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ISSN: 0010-1826

Community Ecology

ISSN: 1585-8553eISSN: 1588-2756

“Real science is that which is for the whole world, and thus, if we want to be real scientists and – as is apt – good Hungarians, we have to raise the standard of science so high that it becomes visible even outside of our homeland and in turn is duly revered.” Eötvös Loránd – President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (1899–1905) Akadémiai Kiadó, founded in 1828 by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, is Hungary’s oldest continuously operating publishing house. Our mission is to promote Hungarian and international science, that is, to publish the new discoveries in various areas of science, to effectively support information exchange amongst scientists on a global level, and to make scientific results a public property available for all who seek valuable and reliable knowledge. Our traditions oblige us. Our aim is to become the most significant scientific publishing house of Central and Eastern-Europe whilst maintaining excellent quality, further improving our important scientific and business partnerships, creating scientific, economic and social values and keeping ahead the revolution in communication technology that is reshaping the publishing industry. Dictionaries, textbooks .

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Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part C: Toxicology and Pharmacology

ISSN: 1532-0456eISSN: 1878-1659

Part C: Toxicology and Pharmacology is concerned with chemical and drug action at different levels of organization, biotransformation of xenobiotics, mechanisms of toxicity, including reactive oxygen species and carcinogenesis, endocrine disruptors, natural products chemistry, and signal transduction with a molecular approach to these fields.The Journal receives editorial direction from all the major societies in the field (European Society for Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry,the Japanese Society for Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry, Canadian Society of Zoologists (CBP Section), the Society for Experimental Biology, the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (formerly the American Society for Zoologists), the Australian and New Zealand Society for Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry, the South American Society for Comparative Physiology & Biochemistry, the Russian Physiological Society, and the Chinese Association for Physiological Sciences)Part A: Molecular & Integrative PhysiologyPart B: Biochemistry & Molecular BiologyPart D: Genomics & Proteomics

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Compost Science and Utilization

ISSN: 1065-657XeISSN: 2326-2397

A quarterly peer-reviewed journal focusing on management techniques to improve compost process control and product quality, with special emphasis on utilization of composted materials.Must reading for professionals seriously involved in the composting process — project managers; planners; researchers; consultants; municipal officials; and libraries.

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Comptes Rendus Géoscience

ISSN: 1631-0713eISSN: 1778-7025

Comptes rendus Geoscience (12 issues per year) cover all the domains of Earth Sciences: external geophysics, climate and environment, internal geophysics, geomaterials, geochemistry, surface geosciences, oceanography, stratigraphy, tectonics, geodynamics, history of sciences. The 'Perspective' heading gathers short articles written by scientists collaborating with the Editorial Board, specialists of the topic under consideration.Articles are preferably written in English, with a French Abstract. Articles in French including an abridged English version, at least one page long, are accepted.

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Computational Toxicology

eISSN: 2468-1113
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Computers, Environment and Urban Systems

ISSN: 0198-9715eISSN: 1873-7587

Computers, Environment and Urban Systems is an interdisciplinary journal publishing cutting-edge and innovative computer-based research on urban systems and built and natural environments, that privileges the geospatial perspective. The journal provides a stimulating presentation of perspectives, research developments, overviews of important new technologies and uses of major computational, information-based, and visualization innovations. Applied and theoretical contributions demonstrate the scope of computer-based analysis fostering a better understanding of urban systems, the synergistic relationships between built and natural environments, their spatial scope and their dynamics.Application areas include infrastructure and facilities management, physical planning and urban design, land use and transportation, business and service planning, coupled human and natural systems, urban planning, socio-economic development, emergency response and hazards, and land and resource management. Examples of methodological approaches include decision support systems, geocomputation, spatial statistical analysis, complex systems and artificial intelligence, visual analytics and geovisualization, ubiquitous computing, and space-time simulation.Contributions emphasizing the development and enhancement of computer-based technologies for the analysis and modeling, policy formulation, planning, and management of environmental and urban systems that enhance sustainable futures are especially sought. The journal also encourages research on the modalities through which information and other computer-based technologies mold environmental and urban systems.Audience:Urban and regional planners and policy analysts, environmental planners, economic geographers, geospatial information scientists and technologists, regional scientists and policy makers, architectural designers.

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Comunicacoes Geologicas

ISSN: 0873-948XeISSN: 1647-581X

Conservation & Society

ISSN: 0972-4923eISSN: 0975-3133
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Conservation Biology

ISSN: 0888-8892eISSN: 1523-1739

Conservation Biology welcomes submissions that address the science and practice of conserving Earth's biological diversity. We encourage submissions that emphasize issues germane to any of Earth's ecosystems or geographic regions and that apply diverse approaches to analyses and problem solving. Nevertheless, manuscripts with relevance to conservation that transcends the particular ecosystem, species, or situation described will be prioritized for publication. Conservation Biology accepts manuscripts in the following intended categories. The word limit includes all text from the Abstract through the Literature Cited; it does not include legends for tables and figures or the body of tables. Manuscripts that substantially exceed the following word counts will be returned. 1. Contributed Papers (3000-6000 words). Papers that report on original theoretical, empirical, or synthetic research in the natural or social sciences. 2. Research Notes (< 3000 words). Similar to Contributed Papers, but results and inferences may be more focused or preliminary. 3. Reviews (< 7500 words). Comprehensive reviews of a given topic. 4. Essays (< 6000 words). Comparatively speculative yet well-argued and well-documented papers that may offer personal perspectives. 5. Conservation Practice and Policy (< 5000 words). Papers that describe applications of conservation science to specific goals for management, policy, or education. Papers may address either successful applications or surprising outcomes that provided opportunities for learning. 6. Comments (< 2000 words). Papers that respond to material previously published in Conservation Biology. 7. Diversity (< 2000 words). Short opinion pieces on concepts, methods, or applications. 8. Letters (< 1000 words). Communications regarding topics of immediate interest to readers, including observations on controversial subjects or previously published papers. 9. Book Reviews are by invitation only. All books for possible review should be sent directly to Kent Redford ( We encourage authors who are uncertain whether their manuscript is appropriate for Conservation Biology to send a title and abstract to the Editor in Chief ( for preliminary evaluation.

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Conservation Letters

eISSN: 1755-263X

CONSERVATION LETTERS IS NO LONGER FREE ONLINE. RECOMMEND THE JOURNAL TO YOUR LIBRARY TODAY IN ORDER TO VIEW THE LATEST URGENT CONTENT.Conservation Letters is a scientific journal publishing empirical and theoretical research with significant implications for the conservation of biological diversity. The journal welcomes submissions across the biological and social sciences - especially interdisciplinary submissions – that advance pragmatic conservation goals as well as scientific understanding. Manuscripts will be published on a rapid communications schedule and therefore should be current and topical. Research articles should clearly articulate the significance of their findings for conservation policy and practice.Three types of article are published in Conservation Letters:Letters: novel findings with high relevance for practice or policyMini-Reviews: overviews of emerging subjects that merit urgent coverage or succinct syntheses of important topics that are rarely encountered in the mainstream literaturePolicy Perspectives: brief essays for a general audience on issues related to conservation and societyConservation Letters welcomes manuscripts in all biomes (marine, terrestrial, and freshwater), ecosystems, and cultural settings, and will strive for balanced coverage of each.

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Conservation Physiology

eISSN: 2051-1434

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Contemporary Engineering Sciences

eISSN: 1313-6569
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Contemporary Justice Review

ISSN: 1028-2580eISSN: 1477-2248

Contemporary Justice Review is an interdisciplinary journal for scholars, activists, and practitioners of social and restorative justice around the globe who seek to design and implement models of justice that take into account the needs of all. The journal publishes cutting-edge work on: social and restorative justice theory; restorative justice demonstration projects; peacemaking criminology; state crimes and healing from genocide; peaceful methods of conflict resolution; truth and reconciliation commissions; environmental justice; critiques of criminal justice institutions and law; structural issues of justice in the family, school, and workplace; utopian visions of a just society; and non-violent, needs-meeting solutions to needs-denying, power-based social arrangements.The journal embraces a variety of formats: scholarly articles; electronic roundtable discussions; interviews on social and restorative justice; narrative histories on crime and punishment; film and book review essays; and justice watch statements on timely issues that affect the quality of life around the globe. The editors prefer articles written in engaging and accessible prose which avoid academic jargon and offer insights in how to foster justice in daily life.DisclaimerTaylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the 8220;Content8221;) contained in its publications. However, Taylor & Francis and its agents and licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness or suitability for any purpose of the Content and disclaim all such representations and warranties whether express or implied to the maximum extent permitted by law. Any views expressed in this publication are the views of the authors and are not the views of Taylor & Francis.

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Contemporary Problems of Ecology

ISSN: 1995-4255eISSN: 1995-4263

The journal is a translation of Sibirskiy Ekologicheskiy Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Ecology), which was launched in 1994. It is a multidisciplinary periodical which publishes original work on the following subjects: theoretical and methodological issues of ecology, regional aspects of ecology, regional environmental disasters, structure and functioning of ecosystems, and anthropogenic transformation of ecosystems. The journal differs from others in that it covers a wide range of ecological problems. All basic aspects of modern ecology, including the most complicated interactions between living organisms and their environment, are presented. It publishes special issues dedicated to the global changes in biological diversity at various levels (populations, species, and ecosystems) and factors affecting them, principles and methods of rational environmental management. The journal is not limited to environmental problems of Siberia and offers materials of general scientific interest.

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Contemporary Sociology

ISSN: 0094-3061eISSN: 1939-8638

Contemporary Sociology: A Journal of Reviews (CS) publishes reviews and critical discussions of recent works in sociology and related disciplines that merit the attention of sociologists. Since not all sociological publications can be reviewed, a selection is made to reflect important trends and issues in the field. An official journal of the ASA, peer-reviewed and published bi-monthly.

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Contributii Botanice

ISSN: 0069-9616eISSN: 2067-3094

Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management

ISSN: 1535-3958eISSN: 1535-3966

Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management provides a resource for the ever increasing number of organisations concerned about social and environmental responsibilities in the context of sustainable development and are interested in developing tools and case studies to improve their performance and accountability in these areas. The focus of the journal is on research and practical advice for the development of tools, practical case studies and an assessment of the relative strengths and weaknesses of different approaches. It encourages debate over the development of issues as well as monitoring the demands being made of and by various stakeholder groups. It discusses issues of methodology, principles, practice, science, technology and law. It is a refereed journal and contributions of a high quality aimed at an interdisciplinary audience are invited.

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Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology

ISSN: 1064-3389eISSN: 1547-6537

Understanding and assessing the myriad environmental problems that face society today and devising rational strategies and methods for their control are two of the major international challenges of our time. There is a global demand for pollution abatement, but adequate and appropriate measures for pollution control, pollution prevention, and remediation of past environmental degradation requires sound technical knowledge of the factors and processes involved. Environmental science is the complex and dynamic interaction of diverse scientific disciplines, including earth and agricultural sciences, chemistry, biology, medicine, and engineering, and the development of new disciplines such as environmental toxicology and risk assessment. This journal serves as an international forum for the critical review of current knowledge on the broad range of topics in environmental science. It addresses current problems of the day and the scientific basis for new pollution control technologies. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology provides comprehensive and timely reviews by the leading authorities in each subject area. Topics Covered * Waste and wastewater treatment * Fate and transport of contaminants * Bioremediation * Soil contamination * Wetland function and design * Waste reduction, recycling, and reuse * Air, soil, and water contaminant biogeochemistry * Risk assessment and management * Environmental toxicology and epidemiology Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 325 Chestnut Street, Suite 800, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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Croatian Journal of Fisheries

ISSN: 1330-061XeISSN: 1848-0586

The journal was established in 1938 and has a long-term tradition. The papers deal with both - freshwater and marine fisheries. The areas covered are ichthyology, aquaculture, ecology, diseases of fish and other aquatic organisms, problems of open waters as well as all other topics connected to fisheries. You have free access to all the full-text of Ribarstvo print edition. Ribarstvo papers are available as Portable Document Format (PDF) files to you to browse, search and print.

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