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Practice Nursing

ISSN: 0964-9271eISSN: 2052-2940
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Pratiques en Nutrition

ISSN: 1766-7305

Bien se nourrir au quotidien est loin d'0être anodin. Les habitudes alimentaires sont souvent liées à la tradition familiale, au milieu dans lequel on évolue et à l'âge. Il est aujourd'hui bien connu que la survenue de certaines maladies dépend de notre alimentation et personne n'ignore l'enjeu que représente la nutrition de ceux qui souffrent d'affections chroniques ou aiguës.Pratiques en nutrition, tout nouveau trimestriel, vous proposera à chaque numéro:Actualités: Toute votre actualité nutritionnelle : événements majeurs, échos, brèves?Formation: Un dossier thématique pour approfondir votre formation continue.Pratique: Des rubriques Nutrition au quotidien ≫, ≪ Prévention ≫ et ≪ Soins nutritionnels ≫ et des fiches techniques.Guide: Toutes les informations nécessaires à la gestion de votre formation et de votre carrière : offres d'emploi, derniers produits et livres?

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Prehospital Emergency Care

ISSN: 1090-3127eISSN: 1545-0066

Prehospital Emergency Care publishes peer-reviewed information relevant to the practice, educational advancement, and investigation of prehospital emergency care, including the following types of articles: Special Contributions - Original Articles - Education and Practice - Preliminary Reports - Case Conferences - Position Papers - Collective Reviews - Editorials - Letters to the Editor - Media Reviews Official Journal of the: National Association of EMS Physicians National Association of State EMS Officials National Association of EMS Educators National Association of EMTs Read More:

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Prehospital and Disaster Medicine

ISSN: 1049-023XeISSN: 1945-1938
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ISSN: 0959-6682eISSN: 1931-2253
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Preventive Nutrition and Food Science

ISSN: 2287-1098eISSN: 2287-8602

Primary Care Diabetes

ISSN: 1751-9918

The journal publishes original research articles and high quality reviews in the fields of clinical care, diabetes education, nutrition, health services, psychosocial research and epidemiology and other areas as far as is relevant for diabetology in a primary-care setting. The purpose of the journal is to encourage interdisciplinary research and discussion between all those who are involved in primary diabetes care on an international level. The Journal also publishes news and articles concerning the policies and activities of Primary Care Diabetes Europe and reflects the society's aim of improving the care for people with diabetes mellitus within the primary-care setting.Please visit for free content.Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our support pages:

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Primary health care research & development

ISSN: 1477-1128eISSN: 1477-1128

Proceedings of the Nutrition Society

ISSN: 0029-6651eISSN: 1475-2719
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Professional Case Management

ISSN: 1932-8087eISSN: 1932-8095

This practical and timely how-to journal, the Official Journal of the Case Management Society of America, is written by, and for, case managers in hospitals and other healthcare delivery settings. Professional Case Management is peer-reviewed and features best practices and industry benchmarks for the professional case manager. It is focused on coordination of patient care, efficient use of resources, improving the quality of care, data and outcomes analysis, and patient advocacy. Continuing education contact hours are available in every issue.Website:

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Progress in Neurology and Psychiatry

ISSN: 1367-7543eISSN: 1931-227X
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Progress in Nutrition

ISSN: 1129-8723

Progress in Palliative Care

ISSN: 0969-9260eISSN: 1743-291X
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Progress in Pediatric Cardiology

ISSN: 1058-9813eISSN: 1558-1519
Progress in Pediatric Cardiology is an international, peer-reviewed journal of high quality scientific research, reviews, and experienced opinion important to the understanding, management and improvement of all aspects of cardiovascular diseases in children - including but not limited to prevention, treatment, outcomes, quality improvement, patient safety, nursing, medical education, epidemiology, adult congenital heart disease, genetics, and family advocacy.

The journal is now accepting original research observations, brief research reports, reviews, and letters to the Editor.
In addition, some issues and sections of the journal will continue to be prepared in collaboration with one or more Guest Editors. These special issues will focus on a single subject, allowing for comprehensive presentations of complex, multifaceted or rapidly changing topics of clinical and investigative interest.

Progress in Pediatric Cardiology is committed to publishing high-quality papers in all areas of pediatric cardiology through a fair and rigorous peer review process. Offering authors rapid turnaround and publication for their papers, access to a broad readership, and high standards of copy editing and production. Please see the Guide for Authors for further details.

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Psychiatric Times

eISSN: 2063-3998
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ISSN: 1778-3798eISSN: 1778-381X

Psycho-Oncologie est une revue scientifique humaniste et multidisciplinaire qui aborde de façon innovante le malade et la maladie dans notre société. Elle a pour objectif de créer des liens entre tous les partenaires de la prise en charge des patients atteints de cancer, mais aussi de leur famille et de leurs soignants. La psycho-oncologie, carrefour entre la médecine et les sciences humaines, discipline unique en son genre, fait l'objet d'une revue qui s'adresse aussi bien aux oncologues, psychologues, psychiatres, infirmières, qu'à tout le personnel de soins. Psycho-oncologie s'intéresse à tous les aspects psychosociaux du cancer et publie des articles originaux, des méta-analyses, des revues de la littérature, des observations cliniques, des comptes rendus, des notes de lectures, des éditoriaux et des articles en anglais, dans les domaines de la médecine, la psychologie et autres sciences humaines (sociologie, anthropologie, économie). Psycho-oncologie est l'organe officiel de la SFPO (SociÃ

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ISSN: 1346-3500eISSN: 1479-8301

Psychogeriatrics is an international journal sponsored by the Japanese Psychogeriatric Society and publishes peer-reviewed original papers dealing with all aspects of psychogeriatrics and related fields The Journal encourages articles with gerontopsychiatric, neurobiological, genetic, diagnostic, social-psychiatric, health-political, psychological or psychotherapeutic content. Themes can be illuminated through basic science, clinical (human and animal) studies, case studies, epidemiological or humanistic research.

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Psychology and Aging

ISSN: 0882-7974eISSN: 1939-1498

Psychology and Aging® publishes original articles on adult development and aging. Such original articles include reports of research that may be applied, biobehavioral, clinical, educational, experimental (laboratory, field, or naturalistic studies), methodological, or psychosocial.Although the emphasis is on original research investigations, occasional theoretical analyses of research issues, practical clinical problems, or policy may appear, as well as critical reviews of a content area in adult development and aging. Clinical case studies that have theoretical significance are also appropriate. Brief reports are acceptable with the author's agreement not to submit a full report to another journal.

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Public Health Ethics

ISSN: 1754-9973eISSN: 1754-9981

Public Health Ethics is the first peer-reviewed international journal to focus on a systematic analysis of the moral problems in public health and preventive medicine. It contains original articles, reviews, and case studies about the nature of public health and related concepts (e.g. population, public, community, prevention); discussions of values in public health; and ethical issues in relation to all aspects of public health policy and practice. This includes normative issues in epidemiological research, health promotion, infectious diseases control, screening, population genetics, resource allocation, health care system reform, vaccinations, environmental and lifestyle factors relevant to health, equity, justice and global health. PHE combines theoretical and practical work from different fields, notably philosophy, law, and politics, but also epidemiology and the medical sciences. Contributors are particularly encouraged to discuss the practical impact of their work on public health policies. PHE is therefore an important resource for scholars and students in bioethics and public health, but also for professionals and policy makers.

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Public Health Nursing

ISSN: 0737-1209eISSN: 1525-1446

Public Health Nursing aims to provide worldwide access to timely research and practice features of use to public health nurses, administrators, and educators in the field of public health nursing. Its scope is the range of population-based concerns and interventions in which nurses are involved. The journal emphasizes scholarship on vulnerable populations. Articles include research studies, program evaluations, practice concepts, and educational features published with the goal of replication and development, and theory, education, methods, policy, and ethical and legal papers that stimulate discussion and public debate. Authors from all disciplines are invited to submit manuscripts relevant to public health nursing. Authors who have questions about the appropriateness of a manuscript for publication in this journal are encouraged to communicate with the Editors prior to submission.

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