoxicology, obtained with plant extracts as well as isolated compounds from these extracts and phytopharmaceuticals. Phytomedicine is targeted towards papers of a practical nature. The papers published in this journal are also useful to drug regulatory authorities in deciding whether to approve certain phytomedicines or not. Phytomedicine consists of the following sections: Case reports, Pharmacological and molecularbiological studies, Screening studies (only when focused on plant extracts or isolated compounds with extraordinary activities, Chemical structure - activity studies, Chemical analysis and standardization of plant drugs and phytopharmaceuticals, Reviews (by invitation).

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ISSN: 1624-8597eISSN: 1765-2847

La phytothérapie fait partie de votre pratique quotidienne : la revue PHYTOTHÉRAPIE est l'outil de référence dont vous avez besoin. C'est la seule revue francophone scientifique de formation médicale continue sur ce domaine. La revue PHYTOTHÉRAPIE fait le lien entre le monde de la recherche et les praticiens qui sont sur le terrain. Sous la responsabilité du Dr Paul Goetz, rédacteur en chef, assisté d'un comité de rédaction regroupant des spécialistes francophones de référence, la revue PHYTOTHÉRAPIE diffuse des articles scientifiques, provenant d?universitaires, mais également de cliniciens reconnus. Elle aborde tous les domaines de la phytothérapie - pharmacognosie, ethnobotanique, ethnopharmacologie, galénique, clinique, nutrition, aromathérapie et biothérapie, monographies médicalisées - et propose des informations sur son actualité - phytonews, législation, comptes rendus de congrès, agenda, formations, web.

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Planta Medica: Journal of Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research

ISSN: 0032-0943eISSN: 1439-0221

Planta Medica is one of the leading international journals in the field of medicinal plants and natural products with original research papers, letters, rapid communications, reviews, minireviews and perspectives from researchers worldwide. From 2011 Planta Medica will publish 18 issues per year.The following areas of medicinal plants and natural products are covered:* Biological and Pharmacological Activity* Pharmacokinetic and Clinical Studies* Natural Product Chemistry* Analytical Studies.

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Revista Brasileira de Plantas Medicinais

ISSN: 1516-0572eISSN: 1983-084X

The Revista Brasileira de Plantas Medicinais (RBPM) was launched in October 1998 (v.1, n.1) as a biannual publication until 2003, and was published three times a year in 2004 and 2005. From 2006, it became a quarterly journal, publishing until August/2010 (v.12, n.3, 2010) 582 scientific papers, the majority of which are scientific articles, some reviews and a few preliminary notes. Since 2008, the Journal is also available at CAPES journals ( and at the portal of Summaries of Brazilian Journals, in the Multidisciplinary field ( revista.asp?idrevista=271&idarea=9).The Revista Brasileira de Plantas Medicinais covers the great areas of multidisciplinary study on medicinal plants, including Plant Anatomy and Morphology; Bioassays; Biotechnology; Genetic Resource Conservation; Ecophysiology; Ethnobotany; Ethnopharmacology; Pharmacognosis; Pharmacology; Plant Physiology; Phytochemistry; Plant Science; Phytotherapy, Food Technology and use of medicinal plants in Veterinary Medicine.Its abbreviated title is Rev. bras. plantas med., which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes and bibliographical references and strips.

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Revista Internacional de Acupuntura

ISSN: 1887-8369eISSN: 1988-6705

La primera revista científica en español que permite estar al día sobre avances en terapias no convencionales, favoreciendo la renovación crítica y constante de los conocimientos ya adquiridos. Cuenta con los prestigiosos contenidos de la Deustche Zeitschrift f?r Akupunktur (DZA) alemana y artículos nacionales4 NÚMEROS AL AÑOPara más información, consulte

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Revista Médica de Homeopatía

ISSN: 1888-8526

REVISTA MÉDICA DE HOMEOPATÍA (Journal of Homeopathic Medicine) is the official Journal of 3 Associations, which include the large majority of homeopathic physicians in Spain: the Spanish Federation of Homeopathic Physicians (la Federación Española de Médicos Homeópatas (FEMH)), the Spanish Society of Homeopathic Medicine (la Sociedad Española de Medicina Homeop?tica (SEHM)) and the Barcelona Academy of Homeopathic Physicians (la Academia Médico Homeop?tica de Barcelona (AMHB)). REVISTA MÉDICA DE HOMEOPATÍA aims to become a vehicle of information exchange, not only between homeopaths themselves, but also with the rest of the medical community interested in other therapeutic approaches and another way to take an integrated look at the field of health and disease. Besides publishing medical, pharmaceutical and veterinary articles in Spanish, REVISTA MÉDICA DE HOMEOPATÍA publishes articles on the efficacy of homeopathy, as well as any other contribution of scientific rigor that helps in understanding the action of homeopathic medications.

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Revista de Fitoterapia

ISSN: 1576-0952eISSN: 1988-5806

Sleep and Hypnosis

ISSN: 1302-1192

Spirituality in Clinical Practice

ISSN: 2326-4500eISSN: 2326-4519
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Studies on Ethno-Medicine

ISSN: 0973-5070eISSN: 2456-6772

Studies on Ethno-Medicine (Ethno-Med) is a peer reviewed, internationally circulated journal. It publishes reports of original research, theoretical articles and timely reviews, and brief communications in the interdisciplinary field of Ethno-medicine. The Journal serves as a forum for physical, social and life scientists and health professionals. Especially those who share common interests in understanding Ecology, Man and Health Relationship. Reviews of books and other publications relevant to Ethno-Medicine are also published.

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The Journal of the American Osteopathic Association

ISSN: 0098-6151

Thermology International

ISSN: 1560-604X

Zeitschrift für Phytotherapie

ISSN: 0722-348X
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Zhongguo Zhongyao Zazhi

ISSN: 1001-5302